{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, PatternGuards #-}

  Function adjustTypeInfos annotates every declaration,
  identifier, and application with exact type information.

  This information is derived from the more general information
  found in the AST.

  (c) 2009, Holger Siegel.


module Curry.ExtendedFlat.TypeInference
    ( dispType,
    ) where

import Debug.Trace

import Text.PrettyPrint.HughesPJ
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Maybe
import qualified  Data.IntMap as IntMap

import Curry.ExtendedFlat.Type
import Curry.ExtendedFlat.Goodies

trace' msg x = x -- trace msg x 

-- | For every identifier that occurs in the right hand side
--   of a declaration, the polymorphic type variables in its
--   type label are replaced by concrete types.
adjustTypeInfo :: Prog -> Prog
adjustTypeInfo = -- elimFreeTypes .
                 genEquations . 
                 uniqueTypeIndices .

-- | Displays a TypeExpr as a string
dispType :: TypeExpr -> String
dispType = render . prettyType

prettyType :: TypeExpr -> Doc
prettyType (TVar i) = text ('t':show i)
prettyType (FuncType f x) = parens (prettyType f) <+> text "->" <+> prettyType x
prettyType (TCons qn ts) = let  n = let (m,l) = qnOf qn in m ++ '.' : l
                           in text n <+> hsep (map (parens . prettyType) ts)

prettyAllEqns = render . prettyEqns
      prettyEqn ::(TVarIndex, TypeExpr)  -> Doc
      prettyEqn (l, r) = (char 't' <> int l <+> text "->" <+> prettyType r)

      prettyEqns ((m,l), t, eqns)
          = text m <> char '.' <> text l <+> text "::" <+> prettyType t <> char ':'
            $$ (nest 5 (vcat (map prettyEqn eqns)))

postOrderExpr :: Monad m => (Expr -> m Expr) -> Expr -> m Expr
postOrderExpr f = po
    where po e@(Var _) = f e
          po e@(Lit _) = f e
          po (Comb t n es) = do es' <- mapM po es
                                f (Comb t n es')
          po (Free vs e) = do e' <- po e
                              f (Free vs e')
          po (Let bs e) = do bs' <- mapM poBind bs
                             e'  <- po e
                             f (Let bs' e')
          po (Or l r) = liftM2 Or (po l) (po r) >>= f
          po (Case p t e bs) = do e' <- po e
                                  bs' <- mapM poBranch bs
                                  f (Case p t e' bs')
          poBind  (v, rhs) = do rhs' <- po rhs
                                return (v, rhs')
          poBranch (Branch p rhs) = do rhs' <- po rhs
                                       return (Branch p rhs')

postOrderType :: Monad m => (TypeExpr -> m TypeExpr) -> TypeExpr -> m TypeExpr
postOrderType f = po
    where po e@(TVar _) = f e
          po (FuncType t1 t2) = do t1' <- po t1
                                   t2' <- po t2
                                   f (FuncType t1' t2')
          po (TCons qn ts) = do ts' <- mapM po ts
                                f (TCons qn ts')

visitTVars :: Monad m => (TVarIndex -> m TypeExpr) -> TypeExpr -> m TypeExpr
visitTVars f = postOrderType f'
    where f' (TVar i) = f i
          f' t = return t

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | All identifiers that do not have type annotations are
--   labelled with new type variables
labelVarsWithTypes :: Prog -> Prog
labelVarsWithTypes = updProgFuncs updateFunc
      updateFunc = map (\func -> let maxtvi = maxFuncTV func + 1 
                                 in trFunc (foo maxtvi) func)
      foo maxtv qn arity visty te r@(External _) = Func qn arity visty te r
      foo maxtv qn arity visty te r@(Rule vs expr) 
          = let expr' = evalState (runReaderT (withVS vs (po expr)) typeMap) maxtv
                typeMap = trace' (show argTypes) $ IntMap.fromList argTypes
                argTypes = [ (vi, t) | VarIndex (Just t) vi <- vs ]
            in Func qn arity visty te (Rule vs expr')

