{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MagicHash #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UnboxedTuples #-}

#include "MachDeps.h"

module Data.DoubleWord.Base
  ( BinaryWord(..)
  , DoubleWord(..)
  ) where

import Data.Int
import Data.Word
import Data.Bits (Bits(..))
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 705
import GHC.Prim (plusWord2#, timesWord2#)
# if WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 32
import GHC.Word (Word32(..))
# endif
# if WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 64
import GHC.Word (Word64(..))
# endif

-- | Extra bit-manipulation functions for binary words of fixed length.
class Bits w  BinaryWord w where
  -- | The unsigned variant type
  type UnsignedWord w
  -- | The signed variant type
  type SignedWord w
  -- | Convert the word to the unsigned type (identical to 'fromIntegral')
  unsignedWord  w  UnsignedWord w
  -- | Convert the word to the signed type (identical to 'fromIntegral')
  signedWord  w  SignedWord w
  -- | Unwrapped addition
  unwrappedAdd  w  w  (w, UnsignedWord w)
  -- | Unwrapped multiplication
  unwrappedMul  w  w  (w, UnsignedWord w)
  -- | Number of leading (from MSB) zero bits
  leadingZeroes  w  Int
  -- | Number or trailing (from LSB) zero bits
  trailingZeroes  w  Int
  -- | The word with all bits set to 0
  allZeroes  w
  -- | The word with all bits set to 1
  allOnes  w
  -- | The word with MSB set to 1 and all the other bits set to 0
  msb  w
  -- | The word with LSB set to 1 and all the other bits set to 0
  lsb  w
  -- | Test if the MSB is 1
  testMsb  w  Bool
  -- | Test if the LSB is 1
  testLsb  w  Bool

instance BinaryWord Word8 where
  type UnsignedWord Word8 = Word8
  type SignedWord Word8 = Int8
  unsignedWord = id
  {-# INLINE unsignedWord #-}
  signedWord = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE signedWord #-}
  unwrappedAdd x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where s = fromIntegral x + fromIntegral y  Word16
          hi = hiWord s
          lo = loWord s
  {-# INLINE unwrappedAdd #-}
  unwrappedMul x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where p = fromIntegral x * fromIntegral y  Word16
          hi = hiWord p
          lo = loWord p
  {-# INLINE unwrappedMul #-}
  leadingZeroes w | w .&. 0xF0 == 0 = go4 4 w
                  | otherwise       = go4 0 (shiftR w 4)
    where go4 off w' | w' .&. 8 /= 0 = off
                     | w' .&. 4 /= 0 = off + 1
                     | w' .&. 2 /= 0 = off + 2
                     | w' .&. 1 /= 0 = off + 3
                     | otherwise     = off + 4
  trailingZeroes w | w .&. 0x0F == 0 = go4 4 (shiftR w 4)
                   | otherwise       = go4 0 w
    where go4 off w' | w' .&. 1 /= 0 = off
                     | w' .&. 2 /= 0 = off + 1
                     | w' .&. 4 /= 0 = off + 2
                     | w' .&. 8 /= 0 = off + 3
                     | otherwise     = off + 4
  allZeroes = 0
  {-# INLINE allZeroes #-}
  allOnes = 0xFF
  {-# INLINE allOnes #-}
  msb = 0x80
  {-# INLINE msb #-}
  lsb = 1
  {-# INLINE lsb #-}
  testMsb x = testBit x 7
  {-# INLINE testMsb #-}
  testLsb x = testBit x 0
  {-# INLINE testLsb #-}

