{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}

module URL ( copyUrl, copyUrlFirst, pipeliningEnabledByDefault,
             setDebugHTTP, setHTTPPipelining, waitUrl,
             Cachable(Cachable, Uncachable, MaxAge)
           ) where

import Data.IORef ( newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef, IORef )
import Data.Map ( Map )
import Data.List ( delete )
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import System.Directory ( copyFile )
import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO )
import Control.Concurrent ( forkIO )
import Control.Concurrent.Chan ( isEmptyChan, newChan, readChan, writeChan, Chan )
import Control.Concurrent.MVar ( isEmptyMVar, modifyMVar_, newEmptyMVar, newMVar, putMVar, readMVar, withMVar, MVar )
import Control.Monad ( unless, when )
import Control.Monad.Trans ( liftIO )
import Control.Monad.State ( evalStateT, get, modify, put, StateT )
import Foreign.C.Types ( CInt )

import Workaround ( renameFile )
import Darcs.Global ( atexit )
import Progress ( debugFail, debugMessage )
import Darcs.Lock ( removeFileMayNotExist )

import Numeric ( showHex )
import System.Random ( randomRIO )

#if defined(HAVE_CURL) || defined(HAVE_LIBWWW)
import Foreign.C.String ( withCString, peekCString, CString )
#elif defined(HAVE_HTTP)
import qualified HTTP ( request_url, wait_next_url )
#include "impossible.h"

data UrlRequest = UrlRequest { url :: String
                             , file :: FilePath
                             , cachable :: Cachable
                             , priority :: Priority
                             , notifyVar :: MVar String }

data Cachable = Cachable | Uncachable | MaxAge !CInt
                deriving (Show, Eq)

data UrlState = UrlState { inProgress :: Map String ( FilePath
                                                    , [FilePath]
                                                    , Cachable
                                                    , (MVar String) )
                         , waitToStart :: Q String
                         , pipeLength :: Int
                         , randomJunk :: String }

data Q a = Q [a] [a]

readQ :: Q a -> Maybe (a, Q a)
readQ (Q (x:xs) ys) = Just (x, Q xs ys)
readQ (Q [] ys) = do x:xs <- Just $ reverse ys
                     Just (x, Q xs [])

insertQ :: a -> Q a -> Q a
insertQ y (Q xs ys) = Q xs (y:ys)

pushQ :: a -> Q a -> Q a
pushQ x (Q xs ys) = Q (x:xs) ys

deleteQ :: Eq a => a -> Q a -> Q a
deleteQ x (Q xs ys) = Q (delete x xs) (delete x ys)

elemQ :: Eq a => a -> Q a -> Bool
elemQ x (Q xs ys) = x `elem` xs || x `elem` ys

emptyQ :: Q a
emptyQ = Q [] []

nullQ :: Q a -> Bool
nullQ (Q [] []) = True
nullQ _         = False

data Priority = High | Low deriving Eq

pipeliningLimit :: Int
pipeliningLimit = 100

pipeliningEnabledByDefault :: Bool
pipeliningEnabledByDefault = True
pipeliningEnabledByDefault = False

{-# NOINLINE maxPipeLength #-}
maxPipeLength :: IORef Int
maxPipeLength = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef $

{-# NOINLINE urlNotifications #-}
urlNotifications :: MVar (Map String (MVar String))
urlNotifications = unsafePerformIO $ newMVar Map.empty

{-# NOINLINE urlChan #-}
urlChan :: Chan UrlRequest
urlChan = unsafePerformIO $ do
  ch <- newChan
  forkIO (urlThread ch)
  return ch

