  UndecidableInstances  #-}
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Category.Limit
-- Copyright   :  (c) Sjoerd Visscher 2010
-- License     :  BSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
-- Maintainer  :  sjoerd@w3future.com
-- Stability   :  experimental
-- Portability :  non-portable
module Data.Category.Limit (

  -- * Preliminairies
  -- ** Diagonal Functor
  , DiagF
  -- ** Cones
  , Cone
  , Cocone
  , coneVertex
  , coconeVertex
  -- * Limits
  , LimitFam
  , Limit
  , HasLimits(..)
  , LimitFunctor(..)
  , limitAdj
  -- * Colimits
  , ColimitFam
  , Colimit
  , HasColimits(..)
  , ColimitFunctor(..)
  , colimitAdj
  -- ** Limits of type Void
  , HasTerminalObject(..)
  , HasInitialObject(..)
  , Zero
  -- ** Limits of type Pair
  , BinaryProduct
  , HasBinaryProducts(..)
  , ProductFunctor(..)
  , (:*:)(..)
  , BinaryCoproduct
  , HasBinaryCoproducts(..)
  , CoproductFunctor(..)
  , (:+:)(..)
  -- -- ** Limits of type Hask
  -- , ForAll(..)
  -- , Exists(..)
) where

import Prelude hiding ((.), Functor, product)
import qualified Control.Arrow as A ((&&&), (***), (|||), (+++))

import Data.Category
import Data.Category.Functor
import Data.Category.NaturalTransformation
import Data.Category.Adjunction

import Data.Category.Product
import Data.Category.Coproduct
import Data.Category.Discrete

infixl 3 ***
infixl 3 &&&
infixl 2 +++
infixl 2 |||

-- | The diagonal functor from (index-) category J to (~>).
data Diag :: (* -> * -> *) -> (* -> * -> *) -> * where
  Diag :: Diag j (~>)
type instance Dom (Diag j (~>)) = (~>)
type instance Cod (Diag j (~>)) = Nat j (~>)
type instance Diag j (~>) :% a = Const j (~>) a

instance (Category j, Category (~>)) => Functor (Diag j (~>)) where 
  Diag % f = Nat (Const $ src f) (Const $ tgt f) $ const f

-- | The diagonal functor with the same domain and codomain as @f@.
type DiagF f = Diag (Dom f) (Cod f)

-- | A cone from N to F is a natural transformation from the constant functor to N to F.
type Cone   f n = Nat (Dom f) (Cod f) (ConstF f n) f

-- | A co-cone from F to N is a natural transformation from F to the constant functor to N.
type Cocone f n = Nat (Dom f) (Cod f) f (ConstF f n)

-- | The vertex (or apex) of a cone.
coneVertex :: Cone f n -> Obj (Cod f) n
coneVertex (Nat (Const x) _ _) = x

-- | The vertex (or apex) of a co-cone.
coconeVertex :: Cocone f n -> Obj (Cod f) n
coconeVertex (Nat _ (Const x) _) = x

-- | Limits in a category @(~>)@ by means of a diagram of type @j@, which is a functor from @j@ to @(~>)@.
type family LimitFam j (~>) f :: *

type Limit f = LimitFam (Dom f) (Cod f) f

-- | An instance of @HasLimits j (~>)@ says that @(~>)@ has all limits of type @j@.
class (Category j, Category (~>)) => HasLimits j (~>) where
  limit           :: Obj (Nat j (~>)) f -> Cone f (Limit f)
  limitFactorizer :: Obj (Nat j (~>)) f -> (forall n. Cone f n -> n ~> Limit f)

-- | If every diagram of type @j@ has a limit in @(~>)@ there exists a limit functor.
--   Applied to a natural transformation it is a generalisation of @(***)@:
--   @l@ '***' @r =@ 'LimitFunctor' '%' 'arrowPair' @l r@
data LimitFunctor (j :: * -> * -> *) ((~>)  :: * -> * -> *) = LimitFunctor
type instance Dom (LimitFunctor j (~>)) = Nat j (~>)
type instance Cod (LimitFunctor j (~>)) = (~>)
type instance LimitFunctor j (~>) :% f = LimitFam j (~>) f
instance HasLimits j (~>) => Functor (LimitFunctor j (~>)) where
  LimitFunctor % n @ Nat{}  = limitFactorizer (tgt n) (n . limit (src n))

-- | The limit functor is right adjoint to the diagonal functor.
limitAdj :: HasLimits j (~>) => Adjunction (Nat j (~>)) (~>) (Diag j (~>)) (LimitFunctor j (~>))
limitAdj = mkAdjunction diag LimitFunctor (\a -> limitFactorizer (diag % a) (diag % a)) (\f @ Nat{} -> limit f)
  where diag = Diag -- Forces the type of all Diags to be the same.

