{-# LANGUAGE UnicodeSyntax #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

-- | Deserialization monad and deserializable types.
module Data.Deserializer
  -- * Deserialization monad
  , BinaryDeserializer(..)
  , CerealDeserializer(..)
  -- ** Binary word parsing
  , word16H
  , word32H
  , word64H
  , word
  , wordL
  , wordB
  , wordH
  , int8
  , int16
  , int16L
  , int16B
  , int16H
  , int32
  , int32L
  , int32B
  , int32H
  , int64
  , int64L
  , int64B
  , int64H
  , int
  , intL
  , intB
  , intH
  -- ** Parsing combinators
  , module Text.Parser.Combinators
  , label
  , module Text.Parser.LookAhead
  -- ** Endian deserializers
  , LittleEndianDeserializer(..)
  , BigEndianDeserializer(..)
  , deserializeIn
  , deserializeH
  -- ** Default deserializer
  , Deserialized(..)
  , isDeserialized
  , isMalformed
  , maybeDeserialized
  , defaultDeserializer
  -- * Deserializable types
  , Deserializable(..)
  , getIn
  , getL
  , getB
  , getH
  , deserializeBytes
  , deserializeBytesAs
  , deserializeByteString
  , deserializeByteStringAs
  , deserializeLazyByteString
  , deserializeLazyByteStringAs
  , fromBytes
  , fromBytesAs
  , fromByteString
  , fromByteStringAs
  , fromLazyByteString
  , fromLazyByteStringAs
  , RestDeserializable(..)
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (take)
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Data (Data)
import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
import Data.Endian (Endian(..), swapEndian)
import Data.Word
import Data.Int
import Data.Bits ((.|.), shiftL)
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Short as SBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder as BB
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as B
import qualified Data.Binary.Get.Internal as B
import qualified Data.Serialize.Get as S
import Data.List.Split (splitOn)
import Text.Parser.Combinators
import Text.Parser.LookAhead
import Control.Applicative (Applicative(..), Alternative,
                            (<$>), (<$), (<*>), (*>), (<|>))
import Control.Monad (unless)

