{- |
    Module      :  $Header$
    Description :  Translation of Curry into IL
    Copyright   :  (c) 1999 - 2003 Wolfgang Lux
                                   Martin Engelke
                       2011 - 2015 Björn Peemöller
                       2015        Jan Tikovsky
                       2016 - 2017 Finn Teegen
    License     :  BSD-3-clause

    Maintainer  :  bjp@informatik.uni-kiel.de
    Stability   :  experimental
    Portability :  portable

   After desugaring and lifting have been performed, the source code is
   translated into the intermediate language. Besides translating from
   source terms and expressions into intermediate language terms and
   expressions, this phase in particular has to implement the pattern
   matching algorithm for equations and case expressions.

   Because of name conflicts between the source and intermediate language
   data structures, we can use only a qualified import for the 'IL' module.
module Transformations.CurryToIL (ilTrans, transType) where

#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 710
import           Control.Applicative        ((<$>), (<*>))

import           Control.Monad.Extra         (concatMapM)
import qualified Control.Monad.Reader as R
import           Data.List                   (nub, partition)
import qualified Data.Map             as Map (Map, empty, insert, lookup)
import qualified Data.Set             as Set (Set, empty, insert, delete, toList)

import Curry.Base.Ident
import Curry.Syntax hiding (caseAlt)

import Base.CurryTypes (toType)
import Base.Expr
import Base.Messages (internalError)
import Base.Types
import Base.Typing
import Base.Utils (foldr2)

import Env.Value (ValueEnv, ValueInfo (..), qualLookupValue)

import qualified IL as IL

ilTrans :: ValueEnv -> Module Type -> IL.Module
ilTrans vEnv (Module _ _ m _ _ ds) = IL.Module m (imports m ds') ds'
  where ds' = R.runReader (concatMapM trDecl ds) (TransEnv m vEnv)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Computation of necessary imports
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- The list of import declarations in the intermediate language code is
-- determined by collecting all module qualifiers used in the current module.

imports :: ModuleIdent -> [IL.Decl] -> [ModuleIdent]
imports m = Set.toList . Set.delete m . foldr mdlsDecl Set.empty

mdlsDecl :: IL.Decl -> Set.Set ModuleIdent -> Set.Set ModuleIdent
mdlsDecl (IL.DataDecl       _ _ cs) ms = foldr mdlsConstrsDecl ms cs
  where mdlsConstrsDecl (IL.ConstrDecl _ tys) ms' = foldr mdlsType ms' tys
mdlsDecl (IL.ExternalDataDecl  _ _) ms = ms
mdlsDecl (IL.FunctionDecl _ _ ty e) ms = mdlsType ty (mdlsExpr e ms)
mdlsDecl (IL.ExternalDecl     _ ty) ms = mdlsType ty ms

mdlsType :: IL.Type -> Set.Set ModuleIdent -> Set.Set ModuleIdent
mdlsType (IL.TypeConstructor tc tys) ms = modules tc (foldr mdlsType ms tys)
mdlsType (IL.TypeVariable         _) ms = ms
mdlsType (IL.TypeArrow      ty1 ty2) ms = mdlsType ty1 (mdlsType ty2 ms)
mdlsType (IL.TypeForall        _ ty) ms = mdlsType ty ms

mdlsExpr :: IL.Expression -> Set.Set ModuleIdent -> Set.Set ModuleIdent
mdlsExpr (IL.Function    _ f _) ms = modules f ms
mdlsExpr (IL.Constructor _ c _) ms = modules c ms
mdlsExpr (IL.Apply       e1 e2) ms = mdlsExpr e1 (mdlsExpr e2 ms)
mdlsExpr (IL.Case       _ e as) ms = mdlsExpr e (foldr mdlsAlt ms as)
  mdlsAlt     (IL.Alt                 t e') = mdlsPattern t . mdlsExpr e'
  mdlsPattern (IL.ConstructorPattern _ c _) = modules c
  mdlsPattern _                             = id
mdlsExpr (IL.Or          e1 e2) ms = mdlsExpr e1 (mdlsExpr e2 ms)
mdlsExpr (IL.Exist       _ _ e) ms = mdlsExpr e ms
mdlsExpr (IL.Let           b e) ms = mdlsBinding b (mdlsExpr e ms)
mdlsExpr (IL.Letrec       bs e) ms = foldr mdlsBinding (mdlsExpr e ms) bs
mdlsExpr _                      ms = ms

mdlsBinding :: IL.Binding -> Set.Set ModuleIdent -> Set.Set ModuleIdent
mdlsBinding (IL.Binding _ e) = mdlsExpr e

modules :: QualIdent -> Set.Set ModuleIdent -> Set.Set ModuleIdent
modules x ms = maybe ms (`Set.insert` ms) (qidModule x)

