% Copyright (C) 2002-2003 David Roundy % % This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify % it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by % the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) % any later version. % % This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, % but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of % MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the % GNU General Public License for more details. % % You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License % along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to % the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, % Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. \darcsCommand{move} \begin{code}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -cpp #-}

module Darcs.Commands.Move ( move, mv ) where
import Control.Monad ( when, unless, zipWithM_ )
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
import Darcs.SignalHandler ( withSignalsBlocked )

import Darcs.Commands ( DarcsCommand(..), nodefaults, commandAlias )
import Darcs.Arguments ( DarcsFlag(),
                         fixSubPaths, workingRepoDir,
                        listFiles, allowProblematicFilenames, umaskOption,
import Darcs.Flags ( doAllowCaseOnly, doAllowWindowsReserved )
import Darcs.RepoPath ( toFilePath, sp2fn )
import System.FilePath.Posix ( (</>), takeFileName )
import System.Directory ( renameDirectory )
import Workaround ( renameFile )
import Darcs.Repository ( Repository, withRepoLock, ($-), amInRepository,
                    slurp_pending, add_to_pending,
import Darcs.Witnesses.Ordered ( FL(..), unsafeFL )
import Darcs.Global ( debugMessage )
import qualified Darcs.Patch
import Darcs.Patch ( RepoPatch, Prim )
import Darcs.SlurpDirectory ( Slurpy, slurp, slurp_has, slurp_has_anycase,
                        slurp_remove, slurp_hasdir, slurp_hasfile )
import Darcs.Patch.FileName ( fp2fn, fn2fp, superName )
import qualified System.FilePath.Windows as WindowsFilePath

#include "impossible.h"

moveDescription :: String
moveDescription = "Move or rename files."

moveHelp :: String
moveHelp =
 "Darcs cannot reliably distinguish between a file being deleted and a\n" ++
 "new one added, and a file being moved.  Therefore Darcs always assumes\n" ++
 "the former, and provides the `darcs mv' command to let Darcs know when\n" ++
 "you want the latter.  This command will also move the file in the\n" ++
 "working tree (unlike `darcs remove'), unless it has already been moved.\n" ++
 "\n" ++
 -- Note that this paragraph is very similar to one in ./Add.lhs.
 "Darcs will not rename a file if another file in the same folder has\n" ++
 "the same name, except for case.  The --case-ok option overrides this\n" ++
 "behaviour.  Windows and OS X usually use filesystems that do not allow\n" ++
 "files a folder to have the same name except for case (for example,\n" ++
 "`ReadMe' and `README').  If --case-ok is used, the repository might be\n" ++
 "unusable on those systems!\n"

move :: DarcsCommand
move = DarcsCommand {commandName = "move",
                   commandHelp = moveHelp,
                   commandDescription = moveDescription,
                   commandExtraArgs = -1,
                   commandExtraArgHelp = ["<SOURCE> ... <DESTINATION>"],
                   commandCommand = moveCmd,
                   commandPrereq = amInRepository,
                   commandGetArgPossibilities = listFiles,
                   commandArgdefaults = nodefaults,
                   commandAdvancedOptions = [umaskOption],
                   commandBasicOptions = [allowProblematicFilenames, workingRepoDir]}
moveCmd :: [DarcsFlag] -> [String] -> IO ()
moveCmd _ [] = fail "The `darcs move' command requires at least two arguments."
moveCmd _ [_] = fail "The `darcs move' command requires at least two arguments."