-- | Colimits in a category @(~>)@ by means of a diagram of type @j@, which is a functor from @j@ to @(~>)@.
type family ColimitFam j (~>) f :: *

type Colimit f = ColimitFam (Dom f) (Cod f) f

-- | An instance of @HasColimits j (~>)@ says that @(~>)@ has all colimits of type @j@.
class (Category j, Category (~>)) => HasColimits j (~>) where
  colimit           :: Obj (Nat j (~>)) f -> Cocone f (Colimit f)
  colimitFactorizer :: Obj (Nat j (~>)) f -> (forall n. Cocone f n -> Colimit f ~> n)

-- | If every diagram of type @j@ has a colimit in @(~>)@ there exists a colimit functor.
--   Applied to a natural transformation it is a generalisation of @(+++)@:
--   @l@ '+++' @r =@ 'ColimitFunctor' '%' 'arrowPair' @l r@
data ColimitFunctor (j :: * -> * -> *) ((~>)  :: * -> * -> *) = ColimitFunctor
type instance Dom (ColimitFunctor j (~>)) = Nat j (~>)
type instance Cod (ColimitFunctor j (~>)) = (~>)
type instance ColimitFunctor j (~>) :% f = ColimitFam j (~>) f
instance HasColimits j (~>) => Functor (ColimitFunctor j (~>)) where
  ColimitFunctor % n @ Nat{}  = colimitFactorizer (src n) (colimit (tgt n) . n)

-- | The colimit functor is left adjoint to the diagonal functor.
colimitAdj :: HasColimits j (~>) => Adjunction (~>) (Nat j (~>)) (ColimitFunctor j (~>)) (Diag j (~>))
colimitAdj = mkAdjunction ColimitFunctor diag (\f @ Nat{} -> colimit f) (\a -> colimitFactorizer (diag % a) (diag % a)) 
  where diag = Diag -- Forces the type of all Diags to be the same.

-- | A terminal object is the limit of the functor from /0/ to (~>).
class Category (~>) => HasTerminalObject (~>) where
  type TerminalObject (~>) :: *
  terminalObject :: Obj (~>) (TerminalObject (~>))
  terminate :: Obj (~>) a -> a ~> TerminalObject (~>)

type instance LimitFam Void (~>) f = TerminalObject (~>)

instance (HasTerminalObject (~>)) => HasLimits Void (~>) where
  limit (Nat f _ _) = voidNat (Const terminalObject) f
  limitFactorizer Nat{} = terminate . coneVertex

-- | @()@ is the terminal object in @Hask@.
instance HasTerminalObject (->) where
  type TerminalObject (->) = ()
  terminalObject = id
  terminate _ _ = ()

-- | @Unit@ is the terminal category.
instance HasTerminalObject Cat where
  type TerminalObject Cat = CatW Unit
  terminalObject = CatA Id
  terminate (CatA _) = CatA $ Const Z

-- | The constant functor to the terminal object is itself the terminal object in its functor category.
instance (Category c, HasTerminalObject d) => HasTerminalObject (Nat c d) where
  type TerminalObject (Nat c d) = Const c d (TerminalObject d)
  terminalObject = natId $ Const terminalObject
  terminate (Nat f _ _) = Nat f (Const terminalObject) $ terminate . (f %)

-- | The terminal object of the product of 2 categories is the product of their terminal objects.
instance (HasTerminalObject c1, HasTerminalObject c2) => HasTerminalObject (c1 :**: c2) where
  type TerminalObject (c1 :**: c2) = (TerminalObject c1, TerminalObject c2)
  terminalObject = terminalObject :**: terminalObject
  terminate (a1 :**: a2) = terminate a1 :**: terminate a2