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Internal reader monad
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

data TransEnv = TransEnv
  { moduleIdent :: ModuleIdent
  , valueEnv    :: ValueEnv

type TransM a = R.Reader TransEnv a

getValueEnv :: TransM ValueEnv
getValueEnv = R.asks valueEnv

trQualify :: Ident -> TransM QualIdent
trQualify i = flip qualifyWith i <$> R.asks moduleIdent

-- Return the type of a variable
varType :: QualIdent -> TransM Type
varType f = do
  tyEnv <- getValueEnv
  case qualLookupValue f tyEnv of
    [Value _ _ _ (ForAll _ (PredType _ ty))] -> return ty
    [Label _ _ (ForAll _ (PredType _ ty))] -> return ty
    _ -> internalError $ "CurryToIL.varType: " ++ show f

-- Return the type of a constructor
constrType :: QualIdent -> TransM Type
constrType c = do
  vEnv <- getValueEnv
  case qualLookupValue c vEnv of
    [DataConstructor  _ _ _ (ForAll _ (PredType _ ty))] -> return ty
    [NewtypeConstructor _ _ (ForAll _ (PredType _ ty))] -> return ty
    _ -> internalError $ "CurryToIL.constrType: " ++ show c

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Translation
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- At the top-level, the compiler has to translate data type, newtype,
-- function, and external declarations. When translating a data type or
-- newtype declaration, we ignore the types in the declaration and lookup
-- the types of the constructors in the type environment instead because
-- these types are already fully expanded, i.e., they do not include any
-- alias types.

trDecl :: Decl Type -> TransM [IL.Decl]
trDecl (DataDecl     _ tc tvs cs _) = (:[]) <$> trData tc tvs cs
trDecl (ExternalDataDecl  _ tc tvs) = (:[]) <$> trExternalData tc tvs
trDecl (FunctionDecl    _ ty f eqs) = (:[]) <$> trFunction f ty eqs
trDecl (ExternalDecl          _ vs) = mapM trExternal vs
trDecl _                            = return []

trData :: Ident -> [Ident] -> [ConstrDecl] -> TransM IL.Decl
trData tc tvs cs = do
  tc' <- trQualify tc
  IL.DataDecl tc' (length tvs) <$> mapM trConstrDecl cs

trConstrDecl :: ConstrDecl -> TransM IL.ConstrDecl
trConstrDecl d = do
  c' <- trQualify (constr d)
  ty' <- arrowArgs <$> constrType c'
  return $ IL.ConstrDecl c' (map transType ty')
  constr (ConstrDecl    _ c _) = c
  constr (ConOpDecl  _ _ op _) = op
  constr (RecordDecl    _ c _) = c

trExternalData :: Ident -> [Ident] -> TransM IL.Decl
trExternalData tc tvs = flip IL.ExternalDataDecl (length tvs) <$> trQualify tc

trExternal :: Var Type -> TransM IL.Decl
trExternal (Var ty f) = flip IL.ExternalDecl (transType ty) <$> trQualify f

-- The type representation in the intermediate language does not support
-- types with higher order kinds. Therefore, the type transformations has
-- to transform all types to first order terms. To that end, we assume the
-- existence of a type synonym 'type @ f a = f a'. In addition, the type
-- representation of the intermediate language does not support constrained
-- type variables and skolem types. The former are fixed and the later are
-- replaced by fresh type constructors.