instance BinaryWord Word16 where
  type UnsignedWord Word16 = Word16
  type SignedWord Word16 = Int16
  unsignedWord = id
  {-# INLINE unsignedWord #-}
  signedWord = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE signedWord #-}
  unwrappedAdd x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where s  = fromIntegral x + fromIntegral y  Word32
          lo = loWord s
          hi = hiWord s
  {-# INLINE unwrappedAdd #-}
  unwrappedMul x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where p  = fromIntegral x * fromIntegral y  Word32
          lo = loWord p
          hi = hiWord p
  {-# INLINE unwrappedMul #-}
  leadingZeroes w | w .&. 0xFF00 == 0 = go8 8 w
                  | otherwise         = go8 0 (shiftR w 8)
      go8 off w' | w' .&. 0xF0 == 0 = go4 (off + 4) w'
                 | otherwise        = go4 off (shiftR w' 4)
      go4 off w' | w' .&. 8 /= 0    = off
                 | w' .&. 4 /= 0    = off + 1
                 | w' .&. 2 /= 0    = off + 2
                 | w' .&. 1 /= 0    = off + 3
                 | otherwise        = off + 4
  trailingZeroes w | w .&. 0x00FF == 0 = go8 8 (shiftR w 8)
                   | otherwise         = go8 0 w
      go8 off w' | w' .&. 0x0F == 0 = go4 (off + 4) (shiftR w' 4)
                 | otherwise        = go4 off w'
      go4 off w' | w' .&. 1 /= 0    = off
                 | w' .&. 2 /= 0    = off + 1
                 | w' .&. 4 /= 0    = off + 2
                 | w' .&. 8 /= 0    = off + 3
                 | otherwise        = off + 4
  allZeroes = 0
  {-# INLINE allZeroes #-}
  allOnes = 0xFFFF
  {-# INLINE allOnes #-}
  msb = 0x8000
  {-# INLINE msb #-}
  lsb = 1
  {-# INLINE lsb #-}
  testMsb x = testBit x 15
  {-# INLINE testMsb #-}
  testLsb x = testBit x 0
  {-# INLINE testLsb #-}

instance BinaryWord Word32 where
  type UnsignedWord Word32 = Word32
  type SignedWord Word32 = Int32
  unsignedWord = id
  {-# INLINE unsignedWord #-}
  signedWord = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE signedWord #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 705 && WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 32
  unwrappedAdd (W32# x) (W32# y) = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where (# hi', lo' #) = plusWord2# x y
          hi = W32# hi'
          lo = W32# lo'
  unwrappedAdd x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where s  = fromIntegral x + fromIntegral y  Word64
          lo = loWord s
          hi = hiWord s
  {-# INLINE unwrappedAdd #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 705 && WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 32
  unwrappedMul (W32# x) (W32# y) = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where (# hi', lo' #) = timesWord2# x y
          lo = W32# lo'
          hi = W32# hi'
  unwrappedMul x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where p  = fromIntegral x * fromIntegral y  Word64
          lo = loWord p
          hi = hiWord p
  {-# INLINE unwrappedMul #-}
  leadingZeroes w | w .&. 0xFFFF0000 == 0 = go16 16 w
                  | otherwise             = go16 0 (shiftR w 16)
      go16 off w' | w' .&. 0xFF00 == 0 = go8 (off + 8) w'
                  | otherwise          = go8 off (shiftR w' 8)
      go8  off w' | w' .&. 0xF0 == 0   = go4 (off + 4) w'
                  | otherwise          = go4 off (shiftR w' 4)
      go4  off w' | w' .&. 8 /= 0      = off
                  | w' .&. 4 /= 0      = off + 1
                  | w' .&. 2 /= 0      = off + 2
                  | w' .&. 1 /= 0      = off + 3
                  | otherwise          = off + 4
  trailingZeroes w | w .&. 0x0000FFFF == 0 = go16 16 (shiftR w 16)
                   | otherwise             = go16 0 w
      go16 off w' | w' .&. 0x00FF == 0 = go8 (off + 8) (shiftR w' 8)
                  | otherwise          = go8 off w'
      go8  off w' | w' .&. 0x0F == 0   = go4 (off + 4) (shiftR w' 4)
                  | otherwise          = go4 off w'
      go4  off w' | w' .&. 1 /= 0      = off
                  | w' .&. 2 /= 0      = off + 1
                  | w' .&. 4 /= 0      = off + 2
                  | w' .&. 8 /= 0      = off + 3
                  | otherwise          = off + 4
  allZeroes = 0
  {-# INLINE allZeroes #-}
  allOnes = 0xFFFFFFFF
  {-# INLINE allOnes #-}
  msb = 0x80000000
  {-# INLINE msb #-}
  lsb = 1
  {-# INLINE lsb #-}
  testMsb x = testBit x 31
  {-# INLINE testMsb #-}
  testLsb x = testBit x 0
  {-# INLINE testLsb #-}