moveCmd opts args@[_,_] = withRepoLock opts $- \repository -> do
  two_files <- fixSubPaths opts args
  [old,new] <- return $ case two_files of
                        [_,_] -> two_files
                        [_] -> error "Cannot rename a file or directory onto itself!"
                        xs -> bug $ "Problem in moveCmd: " ++ show xs
  work <- slurp "."
  let old_fp = toFilePath old
      new_fp = toFilePath new
  if slurp_hasdir (sp2fn new) work && slurp_has old_fp work
   then moveToDir repository opts [old_fp] new_fp
   else do
    cur <- slurp_pending repository
    addpatch <- check_new_and_old_filenames opts cur work (old_fp,new_fp)
    withSignalsBlocked $ do
      case addpatch of
        Nothing -> add_to_pending repository (Darcs.Patch.move old_fp new_fp :>: NilFL)
        Just p -> add_to_pending repository (p :>: Darcs.Patch.move old_fp new_fp :>: NilFL)
      moveFileOrDir work old_fp new_fp

moveCmd opts args =
   withRepoLock opts $- \repository -> do
     relpaths <- map toFilePath `fmap` fixSubPaths opts args
     let moved = init relpaths
         finaldir = last relpaths
     moveToDir repository opts moved finaldir

moveToDir :: RepoPatch p => Repository p -> [DarcsFlag] -> [FilePath] -> FilePath -> IO ()
moveToDir repository opts moved finaldir =
  let movefns = map takeFileName moved
      movetargets = map (finaldir </>) movefns
      movepatches = zipWith Darcs.Patch.move moved movetargets
  in do
    cur <- slurp_pending repository
    work <- slurp "."
    addpatches <- mapM (check_new_and_old_filenames opts cur work) $ zip moved movetargets
    withSignalsBlocked $ do
      add_to_pending repository $ unsafeFL $ catMaybes addpatches ++ movepatches
      zipWithM_ (moveFileOrDir work) moved movetargets

    :: [DarcsFlag] -> Slurpy -> Slurpy -> (FilePath, FilePath) -> IO (Maybe Prim)
check_new_and_old_filenames opts cur work (old,new) = do
  unless (doAllowWindowsReserved opts || WindowsFilePath.isValid new) $
     fail $ "The filename " ++ new ++ " is not valid under Windows.\n" ++
            "Use --reserved-ok to allow such filenames."
  maybe_add_file_thats_been_moved <-
     if slurp_has old work -- We need to move the object
     then do unless (slurp_hasdir (superName $ fp2fn new) work) $
                    fail $ "The target directory " ++
                             (fn2fp $ superName $ fp2fn new)++
                             " isn't known in working directory, did you forget to add it?"
             when (it_has new work) $ fail $ already_exists "working directory"
             return Nothing
     else do unless (slurp_has new work) $ fail $ doesnt_exist "working directory"
             return $ Just $ Darcs.Patch.addfile old
  if slurp_has old cur
     then do unless (slurp_hasdir (superName $ fp2fn new) cur) $
                    fail $ "The target directory " ++
                             (fn2fp $ superName $ fp2fn new)++
                             " isn't known in working directory, did you forget to add it?"
             when (it_has new cur) $ fail $ already_exists "repository"
     else fail $ doesnt_exist "repository"
  return maybe_add_file_thats_been_moved
    where it_has f s = 
            let ms2 = slurp_remove (fp2fn old) s
            in case ms2 of
               Nothing -> False
               Just s2 -> if doAllowCaseOnly opts
                          then slurp_has f s2
                          else slurp_has_anycase f s2
          already_exists what_slurpy =
              if doAllowCaseOnly opts
              then "A file or dir named "++new++" already exists in "
                       ++ what_slurpy ++ "."
              else "A file or dir named "++new++" (or perhaps differing"++
                       " only in case)\nalready exists in "++
                       what_slurpy ++ ".\n"++
                   "Use --case-ok to allow files differing only in case."
          doesnt_exist what_slurpy =
              "There is no file or dir named " ++ old ++
              " in the "++ what_slurpy ++ "."

moveFileOrDir :: Slurpy -> FilePath -> FilePath -> IO ()
moveFileOrDir work old new
  | slurp_hasfile (fp2fn old) work =
    do debugMessage $ unwords ["renameFile",old,new]
       renameFile old new
  | slurp_hasdir (fp2fn old) work =
    do debugMessage $ unwords ["renameDirectory",old,new]
       renameDirectory old new
  | otherwise = return ()

mv :: DarcsCommand
mv = commandAlias "mv" move