-- | Type checker for the Disciple Core language.
module DDC.Core.Check.CheckExp
        ( checkExp
        , typeOfExp
        , CheckM
        , checkExpM
        , TaggedClosure(..))
import DDC.Core.DataDef
import DDC.Core.Predicates
import DDC.Core.Compounds
import DDC.Core.Exp
import DDC.Core.Pretty
import DDC.Core.Collect
import DDC.Core.Check.Error
import DDC.Core.Check.CheckWitness
import DDC.Core.Check.TaggedClosure
import DDC.Type.Transform.SubstituteT
import DDC.Type.Transform.Crush
import DDC.Type.Transform.Trim
import DDC.Type.Transform.Instantiate
import DDC.Type.Transform.LiftT
import DDC.Type.Transform.LowerT
import DDC.Type.Equiv
import DDC.Type.Universe
import DDC.Type.Compounds
import DDC.Type.Predicates
import DDC.Type.Sum                     as Sum
import DDC.Type.Env                     (Env)
import DDC.Type.Check.Monad             (result, throw)
import DDC.Base.Pretty                  ()
import Data.Set                         (Set)
import qualified DDC.Type.Env           as Env
import qualified DDC.Type.Check         as T
import qualified Data.Set               as Set
import qualified Data.Map               as Map
import Control.Monad
import Data.List                        as L
import Data.Maybe

-- Wrappers -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Type check an expression. 
--   If it's good, you get a new version with types attached to all the bound
--   variables, as well its the type, effect and closure. 
--   If it's bad, you get a description of the error.
--   The returned expression has types attached to all variable occurrences, 
--   so you can call `typeOfExp` on any open subterm.
        :: (Ord n, Pretty n)
        => DataDefs n           -- ^ Data type definitions.
        -> Env n                -- ^ Kind environment.
        -> Env n                -- ^ Type environment.
        -> Exp a n              -- ^ Expression to check.
        -> Either (Error a n)
                  ( Exp a n
                  , Type n
                  , Effect n
                  , Closure n)

checkExp defs kenv tenv xx 
 = result
 $ do   (xx', t, effs, clos) <- checkExpM defs kenv tenv xx
        return  ( xx'
                , t
                , TSum effs
                , closureOfTaggedSet clos)

-- | Like `checkExp`, but check in an empty environment,
--   and only return the value type of an expression.
--   As this function is not given an environment, the types of free variables
--   must be attached directly to the bound occurrences.
--   This attachment is performed by `checkExp` above.
        :: (Ord n, Pretty n)
        => DataDefs n
        -> Exp a n
        -> Either (Error a n) (Type n)
typeOfExp defs xx 
 = case checkExp defs Env.empty Env.empty xx of
        Left err           -> Left err
        Right (_, t, _, _) -> Right t

-- checkExp -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Like `checkExp` but using the `CheckM` monad to handle errors.
        :: (Ord n, Pretty n)
        => DataDefs n           -- ^ Data type definitions.
        -> Env n                -- ^ Kind environment.
        -> Env n                -- ^ Type environment.
        -> Exp a n              -- ^ Expression to check.
        -> CheckM a n 
                ( Exp a n
                , Type n
                , TypeSum n
                , Set (TaggedClosure n))

checkExpM defs kenv tenv xx
 = checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx
{-} = do (xx', t, eff, clo) <- checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx
      trace (pretty $ vcat 
                [ text "checkExpM:  " <+> ppr xx 
                , text "        ::  " <+> ppr t 
                , text "        :!: " <+> ppr eff
                , text "        :$: " <+> ppr clo
                , text ""])
         $ return (xx', t, eff, clo)

-- variables ------------------------------------
checkExpM' _defs _kenv tenv (XVar a u)
 = do   let tBound      = typeOfBound u
        let mtEnv       = Env.lookup u tenv

        let mkResult
             -- When annotation on the bound is bot,
             --  then use the type from the environment.
             | Just tEnv    <- mtEnv
             , isBot tBound
             = return tEnv

             -- The bound has an explicit type annotation,
             --  which matches the one from the environment.
             --  When the bound is a deBruijn index we need to lift the
             --  annotation on the original binder through any lambdas
             --  between the binding occurrence and the use.
             | Just tEnv    <- mtEnv
             , UIx i _      <- u
             , equivT tBound (liftT (i + 1) tEnv) 
             = return tBound

             -- The bound has an explicit type annotation,
             --  which matches the one from the environment.
             | Just tEnv    <- mtEnv
             , equivT tBound tEnv
             = return tEnv

             -- The bound has an explicit type annotation,
             --  which does not match the one from the environment.
             --  This shouldn't happen because the parser doesn't add non-bot
             --  annotations to bound variables.
             | Just tEnv    <- mtEnv
             = throw $ ErrorVarAnnotMismatch u tEnv

             -- Variable not in environment, so use annotation.
             --  This happens when checking open terms.
             | otherwise
             = return tBound
        tResult  <- mkResult

        return  ( XVar a u 
                , tResult
                , Sum.empty kEffect
                , Set.singleton 
                        $ taggedClosureOfValBound 
                        $ replaceTypeOfBound tResult u)

