{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

-- Copyright (C) 2009-2011 John Millikin <jmillikin@gmail.com>
-- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-- any later version.
-- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-- GNU General Public License for more details.
-- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-- along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

module DBus.Client.Internal where
import           Control.Concurrent
import           Control.Exception (SomeException)
import qualified Control.Exception
import           Control.Monad (forever, unless)
import           Control.Monad.Fix (mfix)
import           Data.IORef
import           Data.List (foldl')
import qualified Data.Map
import           Data.Map (Map)
import           Data.Maybe (isJust, catMaybes)
import           Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text
import           Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import qualified Data.Set

import           DBus.Address
import qualified DBus.Connection
import           DBus.Connection (Connection)
import           DBus.Connection.Authentication (external)
import           DBus.Connection.Transport (unix, tcp)
import           DBus.Connection.Error
import qualified DBus.Constants
import           DBus.Constants ( errorFailed, errorUnknownMethod
                                , errorInvalidParameters)
import           DBus.Message
import qualified DBus.Introspection
import           DBus.Types
import           DBus.Types.Internal (Signature(..))
import           DBus.Util (void)

data Client = Client
	{ clientConnection :: Connection
	, clientCallbacks :: MVar (Map Serial Callback)
	, clientSignalHandlers :: MVar [Callback]
	, clientObjects :: MVar (Map ObjectPath ObjectInfo)
	, clientThreadID :: ThreadId
	, clientMessageProcessor :: IORef (ReceivedMessage -> IO Bool)

type Callback = (ReceivedMessage -> IO ())

data Reply
	= ReplyReturn [Variant]
	| ReplyError ErrorName [Variant]

data Method = Method InterfaceName MemberName Signature Signature ([Variant] -> IO Reply)

type ObjectInfo = Map InterfaceName InterfaceInfo
type InterfaceInfo = Map MemberName MemberInfo
data MemberInfo
	= MemberMethod Signature Signature Callback
	| MemberSignal Signature

attach :: Connection -> IO Client
attach connection = do
	callbacks <- newMVar Data.Map.empty
	signalHandlers <- newMVar []
	objects <- newMVar Data.Map.empty
	processor <- newIORef (\_ -> return False)
	client <- mfix $ \client -> do
		threadID <- forkIO (mainLoop client)
		return (Client
			{ clientConnection = connection
			, clientCallbacks = callbacks
			, clientSignalHandlers = signalHandlers
			, clientObjects = objects
			, clientThreadID = threadID
			, clientMessageProcessor = processor
	export client "/" [introspectRoot client]
	void (call_ client (MethodCall
		{ methodCallDestination = Just "org.freedesktop.DBus"
		, methodCallMember = "Hello"
		, methodCallInterface = Just "org.freedesktop.DBus"
		, methodCallPath = "/org/freedesktop/DBus"
		, methodCallFlags = Data.Set.empty
		, methodCallBody = []
	return client

connect :: Address -> IO Client
connect addr = do
	connection <- DBus.Connection.connect [unix, tcp] [external] addr
	attach connection

-- | Stop a 'Client'#8217;s callback thread and close its underlying socket.

disconnect :: Client -> IO ()
disconnect client = do
	let connection = clientConnection client
	killThread (clientThreadID client)
	modifyMVar_ (clientCallbacks client) (\_ -> return Data.Map.empty)
	modifyMVar_ (clientSignalHandlers client) (\_ -> return [])
	modifyMVar_ (clientObjects client) (\_ -> return Data.Map.empty)
	DBus.Connection.disconnect connection

setMessageProcessor :: Client -> (ReceivedMessage -> IO Bool) -> IO ()
setMessageProcessor client io = atomicModifyIORef
	(clientMessageProcessor client)
	(\_ -> (io, ()))

mainLoop :: Client -> IO ()
mainLoop client = forever $ do
	let connection = clientConnection client
	received <- DBus.Connection.receive connection
	msg <- case received of
		Left err -> do
			disconnect client
			connectionError ("Received invalid message: " ++ show err)
		Right msg -> return msg
	dispatch client msg

