module Jvm.BinaryClass where import Jvm.Data.ClassFormat import Data.Binary import Data.Binary.Get import Data.Binary.Put import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS import Control.Monad import Data.Word import Data.Int import Data.Bits instance Binary ClassFile where put (ClassFile mg mnv mjv tam_cp lst_cp flgs ths spr tam_if lst_if tam_fd lst_fd tam_mth lst_mth tam_attr lst_attr) = put mg >> put mnv >> put mjv >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_cp) >> mapM_ put lst_cp >> put flgs >> put ths >> put spr >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_if) >> mapM_ put lst_if >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_fd) >> mapM_ put lst_fd >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_mth) >> mapM_ put lst_mth >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_attr) >> mapM_ put lst_attr -- el tamanio del constant_pool = 1 + length(constant_pool) get = do mg <- get :: Get Magic mnv <- get :: Get MinorVersion mjv <- get :: Get MajorVersion wtam_cp <- getWord16 let tam_cp = fromWord162Int wtam_cp lst_cp <- getMany $ tam_cp-1 flgs <- get :: Get AccessFlags ths <- get :: Get ThisClass spr <- get :: Get SuperClass wtam_if <- getWord16 let tam_if = fromWord162Int wtam_if lst_if <- getMany tam_if wtam_fd <- getWord16 let tam_fd = fromWord162Int wtam_fd lst_fd <- getMany tam_fd wtam_mth <- getWord16 let tam_mth = fromWord162Int wtam_mth lst_mth <- getMany tam_mth wtam_attr <- getWord16 let tam_attr = fromWord162Int wtam_attr lst_attr <- getMany tam_attr return $ ClassFile mg mnv mjv tam_cp lst_cp flgs ths spr tam_if lst_if tam_fd lst_fd tam_mth lst_mth tam_attr lst_attr instance Binary Magic where put (Magic) = put (202::Word8) >> put (254::Word8) >> put (186::Word8) >> put (190::Word8) get = do ca <- getWord8 fe <- getWord8 ba <- getWord8 be <- getWord8 return Magic instance Binary MinorVersion where put (MinorVersion i) = put $ fromInt2Word16 i get = do str <- getWord16 return $ MinorVersion $ fromWord162Int str instance Binary MajorVersion where put (MajorVersion i) = put $ fromInt2Word16 i get = do str <- getWord16 return $ MajorVersion $ fromWord162Int str instance Binary CP_Info where put (Class_Info tag_cp index_cp str) = put tag_cp >> put (fromInt2Word16 index_cp) put (FieldRef_Info tag_cp index_name_cp index_nameandtype_cp str) = put tag_cp >> put (fromInt2Word16 index_name_cp) >> put (fromInt2Word16 index_nameandtype_cp) put (MethodRef_Info tag_cp index_name_cp index_nameandtype_cp _) = put tag_cp >> put (fromInt2Word16 index_name_cp) >> put (fromInt2Word16 index_nameandtype_cp) put (InterfaceMethodRef_Info tag_cp index_name_cp index_nameandtype_cp _) = put tag_cp >> put (fromInt2Word16 index_name_cp) >> put (fromInt2Word16 index_nameandtype_cp) put (String_Info tag_cp index_cp _) = put tag_cp >> put (fromInt2Word16 index_cp) put (Integer_Info tag_cp numi_cp _) = put tag_cp >> put (fromInt2Word32 numi_cp) put (Float_Info tag_cp numf_cp _) = put tag_cp >> put (fromFloat2Word32 numf_cp) put (Long_Info tag_cp numi_l1_cp numi_l2_cp _) = put tag_cp >> put (fromInt2Word32 numi_l1_cp) >> put (fromInt2Word32 numi_l2_cp) put (Double_Info tag_cp numi_d1_cp numi_d2_cp _) = put tag_cp >> put (fromInt2Word32 numi_d1_cp) >> put (fromInt2Word32 numi_d2_cp) put (NameAndType_Info tag_cp index_name_cp index_descr_cp _) = put tag_cp >> put (fromInt2Word16 index_name_cp) >> put (fromInt2Word16 index_descr_cp) put (Utf8_Info tag_cp tam_cp cad_cp _) = put tag_cp >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_cp) >> mapM_ put cad_cp get = do tag <- get :: Get Tag case tag of TagClass -> do wind <- getWord16 let ind = fromWord162Int wind return $ Class_Info tag ind "" TagFieldRef -> do wind1 <- getWord16 wind2 <- getWord16 let ind1 = fromWord162Int wind1 ind2 = fromWord162Int wind2 return $ FieldRef_Info tag ind1 ind2 "" TagMethodRef -> do wind1 <- getWord16 wind2 <- getWord16 let ind1 = fromWord162Int wind1 ind2 = fromWord162Int wind2 return $ MethodRef_Info tag ind1 ind2 "" TagInterfaceMethodRef -> do wind1 <- getWord16 wind2 <- getWord16 let ind1 = fromWord162Int wind1 ind2 = fromWord162Int wind2 return $ InterfaceMethodRef_Info tag ind1 ind2 "" TagString -> do wind <- getWord16 let ind = fromWord162Int wind return $ String_Info tag ind "" TagInteger -> do wnum <- getWord32 let num = fromWord322Int wnum return $ Integer_Info tag num "" TagFloat -> do wnum <- getWord32 let num = fromWord322Float wnum return $ Float_Info tag num "" TagLong -> do wnum1 <- getWord32 wnum2 <- getWord32 let num1 = fromWord322Int wnum1 num2 = fromWord322Int wnum2 return $ Long_Info tag num1 num2 "" TagDouble -> do wnum1 <- getWord32 wnum2 <- getWord32 let num1 = fromWord322Int wnum1 num2 = fromWord322Int wnum2 return $ Double_Info tag num1 num2 "" TagNameAndType -> do wnum1 <- getWord16 wnum2 <- getWord16 let num1 = fromWord162Int wnum1 num2 = fromWord162Int wnum2 return $ NameAndType_Info tag num1 num2 "" TagUtf8 -> do wnum <- getWord16 let num = fromWord162Int wnum lst <- getMany num return $ Utf8_Info tag num lst "" instance Binary Tag where put (TagClass) = put (7 ::Word8) put (TagFieldRef) = put (9 ::Word8) put (TagMethodRef) = put (10::Word8) put (TagInterfaceMethodRef) = put (11::Word8) put (TagString) = put (8 ::Word8) put (TagInteger) = put (3 ::Word8) put (TagFloat) = put (4 ::Word8) put (TagLong) = put (5 ::Word8) put (TagDouble) = put (6 ::Word8) put (TagNameAndType) = put (12::Word8) put (TagUtf8) = put (1 ::Word8) get = do num <- get::Get Word8 let val = fromWord82Int num let tag = case val of 7 -> TagClass 9 -> TagFieldRef 10 -> TagMethodRef 11 -> TagInterfaceMethodRef 8 -> TagString 3 -> TagInteger 4 -> TagFloat 5 -> TagLong 6 -> TagDouble 12 -> TagNameAndType 1 -> TagUtf8 _ -> error $ "Error: Unknow Tag " ++ show val return tag instance Binary AccessFlags where put (AccessFlags lst) = do let flag = if null lst then 0 else foldl1 (.+.) lst put $ fromInt2Word16 flag get = do wmask <- getWord16 let mask = fromWord162Int wmask lst = filter (bitsSet mask) [ acc_Public , acc_Private , acc_Protected , acc_Static , acc_Final , acc_Super_Synchronized , acc_Volatile_Bridge , acc_Transient_Varargs , acc_Native , acc_Interface , acc_Abstract , acc_Strict , acc_Synthetic , acc_Annotation , acc_Enum] return $ AccessFlags lst instance Binary ThisClass where put (ThisClass i) = put $ fromInt2Word16 i get = do wnum <- get :: Get Word16 let num = fromWord162Int wnum return $ ThisClass num instance Binary SuperClass where put (SuperClass i) = put $ fromInt2Word16 i get = do wnum <- get :: Get Word16 let num = fromWord162Int wnum return $ SuperClass num instance Binary Interface where put (Interface i) = put $ fromInt2Word16 i get = do wiif <- get :: Get Word16 let iif = fromWord162Int wiif return $ Interface iif instance Binary Field_Info where put (Field_Info accs inam idsr tam lst_attr) = put accs >> put (fromInt2Word16 inam) >> put (fromInt2Word16 idsr) >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam) >> mapM_ put lst_attr get = do accs <- get :: Get AccessFlags winam <- getWord16 widsr <- getWord16 wtam <- getWord16 let inam = fromWord162Int winam let idsr = fromWord162Int widsr let tam_attr = fromWord162Int wtam lst_attr <- getMany tam_attr return $ Field_Info accs inam idsr tam_attr lst_attr instance Binary Method_Info where put (Method_Info accs inam idsr tam_attr lst_attr) = put accs >> put (fromInt2Word16 inam) >> put (fromInt2Word16 idsr) >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_attr) >> mapM_ put lst_attr get = do accs <- get :: Get AccessFlags winam <- getWord16 widsr <- getWord16 wtam <- getWord16 let inam = fromWord162Int winam let idsr = fromWord162Int widsr let tam_attr = fromWord162Int wtam lst_attr <- getMany tam_attr return $ Method_Info accs inam idsr tam_attr lst_attr instance Binary Attribute_Info where put (AttributeGeneric inam tam_all rest_attr) = put (fromInt2Word16 inam) >> put (fromInt2Word32 tam_all) >> putLazyByteString rest_attr --error "Invalid Attribute, Class Error" put (AttributeConstantValue inam tam_all ival) = put (fromInt2Word16 inam) >> put (fromInt2Word32 tam_all ) >> put (fromInt2Word16 ival) put (AttributeCode inam tam_all mlen_stack mlen_local tam_code lst_code tam_ex lst_ex tam_attr lst_attr) = put (fromInt2Word16 inam) >> put (fromInt2Word32 tam_all) >> put (fromInt2Word16 mlen_stack) >> put (fromInt2Word16 mlen_local) >> put (fromInt2Word32 tam_code) >> mapM_ (\cod -> putWord8 (fromInt2Word8 cod)) lst_code >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_ex) >> mapM_ (\(e1,e2,e3,e4) -> put (fromInt2Word16 e1) >> put (fromInt2Word16 e2) >> put (fromInt2Word16 e3) >> put (fromInt2Word16 e4)) lst_ex >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_attr) >> mapM_ put lst_attr put (AttributeExceptions inam tam_all tam_num_ex lst_ex) = put (fromInt2Word16 inam) >> put (fromInt2Word32 tam_all) >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_num_ex) >> mapM_ (\ind -> putWord8 (fromInt2Word8 ind)) lst_ex put (AttributeInnerClasses inam tam_all tam_classes lst_classes) = put (fromInt2Word16 inam) >> put (fromInt2Word32 tam_all) >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_classes) >> mapM_ (\(incl,outcl,innm,inflg) -> put (fromInt2Word16 incl) >> put (fromInt2Word16 outcl) >> put (fromInt2Word16 innm) >> put inflg) lst_classes put (AttributeSynthetic inam tam_all) = put (fromInt2Word16 inam) >> put (fromInt2Word32 tam_all) put (AttributeSourceFile inam tam_all ind_src) = put (fromInt2Word16 inam) >> put (fromInt2Word32 tam_all) >> put (fromInt2Word16 ind_src) put (AttributeLineNumberTable inam tam_all tam_table lst_line) = put (fromInt2Word16 inam) >> put (fromInt2Word32 tam_all) >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_table) >> mapM_ (\(e1,e2) -> put (fromInt2Word16 e1) >> put (fromInt2Word16 e2)) lst_line put (AttributeLocalVariableTable inam tam_all tam_var lst_var) = put (fromInt2Word16 inam) >> put (fromInt2Word32 tam_all) >> put (fromInt2Word16 tam_var) >> mapM_ (\(e1,e2,e3,e4,e5) -> put (fromInt2Word16 e1) >> put (fromInt2Word16 e2) >> put (fromInt2Word16 e3) >> put (fromInt2Word16 e4) >> put (fromInt2Word16 e5)) lst_var put (AttributeDeprecated inam tam_all) = put (fromInt2Word16 inam) >> put (fromInt2Word32 tam_all) get = do winam <- getWord16 wtam_all <- getWord32 let inam = fromWord162Int winam tam_all = fromWord322Int wtam_all rest_attr <- getLazyByteString $ toInt64 tam_all return $ AttributeGeneric inam tam_all rest_attr type Tupla5Int = [(Int, Int, Int, Int, Int)] type Tupla2Int = [(Int, Int)] type Tupla4Int = [(Int, Int, Int, Int)] type ListaInt = [Int] type ConstantPool_Count = Int type Interfaces_Count = Int type Fields_Count = Int type Methods_Count = Int type Attributes_Count = Int type Index_Constant_Pool = Int -- auxiliar functions infixl 5 .