instance BinaryWord Word64 where
  type UnsignedWord Word64 = Word64
  type SignedWord Word64 = Int64
  unsignedWord = id
  {-# INLINE unsignedWord #-}
  signedWord = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE signedWord #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 705 && WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 64
  unwrappedAdd (W64# x) (W64# y) = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where (# hi', lo' #) = plusWord2# x y
          lo = W64# lo'
          hi = W64# hi'
  {-# INLINE unwrappedAdd #-}
  unwrappedAdd x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where lo = x + y
          hi = if lo < x then 1 else 0
  {-# INLINABLE unwrappedAdd #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 705 && WORD_SIZE_IN_BITS == 64
  unwrappedMul (W64# x) (W64# y) = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where (# hi', lo' #) = timesWord2# x y
          lo = W64# lo'
          hi = W64# hi'
  {-# INLINE unwrappedMul #-}
  unwrappedMul x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where xHi = shiftR x 32
          xLo = x .&. 0xFFFFFFFF
          yHi = shiftR y 32
          yLo = y .&. 0xFFFFFFFF
          hi0 = xHi * yHi
          lo0 = xLo * yLo
          p1  = xHi * yLo
          p2  = xLo * yHi
          hi  = hi0 + fromIntegral uHi1 + fromIntegral uHi2 +
                shiftR p1 32 + shiftR p2 32
          lo  = fromHiAndLo lo' (loWord lo0)
          (uHi1, uLo) = unwrappedAdd (loWord p1) (loWord p2)
          (uHi2, lo') = unwrappedAdd (hiWord lo0) uLo
  leadingZeroes w | w .&. 0xFFFFFFFF00000000 == 0 = go32 32 w
                  | otherwise                     = go32 0 (shiftR w 32)
      go32 off w' | w' .&. 0xFFFF0000 == 0 = go16 (off + 16) w'
                  | otherwise              = go16 off (shiftR w' 16)
      go16 off w' | w' .&. 0xFF00 == 0     = go8 (off + 8) w'
                  | otherwise              = go8 off (shiftR w' 8)
      go8  off w' | w' .&. 0xF0 == 0       = go4 (off + 4) w'
                  | otherwise              = go4 off (shiftR w' 4)
      go4  off w' | w' .&. 8 /= 0          = off
                  | w' .&. 4 /= 0          = off + 1
                  | w' .&. 2 /= 0          = off + 2
                  | w' .&. 1 /= 0          = off + 3
                  | otherwise              = off + 4
  trailingZeroes w | w .&. 0x00000000FFFFFFFF == 0 = go32 32 (shiftR w 32)
                   | otherwise                     = go32 0 w
      go32 off w' | w' .&. 0x0000FFFF == 0 = go16 (off + 16) (shiftR w' 16)
                  | otherwise              = go16 off w'
      go16 off w' | w' .&. 0x00FF == 0     = go8 (off + 8) (shiftR w' 8)
                  | otherwise              = go8 off w'
      go8  off w' | w' .&. 0x0F == 0       = go4 (off + 4) (shiftR w' 4)
                  | otherwise              = go4 off w'
      go4  off w' | w' .&. 1 /= 0          = off
                  | w' .&. 2 /= 0          = off + 1
                  | w' .&. 4 /= 0          = off + 2
                  | w' .&. 8 /= 0          = off + 3
                  | otherwise              = off + 4
  leadingZeroes w | hiZeroes == 32 = 32 + leadingZeroes (loWord w)
                  | otherwise      = hiZeroes
    where hiZeroes = leadingZeroes (hiWord w)
  trailingZeroes w | loZeroes == 32 = 32 + trailingZeroes (hiWord w)
                   | otherwise      = loZeroes
    where loZeroes = trailingZeroes (loWord w)
  allZeroes = 0
  {-# INLINE allZeroes #-}
  {-# INLINE allOnes #-}
  msb = 0x8000000000000000
  {-# INLINE msb #-}
  lsb = 1
  {-# INLINE lsb #-}
  testMsb x = testBit x 63
  {-# INLINE testMsb #-}
  testLsb x = testBit x 0
  {-# INLINE testLsb #-}