-- | Deserialization monad.
class (Monad μ, Parsing μ)  Deserializer μ where
  {-# MINIMAL ensure, take, chunk, isolate #-}
  -- | Default byte order of the deserializer.
  endian  Proxy μ  Endian
  endian _ = BigEndian
  endian _ = LittleEndian
  -- | Deserialze a byte.
  word8  μ Word8
  word8 = BS.unsafeHead <$> take 1 <?> "word8"
  {-# INLINE word8 #-}
  -- | Deserialize an unsigned 16-bit integer in default byte order.
  word16  μ Word16
  word16 = getIn (endian (Proxy  Proxy μ))
  {-# INLINE word16 #-}
  -- | Deserialize an unsigned 32-bit integer in default byte order.
  word32  μ Word32
  word32 = getIn (endian (Proxy  Proxy μ))
  {-# INLINE word32 #-}
  -- | Deserialize an unsigned 64-bit integer in default byte order.
  word64  μ Word64
  word64 = getIn (endian (Proxy  Proxy μ))
  {-# INLINE word64 #-}
  -- | Deserialize an unsigned 16-bit integer in little endian.
  word16L  μ Word16
  word16L = (<?> "word16")
          $ do bs  take 2
               let l = BS.unsafeIndex bs 0
                   h = BS.unsafeIndex bs 1
               return $ shiftL (fromIntegral h) 8 .|. fromIntegral l
  -- | Deserialize an unsigned 16-bit integer in big endian.
  word16B  μ Word16
  word16B = swapEndian <$> word16L
  -- | Deserialize an unsigned 32-bit integer in little endian.
  word32L  μ Word32
  word32L = (<?> "word32")
          $ do bs  take 4
               let o₀ = BS.unsafeIndex bs 0
                   o₁ = BS.unsafeIndex bs 1
                   o₂ = BS.unsafeIndex bs 2
                   o₃ = BS.unsafeIndex bs 3
               return  $  shiftL (fromIntegral o₃) 24
                      .|. shiftL (fromIntegral o₂) 16
                      .|. shiftL (fromIntegral o₁) 8
                      .|. fromIntegral o₀
  -- | Deserialize an unsigned 32-bit integer in big endian.
  word32B  μ Word32
  word32B = swapEndian <$> word32L
  -- | Deserialize an unsigned 64-bit integer in little endian.
  word64L  μ Word64
  word64L = (<?> "word64")
          $ do bs  take 8
               let o₀ = BS.unsafeIndex bs 0
                   o₁ = BS.unsafeIndex bs 1
                   o₂ = BS.unsafeIndex bs 2
                   o₃ = BS.unsafeIndex bs 3
                   o₄ = BS.unsafeIndex bs 4
                   o₅ = BS.unsafeIndex bs 5
                   o₆ = BS.unsafeIndex bs 6
                   o₇ = BS.unsafeIndex bs 7
               return  $  shiftL (fromIntegral o₇) 56
                      .|. shiftL (fromIntegral o₆) 48
                      .|. shiftL (fromIntegral o₅) 40
                      .|. shiftL (fromIntegral o₄) 32
                      .|. shiftL (fromIntegral o₃) 24
                      .|. shiftL (fromIntegral o₂) 16
                      .|. shiftL (fromIntegral o₁) 8
                      .|. fromIntegral o₀
  -- | Deserialize an unsigned 64-bit integer in big endian.
  word64B  μ Word64
  word64B = swapEndian <$> word64L
  -- | 'satisfy' /p/ deserializes a byte that satisfies the predicate /p/,
  --   failing otherwise.
  satisfy  (Word8  Bool)  μ Word8
  satisfy p = do w  word8
                 if p w then return w
                        else unexpected (show w)
  {-# INLINE satisfy #-}
  -- | Deserialize the specified byte value, failing on any other input.
  byte  Word8  μ Word8
  byte w = (<?> "byte " ++ show w)
         $ do w'  word8
              if w' == w then return w'
                         else unexpected (show w')
  {-# INLINE byte #-}
  -- | 'notByte' /c/ deserializes any byte that is not equal to /c/, failing
  --   if /c/ is encountered.
  notByte  Word8  μ Word8
  notByte w = (<?> "not byte " ++ show w)
            $ do w'  word8
                 if w' == w then unexpected (show w')
                            else return w'
  {-# INLINE notByte #-}
  -- | 'bytes' /bs/ deserializes a sequence of bytes given by /bs/, failing
  --   on any other input.
  bytes  BS.ByteString  μ BS.ByteString
  bytes bs = (<?> "bytes " ++ show (BS.unpack bs))
           $ do bs'  take (BS.length bs)
                if bs' == bs then return bs'
                             else unexpected (show $ BS.unpack bs')
  {-# INLINE bytes #-}
  -- | Skip exactly the given number of bytes.
  skip  Int  μ ()
  skip n | n <= 0    = pure ()
         | otherwise = word8 *> skip (n - 1)
  -- | 'ensure' /n/ checks that the input has at least /n/ more bytes and
  --   returns a portion of the input of length greater or equal to /n/
  --   (without consuming it).
  ensure  Int  μ BS.ByteString
  -- | 'ensure_' /n/ fails if the input has less than /n/ more bytes.
  ensure_  Int  μ ()
  ensure_ = (() <$) . ensure
  {-# INLINE ensure_ #-}
  -- | 'check' /n/ returns 'True' if the input has at least /n/ more bytes.
  check  Int  μ Bool
  check n = True <$ ensure_ n <|> return False
  {-# INLINE check #-}
  -- | Consume exactly the given number of bytes.
  take  Int  μ BS.ByteString
  -- | Consume a portion of the input (the size of the returned
  --   'BS.ByteString' is implementation dependent). Empty result means that
  --    the 'eof' is reached.
  chunk  μ BS.ByteString
  -- | 'isolate' /n/ /d/ feeds the next /n/ bytes to the deserializer /d/.
  --   If /d/ consumes less or more that /n/ bytes, 'isolate' will fail.
  isolate  Int  μ α  μ α

