{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, GADTs, EmptyDataDecls, TypeOperators, ScopedTypeVariables, UndecidableInstances #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Category.Boolean
-- Copyright   :  (c) Sjoerd Visscher 2010
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  sjoerd@w3future.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
-- /2/, or the Boolean category. 
-- It contains 2 objects, one for true and one for false.
-- It contains 3 arrows, 2 identity arrows and one from false to true.
module Data.Category.Boolean where

import Prelude hiding ((.), id, Functor)

import Data.Category
import Data.Category.Functor
import Data.Category.NaturalTransformation
import Data.Category.Product
import Data.Category.Limit

data Fls
data Tru
data Boolean a b where
  Fls :: Boolean Fls Fls
  F2T :: Boolean Fls Tru
  Tru :: Boolean Tru Tru

-- | @Boolean@ is the category with true and false as objects, and an arrow from false to true.
instance Category Boolean where
  src Fls   = Fls
  src F2T   = Fls
  src Tru   = Tru
  tgt Fls   = Fls
  tgt F2T   = Tru
  tgt Tru   = Tru
  Fls . Fls = Fls
  F2T . Fls = F2T
  Tru . F2T = F2T
  Tru . Tru = Tru
  _      . _      = error "Other combinations should not type check"

-- | False is the initial object in the Boolean category.
instance HasInitialObject Boolean where
  type InitialObject Boolean = Fls
  initialObject = Fls
  initialize Fls = Fls
  initialize Tru = F2T
  initialize _   = error "Other values should not type check"
-- | True is the terminal object in the Boolean category.
instance HasTerminalObject Boolean where
  type TerminalObject Boolean = Tru
  terminalObject = Tru
  terminate Fls = F2T
  terminate Tru = Tru
  terminate _   = error "Other values should not type check"

type instance BinaryProduct Boolean Fls Fls = Fls
type instance BinaryProduct Boolean Fls Tru = Fls
type instance BinaryProduct Boolean Tru Fls = Fls
type instance BinaryProduct Boolean Tru Tru = Tru

instance HasBinaryProducts Boolean where 
  proj1 Fls Fls = Fls
  proj1 Fls Tru = Fls
  proj1 Tru Fls = F2T
  proj1 Tru Tru = Tru
  proj1 _   _   = error "Other combinations should not type check"
  proj2 Fls Fls = Fls
  proj2 Fls Tru = F2T
  proj2 Tru Fls = Fls
  proj2 Tru Tru = Tru
  proj2 _   _   = error "Other combinations should not type check"
  Fls &&& Fls = Fls
  Fls &&& F2T = Fls
  F2T &&& Fls = Fls
  F2T &&& F2T = F2T
  Tru &&& Tru = Tru
  _   &&& _   = error "Other combinations should not type check"

type instance BinaryCoproduct Boolean Fls Fls = Fls
type instance BinaryCoproduct Boolean Fls Tru = Tru
type instance BinaryCoproduct Boolean Tru Fls = Tru
type instance BinaryCoproduct Boolean Tru Tru = Tru

instance HasBinaryCoproducts Boolean where 
  inj1 Fls Fls = Fls
  inj1 Fls Tru = F2T
  inj1 Tru Fls = Tru
  inj1 Tru Tru = Tru
  inj1 _   _   = error "Other combinations should not type check"
  inj2 Fls Fls = Fls
  inj2 Fls Tru = Tru
  inj2 Tru Fls = F2T
  inj2 Tru Tru = Tru
  inj2 _   _   = error "Other combinations should not type check"
  Fls ||| Fls = Fls
  F2T ||| F2T = F2T
  F2T ||| Tru = Tru
  Tru ||| F2T = Tru
  Tru ||| Tru = Tru
  _   ||| _   = error "Other combinations should not type check"

-- | A natural transformation @Nat c d@ is isomorphic to a functor from @c :**: 2@ to @d@.
data NatAsFunctor f g = NatAsFunctor (Nat (Dom f) (Cod f) f g)
type instance Dom (NatAsFunctor f g) = (Dom f) :**: Boolean
type instance Cod (NatAsFunctor f g) = Cod f
type instance NatAsFunctor f g :% (a, Fls) = f :% a
type instance NatAsFunctor f g :% (a, Tru) = g :% a
instance (Functor f, Functor g, Category c, Category d, Dom f ~ c, Cod f ~ d, Dom g ~ c, Cod g ~ d) => Functor (NatAsFunctor f g) where
  NatAsFunctor n % (a :**: b) = natAsFunctor n a b
      natAsFunctor :: Nat c d f g -> c a1 a2 -> Boolean b1 b2 -> d (NatAsFunctor f g :% (a1, b1)) (NatAsFunctor f g :% (a2, b2))
      natAsFunctor (Nat f _ _) a Fls = f % a
      natAsFunctor (Nat _ g _) a Tru = g % a
      natAsFunctor n           a F2T = n ! a