instance BinaryWord Int8 where
  type UnsignedWord Int8 = Word8
  type SignedWord Int8 = Int8
  unsignedWord = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE unsignedWord #-}
  signedWord = id
  {-# INLINE signedWord #-}
  unwrappedAdd x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where s = fromIntegral x + fromIntegral y  Int16
          hi = hiWord s
          lo = loWord s
  {-# INLINE unwrappedAdd #-}
  unwrappedMul x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where p = fromIntegral x * fromIntegral y  Int16
          hi = hiWord p
          lo = loWord p
  {-# INLINE unwrappedMul #-}
  leadingZeroes = leadingZeroes . unsignedWord
  {-# INLINE leadingZeroes #-}
  trailingZeroes = trailingZeroes . unsignedWord
  {-# INLINE trailingZeroes #-}
  allZeroes = 0
  {-# INLINE allZeroes #-}
  allOnes = 0xFF
  {-# INLINE allOnes #-}
  msb = 0x80
  {-# INLINE msb #-}
  lsb = 1
  {-# INLINE lsb #-}
  testMsb x = testBit x 7
  {-# INLINE testMsb #-}
  testLsb x = testBit x 0
  {-# INLINE testLsb #-}

instance BinaryWord Int16 where
  type UnsignedWord Int16 = Word16
  type SignedWord Int16 = Int16
  unsignedWord = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE unsignedWord #-}
  signedWord = id
  {-# INLINE signedWord #-}
  unwrappedAdd x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where s  = fromIntegral x + fromIntegral y  Int32
          lo = loWord s
          hi = hiWord s
  {-# INLINE unwrappedAdd #-}
  unwrappedMul x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where p  = fromIntegral x * fromIntegral y  Int32
          lo = loWord p
          hi = hiWord p
  {-# INLINE unwrappedMul #-}
  leadingZeroes = leadingZeroes . unsignedWord
  {-# INLINE leadingZeroes #-}
  trailingZeroes = trailingZeroes . unsignedWord
  {-# INLINE trailingZeroes #-}
  allZeroes = 0
  {-# INLINE allZeroes #-}
  allOnes = 0xFFFF
  {-# INLINE allOnes #-}
  msb = 0x8000
  {-# INLINE msb #-}
  lsb = 1
  {-# INLINE lsb #-}
  testMsb x = testBit x 15
  {-# INLINE testMsb #-}
  testLsb x = testBit x 0
  {-# INLINE testLsb #-}

instance BinaryWord Int32 where
  type UnsignedWord Int32 = Word32
  type SignedWord Int32 = Int32
  unsignedWord = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE unsignedWord #-}
  signedWord = id
  {-# INLINE signedWord #-}
  unwrappedAdd x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where extX = if x < 0 then maxBound else 0
          extY = if y < 0 then maxBound else 0
          (hi', lo) = unsignedWord x `unwrappedAdd` unsignedWord y
          hi = signedWord $ hi' + extX + extY
  unwrappedMul x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where extX = if x < 0 then negate y else 0
          extY = if y < 0 then negate x else 0
          (hi', lo) = unsignedWord x `unwrappedMul` unsignedWord y
          hi = signedWord hi' + extX + extY
  unwrappedAdd x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where s  = fromIntegral x + fromIntegral y  Int64
          lo = loWord s
          hi = hiWord s
  {-# INLINE unwrappedAdd #-}
  unwrappedMul x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where p  = fromIntegral x * fromIntegral y  Int64
          lo = loWord p
          hi = hiWord p
  {-# INLINE unwrappedMul #-}
  leadingZeroes = leadingZeroes . unsignedWord
  {-# INLINE leadingZeroes #-}
  trailingZeroes = trailingZeroes . unsignedWord
  {-# INLINE trailingZeroes #-}
  allZeroes = 0
  {-# INLINE allZeroes #-}
  allOnes = 0xFFFFFFFF
  {-# INLINE allOnes #-}
  msb = 0x80000000
  {-# INLINE msb #-}
  lsb = 1
  {-# INLINE lsb #-}
  testMsb x = testBit x 31
  {-# INLINE testMsb #-}
  testLsb x = testBit x 0
  {-# INLINE testLsb #-}

instance BinaryWord Int64 where
  type UnsignedWord Int64 = Word64
  type SignedWord Int64 = Int64
  unsignedWord = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE unsignedWord #-}
  signedWord = id
  {-# INLINE signedWord #-}
  unwrappedAdd x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where extX = if x < 0 then maxBound else 0
          extY = if y < 0 then maxBound else 0
          (hi', lo) = unsignedWord x `unwrappedAdd` unsignedWord y
          hi = signedWord $ hi' + extX + extY
  unwrappedMul x y = hi `seq` lo `seq` (hi, lo)
    where extX = if x < 0 then negate y else 0
          extY = if y < 0 then negate x else 0
          (hi', lo) = unsignedWord x `unwrappedMul` unsignedWord y
          hi = signedWord hi' + extX + extY
  leadingZeroes = leadingZeroes . unsignedWord
  {-# INLINE leadingZeroes #-}
  trailingZeroes = trailingZeroes . unsignedWord
  {-# INLINE trailingZeroes #-}
  allZeroes = 0
  {-# INLINE allZeroes #-}
  {-# INLINE allOnes #-}
  msb = 0x8000000000000000
  {-# INLINE msb #-}
  lsb = 1
  {-# INLINE lsb #-}
  testMsb x = testBit x 63
  {-# INLINE testMsb #-}
  testLsb x = testBit x 0
  {-# INLINE testLsb #-}

