-- | Core language parser.
module DDC.Core.Parser
        ( module DDC.Base.Parser
        , Parser
        , pExp
        , pWitness)
import DDC.Core.Exp
import DDC.Core.Parser.Tokens
import DDC.Base.Parser                  ((<?>))
import DDC.Type.Parser                  (pTok)
import qualified DDC.Base.Parser        as P
import qualified DDC.Type.Compounds     as T
import qualified DDC.Type.Parser        as T
import Control.Monad.Error

-- | A parser of core language tokens.
type Parser n a
        = P.Parser (Tok n) a

-- Expressions ----------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Parse a core language expression.
pExp    :: Ord n => Parser n (Exp () n)
 = P.choice
        -- Level-0 lambda abstractions
        -- \(x1 x2 ... : TYPE) (y1 y2 ... : TYPE) ... . EXP
 [ do   pTok KBackSlash

        bs      <- liftM concat
                $  P.many1 
                $  do   pTok KRoundBra
                        bs'     <- P.many1 T.pBinder
                        pTok KColon
                        t       <- T.pType
                        pTok KRoundKet
                        return (map (\b -> T.makeBindFromBinder b t) bs')

        pTok KDot
        xBody   <- pExp
        return  $ foldr (XLam ()) xBody bs

        -- Level-1 lambda abstractions.
        -- /\(x1 x2 ... : TYPE) (y1 y2 ... : TYPE) ... . EXP
 , do   pTok KBigLambda

        bs      <- liftM concat
                $  P.many1 
                $  do   pTok KRoundBra
                        bs'     <- P.many1 T.pBinder
                        pTok KColon
                        t       <- T.pType
                        pTok KRoundKet
                        return (map (\b -> T.makeBindFromBinder b t) bs')

        pTok KDot
        xBody   <- pExp
        return  $ foldr (XLAM ()) xBody bs

        -- let expression
 , do   pTok KLet
        (mode1, b1, x1)  <- pLetBinding
        pTok KIn
        x2              <- pExp
        return  $ XLet () (LLet mode1 b1 x1) x2

        -- letrec expression
 , do   pTok KLetRec
        pTok KBraceBra
        lets    <- P.sepEndBy1 pLetRecBinding (pTok KSemiColon)
        pTok KBraceKet
        pTok KIn
        x       <- pExp

        return  $ XLet () (LRec lets) x

        -- Local region binding.
        --   letregion BINDER with { BINDER : TYPE ... } in EXP
        --   letregion BINDER in EXP
 , do   pTok KLetRegion
        br      <- T.pBinder
        let b   = T.makeBindFromBinder br T.kRegion

         [ do   pTok KWith
                pTok KBraceBra
                wits    <- P.sepBy
                           (do  w       <- pVar
                                pTok KColon
                                t       <- T.pTypeApp
                                return  (BName w t))
                           (pTok KSemiColon)
                pTok KBraceKet
                pTok KIn
                x       <- pExp 
                return  $ XLet () (LLetRegion b wits) x 

         , do   pTok KIn
                x       <- pExp
                return $ XLet ()  (LLetRegion b []) x ]

        -- withregion CON in EXP
 , do   pTok KWithRegion
        n       <- pVar
        pTok KIn
        x       <- pExp
        let u   = UName n (T.tBot T.kRegion)
        return  $ XLet () (LWithRegion u) x

        -- case EXP of { ALTS }
 , do   pTok KCase
        x       <- pExp
        pTok KOf 
        pTok KBraceBra
        alts    <- P.sepEndBy1 pAlt (pTok KSemiColon)
        pTok KBraceKet
        return  $ XCase () x alts

        -- weakeff [TYPE] in EXP
 , do   pTok KWeakEff
        pTok KSquareBra
        t       <- T.pType
        pTok KSquareKet
        pTok KIn
        x       <- pExp
        return  $ XCast () (CastWeakenEffect t) x

        -- weakclo [TYPE] in EXP
 , do   pTok KWeakClo
        pTok KSquareBra
        t       <- T.pType
        pTok KSquareKet
        pTok KIn
        x       <- pExp
        return  $ XCast () (CastWeakenClosure t) x