-- | A wrapper around the 'B.Get' monad (to avoid orphan instances).
newtype BinaryDeserializer α =
          BinaryDeserializer { binaryDeserializer  B.Get α }
          deriving (Typeable, Generic, Functor, Applicative,
                    Alternative, Monad)

instance Parsing BinaryDeserializer where
  try p = p
  {-# INLINE try #-}
  p <?> l = BinaryDeserializer (B.label l (binaryDeserializer p))
  {-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
  skipMany p = ((True <$ p) <|> pure False) >>= \case
                 True   skipMany p
                 False  return ()
  unexpected = fail
  {-# INLINE unexpected #-}
  eof = BinaryDeserializer
      $ B.isEmpty >>= \case
          True   return ()
          False  fail "Parsing.eof"
  {-# INLINABLE eof #-}
  notFollowedBy p = BinaryDeserializer
                  $ (B.lookAheadE (Left <$> (binaryDeserializer p)) <|>
                     pure (Right ())) >>= \case
                      Left e   fail (show e)
                      Right _  return ()
  {-# INLINABLE notFollowedBy #-}

instance LookAheadParsing BinaryDeserializer where
  lookAhead = BinaryDeserializer . B.lookAhead . binaryDeserializer
  {-# INLINE lookAhead #-}

instance Deserializer BinaryDeserializer where
  word8 = BinaryDeserializer B.getWord8
  {-# INLINE word8 #-}
  word16L = BinaryDeserializer B.getWord16le
  {-# INLINE word16L #-}
  word16B = BinaryDeserializer B.getWord16be
  {-# INLINE word16B #-}
  word32L = BinaryDeserializer B.getWord32le
  {-# INLINE word32L #-}
  word32B = BinaryDeserializer B.getWord32be
  {-# INLINE word32B #-}
  word64L = BinaryDeserializer B.getWord64le
  {-# INLINE word64L #-}
  word64B = BinaryDeserializer B.getWord64be
  {-# INLINE word64B #-}
  skip = BinaryDeserializer . B.skip
  {-# INLINE skip #-}
  ensure n = BinaryDeserializer (B.ensureN n *> B.get)
  {-# INLINE ensure #-}
  ensure_ = BinaryDeserializer . B.ensureN
  {-# INLINE ensure_ #-}
  take = BinaryDeserializer . B.getByteString
  {-# INLINE take #-}
  chunk = BinaryDeserializer
        $ do bs  B.get
             if BS.null bs
             then do
               e  B.isEmpty
               if e
               then return bs
               else B.get
               return bs
  {-# INLINABLE chunk #-}
  isolate n d = BinaryDeserializer $ B.isolate n (binaryDeserializer d)
  {-# INLINE isolate #-}

-- | A wrapper around the 'S.Get' monad (to avoid orphan instances).
newtype CerealDeserializer α =
          CerealDeserializer { cerealDeserializer  S.Get α }
          deriving (Typeable, Generic,  Functor, Applicative,
                    Alternative, Monad)

instance Parsing CerealDeserializer where
  try p = p
  {-# INLINE try #-}
  p <?> l = CerealDeserializer (S.label l (cerealDeserializer p))
  {-# INLINE (<?>) #-}
  skipMany p = ((True <$ p) <|> pure False) >>= \case
                 True   skipMany p
                 False  return ()
  unexpected = fail
  {-# INLINE unexpected #-}
  eof = CerealDeserializer
      $ ((False <$ S.lookAheadM (Nothing <$ S.getWord8)) <|>
         pure True) >>= \case
          True   return ()
          False  fail "Parsing.eof"
  {-# INLINABLE eof #-}
  notFollowedBy p = CerealDeserializer
                  $ (S.lookAheadE (Left <$> (cerealDeserializer p)) <|>
                     pure (Right ())) >>= \case
                      Left e   fail (show e)
                      Right _  return ()
  {-# INLINABLE notFollowedBy #-}

