--  Copyright (C) 2002-2003 David Roundy
--  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
--  any later version.
--  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
--  the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
--  Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}

#include "gadts.h"

module Darcs.Patch.V1.Commute
      merger, unravel,

import Control.Monad ( MonadPlus, mplus, msum, mzero, guard )

import Darcs.Patch.Commute ( toFwdCommute )
import Darcs.Patch.ConflictMarking ( mangleUnravelled )
import Darcs.Patch.FileName ( FileName )
import Darcs.Patch.Invert ( invertRL )
import Darcs.Patch.Merge ( Merge(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Patchy ( Commute(..), PatchInspect(..), Invert(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.V1.Core ( Patch(..),
                             mergerUndo )
import Darcs.Patch.Conflict ( Conflict(..), CommuteNoConflicts(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Effect ( Effect(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.FileHunk ( IsHunk(..) )
import Darcs.Patch.Prim ( FromPrim(..), PrimPatch,
                          is_filepatch, sortCoalesceFL,
import Darcs.Patch.Permutations ( headPermutationsRL, simpleHeadPermutationsFL,
                                  commuterIdFL, commuterFLId, selfCommuter )
import Printer ( text, vcat, ($$) )
import Darcs.Patch.V1.Show ( showPatch_ )
import Data.List ( nub, nubBy )
import Darcs.Witnesses.Sealed ( unsafeUnseal, unsafeUnsealFlipped )
import Darcs.Utils ( nubsort )
#include "impossible.h"
import Darcs.Witnesses.Sealed ( Sealed(..), mapSeal, unseal, FlippedSeal(..), mapFlipped )
import Darcs.Witnesses.Eq ( EqCheck(..), MyEq(..) )
import Darcs.Witnesses.Unsafe ( unsafeCoerceP, unsafeCoercePStart
                              , unsafeCoercePEnd )
import Darcs.Witnesses.Ordered ( mapFL_FL,
                             FL(..), RL(..),
                             (:/\:)(..), (:<)(..), (:\/:)(..), (:>)(..),
                             lengthFL, mapRL,
                             reverseFL, reverseRL, concatFL

--import Darcs.ColorPrinter ( traceDoc )
--import Printer ( greenText )

data Perhaps a = Unknown | Failed | Succeeded a

instance  Monad Perhaps where
    (Succeeded x) >>= k =  k x
    Failed   >>= _      =  Failed
    Unknown  >>= _      =  Unknown
    Failed   >> _       =  Failed
    (Succeeded _) >> k  =  k
    Unknown  >> k       =  k
    return              =  Succeeded
    fail _              =  Unknown

instance  MonadPlus Perhaps where
    mzero                 = Unknown
    Unknown `mplus` ys    = ys
    Failed  `mplus` _     = Failed
    (Succeeded x) `mplus` _ = Succeeded x

toMaybe :: Perhaps a -> Maybe a
toMaybe (Succeeded x) = Just x
toMaybe _ = Nothing

toPerhaps :: Maybe a -> Perhaps a
toPerhaps (Just x) = Succeeded x
toPerhaps Nothing = Failed

cleverCommute :: Invert prim => CommuteFunction prim -> CommuteFunction prim
cleverCommute c (p1:<p2) =
    case c (p1 :< p2) of
    Succeeded x -> Succeeded x
    Failed -> Failed
    Unknown -> case c (invert p2 :< invert p1) of
               Succeeded (p1' :< p2') -> Succeeded (invert p2' :< invert p1')
               Failed -> Failed
               Unknown -> Unknown

speedyCommute :: PrimPatch prim => CommuteFunction prim
speedyCommute (p1 :< p2) -- Deal with common case quickly!
    | p1_modifies /= Nothing && p2_modifies /= Nothing &&
      p1_modifies /= p2_modifies = Succeeded (unsafeCoerceP p2 :< unsafeCoerceP p1)
    | otherwise = Unknown
    where p1_modifies = isFilepatchMerger p1
          p2_modifies = isFilepatchMerger p2

everythingElseCommute :: forall prim . PrimPatch prim => CommuteFunction prim
everythingElseCommute x = eec x
    eec :: CommuteFunction prim
    eec (PP px :< PP py) = toPerhaps $ do x' :> y' <- commute (py :> px)
                                          return (PP y' :< PP x')
    eec _xx =
        msum [
              cleverCommute commuteRecursiveMerger       _xx
             ,cleverCommute otherCommuteRecursiveMerger _xx

