% Copyright (C) 2004 David Roundy % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) % any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \begin{code} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} #include "gadts.h" module Darcs.Patch.Match ( PatchMatch, Matcher, MatchFun, patch_match, match_pattern, apply_matcher, make_matcher, parseMatch, match_parser, helpOnMatchers, ) where import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr import Text.Regex ( mkRegex, matchRegex ) import Data.Maybe ( isJust ) import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO ) import Darcs.Hopefully ( PatchInfoAnd, hopefully, info ) import Darcs.Patch ( Patch, Patchy, list_touched_files, patchcontents ) import Darcs.Patch.Info ( just_name, just_author, make_filename, pi_date ) import Darcs.Sealed ( Sealed2(..), seal2 ) import DateMatcher ( parseDateMatcher ) import Darcs.Patch.MatchData ( PatchMatch(..), patch_match ) -- | A type for predicates over patches which do not care about -- contexts type MatchFun p = Sealed2 (PatchInfoAnd p) -> Bool -- | A @Matcher@ is made of a 'MatchFun' which we will use to match -- patches and a @String@ representing it. data Matcher p = MATCH String (MatchFun p) instance Show (Matcher p) where show (MATCH s _) = '"':s ++ "\"" make_matcher :: String -> (Sealed2 (PatchInfoAnd p) -> Bool) -> Matcher p make_matcher s m = MATCH s m -- | @apply_matcher@ applies a matcher to a patch. apply_matcher :: Matcher p -> PatchInfoAnd p C(x y) -> Bool apply_matcher (MATCH _ m) = m . seal2 parseMatch :: Patchy p => PatchMatch -> Either String (MatchFun p) parseMatch (PatternMatch s) = case parse match_parser "match" s of Left err -> Left $ "Invalid -"++"-match pattern '"++s++ "'.\n"++ unlines (map (" "++) $ lines $ show err) -- indent Right m -> Right m match_pattern :: Patchy p => PatchMatch -> Matcher p match_pattern p@(PatternMatch s) = case parseMatch p of Left err -> error err Right m -> make_matcher s m trivial :: Patchy p => MatchFun p trivial = const True \end{code} \paragraph{Match} Currently \verb!--match! accepts six primitive match types, although there are plans to expand it to match more patterns. Also, note that the syntax is still preliminary and subject to change. The first match type accepts a literal string which is checked against the patch name. The syntax is \begin{verbatim} darcs annotate --summary --match 'exact foo+bar' \end{verbatim} This is useful for situations where a patch name contains characters that could be considered special for regular expressions. In this and the other match types, the argument must be enclosed in double quotes if it contains spaces. You can escape a quote in the argument with a backslash; backslash escapes itself, but it is treated literally if followed by a character other than a double quote or backslash, so it is typically not necessary to escape a backslash. No such escaping is necessary unless the argument is enclosed in double quotes. The second match type accepts a regular expression which is checked against the patch name. The syntax is \begin{verbatim} darcs annotate --summary --match 'name foo' \end{verbatim} Note that to match regexp metacharacters, such as \verb|(|, literally, they must be escaped with backslash along with any embedded double quotes. To match a literal backslash it must be written quadrupled in general, but often it need not be escaped, since backslash is only special in regexps when followed by a metacharacter. In the following example pairs, the first literal is matched by the second sequence in the match name: ``\verb|"|'':``\verb|\"|'', ``\verb|\|'':``\verb|\\\\|'', ``\verb|\x|'':``\verb|\x|'', ``\verb|(|'':``\verb|\(|''. The third match type matches the darcs hash for each patch: \begin{verbatim} darcs annotate --summary --match \ 'hash 20040403105958-53a90-c719567e92c3b0ab9eddd5290b705712b8b918ef' \end{verbatim} Note you need to provide the full hash string as above. This is intended to be used, for example, by programs allowing you to view darcs repositories (e.g.\ CGI scripts like viewCVS). The fourth match type accepts a regular expression which is checked against the patch author. The syntax is \begin{verbatim} darcs annotate --summary --match 'author foo' \end{verbatim} There is also support for matching by date. This is done using commands such as \begin{verbatim} darcs annotate --summary --match 'date "last week"' darcs annotate --summary --match 'date yesterday' darcs annotate --summary --match 'date "today 14:00"' darcs annotate --summary --match 'date "tea time yesterday"' darcs annotate --summary --match 'date "3 days before last year at 17:00"' darcs changes --from-match 'date "Sat Jun 30 11:31:30 EDT 2004"' \end{verbatim} Notes: when matching on the ISO format, a partial date is treated as a range. English dates can either refer to a specific day (``6 months ago',``day before yesterday''), or to an interval from some past date (``last month'') to the present. Putting this all together, if today is ``2004-07-24'' then the following matches should work: \begin{tabular}{|ll|} \hline \textbf{date} & \textbf{patches selected} \\ \hline 2004 & from 2004-01-01 up to and including 2004-12-31 \\ 2004-01 & from 2004-01-01 up to and including 2004-01-31 \\ 2004-01-01 & during 2004-01-01 \\ \hline today & during 2004-07-24 (starting midnight in your timezone) \\ yesterday & during 2004-07-23 \\ 6 months ago & during 2004-01-23 \\ \hline last 6 months & since 2004-01-23 \\ last month & since 2004-06-23 (not 2004-06-01!) \\ last week & since 2004-07-16 \\ \hline \end{tabular} For more precise control, you may specify an interval, either in a small subset of English or of \htmladdnormallinkfoot{the ISO 8601 format}{http://www.w3.org/TR/NOTE-datetime}. If you use the ISO format, note that durations, when specified alone, are interpreted as being relative to the current date and time. \begin{verbatim} darcs annotate --summary --match 'date "between 2004-03-12 and last week"' darcs annotate --summary --match 'date "after 2005"' darcs annotate --summary --match 'date "in the last 3 weeks"' darcs annotate --summary --match 'date "P3M/2006-03-17"' darcs annotate --summary --match 'date "2004-01-02/2006-03-17"' darcs annotate --summary --match 'date "P2M6D"' \end{verbatim} You may also prefer to combine date matching with a more specific pattern. \begin{verbatim} darcs annotate --summary --match 'date "last week" && name foo' \end{verbatim} The sixth match type accepts a regular expression which is checked against file paths that the patch touches. The syntax is \begin{verbatim} darcs annotate --summary --match 'touch foo/bar.c' \end{verbatim} The \verb!--match! pattern can include the logical operators \verb!&&!, \verb!||! and \verb!not!, as well as grouping of patterns with parentheses. For example \begin{verbatim} darcs annotate --summary --match 'name record && not name overrode' \end{verbatim} \begin{code} match_parser :: Patchy p => CharParser st (MatchFun p) match_parser = do m <- option trivial submatch eof return m submatch :: Patchy p => CharParser st (MatchFun p) submatch = buildExpressionParser table match "match rule" table :: OperatorTable Char st (MatchFun p) table = [ [prefix "not" negate_match, prefix "!" negate_match ] , [binary "||" or_match, binary "or" or_match, binary "&&" and_match, binary "and" and_match ] ] where binary name fun = Infix (do trystring name spaces return fun) AssocLeft prefix name fun = Prefix $ do trystring name spaces return fun negate_match a p = not (a p) or_match m1 m2 p = (m1 p) || (m2 p) and_match m1 m2 p = (m1 p) && (m2 p) trystring :: String -> CharParser st String trystring s = try $ string s match :: Patchy p => CharParser st (MatchFun p) match = between spaces spaces (parens submatch <|> choice matchers_ "simple match") where matchers_ = map createMatchHelper primitiveMatchers createMatchHelper :: (String, String, [String], String -> MatchFun p) -> CharParser st (MatchFun p) createMatchHelper (key,_,_,matcher) = do trystring key spaces q <- quoted return $ matcher q helpOnMatchers :: String helpOnMatchers = let blurb :: (String, String, [String], String -> MatchFun Patch) -> String blurb (key, help, examples, _) = "'" ++ key ++ "' " ++ help ++ ", e.g.:\n" ++ (unlines $ map (mkExample key) examples) mkExample key x = " darcs annotate --summary --match '" ++ key ++ " " ++ x ++ "'" in "Matching patches:\n" ++ (unlines $ map blurb primitiveMatchers) ++ "\n" ++ "You can also use logical operators 'and', '&&', 'or', '||', 'not', '!'" ++ " to combine match expressions, as well as parentheses for grouping. " ++ " For more details on matching, see the manual." primitiveMatchers :: Patchy p => [(String, String, [String], String -> MatchFun p)] primitiveMatchers = [ ("exact", "checks a literal string against the patch name" , ["\"my most excellent patch\""] , exactmatch ) , ("name", "checks a regular expression against the patch name" , ["[eE]xcellent"] , mymatch ) , ("author", "checks a regular expression against the author name" , ["foo@bar"] , authormatch ) , ("hash", "matches the darcs hash for a patch" , ["20040403105958-53a90-c719567e92c3b0ab9eddd5290b705712b8b918ef"] , hashmatch ) , ("date", "matches the patch date" , ["\"tea time yesterday\"", "\"2006-04-02 22:41\""] , datematch ) , ("touch", "matches file paths for a patch" , ["\"foo|bar|splotz.*(c|h)\"", "\"some/thing/\""] , touchmatch ) ] parens :: CharParser st (MatchFun p) -> CharParser st (MatchFun p) parens p = between (string "(") (string ")") p quoted :: CharParser st String quoted = between (char '"') (char '"') (many $ do { char '\\' -- allow escapes ; try (oneOf ['\\', '"']) <|> return '\\' } <|> noneOf ['"']) <|> between spaces spaces (many $ noneOf " ()") "string" mymatch, exactmatch, authormatch, hashmatch, datematch, touchmatch :: Patchy p => String -> MatchFun p mymatch r (Sealed2 hp) = isJust $ matchRegex (mkRegex r) $ just_name (info hp) exactmatch r (Sealed2 hp) = r == (just_name (info hp)) authormatch a (Sealed2 hp) = isJust $ matchRegex (mkRegex a) $ just_author (info hp) hashmatch h (Sealed2 hp) = let rh = make_filename (info hp) in (rh == h) || (rh == h++".gz") datematch d (Sealed2 hp) = let dm = unsafePerformIO $ parseDateMatcher d in dm $ pi_date (info hp) touchmatch r (Sealed2 hp) = let files = list_touched_files $ patchcontents $ hopefully hp in or $ map (isJust . matchRegex (mkRegex r)) files \end{code}