curry-frontend-0.2.5: Compile the functional logic language Curry to several intermediate formatsSource codeContentsIndex
level :: IntSource
xmlModule :: CurryEnv -> Module -> DocSource
xmlBody :: CurryEnv -> Module -> DocSource
xmlModuleDecl :: ModuleIdent -> DocSource
xmlImportDecl :: ModuleIdent -> DocSource
xmlTypeDecl :: Decl -> DocSource
xmlTypeParams :: Int -> DocSource
xmlConstructor :: ConstrDecl [Type] -> DocSource
xmlConstructorBegin :: QualIdent -> Int -> DocSource
xmlHeadingWithArity :: String -> QualIdent -> Int -> Bool -> DocSource
xmlType :: Type -> DocSource
xmlTypeConsBegin :: QualIdent -> Bool -> DocSource
xmlTypeVar :: Int -> DocSource
xmlTypeFun :: Type -> Type -> DocSource
xmlFunctionDecl :: Decl -> DocSource
xmlBeginFunction :: QualIdent -> Int -> Type -> DocSource
xmlEndFunction :: DocSource
xmlFunctionArity :: Type -> IntSource
xmlRule :: [Ident] -> Expression -> DocSource
xmlLhs :: [Ident] -> DocSource
xmlRhs :: [Ident] -> Expression -> DocSource
xmlExpr :: [(Int, Ident)] -> Expression -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlSingleApp :: QualIdent -> Int -> Bool -> DocSource
xmlCombHeading :: Doc -> Doc -> Bool -> DocSource
xmlExprVar :: [(Int, Ident)] -> Ident -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlApply :: [(Int, Ident)] -> Expression -> (Expression, [Expression]) -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlApplyFunctor :: [(Int, Ident)] -> QualIdent -> Int -> [Expression] -> Bool -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlCombApply :: [(Int, Ident)] -> Doc -> Doc -> Int -> [Expression] -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlAppArgs :: Expression -> (Expression, [Expression])Source
xmlCase :: [(Int, Ident)] -> Eval -> Expression -> [Alt] -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlOr :: [(Int, Ident)] -> Expression -> Expression -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlBranch :: [(Int, Ident)] -> Alt -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlPattern :: [(Int, Ident)] -> ConstrTerm -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlConsPattern :: [(Int, Ident)] -> QualIdent -> [Ident] -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlFree :: [(Int, Ident)] -> Ident -> Expression -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlLet :: [(Int, Ident)] -> Binding -> Expression -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlBinding :: [(Int, Ident)] -> Binding -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlLetrec :: [(Int, Ident)] -> [Binding] -> Expression -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])Source
splitDecls :: [Decl] -> ([Decl], [Decl])Source
xmlElement :: Eq a => String -> (a -> Doc) -> [a] -> DocSource
xmlLines :: (a -> Doc) -> [a] -> DocSource
xmlMapDicc :: [(Int, Ident)] -> ([(Int, Ident)] -> a -> (Doc, [(Int, Ident)])) -> [a] -> ([Doc], [(Int, Ident)])Source
xmlBuildDicc :: [Ident] -> [(Int, Ident)]Source
xmlLookUp :: Ident -> [(Int, Ident)] -> IntSource
xmlNewVar :: [(Int, Ident)] -> IntSource
xmlVar :: Int -> DocSource
xmlLiteral :: Doc -> DocSource
xmlLitPattern :: Doc -> DocSource
xmlLit :: Literal -> DocSource
xmlOperatorDecl :: IDecl -> DocSource
xmlFixity :: Infix -> DocSource
xmlTranslationDecl :: QualIdent -> DocSource
xmlIdent :: Ident -> DocSource
xmlInt :: Int -> DocSource
xmlInteger :: Integer -> DocSource
xmlFloat :: Double -> DocSource
xmlQualIdent :: QualIdent -> DocSource
xmlModuleIdent :: ModuleIdent -> DocSource
xmlFormat :: String -> StringSource
qualIDeclId :: ModuleIdent -> [QualIdent] -> IDecl -> [QualIdent]Source
qualConstrDeclId :: ModuleIdent -> [QualIdent] -> ConstrDecl -> [QualIdent]Source
qualNewConstrDeclId :: ModuleIdent -> [QualIdent] -> NewConstrDecl -> [QualIdent]Source
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