dispatch :: Client -> ReceivedMessage -> IO ()
dispatch client received = void . forkIO $ do
	process <- readIORef (clientMessageProcessor client)
	handled <- process received
	let onReply serial = do
		let mvar = clientCallbacks client
		maybeCB <- modifyMVar mvar $ \callbacks -> let
			x = Data.Map.lookup serial callbacks
			callbacks' = if isJust x
				then Data.Map.delete serial callbacks
				else callbacks
			in return (callbacks', x)
		case maybeCB of
			Just cb -> void (cb received)
			Nothing -> return ()
	unless handled $ case received of
		(ReceivedMethodReturn _ _ msg) -> onReply (methodReturnSerial msg)
		(ReceivedError _ _ msg) -> onReply (errorSerial msg)
		(ReceivedSignal _ _ _) -> do
			handlers <- readMVar (clientSignalHandlers client)
			mapM_ ($ received) handlers
		(ReceivedMethodCall serial sender msg) -> do
			objects <- readMVar (clientObjects client)
			case findMethod objects msg of
				Just io -> io received
				Nothing -> send_ client
					(Error errorUnknownMethod serial sender [])
					(\_ -> return ())
		_ -> return ()

send_ :: Message msg => Client -> msg -> (Serial -> IO a) -> IO a
send_ client msg io = do
	result <- DBus.Connection.send (clientConnection client) msg io
	case result of
		Right serial -> return serial
		Left err -> connectionError ("Error sending message: " ++ show err)

call :: Client -> MethodCall -> IO (Either Error MethodReturn)
call client msg = do
	mvar <- newEmptyMVar
	let callback (ReceivedError _ _ err) = putMVar mvar (Left err)
	    callback (ReceivedMethodReturn _ _ reply) = putMVar mvar (Right reply)
	    callback _ = return ()
	send_ client msg (\serial ->
		modifyMVar_ (clientCallbacks client) (\callbacks ->
			return (Data.Map.insert serial callback callbacks)))
	takeMVar mvar

call_ :: Client -> MethodCall -> IO MethodReturn
call_ client msg = do
	result <- call client msg
	case result of
		Left err -> connectionError ("Call failed: " ++ Data.Text.unpack (errorMessage err))
		Right ret -> return ret

data MatchRule = MatchRule
	{ matchSender      :: Maybe BusName
	, matchDestination :: Maybe BusName
	, matchPath        :: Maybe ObjectPath
	, matchInterface   :: Maybe InterfaceName
	, matchMember      :: Maybe MemberName
	deriving (Show)

listen :: Client -> MatchRule -> (BusName -> Signal -> IO ()) -> IO ()
listen client rule io = do
	let handler (ReceivedSignal _ (Just sender) msg)
	    	| checkMatchRule rule sender msg = io sender msg
	    handler _ = return ()
	modifyMVar_ (clientSignalHandlers client) (\hs -> return (handler : hs))
	void (call_ client (MethodCall
		{ methodCallPath = DBus.Constants.dbusPath
		, methodCallMember = "AddMatch"
		, methodCallInterface = Just DBus.Constants.dbusInterface
		, methodCallDestination = Just DBus.Constants.dbusName
		, methodCallFlags = Data.Set.empty
		, methodCallBody = [toVariant (formatMatchRule rule)]

formatMatchRule :: MatchRule -> Text
formatMatchRule rule = Data.Text.intercalate "," predicates where
	predicates = catMaybes
		[ f "sender" matchSender busNameText
		, f "destination" matchDestination busNameText
		, f "path" matchPath objectPathText
		, f "interface" matchInterface interfaceNameText
		, f "member" matchMember memberNameText
	f :: Text -> (MatchRule -> Maybe a) -> (a -> Text) -> Maybe Text
	f key get text = do
		val <- fmap text (get rule)
		return (Data.Text.concat [key, "='", val, "'"])

checkMatchRule :: MatchRule -> BusName -> Signal -> Bool
checkMatchRule rule sender msg = and
	[ maybe True (== sender) (matchSender rule)
	, maybe True (\x -> signalDestination msg == Just x) (matchDestination rule)
	, maybe True (== signalPath msg) (matchPath rule)
	, maybe True (== signalInterface msg) (matchInterface rule)
	, maybe True (== signalMember msg) (matchMember rule)

data MethodError = MethodError ErrorName [Variant]
	deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)

instance Control.Exception.Exception MethodError

-- | Normally, any exceptions raised while executing a method will be
-- given the generic @\"org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Failed\"@ name.
-- 'throwError' allows the programmer to specify an error name, and provide
-- additional information to the remote application. You may use this instead
-- of 'Control.Exception.throwIO' to abort a method call.