instance LookAheadParsing CerealDeserializer where
  lookAhead = CerealDeserializer . S.lookAhead . cerealDeserializer
  {-# INLINE lookAhead #-}

instance Deserializer CerealDeserializer where
  word8 = CerealDeserializer S.getWord8
  {-# INLINE word8 #-}
  word16L = CerealDeserializer S.getWord16le
  {-# INLINE word16L #-}
  word16B = CerealDeserializer S.getWord16be
  {-# INLINE word16B #-}
  word32L = CerealDeserializer S.getWord32le
  {-# INLINE word32L #-}
  word32B = CerealDeserializer S.getWord32be
  {-# INLINE word32B #-}
  word64L = CerealDeserializer S.getWord64le
  {-# INLINE word64L #-}
  word64B = CerealDeserializer S.getWord64be
  {-# INLINE word64B #-}
  skip = CerealDeserializer . S.skip
  {-# INLINE skip #-}
  ensure = CerealDeserializer . S.ensure
  {-# INLINE ensure #-}
  take = CerealDeserializer . S.getBytes
  {-# INLINE take #-}
  chunk = CerealDeserializer
        $ (<|> pure BS.empty)
        $ do bs  S.ensure 1
             S.uncheckedSkip (BS.length bs)
             return bs
  {-# INLINE chunk #-}
  isolate n d = CerealDeserializer (S.isolate n (cerealDeserializer d))
  {-# INLINE isolate #-}

-- | Deserialize an unsigned 16-bit integer in host byte order.
word16H  Deserializer μ  μ Word16
word16H = word16B
word16H = word16L
{-# INLINE word16H #-}

-- | Deserialize an unsigned 32-bit integer in host byte order.
word32H  Deserializer μ  μ Word32
word32H = word32B
word32H = word32L
{-# INLINE word32H #-}

-- | Deserialize an unsigned 64-bit integer in host byte order.
word64H  Deserializer μ  μ Word64
word64H = word64B
word64H = word64L
{-# INLINE word64H #-}

-- | Deserialize an unsigned native-sized integer in serializer default
--   byte order.
word  Deserializer μ  μ Word
word = fromIntegral <$> word32
word = fromIntegral <$> word64
{-# INLINE word #-}

-- | Deserialize an unsigned native-sized integer in little endian.
wordL  Deserializer μ  μ Word
wordL = fromIntegral <$> word32L
wordL = fromIntegral <$> word64L
{-# INLINE wordL #-}

-- | Deserialize an unsigned native-sized integer in big endian.
wordB  Deserializer μ  μ Word
wordB = fromIntegral <$> word32B
wordB = fromIntegral <$> word64B
{-# INLINE wordB #-}