transType :: Type -> IL.Type
transType ty = transType' ty []

transType' :: Type -> [IL.Type] -> IL.Type
transType' (TypeConstructor    tc) = IL.TypeConstructor tc
transType' (TypeApply     ty1 ty2) = transType' ty1 . (transType ty2 :)
transType' (TypeVariable       tv) = foldl applyType' (IL.TypeVariable tv)
transType' (TypeConstrained tys _) = transType' (head tys)
transType' (TypeArrow     ty1 ty2) =
  foldl applyType' (IL.TypeArrow (transType ty1) (transType ty2))
transType' (TypeForall     tvs ty) =
  foldl applyType' (IL.TypeForall tvs (transType ty))

applyType' :: IL.Type -> IL.Type -> IL.Type
applyType' ty1 ty2 =
  IL.TypeConstructor (qualifyWith preludeMIdent (mkIdent "Apply")) [ty1, ty2]

-- Each function in the program is translated into a function of the
-- intermediate language. The arguments of the function are renamed such
-- that all variables occurring in the same position (in different
-- equations) have the same name. This is necessary in order to
-- facilitate the translation of pattern matching into a 'case' expression.
-- We use the following simple convention here: The top-level
-- arguments of the function are named from left to right '_1', '_2',
-- and so on. The names of nested arguments are constructed by appending
-- '_1', '_2', etc. from left to right to the name that were assigned
-- to a variable occurring at the position of the constructor term.

-- Some special care is needed for the selector functions introduced by
-- the compiler in place of pattern bindings. In order to generate the
-- code for updating all pattern variables, the equality of names between
-- the pattern variables in the first argument of the selector function
-- and their repeated occurrences in the remaining arguments must be
-- preserved. This means that the second and following arguments of a
-- selector function have to be renamed according to the name mapping
-- computed for its first argument.

trFunction :: Ident -> Type -> [Equation Type] -> TransM IL.Decl
trFunction f ty eqs = do
  f' <- trQualify f
  let ty' = transType ty
      vs' = zip (map (transType . typeOf) ts) vs
  alts <- mapM (trEquation vs ws) eqs
  return $ IL.FunctionDecl f' vs' ty' (flexMatch vs' alts)
  -- vs are the variables needed for the function: _1, _2, etc.
  -- ws is an infinite list for introducing additional variables later
  Equation _ lhs _ = head eqs
  (_, ts) = flatLhs lhs
  (vs, ws) = splitAt (length ts) (argNames (mkIdent ""))

trEquation :: [Ident]       -- identifiers for the function's parameters
           -> [Ident]       -- infinite list of additional identifiers
           -> Equation Type -- equation to be translated
           -> TransM Match  -- nested constructor terms + translated RHS
trEquation vs vs' (Equation _ (FunLhs _ _ ts) rhs) = do
  -- construct renaming of variables inside constructor terms
  let patternRenaming = foldr2 bindRenameEnv Map.empty vs ts
  -- translate right-hand-side
  rhs' <- trRhs vs' patternRenaming rhs
  -- convert patterns
  return (zipWith trPattern vs ts, rhs')
trEquation _  _    _
  = internalError "Translation of non-FunLhs euqation not defined"

type RenameEnv = Map.Map Ident Ident

-- Construct a renaming of all variables inside the pattern to fresh identifiers
bindRenameEnv :: Ident -> Pattern a -> RenameEnv -> RenameEnv
bindRenameEnv _ (LiteralPattern        _ _ _) env = env
bindRenameEnv v (VariablePattern      _ _ v') env = Map.insert v' v env
bindRenameEnv v (ConstructorPattern _ _ _ ts) env
  = foldr2 bindRenameEnv env (argNames v) ts
bindRenameEnv v (AsPattern            _ v' t) env
  = Map.insert v' v (bindRenameEnv v t env)
bindRenameEnv _ _                           _
  = internalError "CurryToIL.bindRenameEnv"

trRhs :: [Ident] -> RenameEnv -> Rhs Type -> TransM IL.Expression
trRhs vs env (SimpleRhs _ e _) = trExpr vs env e
trRhs _  _   (GuardedRhs _ _  _) = internalError "CurryToIL.trRhs: GuardedRhs"

-- Note that the case matching algorithm assumes that the matched
-- expression is accessible through a variable. The translation of case
-- expressions therefore introduces a let binding for the scrutinized
-- expression and immediately throws it away after the matching -- except
-- if the matching algorithm has decided to use that variable in the
-- right hand sides of the case expression. This may happen, for
-- instance, if one of the alternatives contains an as-pattern.

