This module implements a `nano
`, very simple, embedded domain specific
language to create Label
s and Priv
ilages from conjunctions of
principal disjunctions.
A 'Label'/'Priv' is created using the (.\/.
) and (./\.
) operators.
The disjunction operator (.\/.
) is used to create a category from
s, String
s, or a disjunctive sub-expression. For example:
p1 =principal
"p1" p2 =principal
"p2" p3 =principal
"p3" e1 = p1.\/.
p2 e2 = e1.\/.
Similarly, the conjunction operator (./\.
) is used to create category-sets
from Principals
, Strings
, and conjunctive or disjunctive sub-expressions.
For example:
e3 = p1.\/.
p2 e4 = e1./\.
Note that because a category consists of a disjunction of principals, and a
category set is composed of the conjunction of categories, (.\/.
) binds
more tightly than (./\.
Given two Label
s, one for secrecy and one for integrity, you can
create a DCLabel
with newDC
. And, similarly, given a TCBPriv
and Priv
you can create a new minted privilege with newTCBPriv
Consider the following, example:
l1 = "Alice".\/.
"Carla" l2 = "Alice"./\.
"Carla" dc1 =newDC
l1 l2 dc2 =newDC
"Deian" "Alice" pr =createPrivTCB
dc1 = <{["Alice" ⋁ "Bob"] ⋀ ["Carla"]} , {["Alice"] ⋀ ["Carla"]}>
dc2 = <{["Deian"]} , {["Alice"]}>
dc1 dc2 = Falsecanflowto_p
pr dc1 dc2 = True
DCLabel creation
Privilege object creation
newTCBPriv :: NewPriv a => TCBPriv -> a -> Maybe TCBPrivSource
Given privilege and new element, create (maybe) trusted privileged object.