      po :: Expr -> ReaderT TypeMap (State Int) Expr
      -- type information from vi is superseded by type information
      -- from the map. This is okay in the current context, but for
      -- general type inference this would result in loss of information.
      -- (Fix by unifying both types in a later version)
      po e@(Var vi)
          = do vt <- asks (IntMap.lookup $ idxOf vi)
               case vt of
                 Just t -> return (Var vi { typeofVar = Just t })
                 Nothing -> case typeofVar vi of
                              Nothing -> error $ "no type for var " ++ show e
                              _ -> liftM Var (poVarIndex vi)
      po e@(Lit _)
          = return e
      po (Comb t n es)
          = do es' <- mapM po es
               n' <- poQName n
               return (Comb t n' es')
      po (Free vs e) 
          = do vs' <- mapM poVarIndex vs
               e' <- po e
               return (Free vs' e')
      po (Let bs e)
          = do let (vs, es) = unzip bs
               vs' <- mapM poVarIndex vs
               withVS vs' (do es' <- mapM po es
                              e'  <- po e
                              return (Let (zip vs' es') e'))
      po (Or l r)
          = liftM2 Or (po l) (po r)
      po (Case p t e bs)
          = do e' <- po e
               bs' <- mapM poBranch bs
               return (Case p t e' bs')
      poBranch (Branch (Pattern qn vs) rhs) 
          = do qn' <- poQName qn
               vs' <- mapM poVarIndex vs
               withVS vs' (do rhs' <- po rhs
                              return (Branch (Pattern qn' vs') rhs'))
      poBranch (Branch (LPattern l) e) 
          = do rhs' <- po e
               return (Branch (LPattern l) e)
      poVarIndex vi
          = do t <- maybe (lift$freshTVar) return . typeofVar $ vi
               return vi{typeofVar = Just t }

      poQName qn
          = do t <- maybe (lift$freshTVar) 
                        return . typeofQName $ qn
               return qn{typeofQName = Just t }

      withVS :: MonadReader TypeMap m => [VarIndex] -> m a -> m a
      withVS vs action = local (\ m -> foldr (\ v -> IntMap.insert (idxOf v) (fromJust $ typeofVar v)) m vs) action

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------

-- | Type variables that occur in the type annotations of QNames
--   are replaced by newly introduced type variables, so that further
--   unification steps will not interfere with parametric polymorphism
uniqueTypeIndices :: Prog -> Prog
uniqueTypeIndices = updProgFuncs (map updateFunc)
      updateFunc func = let firstfree = maxFuncTV func + 1
                        in (updFuncRule (trRule (ruleFoo firstfree) External)) func
      ruleFoo firstfree args expr
          = let expr' = evalState (postOrderExpr relabelTypes expr) firstfree
            in  Rule args expr'

relabelTypes :: Expr ->  State TVarIndex Expr
relabelTypes (Comb ct qname args)
    = do t' <- case typeofQName qname of
                 Just lt -> relabelType lt
                 Nothing -> freshTVar
         return (Comb ct qname {typeofQName = Just t'} args)
relabelTypes (Var v)
    | typeofVar v == Nothing
    = do t <- freshTVar
         return (Var v{typeofVar = Just t})
relabelTypes (Case p t e bs)
    = do bs' <- mapM relabelPatType bs
         return (Case p t e bs')
    where relabelPatType (Branch (Pattern qn vis) e)
              = do t' <- case typeofQName qn of
                           Just lt -> relabelType lt
                           Nothing -> freshTVar
                   return (Branch (Pattern qn {typeofQName = Just t'} vis) e)
          relabelPatType be = return be
relabelTypes t = return t

relabelType :: TypeExpr -> State TVarIndex TypeExpr
relabelType t = evalStateT (visitTVars typeFoo t) IntMap.empty
    where typeFoo i = do m <- get
                         case IntMap.lookup i m of
                           Just v -> return v
                           Nothing -> do v <- lift freshTVar 
                                         modify (IntMap.insert i v)
                                         return v