trExpr :: [Ident] -> RenameEnv -> Expression Type -> TransM IL.Expression
trExpr _  _   (Literal     _ ty l) = return $ IL.Literal (transType ty) (trLiteral l)
trExpr _  env (Variable    _ ty v)
  | isQualified v = fun
  | otherwise     = case Map.lookup (unqualify v) env of
      Nothing -> fun
      Just v' -> return $ IL.Variable (transType ty) v' -- apply renaming
  where fun = (IL.Function (transType ty) v . arrowArity) <$> varType v
trExpr _  _   (Constructor _ ty c)
  = (IL.Constructor (transType ty) c . arrowArity) <$> constrType c
trExpr vs env (Apply     _ e1 e2)
  = IL.Apply <$> trExpr vs env e1 <*> trExpr vs env e2
trExpr vs env (Let        _ ds e) = do
  e' <- trExpr vs env' e
  case ds of
    [FreeDecl _ vs']
       -> return $ foldr (\ (Var ty v) -> IL.Exist v (transType ty)) e' vs'
    [d] | all (`notElem` bv d) (qfv emptyMIdent d)
      -> flip IL.Let    e' <$>      trBinding d
    _ -> flip IL.Letrec e' <$> mapM trBinding ds
  env' = foldr2 Map.insert env bvs bvs
  bvs  = bv ds
  trBinding (PatternDecl _ (VariablePattern _ _ v) rhs)
    = IL.Binding v <$> trRhs vs env' rhs
  trBinding p = error $ "unexpected binding: " ++ show p
trExpr (v:vs) env (Case _ ct e alts) = do
  -- the ident v is used for the case expression subject, as this could
  -- be referenced in the case alternatives by a variable pattern
  e' <- trExpr vs env e
  let matcher = if ct == Flex then flexMatch else rigidMatch
      ty'     = transType $ typeOf e
  expr <- matcher [(ty', v)] <$> mapM (trAlt (v:vs) env) alts
  return $ case expr of
    IL.Case mode (IL.Variable _ v') alts'
        -- subject is not referenced -> forget v and insert subject
      | v == v' && v `notElem` fv alts' -> IL.Case mode e' alts'
        -- subject is referenced -> introduce binding for v as subject
      | v `elem` fv expr                -> IL.Let (IL.Binding v e') expr
      | otherwise                       -> expr
trExpr  vs env (Typed _ e (QualTypeExpr _ _ ty)) =
  flip IL.Typed ty' <$> trExpr vs env e
  where ty' = transType (toType [] ty)
trExpr _ _ _ = internalError "CurryToIL.trExpr"

trAlt :: [Ident] -> RenameEnv -> Alt Type -> TransM Match
trAlt ~(v:vs) env (Alt _ t rhs) = do
  rhs' <- trRhs vs (bindRenameEnv v t env) rhs
  return ([trPattern v t], rhs')

trLiteral :: Literal -> IL.Literal
trLiteral (Char  c) = IL.Char c
trLiteral (Int   i) = IL.Int i
trLiteral (Float f) = IL.Float f
trLiteral _         = internalError "CurryToIL.trLiteral"

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Translation of Patterns
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

data NestedTerm = NestedTerm IL.ConstrTerm [NestedTerm] deriving Show

pattern :: NestedTerm -> IL.ConstrTerm
pattern (NestedTerm t _) = t

arguments :: NestedTerm -> [NestedTerm]
arguments (NestedTerm _ ts) = ts

trPattern :: Ident -> Pattern Type -> NestedTerm
trPattern _ (LiteralPattern        _ ty l)
  = NestedTerm (IL.LiteralPattern (transType ty) $ trLiteral l) []
trPattern v (VariablePattern       _ ty _)
  = NestedTerm (IL.VariablePattern (transType ty) v) []
trPattern v (ConstructorPattern _ ty c ts)
  = NestedTerm (IL.ConstructorPattern (transType ty) c vs')
               (zipWith trPattern vs ts)
  where vs  = argNames v
        vs' = zip (map (transType . typeOf) ts) vs
trPattern v (AsPattern              _ _ t) = trPattern v t
trPattern _ _                            = internalError "CurryToIL.trPattern"

argNames :: Ident -> [Ident]
argNames v = [mkIdent (prefix ++ show i) | i <- [1 :: Integer ..] ]
  where prefix = idName v ++ "_"

