data-basic- A database library with a focus on ease of use, type safety and useful error messages

Safe HaskellNone



This tutorial describes how to use the basic library. Usually you would use the functions provided in the Internal.Data.Basic.TH module (re-exported by Data.Basic) to generate all of the declarations in this tutorial from your database schema.

Basic is a database-first library meaning the schema comes from the database instead of your code. The library provides mechanisms for "explaining" your schema to the compiler. It can then use this information to provide a typesafe and convenient access and control of your data.

We start by defining a data type.

 data User = User { _serId   :: Key
                  , _serName :: Text } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

Most of the functionality is implemented through lenses so we need to generate them for our datatype.

 makeLenses ''User

Next we provide a set of instances for our type. These describe how our type maps to a database table. We use type level strings to represent database names of the fields. Instances are needed for each field and for each constraint on the table. We also need a FromRow instance so the type can actually be deserialized from the query result.

 instance Table User where
     -- the database name for this table
     type TableName User = "blog_user"

     -- a type level list of all the fields in this table
     type TableFields User = ["id", "name"]

     -- a type level list of constraints on this table; each of these will need a corresponding
     -- instance that provides additional info
     type TableConstraints User = '[ 'Unique "blog_user_pkey"]

     -- the table can optionally have a primary key; for this we use a type level Maybe value
     type TablePrimaryKey User = 'Just "blog_user_pkey"

     -- a type level list of fields that are either Required or DynamicDefault
     type TableRequiredFields User = ['Required "id", 'Required "name"]

     -- a default user
     -- don't worry about undefined values, the types will make sure you can't accidentally evaluate
     -- them
     newEntity = Entity (User undefined undefined)

 instance UniqueConstraint "blog_user_pkey" where
     -- the table which this constraint targets
     type UniqueTable "blog_user_pkey" = User

     -- you can have multiple fields that make up one unique constraint
     type UniqueFields "blog_user_pkey" = '["id"]

 -- PrimaryKeyConstraint is really just a synonym for a unique constraint + the condition that
 -- all the values must not be null
 instance PrimaryKeyConstraint "blog_user_pkey"

 -- each field gets an instance saying what Haskell type it maps to and providing a lens
 instance TableField User "id" where
     type TableFieldType User "id" = Key
     tableFieldLens = serId

 instance TableField User "name" where
     type TableFieldType User "name" = Text
     tableFieldLens = serName

 instance FromRow User where
     fromRow = User <$> field <*> field

Now we do the same for a "blog_post" table.

 data Post = Post { _ostId     :: Key
                  , _ostName   :: Text
                  , _ostUserId :: Key } deriving (Eq, Ord, Read, Show)

 instance Table Post where
     type TableName Post = "blog_post"
     type TableFields Post = ["id", "name", "author"]
     type TableConstraints Post = '[ 'ForeignKey "blog_post_author_fkey"]
     type TablePrimaryKey Post = 'Just "blog_post_pkey"
     type TableRequiredFields Post = ['Required "id", 'Required "name", 'Required "author"]
     newEntity = Entity (Post undefined undefined)

 instance UniqueConstraint "blog_post_pkey" where
     type UniqueTable "blog_post_pkey" = Post
     type UniqueFields "blog_post_pkey" = '["id"]

 instance PrimaryKeyConstraint "blog_post_pkey"

 instance FromRow Post where
     fromRow = Post <$> field <*> field <*> field
 makeLenses ''Post

 instance TableField Post "id" where
     type TableFieldType Post "id" = Key
     tableFieldLens = ostId

 instance TableField Post "name" where
     type TableFieldType Post "name" = Text
     tableFieldLens = ostName

 instance TableField Post "author" where
     type TableFieldType Post "author" = Key
     tableFieldLens = ostUserId

Next, we declare a foreign key from the post table to the user table. The instance is more or less self explanatory.

 instance ForeignKeyConstraint "blog_post_author_fkey" where
     type ForeignKeyFrom "blog_post_author_fkey" = Post
     type ForeignKeyFromFields "blog_post_author_fkey" = '["author"]
     type ForeignKeyTo "blog_post_author_fkey" = User
     type ForeignKeyToFields "blog_post_author_fkey" = '["id"]

Now we're ready to create the lenses and values that we'll use to manipulate our data. Again, keep in mind that all of this can be generated for you via the TH functions, directly from your SQL schema.