-- | Deserialize an unsigned native-sized integer in host byte order.
wordH  Deserializer μ  μ Word
wordH = wordB
wordH = wordL
{-# INLINE wordH #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 8-bit integer.
int8  Deserializer μ  μ Int8
int8 = fromIntegral <$> word8
{-# INLINE int8 #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 16-bit integer in serializer default byte order.
int16  Deserializer μ  μ Int16
int16 = fromIntegral <$> word16
{-# INLINE int16 #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 16-bit integer in little endian.
int16L  Deserializer μ  μ Int16
int16L = fromIntegral <$> word16L
{-# INLINE int16L #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 16-bit integer in big endian.
int16B  Deserializer μ  μ Int16
int16B = fromIntegral <$> word16B
{-# INLINE int16B #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 16-bit integer in host byte order.
int16H  Deserializer μ  μ Int16
int16H = fromIntegral <$> word16H
{-# INLINE int16H #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 32-bit integer in serializer default byte order.
int32  Deserializer μ  μ Int32
int32 = fromIntegral <$> word32
{-# INLINE int32 #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 32-bit integer in little endian.
int32L  Deserializer μ  μ Int32
int32L = fromIntegral <$> word32L
{-# INLINE int32L #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 32-bit integer in big endian.
int32B  Deserializer μ  μ Int32
int32B = fromIntegral <$> word32B
{-# INLINE int32B #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 32-bit integer in host byte order.
int32H  Deserializer μ  μ Int32
int32H = fromIntegral <$> word32H
{-# INLINE int32H #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 64-bit integer in serializer default byte order.
int64  Deserializer μ  μ Int64
int64 = fromIntegral <$> word64
{-# INLINE int64 #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 64-bit integer in little endian.
int64L  Deserializer μ  μ Int64
int64L = fromIntegral <$> word64L
{-# INLINE int64L #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 64-bit integer in big endian.
int64B  Deserializer μ  μ Int64
int64B = fromIntegral <$> word64B
{-# INLINE int64B #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed 64-bit integer in host byte order.
int64H  Deserializer μ  μ Int64
int64H = fromIntegral <$> word64H
{-# INLINE int64H #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed native-sized integer in serializer default byte
--   order.
int  Deserializer μ  μ Int
int = fromIntegral <$> int32
int = fromIntegral <$> int64
{-# INLINE int #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed native-sized integer in little endian.
intL  Deserializer μ  μ Int
intL = fromIntegral <$> int32L
intL = fromIntegral <$> int64L
{-# INLINE intL #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed native-sized integer in big endian.
intB  Deserializer μ  μ Int
intB = fromIntegral <$> int32B
intB = fromIntegral <$> int64B
{-# INLINE intB #-}

-- | Deserialize a signed native-sized integer in host byte order.
intH  Deserializer μ  μ Int
intH = fromIntegral <$> int32H
intH = fromIntegral <$> int64H
{-# INLINE intH #-}

-- | A shorthand for 'flip' ('<?>').
label  Parsing μ  String  μ α  μ α
label = flip (<?>)
{-# INLINE label #-}

-- | Deserializer wrapper with little endian default byte order.
newtype LittleEndianDeserializer μ α =
          LittleEndianDeserializer { deserializeL  μ α }
          deriving (Typeable, Data, Generic, Functor, Applicative,
                    Alternative, Monad, Parsing, LookAheadParsing)

instance Deserializer μ  Deserializer (LittleEndianDeserializer μ) where
  endian _ = LittleEndian
  {-# INLINE endian #-}
  word8 = LittleEndianDeserializer word8
  {-# INLINE word8 #-}
  word16 = LittleEndianDeserializer word16L
  {-# INLINE word16 #-}
  word32 = LittleEndianDeserializer word32L
  {-# INLINE word32 #-}
  word64 = LittleEndianDeserializer word64L
  {-# INLINE word64 #-}
  word16L = LittleEndianDeserializer word16L
  {-# INLINE word16L #-}
  word16B = LittleEndianDeserializer word16B
  {-# INLINE word16B #-}
  word32L = LittleEndianDeserializer word32L
  {-# INLINE word32L #-}
  word32B = LittleEndianDeserializer word32B
  {-# INLINE word32B #-}
  word64L = LittleEndianDeserializer word64L
  {-# INLINE word64L #-}
  word64B = LittleEndianDeserializer word64B
  {-# INLINE word64B #-}
  satisfy = LittleEndianDeserializer . satisfy
  {-# INLINE satisfy #-}
  byte = LittleEndianDeserializer . byte
  {-# INLINE byte #-}
  notByte = LittleEndianDeserializer . notByte
  {-# INLINE notByte #-}
  bytes = LittleEndianDeserializer . bytes
  {-# INLINE bytes #-}
  skip = LittleEndianDeserializer . skip
  {-# INLINE skip #-}
  ensure = LittleEndianDeserializer . ensure
  {-# INLINE ensure #-}
  ensure_ = LittleEndianDeserializer . ensure_
  {-# INLINE ensure_ #-}
  take = LittleEndianDeserializer . take
  {-# INLINE take #-}
  chunk = LittleEndianDeserializer chunk
  {-# INLINE chunk #-}
  isolate n = LittleEndianDeserializer . isolate n . deserializeL
  {-# INLINE isolate #-}

