{- Tool for construction of testing repository for trackdown testing with bisect option. Written by Matthias Fischmann. Usage: ./trackdown-bisect-helper '[0,1,1,1,0,0,0]' This will generate a repository in which `grep -q 1 j` will first fail three times, then succeed three times, then fail once if you unapply patches with the linear implementation. -} import Control.Monad import System.IO import System import System.Random import Data.List import Control.Exception stamp i j = system ("echo " ++ show i ++ " > ./i") >> system ("echo " ++ show j ++ " > ./j") >> -- system ("sleep 1") >> hFlush stdout >> system ("darcs record --ignore-times -am '" ++ show i ++ "'") generate :: [Int] -> IO () generate = mapM_ (uncurry stamp) . zip [1..] main :: IO () main = do args <- getArgs let js = (read (head args)) :: [Int] generate js