#if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702)
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}

{-| This module implements a ``nano``, very simple, embedded domain specific
  language to create 'Component's and 'Priv'ilages from conjunctions of
  principal disjunctions.
  A 'Component'/'Priv' is created using the ('.\/.') and ('./\.') operators.
  The disjunction operator ('.\/.') is used to create a category from
  'Principal's, 'String's, or a disjunctive sub-expression. For example:

     p1 = 'principal' \"p1\"
     p2 = 'principal' \"p2\"
     p3 = 'principal' \"p3\"
     e1 = p1 '.\/.' p2
     e2 = e1 '.\/.' \"p4\"

  Similarly, the conjunction operator ('./\.') is used to create category-sets
  from 'Principals', 'Strings', and conjunctive or disjunctive sub-expressions.
  For example:

     e3 = p1 '.\/.' p2
     e4 = e1 './\.' \"p4\" './\.' p3

  /Note/ that because a category consists of a disjunction of principals, and a
  category set is composed of the conjunction of categories, ('.\/.') binds
  more tightly than ('./\.').

  Given two 'Component's, one for secrecy and one for integrity, you can
  create a 'DCLabel' with 'newDC'. And, similarly, given a 'TCBPriv' and 'Priv' 
  you can create a new minted privilege with 'newTCBPriv'.
  Consider the following, example:

     l1 = \"Alice\" '.\/.' \"Bob\" './\.' \"Carla\" 
     l2 = \"Alice\" './\.' \"Carla\" 
     dc1 = 'newDC' l1 l2
     dc2 = 'newDC' \"Deian\" \"Alice\"
     pr = 'createPrivTCB' $ 'newPriv' (\"Alice\" './\.' \"Carla\")


  * @ dc1 = \<{[\"Alice\" &#8897; \"Bob\"] &#8896; [\"Carla\"]} , {[\"Alice\"] &#8896; [\"Carla\"]}\>@
  * @ dc2 = \<{[\"Deian\"]} , {[\"Alice\"]}\>@

  * @ 'canflowto' dc1 dc2 = False @

  * @ 'canflowto_p' pr dc1 dc2 = True@


module DCLabel.NanoEDSL ( -- * Operators
			  (.\/.), (./\.)
                        , (<>), (><)
                        , singleton
                          -- * DCLabel creation
                        , newDC
                          -- * Privilege object creation
                        , NewPriv, newPriv, newTCBPriv
                        ) where

import DCLabel.Core
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C

infixl 7 .\/.
infixl 6 ./\.

-- | Class used to create single-principal labels.
class Singleton a where 
      singleton :: a -> Component -- ^ Creates a singleton component.

instance Singleton Principal where 
      singleton p = MkComponent $ MkConj [ MkDisj [p] ]

instance Singleton String where 
      singleton s = singleton (C.pack s)

instance Singleton B.ByteString where 
      singleton s = MkComponent $ MkConj [ MkDisj [principal s] ]

-- | Class used to create disjunctions.
class DisjunctionOf a b where
  (.\/.) :: a -> b -> Component -- ^ Given two elements it joins them with &#8897;

instance DisjunctionOf Principal Principal where
 p1 .\/. p2 = MkComponent $ MkConj [ MkDisj [p1,p2] ]

instance DisjunctionOf Principal Component where
 p .\/. l = (singleton p) `or_component` l 

instance DisjunctionOf Component Principal where
 l .\/. p = p .\/. l

instance DisjunctionOf Component Component where
 l1 .\/. l2 = l1 `or_component` l2

instance DisjunctionOf String String where
 s1 .\/. s2 = singleton s1 .\/. singleton s2

instance DisjunctionOf String Component where
  s .\/. l = singleton s .\/. l 

instance DisjunctionOf Component String where
  l .\/. p = p .\/. l  

-- | Class used to create conjunctions.
class ConjunctionOf a b where
  (./\.) :: a -> b -> Component -- ^ Given two elements it joins them with &#8896;

instance ConjunctionOf Principal Principal where
   p1 ./\. p2 = MkComponent $ MkConj [ MkDisj [p1], MkDisj [p2] ] 

instance ConjunctionOf Principal Component where
   p ./\. l = singleton p `and_component` l 

instance ConjunctionOf Component Principal where
   l ./\. p = p ./\. l 

instance ConjunctionOf Component Component where
   l1 ./\. l2 = l1 `and_component` l2 

-- | Instances using strings and not principals
instance ConjunctionOf String String where
   s1 ./\. s2 = singleton s1 ./\. singleton s2 

instance ConjunctionOf String Component where
   s ./\. l = singleton s `and_component` l 

instance ConjunctionOf Component String where
   l ./\. s = s ./\. l 

-- | Instances using disjunctions.
instance ConjunctionOf Disj Disj where
   d1 ./\. d2 = MkComponent $ MkConj [ d1, d2 ] 

instance ConjunctionOf Disj Component where
   d ./\. l = (MkComponent $ MkConj [d]) `and_component` l 

instance ConjunctionOf Component Disj where
   l ./\. d = d ./\. l 

instance ConjunctionOf Principal Disj where
   p ./\. d = singleton p ./\. d

instance ConjunctionOf Disj Principal where
   d ./\. p = p ./\. d 

instance ConjunctionOf String Disj where
   p ./\. d = singleton p ./\. d

instance ConjunctionOf Disj String where
   d ./\. p = p ./\. d 

-- | Empty component (logically this is @True@).
(<>) :: Component
(<>) = emptyComponent

-- | All component (logically this is @False@).
(><) :: Component
(><) = allComponent

--- Creating 'DCLabel's

-- | Class used to create 'DCLabel's.
class NewDC a b where
  newDC :: a -> b -> DCLabel -- ^ Given two elements create label.

instance NewDC Component Component where
  newDC l1 l2 = MkDCLabel l1 l2 

instance NewDC Principal Component where
  newDC p l = MkDCLabel (singleton p) l 

instance NewDC Component Principal where
  newDC l p = MkDCLabel l (singleton p) 

instance NewDC Principal Principal where
  newDC p1 p2 = MkDCLabel (singleton p1) (singleton p2) 

instance NewDC String Component where
  newDC p l = MkDCLabel (singleton p) l 

instance NewDC Component String where
  newDC l p = MkDCLabel l (singleton p) 

instance NewDC String String where
  newDC p1 p2 = MkDCLabel (singleton p1) (singleton p2) 

-- Creating 'Priv's and 'TCBPriv's.

-- | Class used to create 'Priv's and 'TCBPriv's.
class NewPriv a where
  -- | Given element create privilege.
  newPriv :: a -> Priv 
  -- | Given privilege and new element, create (maybe) trusted privileged object.
  newTCBPriv :: TCBPriv -> a -> Maybe TCBPriv
  newTCBPriv p = delegatePriv p . newPriv

instance NewPriv Component where
  newPriv = id

instance NewPriv Principal where
  newPriv p = singleton p

instance NewPriv String where
  newPriv p = singleton p