+. (.+.) :: Int -> Int -> Int a .+. b = a .|. b bitsSet :: Int -> Int -> Bool bitsSet mask i = (mask .&. i == i) toInt64 :: Int -> Int64 toInt64 = getWord16 = get :: Get Word16 getWord32 = get :: Get Word32 fromWord162Int :: Word16 -> Int fromWord162Int = fromWord82Int :: Word8 -> Int fromWord82Int = fromWord322Int :: Word32 -> Int fromWord322Int = fromWord322Float :: Word32 -> Float fromWord322Float = fromInt2Word8 :: Int -> Word8 fromInt2Word8 = fromInt2Word16 :: Int -> Word16 fromInt2Word16 = fromInt2Word32 :: Int -> Word32 fromInt2Word32 = fromFloat2Word32 :: Float -> Word32 fromFloat2Word32 = getMany :: Binary a => Int -> Get [a] getMany n = go [] n where go xs 0 = return $! reverse xs go xs i = do x <- get x `seq` go (x:xs) (i-1) -- we must seq x to avoid stack overflows due to laziness in (>>=) -- functions to modify attributes getListAttr cp_infos 0 str = ([],str,toInt64 0) getListAttr cp_infos n str = let (winam,rs1,n1) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) str (toInt64 0) inam = fromWord162Int winam (wtam,rs2,n2) = runGetState (get :: Get Word32) rs1 (toInt64 0) tam = fromWord322Int wtam (rest,rs3,n3) = runGetState (getLazyByteString (toInt64 tam)) rs2 (toInt64 0) attr_generic = AttributeGeneric inam tam rest attr_specific = fChgAttr cp_infos attr_generic in let (lstn, rsn, nn) = getListAttr cp_infos (n-1) rs3 in (attr_specific : lstn, rsn, nn) getListExCod 0 str = ([],str) getListExCod n str = let (wstart_pc , rs1, n1) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) str (toInt64 0) (wend_pc , rs2, n2) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rs1 (toInt64 0) (whandler_pc, rs3, n3) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rs2 (toInt64 0) (wcatch_type, rs4, n4) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rs3 (toInt64 0) start_pc = fromWord162Int wstart_pc end_pc = fromWord162Int wend_pc handler_pc = fromWord162Int whandler_pc catch_type = fromWord162Int wcatch_type in let (lst, r) = getListExCod (n-1) rs4 in ((start_pc,end_pc,handler_pc,catch_type):lst, r) getListTuplaInner 0 str = ([],str) getListTuplaInner n str = let (wincl , rs1, n1) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) str (toInt64 0) (woutcl, rs2, n2) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rs1 (toInt64 0) (winnm , rs3, n3) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rs2 (toInt64 0) (inflg, rs4, n4) = runGetState (get :: Get AccessFlags) rs3 (toInt64 0) incl = fromWord162Int wincl outcl = fromWord162Int woutcl innm = fromWord162Int winnm in let (lst, r) = getListTuplaInner (n-1) rs4 in ((incl,outcl,innm,inflg):lst, r) getListEx 0 str = ([],str) getListEx n str = let (wcod, str', no) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) str (toInt64 0) ex = fromWord162Int wcod in let (lst,r) = getListEx (n-1) str' in (ex:lst, r) getListCode 0 str = ([],str) getListCode n str = let (wcod, str', no) = runGetState (get :: Get Word8) str (toInt64 0) cod = fromWord82Int wcod in let (lst,r) = getListCode (n-1) str' in (cod:lst, r) getListLineNumber 0 str = ([], str) getListLineNumber n str = let (wstart_pc, str1, n1) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) str (toInt64 0) start_pc = fromWord162Int