name: cusparse version: synopsis: FFI bindings to the CUDA Sparse BLAS library description: The cuSPARSE library contains a set of basic linear algebra subroutines for handling sparse matrices on NVIDIA GPUs. Sparse vectors and matrices are those where the majority of elements are zero. Sparse BLAS routines are specifically implemented to take advantage of this sparsity. This package provides FFI bindings to the functions of the cuSPARSE library. You will need to install the CUDA driver and developer toolkit: . . See the build matrix for tested CUDA library versions. license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE author: Trevor L. McDonell maintainer: Trevor L. McDonell copyright: Copyright (c) [2017..2018]. Trevor L. McDonell category: Foreign cabal-version: >=1.24 build-type: Custom extra-tmp-files: cusparse.buildinfo.generated extra-source-files: cbits/stubs.h custom-setup setup-depends: base >= 4.6 , Cabal >= 1.24 , cuda >= 0.8 , directory >= 1.0 , filepath >= 1.0 library hs-source-dirs: . include-dirs: . exposed-modules: Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Analysis Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Context Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Convert Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Error Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Level1 Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Level2 Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Level3 Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Matrix.Descriptor Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Matrix.Hybrid Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Precondition Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Reorder Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Stream other-modules: Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Internal.C2HS Foreign.CUDA.BLAS.Sparse.Internal.Types default-language: Haskell2010 build-depends: base == 4.* , cuda >= 0.8 , half >= 0.1 , storable-complex >= 0.2 build-tools: c2hs >= 0.16 ghc-options: -Wall -O2 -funbox-strict-fields -fwarn-tabs -fno-warn-unused-imports source-repository head type: git location: source-repository this type: git location: tag: v0.3.0.0 -- vim: nospell