#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; # A script to update the status of an issue in a Roundup bug tracker # based on the format of a darcs patch name. # It is intended to be run from a darcs posthook. # The format we look for is: # resolved issue123 # in the first line of the patch. use Getopt::Long; use MIME::Lite; use XML::Simple; my $UPDATE_STRING="status=resolved"; if (scalar(@ARGV) == 1) { $UPDATE_STRING=$ARGV[0]; } unless ($ENV{DARCS_PATCHES_XML}) { die "DARCS_PATCHES_XML was expected to be set in the environment, but was not found. Are you running this from a Darcs 2.0 or newer posthook?" } my $xml = eval { XMLin($ENV{DARCS_PATCHES_XML}, forcearray=>['patch']); }; die "hmmm.. we couldn't parse your XML. The error was: $@" if $@; # $xml structure returned looks like this: # 'patch' => { # 'resolved issue123: adding t.t' => { # 'hash' => '20080215033723-20bb4-54f935f89817985a3e98f3de8e8ac9dad5e8e0e5.gz', # 'inverted' => 'False', # 'date' => '20080215033723', # 'author' => 'Mark Stosberg ', # 'local_date' => 'Thu Feb 14 22:37:23 EST 2008' # }, # 'some other patch' => { ... }, for my $patch_name (keys %{ $xml->{patch} }) { my $issue_re = qr/resolved? \s+ (issue ?\d+)/msxi; next unless ($patch_name =~ $issue_re); my $issue = $1; my $patch = $xml->{patch}{$patch_name}; # Using the Command Line would be a simpler alternative. # my $out = `roundup-admin -i /var/lib/roundup/trackers/darcs set $issue status=resolved`; # warn "unexpected output: $out" if $out; my $author = $patch->{author}; # If the Author name contains an @ sign, we take it to be an e-mail address. # Otherwise, we default to darcs-devel as the sender. my $email = ($author =~ m/\@/) ? $author : 'darcs-devel@darcs.net'; my $comment = $patch->{comment}; $comment =~ s/^Ignore-this:.*\n?//m; $comment =~ s/^/ /mg; my $patch_name_minus_status = $patch_name; $patch_name_minus_status =~ s/$issue_re(:?\s?)//; # Each patch can potentially update the status of a different issue, so # generates a different e-mail my $msg = MIME::Lite->new( From => 'noreply@darcs.net', To =>'bugs@lists.osuosl.org', #To =>'mark@stosberg.com', Subject =>"[$issue] [$UPDATE_STRING]", Type =>'text/plain', Data => qq!The following patch sent by $email updated issue $issue with $UPDATE_STRING Hash: $patch->{hash} Author: $patch->{author} * $patch_name $comment ! ); $msg->send; # An alternative to actually sending, for debugging. # use File::Slurp; # write_file("msg-$patch->{hash}.out",$msg->as_string); }