-- | Defines a particular way to split a binary word in halves.
class BinaryWord w  DoubleWord w where
  -- | The low half type
  type LoWord w
  -- | The high half type
  type HiWord w
  -- | The low half of the word
  loWord       w  LoWord w
  -- | The high half of the word
  hiWord       w  HiWord w
  -- | Construct a word from the low and high halves
  fromHiAndLo  HiWord w  LoWord w  w
  -- | Extend the low half
  extendLo  LoWord w  w
  -- | Sign-extend the low half
  signExtendLo  SignedWord (LoWord w)  w

instance DoubleWord Word16 where
  type LoWord Word16 = Word8
  type HiWord Word16 = Word8
  loWord w = fromIntegral w
  {-# INLINE loWord #-}
  hiWord w = fromIntegral $ shiftR w 8
  {-# INLINE hiWord #-}
  fromHiAndLo hi lo = shiftL (fromIntegral hi) 8 .|. fromIntegral lo
  {-# INLINE fromHiAndLo #-}
  extendLo = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE extendLo #-}
  signExtendLo = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE signExtendLo #-}

instance DoubleWord Word32 where
  type LoWord Word32 = Word16
  type HiWord Word32 = Word16
  loWord w = fromIntegral w
  {-# INLINE loWord #-}
  hiWord w = fromIntegral $ shiftR w 16
  {-# INLINE hiWord #-}
  fromHiAndLo hi lo = shiftL (fromIntegral hi) 16 .|. fromIntegral lo
  {-# INLINE fromHiAndLo #-}
  extendLo = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE extendLo #-}
  signExtendLo = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE signExtendLo #-}

instance DoubleWord Word64 where
  type LoWord Word64 = Word32
  type HiWord Word64 = Word32
  loWord w = fromIntegral w
  {-# INLINE loWord #-}
  hiWord w = fromIntegral $ shiftR w 32
  {-# INLINE hiWord #-}
  fromHiAndLo hi lo = shiftL (fromIntegral hi) 32 .|. fromIntegral lo
  {-# INLINE fromHiAndLo #-}
  extendLo = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE extendLo #-}
  signExtendLo = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE signExtendLo #-}

instance DoubleWord Int16 where
  type LoWord Int16 = Word8
  type HiWord Int16 = Int8
  loWord w = fromIntegral w
  {-# INLINE loWord #-}
  hiWord w = fromIntegral $ shiftR w 8
  {-# INLINE hiWord #-}
  fromHiAndLo hi lo = shiftL (fromIntegral hi) 8 .|. fromIntegral lo
  {-# INLINE fromHiAndLo #-}
  extendLo = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE extendLo #-}
  signExtendLo = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE signExtendLo #-}

instance DoubleWord Int32 where
  type LoWord Int32 = Word16
  type HiWord Int32 = Int16
  loWord w = fromIntegral w
  {-# INLINE loWord #-}
  hiWord w = fromIntegral $ shiftR w 16
  {-# INLINE hiWord #-}
  fromHiAndLo hi lo = shiftL (fromIntegral hi) 16 .|. fromIntegral lo
  {-# INLINE fromHiAndLo #-}
  extendLo = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE extendLo #-}
  signExtendLo = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE signExtendLo #-}

instance DoubleWord Int64 where
  type LoWord Int64 = Word32
  type HiWord Int64 = Int32
  loWord w = fromIntegral w
  {-# INLINE loWord #-}
  hiWord w = fromIntegral $ shiftR w 32
  {-# INLINE hiWord #-}
  fromHiAndLo hi lo = shiftL (fromIntegral hi) 32 .|. fromIntegral lo
  {-# INLINE fromHiAndLo #-}
  extendLo = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE extendLo #-}
  signExtendLo = fromIntegral
  {-# INLINE signExtendLo #-}