# Simple makefile for _running_ tests, use Cabal to build. .PHONY: all clean markup report test really-clean TESTS = dist/build/tests/tests HPC = hpc HPC_SUM_OPTS = --exclude=Main --exclude=DataencUT --exclude=DataencQC all: @echo "Use Cabal to build, this is only used to run tests!" test: $(TESTS) for t in $(TESTS); do ./$${t}; done report : test $(HPC) sum $(HPC_SUM_OPTS) --output run_test.tix tests.tix $(HPC) report run_test.tix markup : test $(HPC) sum $(HPC_SUM_OPTS) --output run_test.tix tests.tix $(HPC) markup run_test.tix clean: rm -f *~ *.tix *.html *.o *.hi rm -f src/Codec/Binary/*.o rm -f src/Codec/Binary/*.hi rm -f src/Codec/Binary/*~ really-clean: clean rm -rf .hpc ./Setup.hs clean