-- | An initial object is the colimit of the functor from /0/ to (~>).
class Category (~>) => HasInitialObject (~>) where
  type InitialObject (~>) :: *
  initialObject :: Obj (~>) (InitialObject (~>))

  initialize :: Obj (~>) a -> InitialObject (~>) ~> a

type instance ColimitFam Void (~>) f = InitialObject (~>)

instance HasInitialObject (~>) => HasColimits Void (~>) where
  colimit (Nat f _ _) = voidNat f (Const initialObject)
  colimitFactorizer Nat{} = initialize . coconeVertex

data Zero

-- | Any empty data type is an initial object in @Hask@.
instance HasInitialObject (->) where
  type InitialObject (->) = Zero
  initialObject = id
  -- With thanks to Conor McBride
  initialize _ x = x `seq` error "we never get this far"

-- | The empty category is the initial object in @Cat@.
instance HasInitialObject Cat where
  type InitialObject Cat = CatW Void
  initialObject = CatA Id
  initialize (CatA _) = CatA Nil

-- | The constant functor to the initial object is itself the initial object in its functor category.
instance (Category c, HasInitialObject d) => HasInitialObject (Nat c d) where
  type InitialObject (Nat c d) = Const c d (InitialObject d)
  initialObject = natId $ Const initialObject
  initialize (Nat f _ _) = Nat (Const initialObject) f $ initialize . (f %)

-- | The initial object of the product of 2 categories is the product of their initial objects.
instance (HasInitialObject c1, HasInitialObject c2) => HasInitialObject (c1 :**: c2) where
  type InitialObject (c1 :**: c2) = (InitialObject c1, InitialObject c2)
  initialObject = initialObject :**: initialObject
  initialize (a1 :**: a2) = initialize a1 :**: initialize a2

type family BinaryProduct ((~>) :: * -> * -> *) x y :: *

-- | The product of 2 objects is the limit of the functor from Pair to (~>).
class Category (~>) => HasBinaryProducts (~>) where
  proj1 :: Obj (~>) x -> Obj (~>) y -> BinaryProduct (~>) x y ~> x
  proj2 :: Obj (~>) x -> Obj (~>) y -> BinaryProduct (~>) x y ~> y

  (&&&) :: (a ~> x) -> (a ~> y) -> (a ~> BinaryProduct (~>) x y)

  (***) :: (a1 ~> b1) -> (a2 ~> b2) -> (BinaryProduct (~>) a1 a2 ~> BinaryProduct (~>) b1 b2)
  l *** r = (l . proj1 (src l) (src r)) &&& (r . proj2 (src l) (src r))

type instance LimitFam (Discrete (S n)) (~>) f = BinaryProduct (~>) (f :% Z) (LimitFam (Discrete n) (~>) (f :.: Succ n))

instance (HasLimits (Discrete n) (~>), HasBinaryProducts (~>)) => HasLimits (Discrete (S n)) (~>) where
  limit = limit'
      limit' :: forall f. Obj (Nat (Discrete (S n)) (~>)) f -> Cone f (Limit f)
      limit' l@Nat{} = Nat (Const $ x *** y) (srcF l) (\z -> unCom $ h z)
          x = l ! Z
          y = coneVertex limNext
          limNext = limit (l `o` natId Succ)
          h :: Obj (Discrete (S n)) z -> Com (ConstF f (LimitFam (Discrete (S n)) (~>) f)) f z
          h Z     = Com $               proj1 x y
          h (S n) = Com $ limNext ! n . proj2 x y

  limitFactorizer l@Nat{} c = c ! Z &&& limitFactorizer (l `o` natId Succ) ((c `o` natId Succ) . constPostcompInv (srcF c) Succ)

type instance BinaryProduct (->) x y = (x, y)

instance HasBinaryProducts (->) where
  proj1 _ _ = fst
  proj2 _ _ = snd
  (&&&) = (A.&&&)
  (***) = (A.***)

type instance BinaryProduct Cat (CatW c1) (CatW c2) = CatW (c1 :**: c2)

instance HasBinaryProducts Cat where
  proj1 (CatA _) (CatA _) = CatA Proj1
  proj2 (CatA _) (CatA _) = CatA Proj2
  CatA f1 &&& CatA f2 = CatA ((f1 :***: f2) :.: DiagProd)
  CatA f1 *** CatA f2 = CatA (f1 :***: f2)

type instance BinaryProduct (c1 :**: c2) (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = (BinaryProduct c1 x1 y1, BinaryProduct c2 x2 y2)

instance (HasBinaryProducts c1, HasBinaryProducts c2) => HasBinaryProducts (c1 :**: c2) where
  proj1 (x1 :**: x2) (y1 :**: y2) = proj1 x1 y1 :**: proj1 x2 y2
  proj2 (x1 :**: x2) (y1 :**: y2) = proj2 x1 y1 :**: proj2 x2 y2
  (f1 :**: f2) &&& (g1 :**: g2) = (f1 &&& g1) :**: (f2 &&& g2)
  (f1 :**: f2) *** (g1 :**: g2) = (f1 *** g1) :**: (f2 *** g2)

