**v0.1.0.0** * Initial release **v0.1.0.1** * Improve error messages when quasi-quoters are used in a non-expression context **v0.1.1.0** * Add functions for generating Template Haskell expressions to be spliced, as alternatives to using the quasi-quoters **v0.2.0.0** * Add Template Haskell splice patterns `d10Pat` and `d10ListPat` * Define `quotePat` for the quasi-quoters `d10` and `d10list`, so they can now be used with pattern matching * Add `Integral a` constraint to `d10` and `d10list` in the `Data.D10.Num` module, because this is needed for the definition of `quotePat`. **v0.2.0.1** * Add `CHANGELOG.md` to package distribution **v0.2.1.0** * Add functions mod-10 arithmetic functions: `(+)`, `(-)`, `(*)`