Note that it must be true that

commutex (A^-1 A, P) = Just (P, A'^-1 A')


if commutex (A, B) == Just (B', A')
then commutex (B^-1, A^-1) == Just (A'^-1, B'^-1)

unsafeMerger :: PrimPatch prim => String -> Patch prim C(x y) -> Patch prim C(x z) -> Patch prim C(a b)
unsafeMerger x p1 p2 = unsafeCoercePStart $ unsafeUnseal $ merger x p1 p2

mergerCommute :: PrimPatch prim => (Patch prim :< Patch prim) C(x y) -> Perhaps ((Patch prim :< Patch prim) C(x y))
mergerCommute (Merger _ _ p1 p2 :< pA)
    | unsafeCompare pA p1 = Succeeded (unsafeMerger "0.0" p2 p1 :< unsafeCoercePStart p2)
    | unsafeCompare pA (invert (unsafeMerger "0.0" p2 p1)) = Failed
mergerCommute (Merger _ _
                (Merger _ _ c b)
                (Merger _ _ c' a) :<
                Merger _ _ b' c'')
    | unsafeCompare b' b && unsafeCompare c c' && unsafeCompare c c'' =
        Succeeded (unsafeMerger "0.0" (unsafeMerger "0.0" b (unsafeCoercePStart a)) (unsafeMerger "0.0" b c) :<
                   unsafeMerger "0.0" b (unsafeCoercePStart a))
mergerCommute _ = Unknown

instance PrimPatch prim => Merge (Patch prim) where
    merge (y :\/: z) =
        case actualMerge (y:\/:z) of
        Sealed y' -> case commute (z :> y') of
                         Nothing -> bugDoc $ text "merge_patches bug"
                                    $$ showPatch_ y
                                   $$ showPatch_ z
                                   $$ showPatch_ y'
                         Just (_ :> z') -> -- actualMerge returns one arm of a
                                           -- merge result, so commuting then gives
                                           -- us the other arm but we have to assert
                                           -- that the starting context is correct
                                           unsafeCoercePStart z' :/\: y'

instance PrimPatch prim => Commute (Patch prim) where
    commute x = toMaybe $ msum
                  [toFwdCommute speedyCommute x,
                   toFwdCommute (cleverCommute mergerCommute) x,
                   toFwdCommute everythingElseCommute x

instance PrimPatch prim => PatchInspect (Patch prim) where
    -- Recurse on everything, these are potentially spoofed patches
    listTouchedFiles (Merger _ _ p1 p2) = nubsort $ listTouchedFiles p1
                                            ++ listTouchedFiles p2
    listTouchedFiles c@(Regrem _ _ _ _) = listTouchedFiles $ invert c
    listTouchedFiles (PP p) = listTouchedFiles p

    hunkMatches f (Merger _ _ p1 p2) = hunkMatches f p1 || hunkMatches f p2
    hunkMatches f c@(Regrem _ _ _ _) = hunkMatches f $ invert c
    hunkMatches f (PP p) = hunkMatches f p

commuteNoMerger :: PrimPatch prim => MaybeCommute prim
commuteNoMerger x =
    toMaybe $ msum [speedyCommute x,
                    everythingElseCommute x]

isFilepatchMerger :: PrimPatch prim => Patch prim C(x y) -> Maybe FileName
isFilepatchMerger (PP p) = is_filepatch p
isFilepatchMerger (Merger _ _ p1 p2) = do
     f1 <- isFilepatchMerger p1
     f2 <- isFilepatchMerger p2
     if f1 == f2 then return f1 else Nothing
isFilepatchMerger (Regrem und unw p1 p2)
    = isFilepatchMerger (Merger und unw p1 p2)

commuteRecursiveMerger :: PrimPatch prim => (Patch prim :< Patch prim) C(x y) -> Perhaps ((Patch prim :< Patch prim) C(x y))
commuteRecursiveMerger (p@(Merger _ _ p1 p2) :< pA) = toPerhaps $
  do (_ :> pA') <- commuterIdFL selfCommuter (pA :> undo)
     _ <- commuterIdFL selfCommuter (pA' :> invert undo)
     (_ :> pAmid) <- commute (pA :> unsafeCoercePStart (invert p1))
     (p1' :> pAx) <- commute (pAmid :> p1)
     guard (pAx `unsafeCompare` pA)
     (p2' :> _) <- commute (pAmid :> p2)
     (p2o :> _) <- commute (invert pAmid :> p2')
     guard (p2o `unsafeCompare` p2)
     let p' = if unsafeCompare p1' p1 && unsafeCompare p2' p2
              then unsafeCoerceP p
              else unsafeMerger "0.0" p1' p2'
         undo' = mergerUndo p'
     (pAo :> _) <- commuterFLId selfCommuter (undo' :> pA')
     guard (pAo `unsafeCompare` pA)
     return (pA' :< p')
    where undo = mergerUndo p
commuteRecursiveMerger _ = Unknown