-- | Deserializer wrapper with big endian default byte order.
newtype BigEndianDeserializer μ α =
          BigEndianDeserializer { deserializeB  μ α }
          deriving (Typeable, Data, Generic, Functor, Applicative,
                    Alternative, Monad, Parsing, LookAheadParsing)

instance Deserializer μ  Deserializer (BigEndianDeserializer μ) where
  endian _ = BigEndian
  {-# INLINE endian #-}
  word8 = BigEndianDeserializer word8
  {-# INLINE word8 #-}
  word16 = BigEndianDeserializer word16B
  {-# INLINE word16 #-}
  word32 = BigEndianDeserializer word32B
  {-# INLINE word32 #-}
  word64 = BigEndianDeserializer word64B
  {-# INLINE word64 #-}
  word16L = BigEndianDeserializer word16L
  {-# INLINE word16L #-}
  word16B = BigEndianDeserializer word16B
  {-# INLINE word16B #-}
  word32L = BigEndianDeserializer word32L
  {-# INLINE word32L #-}
  word32B = BigEndianDeserializer word32B
  {-# INLINE word32B #-}
  word64L = BigEndianDeserializer word64L
  {-# INLINE word64L #-}
  word64B = BigEndianDeserializer word64B
  {-# INLINE word64B #-}
  satisfy = BigEndianDeserializer . satisfy
  {-# INLINE satisfy #-}
  byte = BigEndianDeserializer . byte
  {-# INLINE byte #-}
  notByte = BigEndianDeserializer . notByte
  {-# INLINE notByte #-}
  bytes = BigEndianDeserializer . bytes
  {-# INLINE bytes #-}
  skip = BigEndianDeserializer . skip
  {-# INLINE skip #-}
  ensure = BigEndianDeserializer . ensure
  {-# INLINE ensure #-}
  ensure_ = BigEndianDeserializer . ensure_
  {-# INLINE ensure_ #-}
  take = BigEndianDeserializer . take
  {-# INLINE take #-}
  chunk = BigEndianDeserializer chunk
  {-# INLINE chunk #-}
  isolate n = BigEndianDeserializer . isolate n . deserializeB
  {-# INLINE isolate #-}

-- | Force the default byte order.
deserializeIn  Deserializer μ
               Endian  ( μ' . (Deserializer μ')  μ' α)  μ α
deserializeIn LittleEndian = deserializeL
deserializeIn BigEndian    = deserializeB
{-# INLINE deserializeIn #-}

-- | Force the default byte order to be the host byte order.
deserializeH  Deserializer μ  ( μ' . (Deserializer μ')  μ' α)  μ α
deserializeH = deserializeB
deserializeH = deserializeL

-- | Deserialization result.
data Deserialized α = Deserialized α
                    | Malformed [String] String

-- | Map 'Deserialized' to 'True' and 'Malformed' to 'False'.
isDeserialized  Deserialized α  Bool
isDeserialized (Deserialized _) = True
isDeserialized (Malformed _ _)  = False

-- | Map 'Deserialized' to 'False' and 'Malformed' to 'True'.
isMalformed  Deserialized α  Bool
isMalformed (Deserialized _) = False
isMalformed (Malformed _ _)  = True