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Flexible Pattern Matching Algorithm
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- The pattern matching code searches for the left-most inductive
-- argument position in the left hand sides of all rules defining an
-- equation. An inductive position is a position where all rules have a
-- constructor rooted term. If such a position is found, a flexible 'case'
-- expression is generated for the argument at that position. The
-- matching code is then computed recursively for all of the alternatives
-- independently. If no inductive position is found, the algorithm looks
-- for the left-most demanded argument position, i.e., a position where
-- at least one of the rules has a constructor rooted term. If such a
-- position is found, an 'or' expression is generated with those
-- cases that have a variable at the argument position in one branch and
-- all other rules in the other branch. If there is no demanded position,
-- the pattern matching is finished and the compiler translates the right
-- hand sides of the remaining rules, eventually combining them using
-- 'or' expressions.

-- Actually, the algorithm below combines the search for inductive and
-- demanded positions. The function 'flexMatch' scans the argument
-- lists for the left-most demanded position. If this turns out to be
-- also an inductive position, the function 'flexMatchInductive' is
-- called in order to generate a flexible 'case' expression. Otherwise, the
-- function 'optFlexMatch' is called that tries to find an inductive
-- position in the remaining arguments. If one is found,
-- 'flexMatchInductive' is called, otherwise the function
-- 'optFlexMatch' uses the demanded argument position found by 'flexMatch'.

-- a @Match@ is a list of patterns and the respective expression.
type Match  = ([NestedTerm], IL.Expression)
-- a @Match'@ is a @Match@ with skipped patterns during the search for an
-- inductive position.
type Match' = (FunList NestedTerm, [NestedTerm], IL.Expression)
-- Functional lists
type FunList a = [a] -> [a]

flexMatch :: [(IL.Type, Ident)] -- variables to be matched
          -> [Match]            -- alternatives
          -> IL.Expression      -- result expression
flexMatch []     alts = foldl1 IL.Or (map snd alts)
flexMatch (v:vs) alts
  | notDemanded = varExp
  | isInductive = conExp
  | otherwise   = optFlexMatch (IL.Or conExp varExp) (v:) vs (map skipPat alts)
  isInductive        = null varAlts
  notDemanded        = null conAlts
  -- separate variable and constructor patterns
  (varAlts, conAlts) = partition isVarMatch (map tagAlt alts)
  -- match variables
  varExp             = flexMatch               vs (map snd  varAlts)
  -- match constructors
  conExp             = flexMatchInductive id v vs (map prep conAlts)
  prep (p, (ts, e))  = (p, (id, ts, e))

-- Search for the next inductive position
optFlexMatch :: IL.Expression            -- default expression
             -> FunList (IL.Type, Ident) -- skipped variables
             -> [(IL.Type, Ident)]       -- next variables
             -> [Match']                 -- alternatives
             -> IL.Expression
optFlexMatch def _      []     _    = def
optFlexMatch def prefix (v:vs) alts
  | isInductive = flexMatchInductive prefix v vs alts'
  | otherwise   = optFlexMatch def (prefix . (v:)) vs (map skipPat' alts)
  isInductive   = not (any isVarMatch alts')
  alts'         = map tagAlt' alts

-- Generate a case expression matching the inductive position
flexMatchInductive :: FunList (IL.Type, Ident)  -- skipped variables
                   -> (IL.Type, Ident)          -- current variable
                   -> [(IL.Type, Ident)]        -- next variables
                   -> [(IL.ConstrTerm, Match')] -- alternatives
                   -> IL.Expression
flexMatchInductive prefix v vs as
  = IL.Case IL.Flex (uncurry IL.Variable v) (flexMatchAlts as)
  -- create alternatives for the different constructors
  flexMatchAlts []              = []
  flexMatchAlts ((t, e) : alts) = IL.Alt t expr : flexMatchAlts others
    -- match nested patterns for same constructors
    expr = flexMatch (prefix (vars t ++ vs)) (map expandVars (e : map snd same))
    expandVars (pref, ts1, e') = (pref ts1, e')
    -- split into same and other constructors
    (same, others) = partition ((t ==) . fst) alts

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Rigid Pattern Matching Algorithm
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

-- Matching in a 'case'-expression works a little bit differently.
-- In this case, the alternatives are matched from the first to the last
-- alternative and the first matching alternative is chosen. All
-- remaining alternatives are discarded.

