-- | Check the kind of a type.
module DDC.Type.Check
        ( -- * Kinds of Types
        , kindOfType

          -- * Kinds of Constructors
        , takeSortOfKiCon
        , kindOfTwCon
        , kindOfTcCon
          -- * Errors
        , Error(..))
import DDC.Type.Check.CheckError
import DDC.Type.Check.CheckCon
import DDC.Type.Compounds
import DDC.Type.Predicates
import DDC.Type.Transform.LiftT
import DDC.Type.Exp
import DDC.Base.Pretty
import Data.List
import Control.Monad
import DDC.Type.Check.Monad             (throw, result)
import DDC.Type.Pretty                  ()
import DDC.Type.Env                     (Env)
import qualified DDC.Type.Sum           as TS
import qualified DDC.Type.Env           as Env
import qualified DDC.Type.Check.Monad   as G

-- | The type checker monad.
type CheckM n   = G.CheckM (Error n)

-- Wrappers -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Check a type in the given environment, returning an error or its kind.
checkType  :: (Ord n, Pretty n) => Env n -> Type n -> Either (Error n) (Kind n)
checkType env tt = result $ checkTypeM env tt

-- | Check a type in an empty environment, returning an error or its kind.
kindOfType :: (Ord n, Pretty n) => Type n -> Either (Error n) (Kind n)
kindOfType tt = result $ checkTypeM Env.empty tt

-- checkType ------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Check a type, returning its kind.
--   Note that when comparing kinds, we can just use plain equality
--   (==) instead of equivT. This is because kinds do not contain quantifiers
--   that need to be compared up to alpha-equivalence, nor do they contain
--   crushable components terms.
checkTypeM :: (Ord n, Pretty n) => Env n -> Type n -> CheckM n (Kind n)
checkTypeM env tt
        = -- trace (pretty $ text "checkTypeM:" <+> ppr tt) $
          checkTypeM' env tt

-- Variables ------------------
checkTypeM' env (TVar u)
 = do   let tBound      = typeOfBound u
        let mtEnv       = Env.lookup u env

        let mkResult
                -- If the annot is Bot then just use the type
                -- from the environment.
                | Just tEnv     <- mtEnv
                , isBot tBound
                = return tEnv

                -- The bound has an explicit type annotation,
                --  which matches the one from the environment.
                --  When the bound is a deBruijn index we need to lift the
                --  annotation on the original binder through any lambdas
                --  between the binding occurrence and the use.
                | Just tEnv    <- mtEnv
                , UIx i _      <- u
                , tBound == liftT (i + 1) tEnv
                = return tBound

                -- The bound has an explicit type annotation,
                --   that matches the one from the environment.
                | Just tEnv     <- mtEnv
                , tBound == tEnv
                = return tBound

                -- The bound has an explicit type annotation,
                --  that does not match the one from the environment. 
                | Just tEnv     <- mtEnv
                = throw $ ErrorVarAnnotMismatch u tEnv

                -- Type variables must be in the environment.
                | _             <- mtEnv
                = throw $ ErrorUndefined u


-- Constructors ---------------
checkTypeM' _env tt@(TCon tc)
 = case tc of
        -- Sorts don't have a higher classification.
        TyConSort _      -> throw $ ErrorNakedSort tt

        -- Can't sort check a naked kind function
        -- because the sort depends on the argument kinds.
        TyConKind kc
         -> case takeSortOfKiCon kc of
                Just s   -> return s
                Nothing  -> throw $ ErrorUnappliedKindFun

        TyConWitness tcw -> return $ kindOfTwCon tcw
        TyConSpec    tcc -> return $ kindOfTcCon tcc
        TyConBound    u  -> return $ typeOfBound u

-- Quantifiers ----------------
checkTypeM' env tt@(TForall b1 t2)
 = do   _       <- checkTypeM env (typeOfBind b1)
        k2      <- checkTypeM (Env.extend b1 env) t2

        -- The body must have data or witness kind.
        when (  (not $ isDataKind k2)
             && (not $ isWitnessKind k2))
         $ throw $ ErrorForallKindInvalid tt t2 k2

        return k2

-- Applications ---------------
-- Applications of the kind function constructor are handled directly
-- because the constructor doesn't have a sort by itself.
checkTypeM' env (TApp (TApp (TCon (TyConKind KiConFun)) k1) k2)
 = do   _       <- checkTypeM env k1
        s2      <- checkTypeM env k2
        return  s2

-- The implication constructor is overloaded and can have the
-- following kinds:
--   (=>) :: @ ~> @ ~> @,  for witness implication.
--   (=>) :: @ ~> * ~> *,  for a context.
checkTypeM' env tt@(TApp (TApp (TCon (TyConWitness TwConImpl)) t1) t2)
 = do   k1      <- checkTypeM env t1
        k2      <- checkTypeM env t2
        if      isWitnessKind k1 && isWitnessKind k2
         then     return kWitness
        else if isWitnessKind k1 && isDataKind k2
         then     return kData
        else    throw $ ErrorWitnessImplInvalid tt t1 k1 t2 k2

-- Type application.
checkTypeM' env tt@(TApp t1 t2)
 = do   k1      <- checkTypeM env t1
        k2      <- checkTypeM env t2
        case k1 of
         TApp (TApp (TCon (TyConKind KiConFun)) k11) k12
          | k11 == k2   -> return k12
          | otherwise   -> throw $ ErrorAppArgMismatch tt k1 k2
         _              -> throw $ ErrorAppNotFun tt t1 k1 t2 k2

-- Sums -----------------------
checkTypeM' env (TSum ts)
 = do   ks      <- mapM (checkTypeM env) $ TS.toList ts

        -- Check that all the types in the sum have a single kind, 
        -- and return that kind.
        k <- case nub ks of     
                 []     -> return $ TS.kindOfSum ts
                 [k]    -> return k
                 _      -> throw $ ErrorSumKindMismatch 
                                        (TS.kindOfSum ts) ts ks
        -- Check that the kind of the elements is a valid one.
        -- Only effects and closures can be summed.
        if (k == kEffect || k == kClosure)
         then return k
         else throw $ ErrorSumKindInvalid ts k