-- | Binary product as a bifunctor.
data ProductFunctor ((~>) :: * -> * -> *) = ProductFunctor
type instance Dom (ProductFunctor (~>)) = (~>) :**: (~>)
type instance Cod (ProductFunctor (~>)) = (~>)
type instance ProductFunctor (~>) :% (a, b) = BinaryProduct (~>) a b
instance HasBinaryProducts (~>) => Functor (ProductFunctor (~>)) where
  ProductFunctor % (a1 :**: a2) = a1 *** a2

-- | The product of two functors.
data p :*: q where 
  (:*:) :: (Functor p, Functor q, Dom p ~ Dom q, Cod p ~ (~>), Cod q ~ (~>), HasBinaryProducts (~>)) => p -> q -> p :*: q
type instance Dom (p :*: q) = Dom p
type instance Cod (p :*: q) = Cod p
type instance (p :*: q) :% a = BinaryProduct (Cod p) (p :% a) (q :% a)
instance (Category (Dom p), Category (Cod p)) => Functor (p :*: q) where
  (p :*: q) % f = (p % f) *** (q % f)

type instance BinaryProduct (Nat c d) x y = x :*: y

instance (Category c, HasBinaryProducts d) => HasBinaryProducts (Nat c d) where
  proj1 (Nat f _ _) (Nat g _ _) = Nat (f :*: g) f $ \z -> proj1 (f % z) (g % z)
  proj2 (Nat f _ _) (Nat g _ _) = Nat (f :*: g) g $ \z -> proj2 (f % z) (g % z)
  Nat a f af &&& Nat _ g ag = Nat a (f :*: g) $ \z -> af z &&& ag z
  Nat f1 f2 f *** Nat g1 g2 g = Nat (f1 :*: g1) (f2 :*: g2) $ \z -> f z *** g z

type family BinaryCoproduct ((~>) :: * -> * -> *) x y :: *

-- | The coproduct of 2 objects is the colimit of the functor from Pair to (~>).
class Category (~>) => HasBinaryCoproducts (~>) where

  inj1 :: Obj (~>) x -> Obj (~>) y -> x ~> BinaryCoproduct (~>) x y
  inj2 :: Obj (~>) x -> Obj (~>) y -> y ~> BinaryCoproduct (~>) x y

  (|||) :: (x ~> a) -> (y ~> a) -> (BinaryCoproduct (~>) x y ~> a)
  (+++) :: (a1 ~> b1) -> (a2 ~> b2) -> (BinaryCoproduct (~>) a1 a2 ~> BinaryCoproduct (~>) b1 b2)
  l +++ r = (inj1 (tgt l) (tgt r) . l) ||| (inj2 (tgt l) (tgt r) . r)

type instance ColimitFam (Discrete (S n)) (~>) f = BinaryCoproduct (~>) (f :% Z) (ColimitFam (Discrete n) (~>) (f :.: Succ n))

instance (HasColimits (Discrete n) (~>), HasBinaryCoproducts (~>)) => HasColimits (Discrete (S n)) (~>) where
  colimit = colimit'
      colimit' :: forall f. Obj (Nat (Discrete (S n)) (~>)) f -> Cocone f (Colimit f)
      colimit' l@Nat{} = Nat (srcF l) (Const $ x +++ y) (\z -> unCom $ h z)
          x = l ! Z
          y = coconeVertex colNext
          colNext = colimit (l `o` natId Succ)
          h :: Obj (Discrete (S n)) z -> Com f (ConstF f (ColimitFam (Discrete (S n)) (~>) f)) z
          h Z     = Com $ inj1 x y
          h (S n) = Com $ inj2 x y . colNext ! n
  colimitFactorizer l@Nat{} c = c ! Z ||| colimitFactorizer (l `o` natId Succ) (constPostcomp (tgtF c) Succ . (c `o` natId Succ))

