{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} module Main where -- import qualified Data.RTree as Lazy -- just for dev. import Prelude hiding (lookup, map, mapM, null, succ) --import Control.Arrow (second) import Control.Applicative ((<$>)) import Control.DeepSeq (($!!)) import Data.Monoid import Data.RTree.Strict import qualified Data.RTree as L import Data.RTree.MBB import GHC.AssertNF -- import System.IO import Test.Framework import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit import Test.HUnit hiding (Test, Testable) newtype Attr = A [Int] deriving (Show) instance Monoid Attr where mempty = mkA [] mappend (A xs) (A ys) = mkA (xs ++ ys) -- evaluation of x `mappend` y to WHNF leads to NF -- because of the $!! in mkA -- -- example -- -- A [1,2] `mappend` A [3,4] -- = { subst of mappend } -- mkA ([1,2] ++ [3,4]) -- = { subst of mkA } -- A $!! ([1,2] ++ [3,4]) -- = { subst of $!! } -- A [1,2,3,4] -- -- in a call of Data.RTree.insert k (x `mappend` y) m -- the attribute is forced to be in WHNF, and this leads to NF type Map = RTree Attr -- smart constructor for evaluation into NF -- before calling the constructor A mkA :: [Int] -> Attr mkA xs = A $!! xs mkA' :: Int -> Attr mkA' x = mkA [0 .. x] consA :: Int -> Attr -> Attr consA n a = mkA [n] `mappend` a default (Int) main :: IO () main = defaultMain [ testCase "isNF" test_isNF , testCase "empty" (checkIsNF (empty :: RTree ())) , testCase "t_1" (checkIsNF t_1) , testCase "tu_1" (checkIsNF tu_1) , testCase "tu_2" (checkIsNF tu_2) , testCase "tu_2" (checkIsNF test_union) , testCase "test_insertWith1" (checkIsNF test_insertWith1) , testCase "test_insertWith" (checkIsNF test_insertWith) , testCase "test_map" (checkIsNF test_map) , testCase "test_toStrict" (checkIsNF test_toStrict) --, testCase "m1" (checkIsNF m1) --, testCase "m2" (checkIsNF m2) --, testCase "m3" (checkIsNF m3) --, testCase "m5" (checkIsNF m3) --, testCase "m6" (checkIsNF m3) --, testCase "m7 (map test)" (checkIsNF m7) --, testCase "fromList l4" (checkIsNF $ fromList l4) --, testCase "m8 (fromList''' ll)" (checkIsNF m8) --, testCase "adjust m6" (checkIsNF $ adjust (consA 42) "ab" m6) --, testCase "adjust m1" (checkIsNF $ adjust (consA 42) "xx" m1) --, testCase "delete m6" (checkIsNF $ delete "ab" m6) --, testCase "delete m1" (checkIsNF $ delete "xx" m1) --, testCase "m2 union m3" (checkIsNF $ m2 `union` m3) --, testCase "m2 unionWith m2" (checkIsNF $ unionWith mappend m2 m2) -- -- these test do not run properly with ghc-7.7-pre and ghc-heap-view-0.5.2 -- -- no idea, whether patched ghc-heap-view or QuickCheck is the reason --, testProperty "prop_simple" prop_simple --, testProperty "prop_union" prop_union --, testProperty "prop_diff" prop_diff ] test_isNF :: Assertion test_isNF = fmap not (isNF [(1::Int)..10]) @? "isNF" checkIsNF :: (Show a) => RTree a -> Assertion checkIsNF !m = isNF m @? ("isNF " ++ show m) -- some simple test data -- ------------------------ t_mbb1, t_mbb2 , t_mbb3, t_mbb4, t_mbb5, t_mbb6 :: MBB t_mbb1 = (MBB 0.0 0.0 1.0 1.0) t_mbb2 = (MBB 5.0 0.0 6.0 1.0) t_mbb3 = (MBB 1.0 2.0 2.0 3.0) t_mbb4 = (MBB 6.0 2.0 7.0 3.0) t_mbb5 = (MBB 3.0 3.0 4.0 4.0) t_mbb6 = (MBB 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0) u_1, u_2 :: [(MBB, Attr)] u_1 = [(t_mbb1, mkA' 1), (t_mbb2, mkA' 2),(t_mbb3, mkA' 3),(t_mbb4, mkA' 4)] u_2 = [(t_mbb5, mkA' 5), (t_mbb6, mkA' 6)] ++ u_1 t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6 :: RTree Attr [t_5, t_6, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4] = (uncurry singleton) <$> u_2 tu_1, tu_2 :: RTree Attr tu_1 = fromList u_1 tu_2 = fromList u_2 test_union :: RTree Attr test_union = unionWith mappend tu_1 t_6 test_map :: RTree Attr test_map = fmap id tu_1 test_insertWith1 :: RTree Attr test_insertWith1 = insertWith mappend t_mbb1 (mkA' 4) t_1 test_insertWith :: RTree Attr test_insertWith = insertWith mappend t_mbb6 (mkA' 6) tu_2 test_toStrict :: RTree Attr test_toStrict = toStrict $ L.fromList u_2 --prop_simple :: Q.Property --prop_simple = Q.monadicIO $ do -- l <- Q.pick Q.arbitrary -- passed <- Q.run $ do -- hPutStrLn stderr $ "\n" ++ show l -- -- hPutStrLn stderr $ "\n" ++ show (fromList''' l) -- isNF $! fromList''' l -- Q.assert passed --prop_union :: Q.Property --prop_union = Q.monadicIO $ do -- l1 <- Q.pick Q.arbitrary -- l2 <- Q.pick Q.arbitrary -- let sm = fromList''' l1 `union` fromList''' l2 -- checkIsNFProp sm --prop_diff :: Q.Property --prop_diff = Q.monadicIO $ do -- l1 <- Q.pick Q.arbitrary -- l2 <- Q.pick Q.arbitrary -- let sm = fromList''' l1 `difference` fromList''' l2 -- checkIsNFProp sm --checkIsNFProp :: a -> Q.PropertyM IO () --checkIsNFProp sm = do -- passed <- Q.run $ isNF $! sm -- Q.run $ assertNF $! sm -- Q.assert passed