urlThread :: Chan UrlRequest -> IO ()
urlThread ch = do junk <- flip showHex "" `fmap` randomRIO rrange
                  evalStateT urlThread' (UrlState Map.empty emptyQ 0 junk)
    where rrange = (0, 2^(128 :: Integer) :: Integer)
          urlThread' = do
            empty <- liftIO $ isEmptyChan ch
            st <- get
            let l = pipeLength st
                w = waitToStart st
            reqs <- if not empty || (nullQ w && l == 0)
                    then liftIO readAllRequests
                    else return []
            mapM_ addReq reqs
          readAllRequests = do
            r <- readChan ch
            debugMessage $ "URL.urlThread ("++url r++"\n"++
                           "            -> "++file r++")"
            empty <- isEmptyChan ch
            reqs <- if not empty
                    then readAllRequests
                    else return []
            return (r:reqs)
          addReq r = do
            let u = url r
                f = file r
                c = cachable r
            d <- liftIO $ alreadyDownloaded u
            if d
               then dbg "Ignoring UrlRequest of URL that is already downloaded."
               else do
                 st <- get
                 let p = inProgress st
                     w = waitToStart st
                     e = (f, [], c, notifyVar r)
                     new_w = case priority r of
                               High -> pushQ u w
                               Low  -> insertQ u w
                     new_st = st { inProgress = Map.insert u e p
                                 , waitToStart = new_w }
                 case Map.lookup u p of
                   Just (f', fs', c', v) -> do
                     let new_c = minCachable c c'
                     when (c /= c') $ let new_p = Map.insert u (f', fs', new_c, v) p
                                      in do modify (\s -> s { inProgress = new_p })
                                            dbg $ "Changing "++u++" request cachability from "++show c++" to "++show new_c
                     when (u `elemQ` w && priority r == High) $ do
                       modify (\s -> s { waitToStart = pushQ u (deleteQ u w) })
                       dbg $ "Moving "++u++" to head of download queue."
                     if f `notElem` (f':fs')
                        then let new_p = Map.insert u (f', f:fs', new_c, v) p
                             in do modify (\s -> s { inProgress = new_p })
                                   dbg "Adding new file to existing UrlRequest."
                        else dbg "Ignoring UrlRequest of file that's already queued."
                   _ -> put new_st
          alreadyDownloaded u = do
            n <- liftIO $ withMVar urlNotifications (return . (Map.lookup u))
            case n of
              Just v  -> not `fmap` isEmptyMVar v
              Nothing -> return True

checkWaitToStart :: StateT UrlState IO ()
checkWaitToStart = do
  st <- get
  let l = pipeLength st
  mpl <- liftIO $ readIORef maxPipeLength
  when (l < mpl) $ do
    let w = waitToStart st
    case readQ w of
      Just (u,rest) -> do
        case Map.lookup u (inProgress st) of
          Just (f, _, c, _) -> do
            put $ st { waitToStart = rest
                     , pipeLength = l + 1 }
            dbg ("URL.request_url ("++u++"\n"++
                 "              -> "++f++")")
            let f_new = f++"-new_"++randomJunk st
            liftIO $ do err <- request_url u f_new c
                        if null err
                           then do atexit $ removeFileMayNotExist f_new
                                   debugMessage "URL.request_url succeeded"
                           else do removeFileMayNotExist f_new
                                   debugMessage $ "Failed to start download URL "++u++": "++err
          _              -> bug $ "Possible bug in URL.checkWaitToStart "++u
      _ -> return ()

copyUrlFirst :: String -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO ()
copyUrlFirst = copyUrlWithPriority High

copyUrl :: String -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO ()
copyUrl = copyUrlWithPriority Low

copyUrlWithPriority :: Priority -> String -> String -> Cachable -> IO ()
copyUrlWithPriority p u f c = do
  debugMessage ("URL.copyUrlWithPriority ("++u++"\n"++
                "                      -> "++f++")")
  v <- newEmptyMVar
  let fn _ old_val = old_val
  modifyMVar_ urlNotifications (return . (Map.insertWith fn u v))
  let r = UrlRequest u f c p v
  writeChan urlChan r

waitNextUrl :: StateT UrlState IO ()
waitNextUrl = do
  st <- get
  let l = pipeLength st
  when (l > 0) $ do
                dbg "URL.waitNextUrl start"
                (u, e) <- liftIO $ wait_next_url
                let p = inProgress st
                    new_st = st { inProgress = Map.delete u p
                                , pipeLength = l - 1 }
                liftIO $ if null e
                         then case Map.lookup u p of
                                Just (f, fs, _, v) -> do
                                  renameFile (f++"-new_"++randomJunk st) f
                                  mapM_ (safeCopyFile st f) fs
                                  putMVar v e
                                  debugMessage $ "URL.waitNextUrl succeeded: "++u++" "++f
                                Nothing -> bug $ "Possible bug in URL.waitNextUrl: "++u
                         else case Map.lookup u p of
                                Just (f, _, _, v) -> do
                                  removeFileMayNotExist (f++"-new_"++randomJunk st)
                                  putMVar v e
                                  debugMessage $ "URL.waitNextUrl failed: "++
                                               u++" "++f++" "++e
                                Nothing -> bug $ "Another possible bug in URL.waitNextUrl: "++u++" "++e
                unless (null u) $ put new_st
    where safeCopyFile st f t = let new_t = t++"-new_"++randomJunk st
                                in do copyFile f new_t
                                      renameFile new_t t

