{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
module Moo.CommandUtils
       ( apply
       , confirmCreation
       , interactiveAskDeps
       , lookupMigration
       , revert
       , withBackend
       , makeBackend
       , getCurrentTimestamp
       ) where

import Control.Exception ( bracket )
import Control.Monad ( when, forM_, unless )
import Control.Monad.Reader ( asks )
import Control.Monad.Trans ( liftIO )
import Data.List ( intercalate, sortBy, isPrefixOf )
import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
import Data.Maybe ( fromJust, isJust )
import System.Exit ( exitWith, ExitCode(..) )
import System.IO ( stdout, hFlush, hGetBuffering
                 , hSetBuffering, stdin, BufferMode(..) )

import Database.Schema.Migrations ( migrationsToApply, migrationsToRevert )
import Database.Schema.Migrations.Backend (Backend(..))
import Database.Schema.Migrations.Migration ( Migration(..) )
import Database.Schema.Migrations.Store ( StoreData
                                        , storeLookup
                                        , storeMigrations
import Moo.Core

getCurrentTimestamp :: IO String
getCurrentTimestamp =
  replace ":" "-" . replace " " "_" . take 19 . show <$> getCurrentTime

apply :: Migration -> StoreData -> Backend -> Bool -> IO [Migration]
apply m storeData backend complain = do
  -- Get the list of migrations to apply
  toApply <- migrationsToApply storeData backend m

  -- Apply them
  if null toApply then
      nothingToDo >> return [] else
      mapM_ (applyIt backend) toApply >> return toApply

      nothingToDo =
        when complain $
             putStrLn $ "Nothing to do; " ++
                          mId m ++
                          " already installed."

      applyIt conn it = do
        putStr $ "Applying: " ++ mId it ++ "... "
        applyMigration conn it
        putStrLn "done."

revert :: Migration -> StoreData -> Backend -> IO [Migration]
revert m storeData backend = do
  -- Get the list of migrations to revert
  toRevert <- liftIO $ migrationsToRevert storeData backend m

  -- Revert them
  if null toRevert then
      nothingToDo >> return [] else
      mapM_ (revertIt backend) toRevert >> return toRevert

      nothingToDo =
        putStrLn $ "Nothing to do; " ++
                 mId m ++
                 " not installed."

      revertIt conn it = do
        putStr $ "Reverting: " ++ mId it ++ "... "
        revertMigration conn it
        putStrLn "done."

lookupMigration :: StoreData -> String -> IO Migration
lookupMigration storeData name = do
  let theMigration = storeLookup storeData name
  case theMigration of
    Nothing -> do
      putStrLn $ "No such migration: " ++ name
      exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
    Just m' -> return m'

-- Given a database type string and a database connection string,
-- return a database connection or raise an error if the database
-- connection cannot be established, or if the database type is not
-- supported.
makeBackend :: String -> DbConnDescriptor -> IO Backend
makeBackend dbType (DbConnDescriptor connStr) =
    case lookup dbType databaseTypes of
      Nothing -> error $ "Unsupported database type " ++ show dbType ++
                 " (supported types: " ++
                 intercalate "," (map fst databaseTypes) ++ ")"
      Just mkBackend -> mkBackend connStr

-- Given an action that needs a database connection, connect to the
-- database using the application configuration and invoke the action
-- with the connection.  Return its result.
withBackend :: (Backend -> IO a) -> AppT a
withBackend act = do
  dbPath <- asks _appDatabaseConnStr
  dbType <- asks _appDatabaseType
  liftIO $ bracket (makeBackend dbType dbPath) disconnectBackend act

-- Given a migration name and selected dependencies, get the user's
-- confirmation that a migration should be created.
confirmCreation :: String -> [String] -> IO Bool
confirmCreation migrationId deps = do
  putStrLn ""
  putStrLn $ "Confirm: create migration '" ++ migrationId ++ "'"
  if null deps then putStrLn "  (No dependencies)"
     else putStrLn "with dependencies:"
  forM_ deps $ \d -> putStrLn $ "  " ++ d
  prompt "Are you sure?" [ ('y', (True, Nothing))
                         , ('n', (False, Nothing))

-- Prompt the user for a choice, given a prompt and a list of possible
-- choices.  Let the user get help for the available choices, and loop
-- until the user makes a valid choice.
prompt :: (Eq a) => String -> PromptChoices a -> IO a
prompt _ [] = error "prompt requires a list of choices"
prompt message choiceMap = do
  putStr $ message ++ " (" ++ choiceStr ++ helpChar ++ "): "
  hFlush stdout
  c <- unbufferedGetChar
  case lookup c choiceMap of
    Nothing -> do
      when (c /= '\n') $ putStrLn ""
      when (c == 'h') $ putStr $ mkPromptHelp choiceMapWithHelp
    Just (val, _) -> putStrLn "" >> return val
      retry = prompt message choiceMap
      choiceStr = intercalate "" $ map (return . fst) choiceMap
      helpChar = if hasHelp choiceMap then "h" else ""
      choiceMapWithHelp = choiceMap ++ [('h', (undefined, Just "this help"))]