otherCommuteRecursiveMerger :: PrimPatch prim => (Patch prim :< Patch prim) C(x y) -> Perhaps ((Patch prim :< Patch prim) C(x y))
otherCommuteRecursiveMerger (pA':< p_old@(Merger _ _ p1' p2')) =
  toPerhaps $
  do (pA :> _) <- commuterFLId selfCommuter (mergerUndo p_old :> pA')
     (pAmid :> p1) <- commute (unsafeCoercePEnd p1' :> pA)
     (_ :> pAmido) <- commute (pA :> invert p1)
     guard (pAmido `unsafeCompare` pAmid)
     (p2 :> _) <- commute (invert pAmid :> p2')
     (p2o' :> _) <- commute (pAmid :> p2)
     guard (p2o' `unsafeCompare` p2')
     let p = if p1 `unsafeCompare` p1' && p2 `unsafeCompare` p2'
             then unsafeCoerceP p_old
             else unsafeMerger "0.0" p1 p2
         undo = mergerUndo p
     guard (not $ pA `unsafeCompare` p1) -- special case here...
     (_ :> pAo') <- commuterIdFL selfCommuter (pA :> undo)
     guard (pAo' `unsafeCompare` pA')
     return (p :< pA)
otherCommuteRecursiveMerger _ = Unknown

type CommuteFunction prim = FORALL(x y) (Patch prim :< Patch prim) C(x y) -> Perhaps ((Patch prim :< Patch prim) C(x y))
type MaybeCommute prim = FORALL(x y) (Patch prim :< Patch prim) C(x y) -> Maybe ((Patch prim :< Patch prim) C(x y))

revCommuteFLId :: MaybeCommute prim -> (FL (Patch prim) :< Patch prim) C(x y) -> Maybe ((Patch prim :< FL (Patch prim)) C(x y))
revCommuteFLId _        (NilFL :< p) = return (p :< NilFL)
revCommuteFLId commuter ((q :>: qs) :< p) = do
   p' :< q' <- commuter (q :< p)
   p'' :< qs' <- revCommuteFLId commuter (qs :< p')
   return (p'' :< (q' :>: qs'))

elegantMerge :: PrimPatch prim
              => (Patch prim :\/: Patch prim) C(x y)
              -> Maybe ((Patch prim :/\: Patch prim) C(x y))
elegantMerge (p1 :\/: p2) = do
  p1' :> ip2' <- commute (invert p2 :> p1)
  p1o :> _    <- commute (p2 :> p1')
  guard $ unsafeCompare p1o p1 -- should be a redundant check
  return $ invert ip2' :/\: p1'

A note about mergers and type witnesses

The merger code predates the introduction of type witnesses, and because
of its complexity has proved the hardest part of the codebase to retrofit.
Attempting to do this has exposed various places where the code behaves
oddly (e.g. 'putBefore' below); these are likely to be bugs but fixing
them would be potentially disruptive and dangerous as it might change
the existing merge behaviour and thus break existing repositories.

As a result the addition of witnesses to this code has required the
liberal use of unsafe operators. In effect, witnesses bring no safety
in this area; the sole purpose of adding them here was to allow this
code to run as part of a codebase that uses witnesses everywhere else.

A key problem point is the type of the 'Merger' and 'Regrem' constructors
of Patch, where the witnesses seem odd. It is likely that some or many
of the unsafe operations could be removed by finding a better type for
these constructors.

actualMerge :: PrimPatch prim => (Patch prim :\/: Patch prim) C(x y) -> Sealed (Patch prim C(y))

actualMerge (p1 :\/: p2) = case elegantMerge (p1:\/:p2) of
                             Just (_ :/\: p1') -> Sealed p1'
                             Nothing -> merger "0.0" p2 p1

unwind :: Patch prim C(x y) -> Sealed (RL (Patch prim) C(x)) -- Recreates a patch history in reverse.
unwind (Merger _ unwindings _ _) = Sealed unwindings
unwind p = Sealed (p :<: NilRL)

trueUnwind :: PrimPatch prim => Patch prim C(x y) -> Sealed (RL (Patch prim) C(x)) -- Recreates a patch history in reverse.
trueUnwind p@(Merger _ _ p1 p2) =
    case (unwind p1, unwind p2) of
    (Sealed (_:<:p1s),Sealed (_:<:p2s)) ->
         Sealed (p :<: unsafeCoerceP p1 :<: unsafeUnsealFlipped (reconcileUnwindings p p1s (unsafeCoercePEnd p2s)))
    _ -> impossible
trueUnwind _ = impossible