        -- purify <WITNESS> in EXP
 , do   pTok KPurify
        pTok KAngleBra
        w       <- pWitness
        pTok KAngleKet
        pTok KIn
        x       <- pExp
        return  $ XCast () (CastPurify w) x

        -- forget <WITNESS> in EXP
 , do   pTok KForget
        pTok KAngleBra
        w       <- pWitness
        pTok KAngleKet
        pTok KIn
        x       <- pExp
        return  $ XCast () (CastForget w) x

        -- APP
 , do   pExpApp

 <?> "an expression"

-- Applications.
pExpApp :: Ord n => Parser n (Exp () n)
  = do  x1      <- pExp0
         [ do   xs  <- liftM concat $ P.many1 pArgs
                return  $ foldl (XApp ()) x1 xs

         ,      return x1]

 <?> "an expression or application"

-- Comp, Witness or Spec arguments.
pArgs   :: Ord n => Parser n [Exp () n]
 = P.choice
        -- [TYPE]
 [ do   pTok KSquareBra
        t       <- T.pType 
        pTok KSquareKet
        return  [XType t]

        -- [: TYPE0 TYPE0 ... :]
 , do   pTok KSquareColonBra
        ts      <- P.many1 T.pTypeAtom
        pTok KSquareColonKet
        return  $ map XType ts
        -- <WITNESS>
 , do   pTok KAngleBra
        w       <- pWitness
        pTok KAngleKet
        return  [XWitness w]
        -- <: WITNESS0 WITNESS0 ... :>
 , do   pTok KAngleColonBra
        ws      <- P.many1 pWitnessAtom
        pTok KAngleColonKet
        return  $ map XWitness ws
        -- EXP0
 , do   x       <- pExp0
        return  [x]
 <?> "a type, witness or expression argument"

-- Atomics
pExp0   :: Ord n => Parser n (Exp () n)
 = P.choice
        -- (EXP2)
 [ do   pTok KRoundBra
        t       <- pExp
        pTok KRoundKet
        return  $ t
        -- Named constructors
 , do   con     <- pCon
        return  $ XCon () (UName con (T.tBot T.kData)) 

        -- Literals
 , do   lit     <- pLit
        return  $ XCon () (UName lit (T.tBot T.kData))

        -- Debruijn indices
 , do   i       <- T.pIndex
        return  $ XVar () (UIx   i   (T.tBot T.kData))

        -- Variables
 , do   var     <- pVar
        return  $ XVar () (UName var (T.tBot T.kData)) 

 <?> "a variable, constructor, or parenthesised type"

-- Case alternatives.
pAlt    :: Ord n => Parser n (Alt () n)
 = do   p       <- pPat
        pTok KArrowDash
        x       <- pExp
        return  $ AAlt p x

-- Patterns.
pPat    :: Ord n => Parser n (Pat n)
 = P.choice
 [      -- Wildcard
   do   pTok KUnderscore
        return  $ PDefault

        -- LIT
 , do   nLit    <- pLit
        return  $ PData (UName nLit (T.tBot T.kData)) []

        -- CON BIND BIND ...
 , do   nCon    <- pCon 
        bs      <- P.many pBindPat
        return  $ PData (UName nCon (T.tBot T.kData)) bs]

-- Binds in patterns can have no type annotation,
-- or can have an annotation if the whole thing is in parens.
pBindPat :: Ord n => Parser n (Bind n)
 = P.choice
        -- Plain binder.
 [ do   b       <- T.pBinder
        return  $ T.makeBindFromBinder b (T.tBot T.kData)

        -- Binder with type, wrapped in parens.
 , do   pTok KRoundBra
        b       <- T.pBinder
        pTok KColon
        t       <- T.pType
        pTok KRoundKet
        return  $ T.makeBindFromBinder b t

-- Bindings -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | A binding for let expression.
pLetBinding :: Ord n => Parser n (LetMode n, Bind n, Exp () n)
 = do   b       <- T.pBinder

         [ do   -- Binding with full type signature.
                --  BINDER : TYPE = EXP
                pTok KColon
                t       <- T.pType
                mode    <- pLetMode
                pTok KEquals
                xBody   <- pExp

                return  $ (mode, T.makeBindFromBinder b t, xBody) 