-- TODO: The case matching algorithm should use type information in order
-- to detect total matches and immediately discard all alternatives which
-- cannot be reached.

rigidMatch :: [(IL.Type, Ident)] -> [Match] -> IL.Expression
rigidMatch vs alts = rigidOptMatch (snd $ head alts) id vs (map prepare alts)
  where prepare (ts, e) = (id, ts, e)

rigidOptMatch :: IL.Expression            -- default expression
              -> FunList (IL.Type, Ident) -- variables to be matched next
              -> [(IL.Type, Ident)]       -- variables to be matched afterwards
              -> [Match']                 -- translated equations
              -> IL.Expression
-- if there are no variables left: return the default expression
rigidOptMatch def _      []       _    = def
rigidOptMatch def prefix (v : vs) alts
  | isDemanded = rigidMatchDemanded prefix v vs alts'
  | otherwise  = rigidOptMatch def (prefix . (v:)) vs (map skipPat' alts)
  isDemanded   = not $ isVarMatch (head alts')
  alts'        = map tagAlt' alts

-- Generate a case expression matching the demanded position.
-- This algorithm constructs a branch for all contained patterns, where
-- the right-hand side then respects the order of the patterns.
-- Thus, the expression
--    case x of
--      []   -> []
--      ys   -> ys
--      y:ys -> [y]
-- gets translated to
--    case x of
--      []   -> []
--      y:ys -> x
--      x    -> x
rigidMatchDemanded :: FunList (IL.Type, Ident)  -- skipped variables
                   -> (IL.Type, Ident)          -- current variable
                   -> [(IL.Type, Ident)]        -- next variables
                   -> [(IL.ConstrTerm, Match')] -- alternatives
                   -> IL.Expression
rigidMatchDemanded prefix v vs alts = IL.Case IL.Rigid (uncurry IL.Variable v)
  $ map caseAlt (consPats ++ varPats)
  -- N.B.: @varPats@ is either empty or a singleton list due to nub
  (varPats, consPats) = partition isVarPattern $ nub $ map fst alts
  caseAlt t           = IL.Alt t expr
    expr = rigidMatch (prefix $ vars t ++ vs) (matchingCases alts)
    -- matchingCases selects the matching alternatives
    --  and recursively matches the remaining patterns
    matchingCases a = map (expandVars (vars t)) $ filter (matches . fst) a
    matches t' = t == t' || isVarPattern t'
    expandVars vs' (p, (pref, ts1, e)) = (pref ts2, e)
      where ts2 | isVarPattern p = map var2Pattern vs' ++ ts1
                | otherwise      = ts1
            var2Pattern v' = NestedTerm (uncurry IL.VariablePattern v') []

-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- Pattern Matching Auxiliaries
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

isVarPattern :: IL.ConstrTerm -> Bool
isVarPattern (IL.VariablePattern _ _) = True
isVarPattern _                        = False

isVarMatch :: (IL.ConstrTerm, a) -> Bool
isVarMatch = isVarPattern . fst

vars :: IL.ConstrTerm -> [(IL.Type, Ident)]
vars (IL.ConstructorPattern _ _ vs) = vs
vars _                              = []

-- tagAlt extracts the structure of the first pattern
tagAlt :: Match -> (IL.ConstrTerm, Match)
tagAlt (t:ts, e) = (pattern t, (arguments t ++ ts, e))
tagAlt ([]  , _) = error "CurryToIL.tagAlt: empty pattern list"

-- skipPat skips the current pattern position for later matching
skipPat :: Match -> Match'
skipPat (t:ts, e) = ((t:), ts, e)
skipPat ([]  , _) = error "CurryToIL.skipPat: empty pattern list"

-- tagAlt' extracts the next pattern
tagAlt' :: Match' -> (IL.ConstrTerm, Match')
tagAlt' (pref, t:ts, e') = (pattern t, (pref, arguments t ++ ts, e'))
tagAlt' (_   , []  , _ ) = error "CurryToIL.tagAlt': empty pattern list"

-- skipPat' skips the current argument for later matching
skipPat' :: Match' -> Match'
skipPat' (pref, t:ts, e') = (pref . (t:), ts, e')
skipPat' (_   , []  , _ ) = error "CurryToIL.skipPat': empty pattern list"