{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

module DBus.Representable where

import           DBus.Types
import           DBus.TH

import           Control.Applicative          ((<$>), (<*>))
import           Control.Monad
import qualified Data.ByteString              as BS
import           Data.Int
import qualified Data.Map                     as Map
import           Data.Singletons
import           Data.Singletons.Decide
import           Data.Singletons.Prelude.List
import qualified Data.Text                    as Text
import           Data.Word

flattenRep :: ( Representable a ) =>
           -> DBusArguments (FlattenRepType (RepType a))
flattenRep (x :: t) =
    let rts = sing :: Sing (RepType t)
        frts :: Sing (FlattenRepType (RepType t))
        frts = sFlattenRepType rts
    in case (rts, frts) of
        (STypeUnit, SNil) -> ArgsNil
        (STypeStruct _, _) -> case toRep x of DBVStruct str -> structToArgs str
        (t, SCons t' SNil) -> case t %~ t' of
            Proved Refl -> ArgsCons (toRep x) ArgsNil
            Disproved _ -> error "flattenRep: impossible case"
        _ -> error "flattenRep: impossible case"

-- class Representable; see DBus.Types
forM [2..20] makeRepresentableTuple

instance Representable () where
    type RepType () = 'TypeUnit
    toRep _ = DBVUnit
    fromRep DBVUnit = Just ()

instance Representable Word8 where
    type RepType Word8  = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeByte
    toRep x = DBVByte x
    fromRep (DBVByte x) = Just x

instance Representable Bool where
    type RepType Bool = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeBoolean
    toRep x = DBVBool x
    fromRep (DBVBool x) = Just x

instance Representable Int16 where
    type RepType Int16 = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeInt16
    toRep x = DBVInt16 x
    fromRep (DBVInt16 x) = Just x

instance Representable Word16 where
    type RepType Word16 = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeUInt16
    toRep x = DBVUInt16 x
    fromRep (DBVUInt16 x) = Just x

instance Representable Int32 where
    type RepType Int32 = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeInt32
    toRep x = DBVInt32 x
    fromRep (DBVInt32 x) = Just x

instance Representable Word32 where
    type RepType Word32 = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeUInt32
    toRep x = DBVUInt32 x
    fromRep (DBVUInt32 x) = Just x

instance Representable Int64 where
    type RepType Int64 = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeInt64
    toRep x = DBVInt64 x
    fromRep (DBVInt64 x) = Just x

instance Representable Word64 where
    type RepType Word64 = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeUInt64
    toRep x = DBVUInt64 x
    fromRep (DBVUInt64 x) = Just x

instance Representable Double where
    type RepType Double = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeDouble
    toRep x = DBVDouble x
    fromRep (DBVDouble x) = Just x

instance Representable Text.Text where
    type RepType Text.Text = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeString
    toRep x = DBVString x
    fromRep (DBVString x) = Just x

instance Representable ObjectPath where
    type RepType ObjectPath = 'DBusSimpleType 'TypeObjectPath
    toRep x = DBVObjectPath x
    fromRep (DBVObjectPath x) = Just x

instance SingI t => Representable (DBusValue t) where
    type RepType (DBusValue t) = t
    toRep = id
    fromRep = Just

instance ( Representable a , SingI (RepType a))
         => Representable [a]  where
    type RepType [a] = 'TypeArray (RepType a)
    toRep xs = DBVArray $ map toRep xs
    fromRep (DBVArray xs) = mapM fromRep xs
    fromRep (DBVByteArray bs) = fromRep . DBVArray . map DBVByte $ BS.unpack bs

instance Representable BS.ByteString  where
    type RepType BS.ByteString = 'TypeArray ('DBusSimpleType  'TypeByte)
    toRep bs = DBVByteArray bs
    fromRep (DBVByteArray bs) = Just bs
    fromRep (DBVArray bs) = BS.pack <$> mapM fromRep bs

type family FromSimpleType (t :: DBusType) :: DBusSimpleType where
    FromSimpleType ('DBusSimpleType k) = k

instance ( Ord k
         , Representable k
         , RepType k ~ 'DBusSimpleType r
         , SingI r
         , Representable v )
         => Representable (Map.Map k v)  where
    type RepType (Map.Map k v) = 'TypeDict (FromSimpleType (RepType k)) (RepType v)
    toRep m = DBVDict $ map (\(l,r) -> (toRep l, toRep r)) (Map.toList m)
    fromRep (DBVDict xs) = Map.fromList <$> sequence
                           (map (\(l,r) -> (,) <$> fromRep l <*> fromRep r) xs)