data-category-0.5.0: Category theory

Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred






type family Exponential k y z :: *Source

class (HasTerminalObject k, HasBinaryProducts k) => CartesianClosed k whereSource

A category is cartesian closed if it has all products and exponentials for all objects.


apply :: Obj k y -> Obj k z -> k (BinaryProduct k (Exponential k y z) y) zSource

tuple :: Obj k y -> Obj k z -> k z (Exponential k y (BinaryProduct k z y))Source

(^^^) :: k z1 z2 -> k y2 y1 -> k (Exponential k y1 z1) (Exponential k y2 z2)Source


CartesianClosed (->)

Exponentials in Hask are functions.

CartesianClosed Cat

Exponentials in Cat are the functor categories.

CartesianClosed Boolean

Implication makes the Boolean category cartesian closed.

(HasTerminalObject (Presheaves k), HasBinaryProducts (Presheaves k), Category k) => CartesianClosed (Presheaves k)

The category of presheaves on a category C is cartesian closed for any C.

data ExpFunctor k Source




(Category (Dom (ExpFunctor k)), Category (Cod (ExpFunctor k)), CartesianClosed k) => Functor (ExpFunctor k)

The exponential as a bifunctor.

data Apply y z Source




(Category (Dom (Apply y z)), Category (Cod (Apply y z)), Category y, Category z) => Functor (Apply y z)

Apply is a bifunctor, Apply :% (f, a) applies f to a, i.e. f :% a.

data ToTuple1 y z Source




(Category (Dom (ToTuple1 y z)), Category (Cod (ToTuple1 y z)), Category y, Category z) => Functor (ToTuple1 y z)

ToTuple1 converts an object a to the functor Tuple1 a.

data ToTuple2 y z Source




(Category (Dom (ToTuple2 y z)), Category (Cod (ToTuple2 y z)), Category y, Category z) => Functor (ToTuple2 y z)

ToTuple2 converts an object a to the functor Tuple2 a.

curryAdj :: CartesianClosed k => Obj k y -> Adjunction k k (ProductFunctor k :.: Tuple2 k k y) (ExpFunctor k :.: Tuple1 (Op k) k y)Source

The product functor is left adjoint the the exponential functor.

curry :: CartesianClosed k => Obj k x -> Obj k y -> Obj k z -> k (BinaryProduct k x y) z -> k x (Exponential k y z)Source

From the adjunction between the product functor and the exponential functor we get the curry and uncurry functions, generalized to any cartesian closed category.

uncurry :: CartesianClosed k => Obj k x -> Obj k y -> Obj k z -> k x (Exponential k y z) -> k (BinaryProduct k x y) zSource

type State k s a = Exponential k s (BinaryProduct k a s)Source

From every adjunction we get a monad, in this case the State monad.

stateMonadReturn :: CartesianClosed k => Obj k s -> Obj k a -> k a (State k s a)Source

stateMonadJoin :: CartesianClosed k => Obj k s -> Obj k a -> k (State k s (State k s a)) (State k s a)Source

type Context k s a = BinaryProduct k (Exponential k s a) sSource

contextComonadExtract :: CartesianClosed k => Obj k s -> Obj k a -> k (Context k s a) aSource

contextComonadDuplicate :: CartesianClosed k => Obj k s -> Obj k a -> k (Context k s a) (Context k s (Context k s a))Source