-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ----------------------------------------------------------------------                                

type TypeMap =  IntMap.IntMap TypeExpr

type EqnMonad = StateT TypeMap (State TVarIndex)

-- | Specialises all type variables (part of adjustTypeInfo)
genEquations  :: Prog -> Prog
genEquations = updProgFuncs updateFunc
      updateFunc = map (\func -> let maxtvi = maxFuncTV func + 1 
                                 in trFunc (foo maxtvi) func)
      foo maxtv qn arity visty te r@(External _) = Func qn arity visty te r
      foo maxtv qn arity visty te r@(Rule vs expr) 
          = let h = evalState (execStateT (do argTypes <- mapM varIndexType vs
                                              etype <- equations expr
                                              qnt <- qnType qn
                                              qnt =:= foldr FuncType etype argTypes
                                          ) IntMap.empty) maxtv
            in trace' (prettyAllEqns (qnOf qn,te,IntMap.toList h)) Func qn arity visty (specialiseType h te) (specInRule h (Rule vs expr))

equations :: Expr -> EqnMonad TypeExpr
equations = trExpr varIndexType (return . typeofLiteral) combEqn letEqn frEqn orEqn casEqn branchEqn
      combEqn :: (CombType -> QName -> [EqnMonad TypeExpr] -> EqnMonad TypeExpr)
      combEqn _ qn args
          = do resultType <- lift$freshTVar
               argTypes <- sequence args
               tqn <- qnType qn
               tqn =:= foldr FuncType resultType argTypes
               return resultType

      letEqn _ e = e

      frEqn _ e = e

      orEqn l r = do l' <- l
                     r' <- r
                     l' =:= r'

      casEqn :: SrcRef -> CaseType -> EqnMonad TypeExpr -> [(Pattern, EqnMonad TypeExpr)] -> EqnMonad TypeExpr
      casEqn _ _ scr [] = scr >> (lift$freshTVar)
      casEqn _ _ scr ps = do scrt <- scr
                             -- unify patterns with scrutinee
                             mapM_ (unifLhs scrt) ps
                             -- unify right hand sides
                             (p:ps') <- sequence $ map snd ps
                             foldM (=:=) p ps'

      unifLhs scrt (LPattern lit, _)
          = typeofLiteral lit =:= scrt
      unifLhs scrt (Pattern qn vs, _)
          = do qnt <- qnType qn
               argTypes <- mapM varIndexType vs
               qnt =:= foldr FuncType scrt argTypes

      branchEqn :: Pattern -> EqnMonad TypeExpr -> (Pattern, EqnMonad TypeExpr)
      branchEqn p e = (p, e)

unify :: TypeExpr -> TypeExpr -> TypeMap -> TypeMap
-- t =:= u = return t

unify (TVar i) t tm
    | Just s <- IntMap.lookup i tm 
    = unify s t tm
unify s (TVar j) tm
    | Just t <- IntMap.lookup j tm
    = unify s t tm
unify s@(TVar i) t@(TVar j) tm
    | i == j    = tm
    | i < j     = IntMap.insert j s tm
    | i > j     = IntMap.insert i t tm
unify (TVar i) t tm
    = IntMap.insert i t tm
unify s (TVar j) tm
    = IntMap.insert j s tm

unify (FuncType f x) (FuncType g y) tm
    = unify x y (unify f g tm)
unify (TCons m as) (TCons n bs) tm
    | m == n  = foldr ($) tm (zipWith unify as bs)
unify s t _
    = error . render $
      text "Types differ: " <+> prettyType s <+> text "/=" <+> prettyType t