         , do   -- Non-function binding with no type signature.
                -- This form can't be used with letrec as we can't use it
                -- to build the full type sig for the let-bound variable.
                --  BINDER = EXP
                mode    <- pLetMode
                pTok KEquals
                xBody   <- pExp
                let t   = T.tBot T.kData
                return  $ (mode, T.makeBindFromBinder b t, xBody)

         , do   -- Binding using function syntax.
                ps      <- liftM concat 
                        $  P.many pBindParamSpec 
                 [ do   -- Function syntax with a return type.
                        -- We can make the full type sig for the let-bound variable.
                        --   BINDER PARAM1 PARAM2 .. PARAMN : TYPE = EXP
                        pTok KColon
                        tBody   <- T.pType
                        mode    <- pLetMode
                        pTok KEquals
                        xBody   <- pExp

                        let x   = expOfParams () ps xBody
                        let t   = funTypeOfParams ps tBody
                        return  (mode, T.makeBindFromBinder b t, x)

                        -- Function syntax with no return type.
                        -- We can't make the type sig for the let-bound variable,
                        -- but we can create lambda abstractions with the given 
                        -- parameter types.
                        --  BINDER PARAM1 PARAM2 .. PARAMN = EXP
                 , do   mode    <- pLetMode
                        pTok KEquals
                        xBody   <- pExp

                        let x   = expOfParams () ps xBody
                        let t   = T.tBot T.kData
                        return  (mode, T.makeBindFromBinder b t, x) ]

-- | Parse a let mode specifier.
--   Only allow the lazy specifier with non-recursive bindings.
--   We don't support value recursion, so the right of all recursive
--   bindings must be explicit lambda abstractions anyway, so there's 
--   no point suspending them.
pLetMode :: Ord n => Parser n (LetMode n)
 = do   P.choice
                -- lazy <WITNESS>
         [ do   pTok KLazy

                 [ do   pTok KAngleBra
                        w       <- pWitness
                        pTok KAngleKet
                        return  $ LetLazy (Just w)
                 , do   return  $ LetLazy Nothing ]

         , do   return  $ LetStrict ]

-- | Letrec bindings must have a full type signature, 
--   or use function syntax with a return type so that we can make one.
pLetRecBinding :: Ord n => Parser n (Bind n, Exp () n)
 = do   b       <- T.pBinder

         [ do   -- Binding with full type signature.
                --  BINDER : TYPE = EXP
                pTok KColon
                t       <- T.pType
                pTok KEquals
                xBody   <- pExp

                return  $ (T.makeBindFromBinder b t, xBody) 

         , do   -- Binding using function syntax.
                --  BINDER PARAM1 PARAM2 .. PARAMN : TYPE = EXP
                ps      <- liftM concat 
                        $  P.many pBindParamSpec 
                pTok KColon
                tBody   <- T.pType
                let t   = funTypeOfParams ps tBody

                pTok KEquals
                xBody   <- pExp
                let x   = expOfParams () ps xBody

                return  (T.makeBindFromBinder b t, x) ]

-- | Parse a parameter specification.
--       [BIND1 BIND2 .. BINDN : TYPE]
--   or  (BIND : TYPE)
--   or  (BIND : TYPE) { EFFECT | CLOSURE }
pBindParamSpec :: Ord n => Parser n [ParamSpec n]
 = P.choice
        -- Type parameter
        -- [BIND1 BIND2 .. BINDN : TYPE]
 [ do   pTok KSquareBra
        bs      <- P.many1 T.pBinder
        pTok KColon
        t       <- T.pType
        pTok KSquareKet
        return  [ ParamType b 
                | b <- zipWith T.makeBindFromBinder bs (repeat t)]

        -- Witness parameter
        -- <BIND : TYPE>
 , do   pTok KAngleBra
        b       <- T.pBinder
        pTok KColon
        t       <- T.pType
        pTok KAngleKet
        return  [ ParamWitness $ T.makeBindFromBinder b t]

        -- Value parameter
        -- (BIND : TYPE) 
        -- (BIND : TYPE) { TYPE | TYPE }
 , do   pTok KRoundBra
        b       <- T.pBinder
        pTok KColon
        t       <- T.pType
        pTok KRoundKet

