data-category-0.2.0: Restricted categories








Diagonal Functor

data Diag whereSource

The diagonal functor from (index-) category J to (~>).


Diag :: (Category j, Category ~>) => Diag j ~> 


Functor (Diag j ~>) 

type DiagF f = Diag (Dom f) (Cod f)Source

The diagonal functor with the same domain and codomain as f.


type Cone f n = Nat (Dom f) (Cod f) (ConstF f n) fSource

A cone from N to F is a natural transformation from the constant functor to N to F.

type Cocone f n = Nat (Dom f) (Cod f) f (ConstF f n)Source

A co-cone from F to N is a natural transformation from F to the constant functor to N.

coneVertex :: Cone f n -> Obj (Cod f) nSource

The vertex (or apex) of a cone.

coconeVertex :: Cocone f n -> Obj (Cod f) nSource

The vertex (or apex) of a co-cone.


type family LimitFam j (~>) f :: *Source

Limits in a category (~>) by means of a diagram of type j, which is a functor from j to (~>).

type Limit f = LimitFam (Dom f) (Cod f) fSource

type LimitUniversal f = TerminalUniversal f (DiagF f) (Limit f)Source

A limit of f is a universal morphism from the diagonal functor to f.

limitUniversal :: Cod f ~ ~> => Cone f (Limit f) -> (forall n. Cone f n -> n ~> Limit f) -> LimitUniversal fSource

limitUniversal is a helper function to create the universal property from the limit and the limit factorizer.

limit :: LimitUniversal f -> Cone f (Limit f)Source

A limit of the diagram f is a cone of f.

limitFactorizer :: Cod f ~ ~> => LimitUniversal f -> forall n. Cone f n -> n ~> Limit fSource

For any other cone of f with vertex n there exists a unique morphism from n to the limit of f.


type family ColimitFam j (~>) f :: *Source

Colimits in a category (~>) by means of a diagram of type j, which is a functor from j to (~>).

type Colimit f = ColimitFam (Dom f) (Cod f) fSource

type ColimitUniversal f = InitialUniversal f (DiagF f) (Colimit f)Source

A colimit of f is a universal morphism from f to the diagonal functor.

colimitUniversal :: Cod f ~ ~> => Cocone f (Colimit f) -> (forall n. Cocone f n -> Colimit f ~> n) -> ColimitUniversal fSource

colimitUniversal is a helper function to create the universal property from the colimit and the colimit factorizer.

colimit :: ColimitUniversal f -> Cocone f (Colimit f)Source

A colimit of the diagram f is a co-cone of f.

colimitFactorizer :: Cod f ~ ~> => ColimitUniversal f -> forall n. Cocone f n -> Colimit f ~> nSource

For any other co-cone of f with vertex n there exists a unique morphism from the colimit of f to n.

Limits of a certain type

class (Category j, Category ~>) => HasLimits j (~>) whereSource

An instance of HasLimits j (~>) says that (~>) has all limits of type j.


limitUniv :: Obj (Nat j ~>) f -> LimitUniversal fSource

class (Category j, Category ~>) => HasColimits j (~>) whereSource

An instance of HasColimits j (~>) says that (~>) has all colimits of type j.


colimitUniv :: Obj (Nat j ~>) f -> ColimitUniversal fSource

As a functor

data LimitFunctor whereSource

If every diagram of type j has a limit in (~>) there exists a limit functor.

Applied to a natural transformation it is a generalisation of (***):

l *** r = LimitFunctor % arrowPair l r


LimitFunctor :: HasLimits j ~> => LimitFunctor j ~> 


data ColimitFunctor whereSource

If every diagram of type j has a colimit in (~>) there exists a colimit functor.

Applied to a natural transformation it is a generalisation of (+++):

l +++ r = ColimitFunctor % arrowPair l r


ColimitFunctor :: HasColimits j ~> => ColimitFunctor j ~> 


Limits of type Void

class Category ~> => HasTerminalObject (~>) whereSource

A terminal object is the limit of the functor from 0 to (~>).

Associated Types

type TerminalObject (~>) :: *Source


HasTerminalObject (->)

() is the terminal object in Hask.

HasTerminalObject Cat

Unit is the terminal category.

HasTerminalObject Boolean

True is the terminal object in the Boolean category.

Functor f => HasTerminalObject (Dialg (Id (->)) (EndoHask f)) 

class Category ~> => HasInitialObject (~>) whereSource

An initial object is the colimit of the functor from 0 to (~>).

Associated Types

type InitialObject (~>) :: *Source


HasInitialObject (->) 
HasInitialObject Cat 
HasInitialObject Boolean

False is the initial object in the Boolean category.

HasInitialObject Omega 
HasInitialObject (Peano (->)) 
Functor f => HasInitialObject (Dialg (EndoHask f) (Id (->))) 
HasInitialObject (Dialg (NatF (->)) (DiagProd (->))) 

data Zero Source

Any empty data type is an initial object in Hask.

Limits of type Pair

type family BinaryProduct (~>) x y :: *Source

class Category ~> => HasBinaryProducts (~>) whereSource

The product of 2 objects is the limit of the functor from Pair to (~>).


product :: Obj ~> x -> Obj ~> y -> Obj ~> (BinaryProduct ~> x y)Source

proj :: Obj ~> x -> Obj ~> y -> (BinaryProduct ~> x y ~> x, BinaryProduct ~> x y ~> y)Source

(&&&) :: (a ~> x) -> (a ~> y) -> a ~> BinaryProduct ~> x ySource

(***) :: (a1 ~> b1) -> (a2 ~> b2) -> BinaryProduct ~> a1 a2 ~> BinaryProduct ~> b1 b2Source

type family BinaryCoproduct (~>) x y :: *Source

class Category ~> => HasBinaryCoproducts (~>) whereSource

The coproduct of 2 objects is the colimit of the functor from Pair to (~>).


coproduct :: Obj ~> x -> Obj ~> y -> Obj ~> (BinaryCoproduct ~> x y)Source

inj :: Obj ~> x -> Obj ~> y -> (x ~> BinaryCoproduct ~> x y, y ~> BinaryCoproduct ~> x y)Source

(|||) :: (x ~> a) -> (y ~> a) -> BinaryCoproduct ~> x y ~> aSource

(+++) :: (a1 ~> b1) -> (a2 ~> b2) -> BinaryCoproduct ~> a1 a2 ~> BinaryCoproduct ~> b1 b2Source

Limits of type Hask

newtype ForAll f Source




unForAll :: forall a. f a

data Exists f Source


forall a . Exists (f a)