darcs-2.8.5: a distributed, interactive, smart revision control system

Safe HaskellNone




hashBundle :: (PatchListFormat p, ShowPatchBasic p) => FL (Named p) x y -> StringSource

hashBundle creates a SHA1 string of a given a FL of named patches. This allows us to ensure that the patches in a received patchBundle have not been modified in transit.

makeBundle2 :: (ApplyState p ~ Tree, RepoPatch p) => Maybe (Tree IO) -> RL (PatchInfoAnd p) start x -> FL (Named p) x y -> FL (Named p) x y -> IO DocSource

In makeBundle2, it is presumed that the two patch sequences are identical, but that they may be lazily generated. If two different patch sequences are passed, a bundle with a mismatched hash will be generated, which is not the end of the world, but isn't very useful either.

makeBundleN :: (ApplyState p ~ Tree, RepoPatch p) => Maybe (Tree IO) -> PatchSet p start x -> FL (Named p) x y -> IO DocSource

patchFilename :: String -> StringSource

patchFilename maps a patch description string to a safe (lowercased, spaces removed and ascii-only characters) patch filename.

getContext :: ByteString -> ([PatchInfo], ByteString)Source

getContext parses a context list, returning a tuple containing the list, and remaining ByteString input.