-- Given a PromptChoices, build a multi-line help string for those
-- choices using the description information in the choice list.
mkPromptHelp :: PromptChoices a -> String
mkPromptHelp choices =
    intercalate "" [ [c] ++ ": " ++ fromJust msg ++ "\n" |
                     (c, (_, msg)) <- choices, isJust msg ]

-- Does the specified prompt choice list have any help messages in it?
hasHelp :: PromptChoices a -> Bool
hasHelp = (> 0) . length . filter hasMsg
    where hasMsg (_, (_, m)) = isJust m

-- A general type for a set of choices that the user can make at a
-- prompt.
type PromptChoices a = [(Char, (a, Maybe String))]

-- Get an input character in non-buffered mode, then restore the
-- original buffering setting.
unbufferedGetChar :: IO Char
unbufferedGetChar = do
  bufferingMode <- hGetBuffering stdin
  hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
  c <- getChar
  hSetBuffering stdin bufferingMode
  return c

-- The types for choices the user can make when being prompted for
-- dependencies.
data AskDepsChoice = Yes | No | View | Done | Quit
                     deriving (Eq)

-- Interactively ask the user about which dependencies should be used
-- when creating a new migration.
interactiveAskDeps :: StoreData -> IO [String]
interactiveAskDeps storeData = do
  -- For each migration in the store, starting with the most recently
  -- added, ask the user if it should be added to a dependency list
  let sorted = sortBy compareTimestamps $ storeMigrations storeData
  interactiveAskDeps' storeData (map mId sorted)
        compareTimestamps m1 m2 = compare (mTimestamp m2) (mTimestamp m1)

-- Recursive function to prompt the user for dependencies and let the
-- user view information about potential dependencies.  Returns a list
-- of migration names which were selected.
interactiveAskDeps' :: StoreData -> [String] -> IO [String]
interactiveAskDeps' _ [] = return []
interactiveAskDeps' storeData (name:rest) = do
  result <- prompt ("Depend on '" ++ name ++ "'?") askDepsChoices
  if result == Done then return [] else
        case result of
          Yes -> do
            next <- interactiveAskDeps' storeData rest
            return $ name:next
          No -> interactiveAskDeps' storeData rest
          View -> do
            -- load migration
            let Just m = storeLookup storeData name
            -- print out description, timestamp, deps
            when (isJust $ mDesc m)
                     (putStrLn $ "  Description: " ++
                                    fromJust  (mDesc m))
            putStrLn $ "      Created: " ++ show (mTimestamp m)
            unless (null $ mDeps m)
                     (putStrLn $ "  Deps: " ++
                                   intercalate "\n        "  (mDeps m))
            -- ask again
            interactiveAskDeps' storeData (name:rest)
          Quit -> do
            putStrLn "cancelled."
            exitWith (ExitFailure 1)
          Done -> return []

-- The choices the user can make when being prompted for dependencies.
askDepsChoices :: PromptChoices AskDepsChoice
askDepsChoices = [ ('y', (Yes, Just "yes, depend on this migration"))
                 , ('n', (No, Just "no, do not depend on this migration"))
                 , ('v', (View, Just "view migration details"))
                 , ('d', (Done, Just "done, do not ask me about more dependencies"))
                 , ('q', (Quit, Just "cancel this operation and quit"))

-- The following code is vendored from MissingH Data.List.Utils:

{- | Similar to Data.List.span, but performs the test on the entire remaining
list instead of just one element.

@spanList p xs@ is the same as @(takeWhileList p xs, dropWhileList p xs)@
spanList :: ([a] -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])

spanList _ [] = ([],[])
spanList func list@(x:xs) =
    if func list
       then (x:ys,zs)
       else ([],list)
    where (ys,zs) = spanList func xs

{- | Similar to Data.List.break, but performs the test on the entire remaining
list instead of just one element.
breakList :: ([a] -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a])
breakList func = spanList (not . func)

replace :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
replace old new = intercalate new . split old

split :: Eq a => [a] -> [a] -> [[a]]
split _ [] = []
split delim str =
  let (firstline, remainder) = breakList (isPrefixOf delim) str
   in firstline : case remainder of
                       [] -> []
                       x -> if x == delim
                               then [[]]
                               else split delim (drop (length delim) x)