        (eff, clo) 
         <- P.choice
                [ do    pTok KBraceBra
                        eff'    <- T.pType
                        pTok KBar
                        clo'    <- T.pType
                        pTok KBraceKet
                        return  (eff', clo')
                , do    return  (T.tBot T.kEffect, T.tBot T.kClosure) ]

        return  $ [ParamValue (T.makeBindFromBinder b t) eff clo]

-- | Specification of a function parameter.
--   We can determine the contribution to the type of the function, 
--   as well as its expression based on the parameter.
data ParamSpec n
        = ParamType    (Bind n)
        | ParamWitness (Bind n)
        | ParamValue   (Bind n) (Type n) (Type n)

-- | Build the type of a function from specifications of its parameters,
--   and the type of the body.
        :: [ParamSpec n]        -- ^ Spec of parameters.
        -> Type n               -- ^ Type of body.
        -> Type n               -- ^ Type of whole function.

funTypeOfParams [] tBody        = tBody
funTypeOfParams (p:ps) tBody
 = case p of
        ParamType  b    
         -> TForall b 
                $ funTypeOfParams ps tBody

        ParamWitness b
         -> T.tImpl (T.typeOfBind b)
                $ funTypeOfParams ps tBody

        ParamValue b eff clo
         -> T.tFun (T.typeOfBind b) eff clo 
                $ funTypeOfParams ps tBody

-- | Build the expression of a function from specifications of its parameters,
--   and the expression for the body.
        :: a
        -> [ParamSpec n]        -- ^ Spec of parameters.
        -> Exp a n              -- ^ Body of function.
        -> Exp a n              -- ^ Expression of whole function.

expOfParams _ [] xBody            = xBody
expOfParams a (p:ps) xBody
 = case p of
        ParamType b     
         -> XLAM a b $ expOfParams a ps xBody
        ParamWitness b
         -> XLam a b $ expOfParams a ps xBody

        ParamValue b _ _
         -> XLam a b $ expOfParams a ps xBody

-- Witnesses ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Parse a witness expression.
pWitness :: Ord n  => Parser n (Witness n)
pWitness = pWitnessJoin

-- Witness Joining
pWitnessJoin :: Ord n => Parser n (Witness n)
 = do   w1      <- pWitnessApp
         [ do   pTok KAmpersand
                w2      <- pWitnessJoin
                return  (WJoin w1 w2)

         , do   return w1 ]

-- Applications
pWitnessApp :: Ord n => Parser n (Witness n)
  = do  (x:xs)  <- P.many1 pWitnessArg
        return  $ foldl WApp x xs

 <?> "a witness expression or application"

-- Function argument
pWitnessArg :: Ord n => Parser n (Witness n)
 = P.choice
 [ -- [TYPE]
   do   pTok KSquareBra
        t       <- T.pType
        pTok KSquareKet
        return  $ WType t

 , do   pWitnessAtom ]

-- Atomics
pWitnessAtom :: Ord n => Parser n (Witness n)
 = P.choice
   -- (WITNESS)
 [ do    pTok KRoundBra
         w       <- pWitness
         pTok KRoundKet
         return  $ w

   -- Named constructors
 , do   con     <- pCon
        return  $ WCon (WiConBound $ UName con (T.tBot T.kWitness)) 

   -- Baked-in witness constructors.
 , do    wb     <- pWbCon
         return $ WCon (WiConBuiltin wb)

   -- Debruijn indices
 , do    i       <- T.pIndex
         return  $ WVar (UIx   i   (T.tBot T.kWitness))

   -- Variables
 , do    var     <- pVar
         return  $ WVar (UName var (T.tBot T.kWitness)) ]

 <?> "a witness"

-- | Parse a builtin named `WiCon`
pWbCon :: Parser n WbCon
pWbCon  = P.pTokMaybe f
 where  f (KA (KWbConBuiltin wb)) = Just wb
        f _                       = Nothing

-- | Parse a variable name
pVar :: Parser n n
pVar    = P.pTokMaybe f
 where  f (KN (KVar n)) = Just n
        f _             = Nothing

-- | Parse a constructor name
pCon :: Parser n n
pCon    = P.pTokMaybe f
 where  f (KN (KCon n)) = Just n
        f _             = Nothing

-- | Parse a literal
pLit :: Parser n n
pLit    = P.pTokMaybe f
 where  f (KN (KLit n)) = Just n
        f _             = Nothing