{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-} module Ssh ( grabSSH, runSSH, getSSH, copySSH, copySSHs, SSHCmd(..) ) where import Prelude hiding ( lookup, catch ) import System.Exit ( ExitCode(..) ) import System.Environment ( getEnv ) #ifndef WIN32 import System.Posix.Process ( getProcessID ) #else import Darcs.Utils ( showHexLen ) import Data.Bits ( (.&.) ) import System.Random ( randomIO ) #endif import System.IO ( Handle, hPutStr, hPutStrLn, hGetLine, hGetContents, hClose, hFlush ) import System.IO.Unsafe ( unsafePerformIO ) import System.Directory ( doesFileExist, createDirectoryIfMissing ) import Control.Monad ( when ) import System.Process ( runInteractiveProcess ) import Data.Map ( Map, empty, insert, lookup ) import Data.IORef ( IORef, newIORef, readIORef, modifyIORef ) import Darcs.SignalHandler ( catchNonSignal ) import Darcs.Utils ( withCurrentDirectory, breakCommand, prettyException, catchall ) import Darcs.Global ( atexit, sshControlMasterDisabled, darcsdir, withDebugMode ) import Darcs.Lock ( withTemp, withOpenTemp, tempdir_loc, removeFileMayNotExist ) import Exec ( exec, Redirects, Redirect(..), ) import Progress ( withoutProgress, debugMessage, debugFail, progressList ) import qualified Data.ByteString as B (ByteString, hGet, writeFile, readFile) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BC (unpack) #include "impossible.h" {-# NOINLINE sshConnections #-} sshConnections :: IORef (Map String (Maybe Connection)) sshConnections = unsafePerformIO $ newIORef empty data Connection = C { inp :: !Handle, out :: !Handle, err :: !Handle, deb :: String -> IO () } withSSHConnection :: String -> (Connection -> IO a) -> IO a -> IO a withSSHConnection x withconnection withoutconnection = withoutProgress $ do cs <- readIORef sshConnections let uhost = takeWhile (/= ':') x url = cleanrepourl x case lookup url (cs :: Map String (Maybe Connection)) of Just Nothing -> withoutconnection Just (Just c) -> withconnection c Nothing -> do mc <- do (ssh,sshargs_) <- getSSHOnly SSH let sshargs = sshargs_ ++ [uhost,"darcs","transfer-mode","--repodir",cleanrepodir x] debugMessage $ "ssh "++unwords sshargs (i,o,e,_) <- runInteractiveProcess ssh sshargs Nothing Nothing l <- hGetLine o if l == "Hello user, I am darcs transfer mode" then return () else debugFail "Couldn't start darcs transfer-mode on server" let c = C { inp = i, out = o, err = e, deb = \s -> debugMessage ("with ssh (transfer-mode) "++uhost++": "++s) } modifyIORef sshConnections (insert url (Just c)) return $ Just c `catchNonSignal` \e -> do debugMessage $ "Failed to start ssh connection:\n "++ prettyException e severSSHConnection x debugMessage $ unlines $ [ "NOTE: the server may be running a version of darcs prior to 2.0.0." , "" , "Installing darcs 2 on the server will speed up ssh-based commands." ] return Nothing maybe withoutconnection withconnection mc severSSHConnection :: String -> IO () severSSHConnection x = do debugMessage $ "Severing ssh failed connection to "++x modifyIORef sshConnections (insert (cleanrepourl x) Nothing) cleanrepourl :: String -> String cleanrepourl zzz | take (length dd) zzz == dd = "" where dd = darcsdir++"/" cleanrepourl (z:zs) = z : cleanrepourl zs cleanrepourl "" = "" cleanrepodir :: String -> String cleanrepodir = cleanrepourl . drop 1 . dropWhile (/= ':') grabSSH :: String -> Connection -> IO B.ByteString grabSSH x c = do let dir = drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= ':') x