(=:=) :: TypeExpr -> TypeExpr -> EqnMonad TypeExpr
a =:= b = modify (unify a b) >> return a

varIndexType :: VarIndex -> EqnMonad TypeExpr
varIndexType = maybe (lift$freshTVar) return . typeofVar

qnType :: QName -> EqnMonad TypeExpr
qnType = maybe (lift$freshTVar) return . typeofQName

freshTVar :: MonadState Int m => m TypeExpr
freshTVar = do nextIdx <- get
               modify succ
               return (TVar nextIdx)


-- | Type variables that occur in the right hand side of a declaration
--   but not in its type signature are replaced by the unit type ().
--   This function requires that proper type information has been made
--   available by function @adjustTypeInfo@

elimFreeTypes :: Prog -> Prog
elimFreeTypes = updProgFuncs updateFunc
      updateFunc = map (trFunc foo)
      foo qn arity visty te r@(External _) = Func qn arity visty te r
      foo qn arity visty te r@(Rule vs expr) 
          = let tvs = tvars te
                tvars (TVar vi) = [vi]
                tvars (FuncType t1 t2) = tvars t1 ++ tvars t2
                tvars (TCons _ ts) = concatMap tvars ts
                tfoo t@(TVar vi)
                    | vi `elem` tvs = t
                    | otherwise = TCons (mkQName ("Prelude", "()")) []
                tfoo (FuncType t1 t2) = FuncType (tfoo t1) (tfoo t2)
                tfoo (TCons qn ts) = TCons qn (map tfoo ts)
            in Func qn arity visty te (modifyType tfoo (Rule vs expr))


maxFuncTV = trFunc (\qn _ _ te r -> max (maxQNameTV qn) (max (maxTypeTV te) (maxRuleTV r)))
      maxRuleTV = trRule (\vis e -> maximum (maxExprTV e : map maxVarIndexTV vis)) (const (-1))

      maxExprTV :: Expr -> Int
      maxExprTV = trExpr var lit comb lt fr max cas branch
          where var  = maxVarIndexTV
                lit  = const (-1)
                comb _ qn ms = maximum (maxQNameTV qn : ms)
                lt bs e = maximum (e : map maxBindTV bs)
                fr vs e = maximum (e : map maxVarIndexTV vs)
                cas _ _ e ps = maximum (e : ps)
                branch p e = max e (maxPatternTV p)

      maxQNameTV = maybe (-1) maxTypeTV . typeofQName

      maxVarIndexTV = maybe (-1) maxTypeTV . typeofVar

      maxBindTV (vi, e) = max e (maxVarIndexTV vi)

      maxPatternTV (Pattern qn vis) = maximum (maxQNameTV qn : map maxVarIndexTV vis)
      maxPatternTV (LPattern _) = -1

      maxTypeTV = trTypeExpr id tapp max
          where tapp _ args = maximum (-1:args)


specialiseType :: TypeMap -> TypeExpr -> TypeExpr
specialiseType m t = trTypeExpr (foo m) TCons FuncType t
    where foo m i = maybe (TVar i) (specialiseType m) (IntMap.lookup i m)

-- boilerplate
specInRule :: TypeMap -> Rule -> Rule
specInRule tm = modifyType (specialiseType tm)

-- boilerplate
modifyType :: (TypeExpr -> TypeExpr) -> Rule -> Rule
modifyType f = updRule (map specInVarIndex) specInExpr id
    where specInExpr
              = trExpr var Lit comb letexp free Or Case alt
          var vi
              = Var (specInVarIndex vi)
          comb ct qn as
              = Comb ct (specInQName qn) as
          letexp bs e
              = Let (map specInBind bs) e
          free vis e
              = Free (map specInVarIndex vis) e
          alt p e
              = Branch (specInPattern p) e

          specInBind (vi, e)
              = (specInVarIndex vi, e)

          specInPattern (Pattern qn vis)
              = Pattern (specInQName qn) (map specInVarIndex vis)
          specInPattern p = p

          specInVarIndex vi
              = vi { typeofVar = fmap f (typeofVar vi)}

          specInQName qn
              = qn { typeofQName = fmap f (typeofQName qn)}