module DBus
-- * Connection management
    , ConnectionType(..)
    , connectClient
    , connectClientWithAuth
    , makeServer
    , connectBus
    , MethodCallHandler
    , SignalHandler
    , checkAlive
    , waitFor
-- * Message handling
    , objectRoot
    , ignore
-- * Signals
    , MatchRule(..)
    , Signal(..)
    , SignalDescription(..)
    , SomeSignalDescription(..)
    , matchAll
    , matchSignal
    , addMatch
    , removeMatch
    , addSignalHandler
    , signalChan
    , handleSignal
-- * Representable Types
    , Representable(..)
    , FlattenRepType
    , makeRepresentable
    , makeRepresentableTuple
-- * DBus specific types
-- ** DBus Types
-- $Types
    , DBusSimpleType(..)
    , DBusType(..)
    , Signature(..)
    , typeOf
-- ** DBus Values
    , DBusValue(..)
    , castDBV
    , DBusStruct(..)
    , SomeDBusValue(..)
    , dbusValue
    , fromVariant
-- ** Objects
    , Object(..)
    , Interface(..)
    , ObjectPath
    , objectPath
    , objectPathToText
    , stripObjectPrefix
    , isPathPrefix
    , isRoot
    , isEmpty
-- * Methods
    , Method(..)
    , MethodWrapper(..)
    , ArgumentDescription(..)
    , repMethod
    , callMethod
    , callMethod'
    , call
    , callAsync
    , fromResponse
    , MsgError(..)
    , MethodError(..)
    , MethodHandlerT(..)
    , MethodDescription(..)
    , SomeMethodDescription(..)
-- * Properties
    , Property (..)
    , SomeProperty(..)
    , PropertyEmitsChangedSignal(..)
    , RemoteProperty(..)
    , propertyChanged
    , emitPropertyChanged
    , getProperty
    , setProperty
    , handlePropertyChanged
    , mkProperty
    , mkTVarProperty
-- * Introspection
    , addIntrospectable
-- * Message Bus
    , requestName
    , RequestNameFlag(..)
    , RequestNameReply(..)
    , releaseName
    , ReleaseNameReply (..)
    , listQueuedOwners
    , listNames
    , listActivatableNames
    , nameHasOwner
    , startServiceByName
    , getNameOwner
    , getConnectionUnixUser
    , getConnectionProcessID
    , getID
-- * Scaffolding
    , module DBus.Scaffold
-- * Re-exports
    , def
    ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as BS

import DBus.Auth
import DBus.Introspect
import DBus.MainLoop
import DBus.Message
import DBus.MessageBus
import DBus.Object
import DBus.Property
import DBus.Method
import DBus.Signal
import DBus.TH
import DBus.Types
import DBus.Scaffold
import Data.Default (def)

-- | Ignore all incoming messages/signals
ignore _ _ _ = return ()

-- | Connect to a message bus as a client, using the @EXTERNAL@ auth mechanism.
connectClient :: ConnectionType -> IO DBusConnection
connectClient bus = connectBus bus ignore ignore

-- | Connect to a message bus as a client with a custom auth mechanism.
connectClientWithAuth :: ConnectionType -> SASL BS.ByteString -> IO DBusConnection
connectClientWithAuth bus auth = connectBusWithAuth bus auth ignore ignore

-- $types
-- DBus has it's own type system, described here
-- <>
-- Types are divided into basic types, represented in this library by
-- 'DBusSimpleType', and composite types, represented by 'DBusType'. Only simple
-- types can be the keys in a dictionary