dd = darcsdir++"/" clean zzz | take (length dd) zzz == dd = drop (length dd) zzz clean (_:zs) = clean zs clean "" = bug $ "Buggy path in grabSSH: "++x file = clean dir failwith e = do severSSHConnection x eee <- hGetContents (err c) -- ratify hGetContents: it's okay -- here because we're only grabbing -- stderr, and we're also about to -- throw the contents. debugFail $ e ++ " grabbing ssh file "++x++"\n"++eee deb c $ "get "++file hPutStrLn (inp c) $ "get " ++ file hFlush (inp c) l2 <- hGetLine (out c) if l2 == "got "++file then do showlen <- hGetLine (out c) case reads showlen of [(len,"")] -> B.hGet (out c) len _ -> failwith "Couldn't get length" else if l2 == "error "++file then do e <- hGetLine (out c) case reads e of (msg,_):_ -> debugFail $ "Error reading file remotely:\n"++msg [] -> failwith "An error occurred" else failwith "Error" sshStdErrMode :: IO Redirect sshStdErrMode = withDebugMode $ \amdebugging -> return $ if amdebugging then AsIs else Null copySSH :: String -> FilePath -> IO () copySSH uRaw f = withSSHConnection uRaw (\c -> grabSSH uRaw c >>= B.writeFile f) $ do let u = escape_dollar uRaw stderr_behavior <- sshStdErrMode r <- runSSH SCP u [] [u,f] (AsIs,AsIs,stderr_behavior) when (r /= ExitSuccess) $ debugFail $ "(scp) failed to fetch: " ++ u where {- '$' in filenames is troublesome for scp, for some reason.. -} escape_dollar :: String -> String escape_dollar = concatMap tr where tr '$' = "\\$" tr c = [c] copySSHs :: String -> [String] -> FilePath -> IO () copySSHs u ns d = withSSHConnection u (\c -> withCurrentDirectory d $ mapM_ (\n -> grabSSH (u++"/"++n) c >>= B.writeFile n) $ progressList "Copying via ssh" ns) $ do let path = drop 1 $ dropWhile (/= ':') u host = takeWhile (/= ':') u cd = "cd "++path++"\n" input = cd++(unlines $ map ("get "++) ns) withCurrentDirectory d $ withOpenTemp $ \(th,tn) -> withTemp $ \sftpoutput -> do hPutStr th input hClose th stderr_behavior <- sshStdErrMode r <- runSSH SFTP u [] [host] (File tn, File sftpoutput, stderr_behavior) let files = if length ns > 5 then (take 5 ns) ++ ["and " ++ (show (length ns - 5)) ++ " more"] else ns hint = if take 1 path == "~" then ["sftp doesn't expand ~, use path/ instead of ~/path/"] else [] when (r /= ExitSuccess) $ do outputPS <- B.readFile sftpoutput debugFail $ unlines $ ["(sftp) failed to fetch files.", "source directory: " ++ path, "source files:"] ++ files ++ ["sftp output:",BC.unpack outputPS] ++ hint -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- -- older ssh helper functions -- --------------------------------------------------------------------- data SSHCmd = SSH | SCP | SFTP instance Show SSHCmd where show SSH = "ssh" show SCP = "scp" show SFTP = "sftp" runSSH :: SSHCmd -> String -> [String] -> [String] -> Redirects -> IO ExitCode runSSH cmd remoteAddr preArgs postArgs redirs = do (ssh, args) <- getSSH cmd remoteAddr exec ssh (preArgs ++ args ++ postArgs) redirs -- | Return the command and arguments needed to run an ssh command -- along with any extra features like use of the control master. -- See 'getSSHOnly' getSSH :: SSHCmd -> String -- ^ remote path -> IO (String, [String]) getSSH cmd remoteAddr = do (ssh, ssh_args) <- getSSHOnly cmd cm_args <- if sshControlMasterDisabled then return [] else do -- control master cmPath <- controlMasterPath remoteAddr hasLaunchedCm <- doesFileExist cmPath when (not hasLaunchedCm) $ launchSSHControlMaster