cabal-version: 1.12 -- This file has been generated from package.yaml by hpack version 0.34.4. -- -- see: name: dbmonitor version: 0.1.0 synopsis: Data consistency alerting for PostgreSQL description: Tool performing periodic checks of data invariants which are hard or impossible to be imposed by constraints. For Postgres only. category: Monitoring, Database homepage: bug-reports: author: Vitalii Guzeev maintainer: copyright: 2021-2022 Vitalii Guzeev license: BSD3 license-file: LICENSE build-type: Simple extra-source-files: source-repository head type: git location: library exposed-modules: Monitor.Configuration.Config Monitor.Configuration.Options Monitor.Configuration.Read Monitor.DataModel Monitor.DB Monitor.Entry Monitor.Loader Monitor.Queue Monitor.Telegram other-modules: Paths_dbmonitor hs-source-dirs: src ghc-options: -Wall build-depends: ansi-terminal >=0.11.3 && <0.12 , async >=2.2.2 && <2.3 , base >=4.12.0 && <= , bytestring >=0.10.8 && <0.11 , dhall >=1.40.2 && <1.42 , directory >=1.3.3 && <1.4 , filepath >=1.4.2 && <1.5 , fsnotify >=0.3.0 && <0.4 , hasql >=1.4.4 && <= , lifted-base >=0.2.3 && <0.3 , monad-control >=1.0.3 && <1.1 , mtl >=2.2.2 && <2.3 , optparse-applicative >= && <0.18 , stm >=2.5.0 && <2.6 , telegram-bot-simple >=0.4.5 && <0.6 , text >=1.2.3 && <1.3 , time >=1.8.0 && <=1.9.3 , transformers-base >=0.4.6 && <0.5 , unordered-containers >=0.2.10 && <0.3 , vector >=0.12.0 && <0.13 default-language: Haskell2010 executable dbmonitor main-is: Main.hs other-modules: Paths_dbmonitor hs-source-dirs: app ghc-options: -threaded -rtsopts -with-rtsopts=-N -Wall build-depends: ansi-terminal >=0.11.3 && <0.12 , async >=2.2.2 && <2.3 , base >=4.12.0 && <= , bytestring >=0.10.8 && <0.11 , dbmonitor , dhall >=1.40.2 && <1.42 , directory >=1.3.3 && <1.4 , filepath >=1.4.2 && <1.5 , fsnotify >=0.3.0 && <0.4 , hasql >=1.4.4 && <= , lifted-base >=0.2.3 && <0.3 , monad-control >=1.0.3 && <1.1 , mtl >=2.2.2 && <2.3 , optparse-applicative >= && <0.18 , stm >=2.5.0 && <2.6 , telegram-bot-simple >=0.4.5 && <0.6 , text >=1.2.3 && <1.3 , time >=1.8.0 && <=1.9.3 , transformers-base >=0.4.6 && <0.5 , unordered-containers >=0.2.10 && <0.3 , vector >=0.12.0 && <0.13 default-language: Haskell2010