reconcileUnwindings :: PrimPatch prim
                    => Patch prim C(a b) -> RL (Patch prim) C(x z) -> RL (Patch prim) C(y z) -> FlippedSeal (RL (Patch prim)) C(z)
reconcileUnwindings _ NilRL p2s = FlippedSeal p2s
reconcileUnwindings _ p1s NilRL = FlippedSeal p1s
reconcileUnwindings p (p1:<:p1s) p2s@(p2:<:tp2s) =
    case [(p1s', p2s')|
          p1s'@(hp1s':<:_) <- headPermutationsRL (p1:<:p1s),
          p2s'@(hp2s':<:_) <- headPermutationsRL p2s,
          hp1s' `unsafeCompare` hp2s'] of
    ((p1':<:p1s', _:<:p2s'):_) ->
        mapFlipped (p1' :<:) $ reconcileUnwindings p p1s' (unsafeCoercePEnd p2s')
    [] -> case reverseFL `fmap` putBefore p1 (reverseRL p2s) of
          Just p2s' -> mapFlipped (p1 :<:) $ reconcileUnwindings p p1s p2s'
          Nothing ->
              case fmap reverseFL $ putBefore p2 $
                   reverseRL (p1:<:p1s) of
              Just p1s' -> mapFlipped (p2 :<:) $
                           reconcileUnwindings p p1s' tp2s
              Nothing ->
                  bugDoc $ text "in function reconcileUnwindings"
                        $$ text "Original patch:"
                        $$ showPatch_ p
    _ -> bug "in reconcileUnwindings"

-- This code seems wrong, shouldn't the commute be invert p1 :> p2 ? And why isn't p1' re-inverted?
-- it seems to have been this way forever:
-- Fri May 23 10:27:04 BST 2003  droundy@abridgegame.org
--    * fix bug in unwind and add docs on unwind algorithm.
putBefore :: PrimPatch prim => Patch prim C(y z) -> FL (Patch prim) C(x z) -> Maybe (FL (Patch prim) C(y w))
putBefore p1 (p2:>:p2s) =
    do p1' :> p2' <- commute (unsafeCoerceP p2 :> invert p1)
       _ <- commute (p2' :> p1)
       (unsafeCoerceP p2' :>:) `fmap` putBefore p1' (unsafeCoerceP p2s)
putBefore _ NilFL = Just (unsafeCoerceP NilFL)

instance PrimPatch prim => CommuteNoConflicts (Patch prim) where
  commuteNoConflicts (x:>y) =   do x' :< y' <- commuteNoMerger (y :< x)
                                   return (y':>x')

instance PrimPatch prim => Conflict (Patch prim) where
  resolveConflicts patch = rcs NilFL (patch :<: NilRL)
    where rcs :: FL (Patch prim) C(y w) -> RL (Patch prim) C(x y) -> [[Sealed (FL prim C(w))]]
          rcs _ NilRL = []
          rcs passedby (p@(Merger _ _ _ _):<:ps) =
              case revCommuteFLId commuteNoMerger (passedby:<p) of
              Just (p'@(Merger _ _ p1 p2):<_) ->
                  (map Sealed $ nubBy unsafeCompare $
                        effect (unsafeCoercePStart $ unsafeUnseal (glump09 p1 p2)) : map (unsafeCoercePStart . unsafeUnseal) (unravel p'))
                  : rcs (p :>: passedby) ps
              Nothing -> rcs (p :>: passedby) ps
              _ -> impossible
          rcs passedby (p:<:ps) = seq passedby $
                                  rcs (p :>: passedby) ps

-- This type seems wrong - the most natural type for the result would seem to be
-- [Sealed (FL Prim C(x))], given the type of unwind.
-- However downstream code in darcs convert assumes the C(y) type, and I was unable
-- to figure out whether this could/should reasonably be changed -- Ganesh 13/4/10
publicUnravel :: PrimPatch prim => Patch prim C(x y) -> [Sealed (FL prim C(y))]
publicUnravel = map (mapSeal unsafeCoercePStart) . unravel

unravel :: PrimPatch prim => Patch prim C(x y) -> [Sealed (FL prim C(x))]
unravel p = nub $ map (mapSeal (sortCoalesceFL . concatFL . mapFL_FL effect)) $
            getSupers $ map (mapSeal reverseRL) $ unseal (newUr p) $ unwind p

getSupers :: PrimPatch prim => [Sealed (FL (Patch prim) C(x))] -> [Sealed (FL (Patch prim) C(x))]
getSupers (x:xs) =
    case filter (not.(x `isSuperpatchOf`)) xs of
    xs' -> if or $ map (`isSuperpatchOf` x) xs'
           then getSupers xs'
           else x : getSupers xs'
getSupers [] = []