type instance BinaryCoproduct (->) x y = Either x y

instance HasBinaryCoproducts (->) where
  inj1 _ _ = Left
  inj2 _ _ = Right
  (|||) = (A.|||)
  (+++) = (A.+++)

type instance BinaryCoproduct Cat (CatW c1) (CatW c2) = CatW (c1 :++: c2)

instance HasBinaryCoproducts Cat where
  inj1 (CatA _) (CatA _) = CatA Inj1
  inj2 (CatA _) (CatA _) = CatA Inj2
  CatA f1 ||| CatA f2 = CatA (CodiagCoprod :.: (f1 :+++: f2))
  CatA f1 +++ CatA f2 = CatA (f1 :+++: f2)

type instance BinaryCoproduct (c1 :**: c2) (x1, x2) (y1, y2) = (BinaryCoproduct c1 x1 y1, BinaryCoproduct c2 x2 y2)

instance (HasBinaryCoproducts c1, HasBinaryCoproducts c2) => HasBinaryCoproducts (c1 :**: c2) where
  inj1 (x1 :**: x2) (y1 :**: y2) = inj1 x1 y1 :**: inj1 x2 y2
  inj2 (x1 :**: x2) (y1 :**: y2) = inj2 x1 y1 :**: inj2 x2 y2
  (f1 :**: f2) ||| (g1 :**: g2) = (f1 ||| g1) :**: (f2 ||| g2)
  (f1 :**: f2) +++ (g1 :**: g2) = (f1 +++ g1) :**: (f2 +++ g2)

-- | Binary coproduct as a bifunctor.
data CoproductFunctor ((~>) :: * -> * -> *) = CoproductFunctor
type instance Dom (CoproductFunctor (~>)) = (~>) :**: (~>)
type instance Cod (CoproductFunctor (~>)) = (~>)
type instance CoproductFunctor (~>) :% (a, b) = BinaryCoproduct (~>) a b
instance HasBinaryCoproducts (~>) => Functor (CoproductFunctor (~>)) where
  CoproductFunctor % (a1 :**: a2) = a1 +++ a2

-- | The coproduct of two functors.
data p :+: q where 
  (:+:) :: (Functor p, Functor q, Dom p ~ Dom q, Cod p ~ (~>), Cod q ~ (~>), HasBinaryCoproducts (~>)) => p -> q -> p :+: q
type instance Dom (p :+: q) = Dom p
type instance Cod (p :+: q) = Cod p
type instance (p :+: q) :% a = BinaryCoproduct (Cod p) (p :% a) (q :% a)
instance (Category (Dom p), Category (Cod p)) => Functor (p :+: q) where
  (p :+: q) % f = (p % f) +++ (q % f)

type instance BinaryCoproduct (Nat c d) x y = x :+: y

instance (Category c, HasBinaryCoproducts d) => HasBinaryCoproducts (Nat c d) where
  inj1 (Nat f _ _) (Nat g _ _) = Nat f (f :+: g) $ \z -> inj1 (f % z) (g % z)
  inj2 (Nat f _ _) (Nat g _ _) = Nat g (f :+: g) $ \z -> inj2 (f % z) (g % z)
  Nat f a fa ||| Nat g _ ga = Nat (f :+: g) a $ \z -> fa z ||| ga z
  Nat f1 f2 f +++ Nat g1 g2 g = Nat (f1 :+: g1) (f2 :+: g2) $ \z -> f z +++ g z

-- newtype ForAll f = ForAll { unForAll :: forall a. f :% a }
-- type instance LimitFam (->) (->) f = ForAll f
-- instance HasLimits (->) (->) where
--   limit (Nat f _ _) = Nat (Const id) f $ \_ -> unForAll
--   limitFactorizer Nat{} c n = ForAll $ (c ! id) n -- ForAll . (c ! id)
-- data Exists f = forall a. Exists (f :% a)
-- type instance ColimitFam (->) (->) f = Exists f
-- instance HasColimits (->) (->) where
--   colimit (Nat f _ _) = Nat f (Const id) $ \_ -> Exists
--   colimitFactorizer Nat{} c (Exists fa) = (c ! id) fa -- (c ! id) . unExists