-- | Map 'Deserialized' values to 'Just' and 'Malformed' to 'Nothing'.
maybeDeserialized  Deserialized α  Maybe α
maybeDeserialized (Deserialized a) = Just a
maybeDeserialized (Malformed _ _)  = Nothing

-- | Deserialize a 'LBS.ByteString' via the default deserializer.
defaultDeserializer  ( μ . Deserializer μ  μ α)  LBS.ByteString
                     Deserialized α
defaultDeserializer m i = case B.runGetOrFail (binaryDeserializer m) i of
  Left (_, _, e)  case splitOn "\n" e of
    []   Malformed [] e
    [_]  Malformed [] e
    es   Malformed (init es) (last es)
  Right (_, _, a) 
    Deserialized a

-- | Deserializable type. 'get' must not rely on 'eof'.
class Deserializable α where
  get  Deserializer μ  μ α

instance Deserializable Bool where
  get = do w  word8
           case w of
             0  return False
             1  return True
             _  unexpected (show w)

instance Deserializable Word8 where
  get = word8
  {-# INLINE get #-}

instance Deserializable Word16 where
  get = word16
  {-# INLINE get #-}

instance Deserializable Word32 where
  get = word32
  {-# INLINE get #-}

instance Deserializable Word64 where
  get = word64
  {-# INLINE get #-}

instance Deserializable Word where
  get = word
  {-# INLINE get #-}

instance Deserializable Int8 where
  get = int8
  {-# INLINE get #-}

instance Deserializable Int16 where
  get = int16
  {-# INLINE get #-}

instance Deserializable Int32 where
  get = int32
  {-# INLINE get #-}

instance Deserializable Int64 where
  get = int64
  {-# INLINE get #-}

instance Deserializable Int where
  get = int
  {-# INLINE get #-}

instance (Deserializable α, Deserializable β)  Deserializable (α, β) where
  get = (,) <$> get <*> get
  {-# INLINE get #-}

instance Deserializable α  Deserializable (Maybe α) where
  get = do w  word8
           case w of
             0  return Nothing
             1  Just <$> get
             _  unexpected (show w)

instance (Deserializable α, Deserializable β)
          Deserializable (Either α β) where
  get = do w  word8
           case w of
             0  Left <$> get
             1  Right <$> get
             _  unexpected (show w)

instance Deserializable BS.ByteString where
  get = do l  int <?> "length"
           unless (l >= 0) $ unexpected "negative length"
           take l <?> "contents"
  {-# INLINABLE get #-}

instance Deserializable SBS.ShortByteString where
  get = SBS.toShort <$> get
  {-# INLINE get #-}

-- | Deserialize a value using the provided default byte order.
getIn  (Deserializer μ, Deserializable α)  Endian  μ α
getIn e = deserializeIn e get
{-# INLINE getIn #-}

-- | Deserialize a value using little endian as the default byte order.
getL  (Deserializer μ, Deserializable α)  μ α
getL = deserializeL get
{-# INLINE getL #-}

-- | Deserialize a value using big endian as the default byte order.
getB  (Deserializer μ, Deserializable α)  μ α
getB = deserializeB get
{-# INLINE getB #-}

-- | Deserialize a value using host byte order as the default byte order.
getH  (Deserializer μ, Deserializable α)  μ α
getH = getB
getH = getL
{-# INLINE getH #-}

-- | Deserialize a value of type @α@ from a list of bytes via
-- the 'defaultDeserializer'.
deserializeBytes  Deserializable α  [Word8]  Deserialized α
deserializeBytes = defaultDeserializer get . LBS.pack
{-# INLINE deserializeBytes #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'deserializeBytes'.
deserializeBytesAs  Deserializable α  p α  [Word8]  Deserialized α
deserializeBytesAs _ = deserializeBytes
{-# INLINE deserializeBytesAs #-}