waitUrl :: String -> IO ()
waitUrl u = do debugMessage $ "URL.waitUrl "++u
               r <- withMVar urlNotifications (return . (Map.lookup u))
               case r of
                 Just var -> do
                        e <- readMVar var
                        modifyMVar_ urlNotifications (return . (Map.delete u))
                        unless (null e) (debugFail $ "Failed to download URL "++u++": "++e)
                 Nothing  -> return () -- file was already downloaded

dbg :: String -> StateT a IO ()
dbg = liftIO . debugMessage

minCachable :: Cachable -> Cachable -> Cachable
minCachable Uncachable _          = Uncachable
minCachable _          Uncachable = Uncachable
minCachable (MaxAge a) (MaxAge b) = MaxAge $ min a b
minCachable (MaxAge a) _          = MaxAge a
minCachable _          (MaxAge b) = MaxAge b
minCachable _          _          = Cachable

#if defined(HAVE_CURL) || defined(HAVE_LIBWWW)
cachableToInt :: Cachable -> CInt
cachableToInt Cachable = -1
cachableToInt Uncachable = 0
cachableToInt (MaxAge n) = n

setHTTPPipelining :: Bool -> IO ()
setHTTPPipelining False = writeIORef maxPipeLength 1
setHTTPPipelining True = writeIORef maxPipeLength
#if defined(HAVE_LIBWWW) || defined(CURL_PIPELINING)
    1 >> (putStrLn $ "Warning: darcs is compiled without HTTP pipelining "++
                     "support, '--http-pipelining' argument is ignored.")

setDebugHTTP :: IO ()
request_url :: String -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO String
wait_next_url :: IO (String, String)

#if defined(HAVE_LIBWWW)

setDebugHTTP = libwww_enable_debug

request_url u f cache =
    withCString u $ \ustr ->
    withCString f $ \fstr -> do
      err <- libwww_request_url ustr fstr (cachableToInt cache) >>= peekCString
      return err

wait_next_url = do
  e <- libwww_wait_next_url >>= peekCString
  u <- libwww_last_url >>= peekCString
  return (u, e)

foreign import ccall "hslibwww.h libwww_request_url"
  libwww_request_url :: CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "hslibwww.h libwww_wait_next_url"
  libwww_wait_next_url :: IO CString

foreign import ccall "hslibwww.h libwww_last_url"
  libwww_last_url :: IO CString

foreign import ccall "hslibwww.h libwww_enable_debug"
  libwww_enable_debug :: IO ()

#elif defined(HAVE_CURL)

setDebugHTTP = curl_enable_debug

request_url u f cache =
    withCString u $ \ustr ->
    withCString f $ \fstr -> do
      err <- curl_request_url ustr fstr (cachableToInt cache) >>= peekCString
      return err

wait_next_url = do
  e <- curl_wait_next_url >>= peekCString
  u <- curl_last_url >>= peekCString
  return (u, e)

foreign import ccall "hscurl.h curl_request_url"
  curl_request_url :: CString -> CString -> CInt -> IO CString

foreign import ccall "hscurl.h curl_wait_next_url"
  curl_wait_next_url :: IO CString

foreign import ccall "hscurl.h curl_last_url"
  curl_last_url :: IO CString

foreign import ccall "hscurl.h curl_enable_debug"
  curl_enable_debug :: IO ()

#elif defined(HAVE_HTTP)

setDebugHTTP = return ()
request_url = HTTP.request_url
wait_next_url = HTTP.wait_next_url


setDebugHTTP = debugMessage "URL.setDebugHttp works only with curl and libwww"
request_url _ _ _ = debugFail "URL.request_url: there is no curl or libwww!"
wait_next_url = debugFail "URL.wait_next_url: there is no curl or libwww!"
