module CurryHtml(program2html,source2html) where import SyntaxColoring import Ident import Data.Char hiding(Space) import CurryDeps(getCurryPath) import PathUtils (writeModule) --- translate source file into HTML file with syntaxcoloring --- @param outputfilename --- @param sourcefilename source2html :: [String] -> String -> String -> IO () source2html imports outputfilename sourcefilename = do let sourceprogname = removeExtension sourcefilename output = if null outputfilename then sourceprogname ++ "_curry.html" else outputfilename modulname = fileName sourceprogname fullfname <- getCurryPath imports [] sourcefilename program <- filename2program imports (maybe sourcefilename id fullfname) (if null outputfilename then writeModule output else writeFile output) (program2html modulname program) --- generates htmlcode with syntax highlighting --- @param modulname --- @param a program --- @return HTMLcode program2html :: String ->Program -> String program2html modulname codes = "\n\nModule "++ modulname++ "\n" ++ ""++ "\n\n\n
\n" ++
    concat (map (code2html True . (\(_,_,c) -> c)) codes) ++
--- which code has which color 
--- @param code
--- @return color of the code  
code2class :: Code -> String                          
code2class (Keyword _) = "keyword"
code2class (Space _)= ""
code2class NewLine = ""
code2class (ConstructorName ConstrPattern _) = "constructorname_constrpattern"
code2class (ConstructorName ConstrCall _) = "constructorname_constrcall"
code2class (ConstructorName ConstrDecla _) = "constructorname_constrdecla"
code2class (ConstructorName OtherConstrKind _) = "constructorname_otherconstrkind"
code2class (Function InfixFunction _) = "function_infixfunction"
code2class (Function TypSig _) = "function_typsig"
code2class (Function FunDecl _) = "function_fundecl"
code2class (Function FunctionCall _) = "function_functioncall"
code2class (Function OtherFunctionKind _) = "function_otherfunctionkind"
code2class (ModuleName _) = "modulename"
code2class (Commentary _) = "commentary"
code2class (NumberCode _) = "numbercode"
code2class (StringCode _) = "stringcode"
code2class (CharCode _) = "charcode"
code2class (Symbol _) = "symbol"
code2class (Identifier IdDecl _) = "identifier_iddecl"
code2class (Identifier IdOccur _) = "identifier_idoccur"
code2class (Identifier UnknownId _) = "identifier_unknownid"
code2class (TypeConstructor TypeDecla _) = "typeconstructor_typedecla"
code2class (TypeConstructor TypeUse _) = "typeconstructor_typeuse"
code2class (TypeConstructor TypeExport _) = "typeconstructor_typeexport"
code2class (CodeError _ _) = "codeerror"
code2class (CodeWarning _ _) = "codewarning"
code2class (NotParsed _) = "notparsed"

code2html :: Bool -> Code -> String    
code2html _ code@(CodeError _ c) =
      (spanTag (code2class code) 
              (code2html False c))
code2html ownClass code@(CodeWarning _ c) =
     (if ownClass then spanTag (code2class code) else id)
              (code2html False c)       
code2html ownClass code@(Commentary _) =
    (if ownClass then spanTag (code2class code) else id)
      (replace '<' "<" (code2string code))                
code2html ownClass c
      | isCall c && ownClass = maybe tag (addHtmlLink tag) (getQualIdent c) 
      | isDecl c && ownClass= maybe tag (addHtmlAnchor tag) (getQualIdent c)
      | otherwise = tag
    where tag = (if ownClass then spanTag (code2class c) else id)
                      (htmlQuote (code2string c)) 
spanTag :: String -> String -> String
spanTag cl str
   |null cl = str
   | otherwise = "" ++ str ++ ""

replace :: Char -> String -> String -> String
replace old new = foldr (\ x -> if x == old then (new ++) else ([x]++)) ""

addHtmlAnchor :: String -> QualIdent -> String
addHtmlAnchor html qualIdent = "" ++ html

addHtmlLink :: String -> QualIdent -> String
addHtmlLink html qualIdent =
   let (maybeModuleIdent,ident) = splitQualIdent qualIdent in   
   " show x ++ "_curry.html") maybeModuleIdent) ++ 
   string2urlencoded (show ident) ++
   html ++

isCall :: Code -> Bool
isCall (TypeConstructor TypeExport _) = True
isCall (TypeConstructor _ _) = False
isCall (Identifier _ _) = False
isCall code = not (isDecl code) &&
                maybe False (const True) (getQualIdent code)

isDecl :: Code -> Bool
isDecl (ConstructorName ConstrDecla _) = True
isDecl (Function FunDecl _) = True
isDecl (TypeConstructor TypeDecla _) = True
isDecl _ = False 

fileName = reverse . takeWhile (/='/') . reverse 

removeExtension = reverse . drop 1 . dropWhile (/='.') . reverse 

--- Translates arbitrary strings into equivalent urlencoded string.
string2urlencoded :: String -> String
string2urlencoded = id
string2urlencoded [] = []
string2urlencoded (c:cs)
  | isAlphaNum c = c : string2urlencoded cs
  | c == ' '     = '+' : string2urlencoded cs
  | otherwise = show (ord c) ++ (if null cs then "" else ".") ++ string2urlencoded cs

htmlQuote :: String -> String
htmlQuote [] = []
htmlQuote (c:cs) | c=='<' = "<"   ++ htmlQuote cs
                 | c=='>' = ">"   ++ htmlQuote cs
                 | c=='&' = "&"  ++ htmlQuote cs
                 | c=='"' = """ ++ htmlQuote cs
                 | c=='\228' = "ä" ++ htmlQuote cs
                 | c=='\246' = "ö" ++ htmlQuote cs
                 | c=='\252' = "ü" ++ htmlQuote cs
                 | c=='\196' = "Ä" ++ htmlQuote cs
                 | c=='\214' = "Ö" ++ htmlQuote cs
                 | c=='\220' = "Ü" ++ htmlQuote cs
                 | c=='\223' = "ß"++ htmlQuote cs
                 | otherwise = c : htmlQuote cs