module Data.Lens.Partial.Common where

import Prelude hiding ((.), id, null, any, all)
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category
import Control.Category.Product
import Data.Lens.Common (Lens(..))
import Control.Comonad.Trans.Store
import Data.Foldable (any, all)
import Data.Functor.Identity
import Data.Functor.Sum
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Monoid (Sum(..), Product(..))

newtype PartialLens a b = PLens (a -> Maybe (Store b a))

-- A partial lens is a coalgebra for the Sum Identity (Store b) comonad.
runPLens :: PartialLens a b -> a -> (Sum Identity (Store b)) a
runPLens (PLens f) a = maybe (InL (Identity a)) InR (f a)

instance Category PartialLens where
  id = totalLens id
  PLens f . PLens g = PLens $ \a -> do
      (StoreT wba b) <- g a
      (StoreT wcb c) <- f b
      return (StoreT ((.) <$> wba <*> wcb) c)

null :: PartialLens a b
null = PLens (const Nothing)

-- totalLens is a homomorphism of categories; ie a functor.
totalLens :: Lens a b -> PartialLens a b
totalLens (Lens f) = PLens (Just . f)

-- * Functional API

getPL :: PartialLens a b -> a -> Maybe b
getPL (PLens f) a = pos <$> f a

-- If the PartialLens is null, then return the given default value.
getorPL :: PartialLens a b -> b -> a -> b
getorPL l b = fromMaybe b . getPL l

-- If the PartialLens is null, then return the given default value.
getorAPL :: Applicative f => PartialLens a b -> f b -> a -> f b
getorAPL l b = maybe b pure . getPL l

mergePL :: PartialLens a c -> PartialLens b c -> PartialLens (Either a b) c
(PLens f) `mergePL` (PLens g) =
  PLens $ either (\a -> (fmap Left) <$> f a) (\b -> (fmap Right) <$> g b)

-- If the Partial is null.
nullPL :: PartialLens a b -> a -> Bool
nullPL l = isNothing . getPL l

getorEmptyPL :: (Monoid o) => PartialLens a b -> (b -> o) -> a -> o
getorEmptyPL l p = maybe mempty p . getPL l

-- returns 0 in case of null
sumPL :: (Num c) => PartialLens a b -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
sumPL l p = Data.Monoid.getSum . getorEmptyPL l (Data.Monoid.Sum . p)

-- returns 1 in case of null
productPL :: (Num c) => PartialLens a b -> (b -> c) -> a -> c
productPL l p = Data.Monoid.getProduct . getorEmptyPL l (Data.Monoid.Product . p)

anyPL :: PartialLens a b -> (b -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
anyPL l p =
  any p . getPL l

allPL :: PartialLens a b -> (b -> Bool) -> a -> Bool
allPL l p =
  all p . getPL l

trySetPL :: PartialLens a b -> a -> Maybe (b -> a)
trySetPL (PLens f) a = flip peek <$> f a

-- If the PartialLens is null, then setPL returns the identity function.
setPL :: PartialLens a b -> b -> a -> a
setPL (PLens f) b a = maybe a (peek b) (f a)

-- If the PartialLens is null, then setPL returns the identity function.
modPL :: PartialLens a b -> (b -> b) -> a -> a
modPL (PLens f) g a = maybe a (peeks g) (f a)

-- * Operator API

infixr 0 ^$
(^$) :: PartialLens a b -> a -> Maybe b
(^$) = getPL

infixl 9 ^.
(^.) :: a -> PartialLens a b -> Maybe b
(^.) = flip getPL

infixr 4 ^=
(^=) :: PartialLens a b -> b -> a -> a
(^=) = setPL

infixr 4 ^%=
(^%=) :: PartialLens a b -> (b -> b) -> a -> a
(^%=) = modPL

infixr 4 ^%%=
-- | applicative modify
(^%%=) :: Applicative f => PartialLens a b -> (b -> f b) -> a -> f a
PLens f ^%%= g = \a -> case f a of
  Nothing                      -> pure a
  Just (StoreT (Identity h) b) -> h <$> g b

-- * Pseudo-imperatives

infixr 4 ^+=, ^-=, ^*=
(^+=), (^-=), (^*=) :: Num b => PartialLens a b -> b -> a -> a
l ^+= n = l ^%= (+ n)
l ^-= n = l ^%= subtract n
l ^*= n = l ^%= (* n)

infixr 4 ^/=
(^/=) :: Fractional b => PartialLens a b -> b -> a -> a
l ^/= r = l ^%= (/ r)

-- * Stock partial lenses

justLens :: PartialLens (Maybe a) a
justLens = PLens $ \ma -> do
  a <- ma
  return (store Just a)

leftLens :: PartialLens (Either a b) a
leftLens = PLens $ either (Just . store Left) (const Nothing)

rightLens :: PartialLens (Either a b) b
rightLens = PLens $ either (const Nothing) (Just . store Right)

headLens :: PartialLens [a] a
headLens = PLens f
  f [] = Nothing
  f (h:t) = Just (store (:t) h)

tailLens :: PartialLens [a] [a]
tailLens = PLens f
  f [] = Nothing
  f (h:t) = Just (store (h:) t)

{- Other Examples

nthLens :: Int -> PartialLens [a] a
nthLens n | n < 0  = null
          | n == 0 = headLens
          | otherwise = nthLens (n-1) . tailLens

-- setPL does not insert into a Map! it only modifies a value if the key already exists in the map
mapPLens :: Ord k => k -> PartialLens (Map.Map k v) v
mapPLens k = justLens . totalLens (mapLens k)

-- setPL does not insert into a IntMap! it only modifies a value if the key already exists in the map
intMapPLens :: Int -> PartialLens (IntMap v) v
intMapPLens k = justLens . totalLens (intMapLens k)

instance Tensor PartialLens where
  PLens f *** PLens g =
    PLens $ \(a, c) ->
      do x <- f a
         y <- g c
         return $ store (\(b, d) -> (peek b x, peek d y)) (pos x, pos y)