-- Copyright (C) 2002-2004 David Roundy
-- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
-- any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-- the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
-- Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}

module Darcs.Patch.Viewing
    ( showContextHunk
    , showContextSeries
    ) where

import Control.Applicative( (<$>) )
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS ( null )
import Prelude hiding ( pi, readFile )
import Storage.Hashed.Monad ( virtualTreeMonad )
import Storage.Hashed.Tree ( Tree )

import Darcs.Patch.Apply ( Apply(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.ApplyMonad ( ApplyMonadTrans, getApplyState,
                                ApplyMonad(..), toTree )
import Darcs.Patch.FileHunk ( IsHunk(..), FileHunk(..), showFileHunk )
import Darcs.Patch.Format ( PatchListFormat(..), ListFormat(..),
                            FileNameFormat(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Show ( ShowPatchBasic(..), ShowPatch(..), formatFileName )
import Darcs.Patch.Witnesses.Ordered ( RL(..), FL(..), mapFL, mapFL_FL,
                                       reverseRL, concatFL )
import Darcs.Util.ByteString ( linesPS )
import Darcs.Util.Printer ( Doc, empty, vcat, text, blueText, Color(Cyan, Magenta),
                 lineColor, ($$), (<+>), prefix, userchunkPS )

showContextSeries :: forall p m wX wY . (Apply p, ShowPatch p, IsHunk p,
                                         ApplyMonadTrans m (ApplyState p),
                                         ApplyMonad m (ApplyState p))
                  => FL p wX wY -> m Doc
showContextSeries = scs Nothing
    scs :: forall m' wWw wXx wYy . (ApplyMonadTrans m' (ApplyState p),
                                    ApplyMonad m' (ApplyState p),
                                    ApplyMonadBase m ~ ApplyMonadBase m')
        => Maybe (FileHunk wWw wXx) -> FL p wXx wYy -> m' Doc
    scs pold (p :>: ps) = do
        (_, s') <- nestedApply (apply p) =<< getApplyState
        case isHunk p of
            Nothing -> do
                a <- showContextPatch p
                b <- nestedApply (scs Nothing ps) s'
                return $ a $$ fst b
            Just fh -> case ps of
                NilFL -> fst <$> liftApply (cool pold fh Nothing) s'
                (p2 :>: _) -> do
                    a <- fst <$> liftApply (cool pold fh (isHunk p2)) s'
                    b <- nestedApply (scs (Just fh) ps) s'
                    return $ a $$ fst b
    scs _ NilFL = return empty

    cool :: Maybe (FileHunk wA wB) -> FileHunk wB wC -> Maybe (FileHunk wC wD)
         -> (ApplyState p) (ApplyMonadBase m) -> (ApplyMonadBase m) Doc
    cool pold fh ps s =
        fst <$> virtualTreeMonad (coolContextHunk pold fh ps) (toTree s)

showContextHunk :: (ApplyMonad m Tree) => FileHunk wX wY -> m Doc
showContextHunk h = coolContextHunk Nothing h Nothing

coolContextHunk :: (ApplyMonad m Tree, ApplyMonadTrans m Tree)
                => Maybe (FileHunk wA wB) -> FileHunk wB wC
                -> Maybe (FileHunk wC wD) -> m Doc
coolContextHunk prev fh@(FileHunk f l o n) next = do
    have <- mDoesFileExist f
    content <- if have then Just `fmap` mReadFilePS f else return Nothing
    case linesPS `fmap` content of
        -- This is a weird error...
        Nothing -> return $ showFileHunk OldFormat fh
        Just ls ->
            let pre = take numpre $ drop (l - numpre - 1) ls
                cleanedls = case reverse ls of
                    (x : xs)
                        | BS.null x -> reverse xs
                    _ -> ls
                post = take numpost $ drop (max 0 $ l+length o-1) cleanedls in
            return $
                blueText "hunk" <+> formatFileName OldFormat f
                    <+> text (show l)
                $$ prefix " " (vcat $ map userchunkPS pre)
                $$ lineColor Magenta (prefix "-" (vcat $ map userchunkPS o))
                $$ lineColor Cyan    (prefix "+" (vcat $ map userchunkPS n))
                $$ prefix " " (vcat $ map userchunkPS post)
    numpre = case prev of
        Just (FileHunk f' lprev _ nprev)
            | f' == f && l - (lprev + length nprev + 3) < 3 && lprev < l
            -> max 0 $ l - (lprev + length nprev + 3)
        _ -> if l >= 4 then 3 else l - 1

    numpost = case next of
        Just (FileHunk f' lnext _ _)
            | f' == f && lnext < l + length n + 4 && lnext > l
            -> lnext - (l + length n)
        _ -> 3

instance (PatchListFormat p, ShowPatchBasic p) => ShowPatchBasic (FL p) where
    showPatch = showPatchInternal patchListFormat
        showPatchInternal :: ListFormat p -> FL p wX wY -> Doc
        showPatchInternal ListFormatV1 (p :>: NilFL) = showPatch p
        showPatchInternal ListFormatV1 NilFL = blueText "{" $$ blueText "}"
        showPatchInternal ListFormatV1 ps = blueText "{"
                                            $$ vcat (mapFL showPatch ps)
                                            $$ blueText "}"
        showPatchInternal ListFormatV2 ps = vcat (mapFL showPatch ps)
        showPatchInternal ListFormatDefault ps = vcat (mapFL showPatch ps)

instance (Apply p, IsHunk p, PatchListFormat p, ShowPatch p)
        => ShowPatch (FL p) where
    showContextPatch = showContextPatchInternal patchListFormat
        showContextPatchInternal :: (ApplyMonadTrans m (ApplyState p),
                                     ApplyMonad m (ApplyState (FL p)))
                                 => ListFormat p -> FL p wX wY -> m Doc
        showContextPatchInternal ListFormatV1 (p :>: NilFL) =
            showContextPatch p
        showContextPatchInternal ListFormatV1 NilFL =
            return $ blueText "{" $$ blueText "}"
        showContextPatchInternal ListFormatV1 ps = do
            x <- showContextSeries ps
            return $ blueText "{" $$ x $$ blueText "}"
        showContextPatchInternal ListFormatV2 ps = showContextSeries ps
        showContextPatchInternal ListFormatDefault ps = showContextSeries ps

    description = vcat . mapFL description

    summary = summaryFL

    summaryFL = summaryFL . concatFL

    thing x = thing (helperx x) ++ "s"
        helperx :: FL a wX wY -> a wX wY
        helperx _ = undefined

    things = thing

instance (PatchListFormat p, ShowPatchBasic p) => ShowPatchBasic (RL p) where
    showPatch = showPatch . reverseRL

instance (Apply p, IsHunk p, PatchListFormat p, ShowPatch p)
        => ShowPatch (RL p) where
    showContextPatch = showContextPatch . reverseRL

    description = description . reverseRL

    summary = summary . reverseRL

    summaryFL = summaryFL . mapFL_FL reverseRL

    thing = thing . reverseRL

    things = things . reverseRL