wstart_pc (wline_number, str2, n2) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) str1 (toInt64 0) line_number = fromWord162Int wline_number in let (lst,r) = getListLineNumber (n-1) str2 in ((start_pc,line_number):lst, r) -- Get the name from Utf8_Info in the Contant Pool list getNameCP_Utf8 :: Int -> CP_Infos -> String getNameCP_Utf8 index cp_infos = cad_cp $ cp_infos !! (index-1) fChgAttr :: CP_Infos -> Attribute_Info -> Attribute_Info fChgAttr cp_infos (AttributeGeneric inam tam rbs) = case getNameCP_Utf8 inam cp_infos of "SourceFile" -> let (wisrc, rest, n) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rbs (toInt64 0) isrc = fromWord162Int wisrc in AttributeSourceFile inam tam isrc "Code" -> let (wstack , rs1, n1) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rbs (toInt64 0) stack = fromWord162Int wstack (wlocal , rs2, n2) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rs1 (toInt64 0) local = fromWord162Int wlocal (wtam_code, rs3, n3) = runGetState (get :: Get Word32) rs2 (toInt64 0) tam_code = fromWord322Int wtam_code (lst_code, rs4) = getListCode tam_code rs3 (wtam_ex, rs5, n4) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rs4 (toInt64 0) tam_ex = fromWord162Int wtam_ex (lst_ex, rs6) = getListExCod tam_ex rs5 (wtam_attr,rs7,n5) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rs6 (toInt64 0) tam_attr = fromWord162Int wtam_attr (lst_attr,rs8, n6) = getListAttr cp_infos tam_attr rs7 -- arreglar, porque no hay soporte para excepciones, ni la segunda lista de attributos ?? in AttributeCode inam tam stack local tam_code lst_code tam_ex lst_ex tam_attr lst_attr "LineNumberTable" -> let (wntable, rs0, n0) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rbs (toInt64 0) ntable = fromWord162Int wntable (lst_line, rs1) = getListLineNumber ntable rs0 in AttributeLineNumberTable inam tam ntable lst_line "Exceptions" -> let (wntable, rs0, n0) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rbs (toInt64 0) ntable = fromWord162Int wntable (lst_ex, rs1) = getListEx ntable rs0 in AttributeExceptions inam tam ntable lst_ex "Synthetic" -> AttributeSynthetic inam tam "InnerClasses" -> let (wntable, rs0, n0) = runGetState (get :: Get Word16) rbs (toInt64 0) ntable = fromWord162Int wntable (lst_classes, rs1) = getListTuplaInner ntable rs0 in AttributeInnerClasses inam tam ntable lst_classes "Deprecated" -> AttributeDeprecated inam tam otherwise -> AttributeGeneric inam tam rbs chgAttrG_Fields :: ClassFile -> ClassFile chgAttrG_Fields cf = cf{array_fields = new_array_fields} where new_array_fields = map fun $ array_fields cf fun fld = fld{array_attr_fi = new_fi fld} new_fi fld' = map (fChgAttr (array_cp cf)) $ array_attr_fi fld' chgAttrG_Methods :: ClassFile -> ClassFile chgAttrG_Methods cf = cf{array_methods = new_array_methods} where new_array_methods = map fun $ array_methods cf fun mth = mth{array_attr_mi = new_mi mth} new_mi mth' = map (fChgAttr (array_cp cf)) $ array_attr_mi mth' chgAttrG_ClassFile :: ClassFile -> ClassFile chgAttrG_ClassFile cf = cf{array_attributes = new_array_attributes} where new_array_attributes = map (fChgAttr (array_cp cf)) $ array_attributes cf -- functions accessors to to codify and decodify a class file format encodeClassFile :: FilePath -> ClassFile -> IO () encodeClassFile = encodeFile decodeClassFile :: FilePath -> IO ClassFile decodeClassFile fn = do obj <- decodeFile fn :: IO ClassFile let obj1 = chgAttrG_ClassFile obj obj2 = chgAttrG_Methods obj1 obj3 = chgAttrG_Fields obj2 return obj3