module Darcs.Util.HTTP ( copyRemote, copyRemoteLazy, speculateRemote, postUrl ) where import Control.Concurrent.Async ( async, cancel, poll ) import Control.Exception ( catch ) import Control.Monad ( void , (>=>) ) import Crypto.Random ( seedNew, seedToInteger ) import qualified Data.ByteString as B import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BL import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC import Data.Conduit.Combinators ( sinkLazy ) import Network.HTTP.Simple ( HttpException(..) , Request , httpBS , httpSink , httpNoBody , getResponseBody , setRequestHeaders , setRequestMethod ) import Network.HTTP.Conduit ( parseUrlThrow ) import Network.HTTP.Types.Header ( hCacheControl , hPragma , hContentType , hAccept , hContentLength ) import Numeric ( showHex ) import System.Directory ( renameFile ) import Darcs.Prelude import Darcs.Util.AtExit ( atexit ) import Darcs.Util.Download.Request ( Cachable(..) ) import Darcs.Util.Global ( debugMessage ) copyRemote :: String -> FilePath -> Cachable -> IO () copyRemote url path cachable = do junk <- flip showHex "" <$> seedToInteger <$> seedNew let tmppath = path ++ ".new_" ++ junk handleHttpAndUrlExn url (httpBS . addCacheControl cachable >=> B.writeFile tmppath . getResponseBody) renameFile tmppath path -- TODO instead of producing a lazy ByteString we should re-write the -- consumer (Darcs.Repository.Packs) to use proper streaming (e.g. conduit) copyRemoteLazy :: String -> Cachable -> IO (BL.ByteString) copyRemoteLazy url cachable = handleHttpAndUrlExn url (flip httpSink (const sinkLazy) . addCacheControl cachable) speculateRemote :: String -> FilePath -> IO () speculateRemote url path = do r <- async $ do debugMessage $ "Start speculating on " ++ url -- speculations are always Cachable copyRemote url path Cachable debugMessage $ "Completed speculating on " ++ url atexit $ do result <- poll r case result of Just (Right ()) -> debugMessage $ "Already completed speculating on " ++ url Just (Left e) -> debugMessage $ "Speculating on " ++ url ++ " failed: " ++ show e Nothing -> do debugMessage $ "Abort speculating on " ++ url cancel r postUrl :: String -- ^ url -> BC.ByteString -- ^ body -> String -- ^ mime type -> IO () -- ^ result postUrl url body mime = handleHttpAndUrlExn url (void . httpNoBody . setMethodAndHeaders) where setMethodAndHeaders = setRequestMethod (BC.pack "POST") . setRequestHeaders [ (hContentType, BC.pack mime) , (hAccept, BC.pack "text/plain") , (hContentLength, BC.pack $ show $ B.length body) ] addCacheControl :: Cachable -> Request -> Request addCacheControl Uncachable = setRequestHeaders [(hCacheControl, noCache), (hPragma, noCache)] addCacheControl (MaxAge seconds) | seconds > 0 = setRequestHeaders [(hCacheControl, BC.pack $ "max-age=" ++ show seconds)] addCacheControl _ = id noCache :: BC.ByteString noCache = BC.pack "no-cache" handleHttpAndUrlExn :: String -> (Request -> IO a) -> IO a handleHttpAndUrlExn url action = catch (parseUrlThrow url >>= action) (\case InvalidUrlException _ reason -> fail $ "Invalid URI: " ++ url ++ ", reason: " ++ reason HttpExceptionRequest _ hec {- :: HttpExceptionContent -} -> fail $ "Error getting " ++ show url ++ ": " ++ show hec)