{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}

-- | Pretty printer utilities.
--   This is a re-export of Daan Leijen's pretty printer package (@wl-pprint@),
--   but with a `Pretty` class that includes a `pprPrec` function.
module DDC.Base.Pretty
        ( module Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen
        , Pretty(..)
        , pprParen
        , padL

        -- * Rendering
        , RenderMode (..)
        , render
        , renderPlain
        , renderIndent
        , putDoc, putDocLn)
import Data.Set                          (Set)
import qualified Data.Set                as Set
import qualified Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen as P
import Text.PrettyPrint.Leijen           
       hiding (Pretty(..), renderPretty, putDoc)

-- Utils ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Wrap a `Doc` in parens if the predicate is true.
pprParen :: Bool -> Doc -> Doc
pprParen b c
 = if b then parens c
        else c

-- Pretty Class --------------------------------------------------------------
class Pretty a where
 data PrettyMode a 
 pprDefaultMode  :: PrettyMode a
 ppr            :: a   -> Doc
 ppr            = pprPrec 0 

 pprPrec        :: Int -> a -> Doc
 pprPrec p      = pprModePrec pprDefaultMode p

 pprModePrec    :: PrettyMode a -> Int -> a -> Doc
 pprModePrec _ _ x = ppr x

instance Pretty () where
 ppr                    = text . show

instance Pretty Bool where
 ppr                    = text . show

instance Pretty Int where
 ppr                    = text . show

instance Pretty Integer where
 ppr                    = text . show

instance Pretty Char where
 ppr                    = text . show

instance Pretty a => Pretty [a] where
 ppr xs  = encloseSep lbracket rbracket comma 
         $ map ppr xs

instance Pretty a => Pretty (Set a) where
 ppr xs  = encloseSep lbracket rbracket comma 
         $ map ppr $ Set.toList xs

instance (Pretty a, Pretty b) => Pretty (a, b) where
 ppr (a, b) = parens $ ppr a <> comma <> ppr b

padL :: Int -> Doc -> Doc
padL n d
 = let  len     = length $ renderPlain d
        pad     = n - len
   in   if pad > 0
         then  d <> text (replicate pad ' ')
         else  d

-- Rendering ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | How to pretty print a doc.
data RenderMode
        -- | Render the doc with indenting.
        = RenderPlain

        -- | Render the doc without indenting.
        | RenderIndent
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Render a doc with the given mode.
render :: RenderMode -> Doc -> String
render mode doc
 = case mode of
        RenderPlain  -> eatSpace True $ displayS (renderCompact doc) ""
        RenderIndent -> displayS (P.renderPretty 0.8 100000 doc) ""

 where  eatSpace :: Bool -> String -> String
        eatSpace _    []        = []
        eatSpace True (c:cs)
         = case c of
                ' '     -> eatSpace True cs
                '\n'    -> eatSpace True cs
                _       -> c   : eatSpace False cs

        eatSpace False (c:cs)
         = case c of
                ' '     -> ' ' : eatSpace True cs
                '\n'    -> ' ' : eatSpace True cs
                _       -> c   : eatSpace False cs

-- | Convert a `Doc` to a string without indentation.
renderPlain :: Doc -> String
renderPlain = render RenderPlain

-- | Convert a `Doc` to a string with indentation
renderIndent :: Doc -> String
renderIndent = render RenderIndent

-- | Put a `Doc` to `stdout` using the given mode.
putDoc :: RenderMode -> Doc -> IO ()
putDoc mode doc
        = putStr   $ render mode doc

-- | Put a `Doc` to `stdout` using the given mode.
putDocLn  :: RenderMode -> Doc -> IO ()
putDocLn mode doc
        = putStrLn $ render mode doc