remoteAddr hasCmFeature <- doesFileExist cmPath return $ if hasCmFeature then [ "-o ControlPath=" ++ cmPath ] else [] let verbosity = case cmd of SCP -> ["-q"] -- (p)scp is the only one that recognises -q -- sftp and (p)sftp do not, and plink neither _ -> [] -- return (ssh, verbosity ++ ssh_args ++ cm_args) -- | Return the command and arguments needed to run an ssh command. -- First try the appropriate darcs environment variable and SSH_PORT -- defaulting to "ssh" and no specified port. getSSHOnly :: SSHCmd -> IO (String, [String]) getSSHOnly cmd = do ssh_command <- getEnv (evar cmd) `catchall` return (show cmd) -- port port <- (portFlag cmd `fmap` getEnv "SSH_PORT") `catchall` return [] let (ssh, ssh_args) = breakCommand ssh_command -- return (ssh, ssh_args ++ port) where evar SSH = "DARCS_SSH" evar SCP = "DARCS_SCP" evar SFTP = "DARCS_SFTP" portFlag SSH x = ["-p", x] portFlag SCP x = ["-P", x] portFlag SFTP x = ["-oPort="++x] -- | Return True if this version of ssh has a ControlMaster feature -- The ControlMaster functionality allows for ssh multiplexing hasSSHControlMaster :: Bool hasSSHControlMaster = unsafePerformIO hasSSHControlMasterIO -- Because of the unsafePerformIO above, this can be called at any -- point. It cannot rely on any state, not even the current directory. hasSSHControlMasterIO :: IO Bool hasSSHControlMasterIO = do (ssh, _) <- getSSHOnly SSH -- If ssh has the ControlMaster feature, it will recognise the -- the -O flag, but exit with status 255 because of the nonsense -- command. If it does not have the feature, it will simply dump -- a help message on the screen and exit with 1. sx <- exec ssh ["-O", "an_invalid_command"] (Null,Null,Null) case sx of ExitFailure 255 -> return True _ -> return False -- | Launch an SSH control master in the background, if available. -- We don't have to wait for it or anything. -- Note also that this will cleanup after itself when darcs exits launchSSHControlMaster :: String -> IO () launchSSHControlMaster rawAddr = when hasSSHControlMaster $ do let addr = takeWhile (/= ':') rawAddr (ssh, ssh_args) <- getSSHOnly SSH cmPath <- controlMasterPath addr removeFileMayNotExist cmPath -- -f : put ssh in the background once it succeeds in logging you in -- -M : launch as the control master for addr -- -N : don't run any commands -- -S : use cmPath as the ControlPath. Equivalent to -oControlPath= exec ssh (ssh_args ++ [addr, "-S", cmPath, "-N", "-f", "-M"]) (Null,Null,AsIs) atexit $ exitSSHControlMaster addr return () -- | Tell the SSH control master for a given path to exit. exitSSHControlMaster :: String -> IO () exitSSHControlMaster addr = do (ssh, ssh_args) <- getSSHOnly SSH cmPath <- controlMasterPath addr exec ssh (ssh_args ++ [addr, "-S", cmPath, "-O", "exit"]) (Null,Null,Null) return () -- | Create the directory ssh control master path for a given address controlMasterPath :: String -- ^ remote path (foo\@bar.com:file is ok; the file part with be stripped) -> IO FilePath controlMasterPath rawAddr = do let addr = takeWhile (/= ':') rawAddr tmp <- (fmap (/// ".darcs") $ getEnv "HOME") `catchall` tempdir_loc #ifdef WIN32 r <- randomIO let suffix = (showHexLen 6 (r .&. 0xFFFFFF :: Int)) #else suffix <- show `fmap` getProcessID #endif let tmpDarcsSsh = tmp /// "darcs-ssh" createDirectoryIfMissing True tmpDarcsSsh return $ tmpDarcsSsh /// addr ++ suffix (///) :: FilePath -> FilePath -> FilePath d /// f = d ++ "/" ++ f