isSuperpatchOf :: PrimPatch prim => Sealed (FL (Patch prim) C(x)) -> Sealed (FL (Patch prim) C(x)) -> Bool
Sealed x `isSuperpatchOf` Sealed y | lengthFL y > lengthFL x = False -- should be just an optimisation
Sealed x `isSuperpatchOf` Sealed y = x `iso` y
    where iso :: PrimPatch prim => FL (Patch prim) C(x y) -> FL (Patch prim) C(x z) -> Bool
          _ `iso` NilFL = True
          NilFL `iso` _ = False
          a `iso` (b:>:bs) =
              head $ ([as `iso` bs | (ah :>: as) <- simpleHeadPermutationsFL a, IsEq <- [ah =\/= b]] :: [Bool]) ++ [False]

merger :: PrimPatch prim => String -> Patch prim C(x y) -> Patch prim C(x z) -> Sealed (Patch prim C(y))
merger "0.0" p1 p2 = Sealed $ Merger undoit unwindings p1 p2
    where fake_p = Merger NilFL NilRL p1 p2
          unwindings = unsafeUnseal (trueUnwind fake_p)
          p = Merger NilFL unwindings p1 p2
          undoit =
              case (isMerger p1, isMerger p2) of
              (True ,True ) -> case unwind p of
                                 Sealed (_:<:t) -> unsafeCoerceP $ invertRL t
                                 _ -> impossible
              (False,False) -> unsafeCoerceP $ invert p1 :>: NilFL
              (True ,False) -> unsafeCoerceP $ NilFL
              (False,True ) -> unsafeCoerceP $ invert p1 :>: mergerUndo p2
merger g _ _ =
    error $ "Cannot handle mergers other than version 0.0\n"++g
    ++ "\nPlease use darcs optimize --modernize with an older darcs."

glump09 :: PrimPatch prim => Patch prim C(x y) -> Patch prim C(x z) -> Sealed (FL (Patch prim) C(y))
glump09 p1 p2 = mapSeal (mapFL_FL fromPrim) $ mangleUnravelled $ unseal unravel $ merger "0.0" p1 p2

instance PrimPatch prim => Effect (Patch prim) where
    effect p@(Merger _ _ _ _) = sortCoalesceFL $ effect $ mergerUndo p
    effect p@(Regrem _ _ _ _) = invert $ effect $ invert p
    effect (PP p) = p :>: NilFL

instance IsHunk prim => IsHunk (Patch prim) where
    isHunk p = do PP p' <- return p
                  isHunk p'

newUr :: PrimPatch prim => Patch prim C(a b) -> RL (Patch prim) C(x y) -> [Sealed (RL (Patch prim) C(x))]
newUr p (Merger _ _ p1 p2 :<: ps) =
   case filter (\(pp:<:_) -> pp `unsafeCompare` p1) $ headPermutationsRL ps of
   ((_:<:ps'):_) -> newUr p (unsafeCoercePStart p1:<:ps') ++ newUr p (unsafeCoercePStart p2:<:ps')
   _ -> bugDoc $ text "in function newUr"
              $$ text "Original patch:"
              $$ showPatch_ p
              $$ text "Unwound:"
              $$ vcat (unseal (mapRL showPatch_) $ unwind p)

newUr op ps =
    case filter (\(p:<:_) -> isMerger p) $ headPermutationsRL ps of
    [] -> [Sealed ps]
    (ps':_) -> newUr op ps'

instance Invert prim => Invert (Patch prim) where
    invert (Merger undo unwindings p1 p2)
        = Regrem undo unwindings p1 p2
    invert (Regrem undo unwindings p1 p2)
        = Merger undo unwindings p1 p2
    invert (PP p) = PP (invert p)

instance MyEq prim => MyEq (Patch prim) where
    unsafeCompare = eqPatches

instance MyEq prim => Eq (Patch prim C(x y)) where
    (==) = unsafeCompare

eqPatches :: MyEq prim => Patch prim C(x y) -> Patch prim C(w z) -> Bool
eqPatches (PP p1) (PP p2) = unsafeCompare p1 p2
eqPatches (Merger _ _ p1a p1b) (Merger _ _ p2a p2b)
 = eqPatches p1a p2a &&
   eqPatches p1b p2b
eqPatches (Regrem _ _ p1a p1b) (Regrem _ _ p2a p2b)
 = eqPatches p1a p2a &&
   eqPatches p1b p2b
eqPatches _ _ = False