-- | Deserialize a value of type @α@ from a 'BS.ByteString' via
-- the 'defaultDeserializer'.
deserializeByteString  Deserializable α
                       BS.ByteString  Deserialized α
deserializeByteString = defaultDeserializer get . LBS.fromStrict
{-# INLINE deserializeByteString #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'deserializeByteString'.
deserializeByteStringAs  Deserializable α
                         p α  BS.ByteString  Deserialized α
deserializeByteStringAs _ = deserializeByteString
{-# INLINE deserializeByteStringAs #-}

-- | Deserialize a value of type @α@ from a 'LBS.ByteString' via
-- the 'defaultDeserializer'.
deserializeLazyByteString  Deserializable α
                           LBS.ByteString  Deserialized α
deserializeLazyByteString = defaultDeserializer get
{-# INLINE deserializeLazyByteString #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using
-- 'deserializeLazyByteString'.
deserializeLazyByteStringAs  Deserializable α
                             p α  LBS.ByteString  Deserialized α
deserializeLazyByteStringAs _ = deserializeLazyByteString
{-# INLINE deserializeLazyByteStringAs #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'maybeDeserialized' . 'deserializeBytes'@.
fromBytes  Deserializable α  [Word8]  Maybe α
fromBytes = maybeDeserialized . deserializeBytes
{-# INLINE fromBytes #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'fromBytes'
fromBytesAs  Deserializable α  p α  [Word8]  Maybe α
fromBytesAs _ = fromBytes
{-# INLINE fromBytesAs #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'maybeDeserialized' . 'deserializeByteString'@.
fromByteString  Deserializable α  BS.ByteString  Maybe α
fromByteString = maybeDeserialized . deserializeByteString
{-# INLINE fromByteString #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'fromByteString'
fromByteStringAs  Deserializable α  p α  BS.ByteString  Maybe α
fromByteStringAs _ = fromByteString
{-# INLINE fromByteStringAs #-}

-- | A shorthand for @'maybeDeserialized' . 'deserializeLazyByteString'@.
fromLazyByteString  Deserializable α  LBS.ByteString  Maybe α
fromLazyByteString = maybeDeserialized . deserializeLazyByteString
{-# INLINE fromLazyByteString #-}

-- | Provide a hint for the type system when using 'fromLazyByteString'
fromLazyByteStringAs  Deserializable α  p α  LBS.ByteString  Maybe α
fromLazyByteStringAs _ = fromLazyByteString
{-# INLINE fromLazyByteStringAs #-}

-- | Deserializable type. 'getRest' must consume all the remaining input
--   or fail.
class RestDeserializable α where
  getRest  Deserializer μ  μ α

instance RestDeserializable BS.ByteString where
  getRest = go []
    where go acc = do bs  chunk
                      if BS.null bs then return $ BS.concat $ reverse acc
                                    else go (bs : acc)

instance RestDeserializable SBS.ShortByteString where
  getRest = SBS.toShort <$> getRest
  {-# INLINE getRest #-}

instance RestDeserializable LBS.ByteString where
  getRest = go []
    where go acc = do bs  chunk
                      if BS.null bs then return $ LBS.fromChunks $ reverse acc
                                    else go (bs : acc)

instance RestDeserializable BB.Builder where
  getRest = BB.lazyByteString <$> getRest
  {-# INLINE getRest #-}

instance (RestDeserializable α, RestDeserializable β)
          RestDeserializable (Either α β) where
  getRest = word8 >>= \case
              0  Left <$> getRest
              1  Right <$> getRest
              w  unexpected (show w)
  {-# INLINABLE getRest #-}

instance (Deserializable α, RestDeserializable β)
          RestDeserializable (α, β) where
  getRest = (,) <$> get <*> getRest
  {-# INLINE getRest #-}

instance Deserializable α  RestDeserializable [α] where
  getRest = ([] <$ eof) <|> ((:) <$> get <*> getRest)