throwError :: ErrorName -> Text -> [Variant] -> IO a
throwError name message extra = Control.Exception.throwIO (MethodError name (toVariant message : extra))

method :: InterfaceName -> MemberName -> Signature -> Signature -> ([Variant] -> IO Reply) -> Method
method iface name inSig outSig io = Method iface name inSig outSig
	(\vs -> Control.Exception.catch
			(io vs)
			(\(MethodError name' vs') -> return (ReplyError name' vs')))
		(\exc -> return (ReplyError errorFailed
			[toVariant (Data.Text.pack (show (exc :: SomeException)))])))

export :: Client -> ObjectPath -> [Method] -> IO ()
export client path methods = modifyMVar_ (clientObjects client) addObject where
	addObject objs = return (Data.Map.insert path info objs)
	info = foldl' addMethod Data.Map.empty (defaultIntrospect : methods)
	addMethod m (Method iface name inSig outSig cb) = Data.Map.insertWith'
		Data.Map.union iface
		(Data.Map.fromList [(name, MemberMethod inSig outSig (wrapCB cb))]) m
	wrapCB cb (ReceivedMethodCall serial sender msg) = do
		reply <- cb (methodCallBody msg)
		case reply of
			ReplyReturn vs -> send_ client (MethodReturn serial sender vs) (\_ -> return ())
			ReplyError name vs -> send_ client (Error name serial sender vs) (\_ -> return ())
	wrapCB _ _ = return ()
	defaultIntrospect = methodIntrospect $ do
		objects <- readMVar (clientObjects client)
		let Just obj = Data.Map.lookup path objects
		return (introspect path obj)

findMethod :: Map ObjectPath ObjectInfo -> MethodCall -> Maybe Callback
findMethod objects msg = do
	ifaceName <- methodCallInterface msg
	obj <- Data.Map.lookup (methodCallPath msg) objects
	iface <- Data.Map.lookup ifaceName obj
	member <- Data.Map.lookup (methodCallMember msg) iface
	case member of
		MemberMethod _ _ io -> return io
		_ -> Nothing

introspectRoot :: Client -> Method
introspectRoot client = methodIntrospect $ do
	objects <- readMVar (clientObjects client)
	let paths = filter (/= "/") (Data.Map.keys objects)
	let iface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
	let name = "Introspect"
	return (DBus.Introspection.Object "/"
		[DBus.Introspection.Interface iface
			[DBus.Introspection.Method name
				[DBus.Introspection.Parameter "" "s"]]
			[] []]
		[DBus.Introspection.Object p [] [] | p <- paths])

methodIntrospect :: IO DBus.Introspection.Object -> Method
methodIntrospect get = method iface name "" "s" impl where
	iface = "org.freedesktop.DBus.Introspectable"
	name = "Introspect"
	impl [] = do
		obj <- get
		let Just xml = DBus.Introspection.toXML obj
		return (ReplyReturn [toVariant xml])
	impl _ = return (ReplyError errorInvalidParameters [])

introspect :: ObjectPath -> ObjectInfo -> DBus.Introspection.Object
introspect path obj = DBus.Introspection.Object path interfaces [] where
	interfaces = map introspectIface (Data.Map.toList obj)
	introspectIface (name, iface) = let
		members = Data.Map.toList iface
		methods = concatMap introspectMethod members
		signals = concatMap introspectSignal members
		in DBus.Introspection.Interface name methods signals []
	introspectMethod (name, (MemberMethod inSig outSig _)) =
		[DBus.Introspection.Method name
			(map introspectParam (signatureTypes inSig))
			(map introspectParam (signatureTypes outSig))]
	introspectMethod _ = []
	introspectSignal (name, (MemberSignal sig)) =
		[DBus.Introspection.Signal name
			(map introspectParam (signatureTypes sig))]
	introspectSignal _ = []
	introspectParam t = DBus.Introspection.Parameter "" (Signature [t])