 -- this value will represent a virtual "list" of all the users in the database
 allUsers :: AllRows User m r => m r
 allUsers = allRows "blog_user"

 -- this is the same, but for posts
 allPosts :: AllRows Post m r => m r
 allPosts = allRows "blog_post"

 -- we use this value to construct new users
 newUser :: Entity ('Fresh ['Required "id", 'Required "name"]) User
 newUser = newEntity

 newPost :: Entity ('Fresh ['Required "id", 'Required "name", 'Required "author"]) Post
 newPost = newEntity

 -- we can use this lens to get all posts belonging to some author
 posts :: VirtualTable "blog_post_author_fkey" m r
       => 'Getter'\' (Entity ('FromDb c) (ForeignKeyTo "blog_post_author_fkey")) (m r)
 posts = virtualTableLens "blog_post_author_fkey"

 -- a lens to access the id field of any table that has it; same for name and authorId
 id :: FieldOpticProxy (Proxy "id" -> o) => o
 id = fieldOptic "id"

 name :: FieldOpticProxy (Proxy "name" -> o) => o
 name = fieldOptic "name"

 authorId :: FieldOpticProxy (Proxy "author" -> o) => o
 authorId = fieldOptic "author"

 -- this lens will let us get the actual user value from a post, through the foreign key
 author :: ForeignKeyLensProxy (Proxy "blog_post_author_fkey" -> o) => o
 author = foreignKeyLens @"blog_post_author_fkey"

Finally, we get to a usage example.

 test1 :: (MonadIO m, MonadEffect Basic m) => m ()
 test1 = do
     void $ ddelete allPosts
     void $ ddelete allUsers

     -- we use the lens to construct values
     let user = newUser & name .~ John
                        & id .~ 1

     -- check this out: try not setting one of the fields on user
     -- the compiler will not let you insert the value into the database
     user <- insert user
     let post = newPost & id .~ 1
                        & name .~ "New post"
                        & author .~ user
     post <- insert post

     -- to access our data we use functions like dfilter and pretend we're dealing with
     -- lists of values
     users <- dfilter (\u -> (u ^. id) In [1, 3, 4]) allUsers

     -- get the author of a post, update the name and save it to the database
     auth <- post ^. author
     void $ save (auth & name .~ "John H")

     let user2 = newUser & name .~ Mike
                         & id .~ 2
     void $ insert user2

     -- sorting and taking works just like lists do, at least syntactically
     -- the semantics still need to be translated to SQL so first taking, then sorting won't
     -- compile
     -- you can use the usual Down newtype for switching from ascending to descending
     us <- dtake 1 $ dsortOn (\u -> Down (u ^. id)) allUsers
     print us

     -- dupdate is like mapM
     void $ dupdate (\u' -> u' & id .~ (2 :: Key)) allUsers

     [mike] <- dfilter (\u' -> u' ^. id ==. (1 :: Key)) allUsers
     -- here we're using that special virtual table lens to get a list of all posts by Mike
     psts <- mike ^. posts
     -- we can also filter on that list like it's a table in the database
     somePsts <- dfilter (\p -> p ^. id ==. (0 :: Key)) (mike ^. posts)

     -- joins are done with the djoin function; the resulting list can also be filtered
     usersPosts <- allUsers djoin allPosts
     print usersPosts

 test :: IO ()
 test = do
     conn <- connectPostgreSQL "host=localhost port=5432 user=postgres dbname=postgres password=admin connect_timeout=10"
     handleBasicPsql conn test1