data-category- Restricted categories





Discrete n, the category with n objects, and as the only arrows their identities.


Discrete Categories

data Discrete whereSource

The arrows in Discrete n, a finite set of identity arrows.


Z :: Discrete (S n) Z Z 
S :: Discrete n a a -> Discrete (S n) (S a) (S a) 


Category (Discrete n) => Category (Discrete (S n))

Discrete (S n) is the discrete category with one object more than Discrete n.

Category (Discrete Z)

Discrete Z is the discrete category with no objects.

data Z Source


DiscreteNat Z 
Category (Discrete Z)

Discrete Z is the discrete category with no objects.

Category ~> => Functor (DiscreteDiagram ~> Z ()) 

data S n Source


Category (Discrete n) => Category (Discrete (S n))

Discrete (S n) is the discrete category with one object more than Discrete n.

(Category (Discrete n), DiscreteNat n) => DiscreteNat (S n) 
(Category ~>, Category (Discrete n), Functor (DiscreteDiagram ~> n xs)) => Functor (DiscreteDiagram ~> (S n) (x, xs)) 

type Void = Discrete ZSource

Void is the empty category.

type Unit = Discrete (S Z)Source

Unit is the discrete category with one object.

type Pair = Discrete (S (S Z))Source

Pair is the discrete category with two objects.


data DiscreteDiagram whereSource

The functor from Discrete n to (~>), a diagram of n objects in (~>).


Nil :: DiscreteDiagram ~> Z () 
::: :: Obj ~> x -> DiscreteDiagram ~> n xs -> DiscreteDiagram ~> (S n) (x, xs) 


(Category ~>, Category (Discrete n), Functor (DiscreteDiagram ~> n xs)) => Functor (DiscreteDiagram ~> (S n) (x, xs)) 
Category ~> => Functor (DiscreteDiagram ~> Z ()) 

type PairDiagram (~>) x y = DiscreteDiagram ~> (S (S Z)) (x, (y, ()))Source

The functor from Pair to (~>), a diagram of 2 objects in (~>).

arrowPair :: Category ~> => (x1 ~> x2) -> (y1 ~> y2) -> Nat Pair ~> (PairDiagram ~> x1 y1) (PairDiagram ~> x2 y2)Source

Natural Transformations

discreteNat :: (DiscreteNat n, Functor f, Functor g, Category d, Dom f ~ Discrete n, Dom g ~ Discrete n, Cod f ~ d, Cod g ~ d) => f -> g -> ComList f g n Z -> Nat (Discrete n) d f gSource

data ComList f g n z whereSource


ComNil :: ComList f g Z z 
:::: :: Com f g z -> ComList f g n (S z) -> ComList f g (S n) z 

voidNat :: (Functor f, Functor g, Category d, Dom f ~ Void, Dom g ~ Void, Cod f ~ d, Cod g ~ d) => f -> g -> Nat Void d f gSource

pairNat :: (Functor f, Functor g, Category d, Dom f ~ Pair, Cod f ~ d, Dom g ~ Pair, Cod g ~ d) => f -> g -> Com f g Z -> Com f g (S Z) -> Nat Pair d f gSource