-- constructors ---------------------------------
checkExpM' defs _kenv _tenv xx@(XCon a u)
        | UName n _     <- u
        = case Map.lookup n (dataDefsCtors defs) of
           Nothing -> throw $ ErrorUndefinedCtor xx
           Just _  
            -> return  
                  ( XCon a u
                  , typeOfBound u
                  , Sum.empty kEffect
                  , Set.empty)

        | UPrim{}       <- u
        = return  ( XCon a u
                  , typeOfBound u
                  , Sum.empty kEffect
                  , Set.empty)

        -- Constructors can't be locally bound.
        | otherwise
        = throw $ ErrorMalformedExp xx

-- application ------------------------------------
-- value-type application.
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XApp a x1 (XType t2))
 = do   (x1', t1, effs1, clos1) <- checkExpM  defs kenv tenv x1
        k2                      <- checkTypeM defs kenv t2
        case t1 of
         TForall b11 t12
          | typeOfBind b11 == k2
          -> return ( XApp a x1' (XType t2)  
                    , substituteT b11 t2 t12
                    , substituteT b11 t2 effs1
                    , clos1 `Set.union` taggedClosureOfTyArg t2)

          | otherwise   -> throw $ ErrorAppMismatch xx (typeOfBind b11) t2
         _              -> throw $ ErrorAppNotFun   xx t1 t2

-- value-witness application.
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XApp a x1 (XWitness w2))
 = do   (x1', t1, effs1, clos1) <- checkExpM     defs kenv tenv x1
        t2                      <- checkWitnessM defs kenv tenv w2
        case t1 of
         TApp (TApp (TCon (TyConWitness TwConImpl)) t11) t12
          | t11 `equivT` t2   
          -> return ( XApp a x1' (XWitness w2)
                    , t12
                    , effs1
                    , clos1)

          | otherwise   -> throw $ ErrorAppMismatch xx t11 t2
         _              -> throw $ ErrorAppNotFun   xx t1 t2

-- value-value application.
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XApp a x1 x2)
 = do   (x1', t1, effs1, clos1)    <- checkExpM defs kenv tenv x1
        (x2', t2, effs2, clos2)    <- checkExpM defs kenv tenv x2

        -- Note: we don't need to use the closure of the function because
        --       all of its components will already be part of clos1 above.
        case t1 of
         TApp (TApp (TApp (TApp (TCon (TyConSpec TcConFun)) t11) eff) _clo) t12
          | t11 `equivT` t2   
          , effs    <- Sum.fromList kEffect  [eff]
          -> return ( XApp a x1' x2'
                    , t12
                    , effs1 `Sum.union` effs2 `Sum.union` effs
                    , clos1 `Set.union` clos2)

          | otherwise   -> throw $ ErrorAppMismatch xx t11 t2
         _              -> throw $ ErrorAppNotFun xx t1 t2

-- spec abstraction -----------------------------
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XLAM a b1 x2)
 = do   let t1          = typeOfBind b1
        _               <- checkTypeM defs kenv t1

        -- Check the body
        let kenv'         = Env.extend b1 kenv
        let tenv'         = Env.lift   1  tenv
        (x2', t2, e2, c2) <- checkExpM  defs kenv' tenv' x2
        k2                <- checkTypeM defs kenv' t2

        when (Env.memberBind b1 kenv)
         $ throw $ ErrorLamShadow xx b1

        -- The body of a spec abstraction must be pure.
        when (e2 /= Sum.empty kEffect)
         $ throw $ ErrorLamNotPure xx (TSum e2)

        -- The body of a spec abstraction must have data kind.
        when (not $ isDataKind k2)
         $ throw $ ErrorLamBodyNotData xx b1 t2 k2

        -- Mask closure terms due to locally bound region vars.
        let c2_cut      = Set.fromList
                        $ mapMaybe (cutTaggedClosureT b1)
                        $ Set.toList c2

        return ( XLAM a b1 x2'
               , TForall b1 t2
               , Sum.empty kEffect
               , c2_cut)

-- function abstractions ------------------------
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XLam a b1 x2)
 = do   let t1               =  typeOfBind b1
        k1                   <- checkTypeM defs kenv t1

        -- Check the body.
        let tenv'            =  Env.extend b1 tenv
        (x2', t2, e2, c2)    <- checkExpM  defs kenv tenv' x2   
        k2                   <- checkTypeM defs kenv t2

        -- The form of the function constructor depends on what universe the 
        -- binder is in.
        case universeFromType2 k1 of
         Just UniverseData
          |  not $ isDataKind k1     -> throw $ ErrorLamBindNotData xx t1 k1
          |  not $ isDataKind k2     -> throw $ ErrorLamBodyNotData xx b1 t2 k2 
          |  otherwise
          -> let 
                 -- Cut closure terms due to locally bound value vars.
                 -- This also lowers deBruijn indices in un-cut closure terms.
                 c2_cut  = Set.fromList
                         $ mapMaybe (cutTaggedClosureX b1)
                         $ Set.toList c2

                 -- Trim the closure before we annotate the returned function
                 -- type with it. 
                 --  This should always succeed because trimClosure only returns
                 --  Nothing if the closure is miskinded, and we've already
                 --  allready checked that.
                 Just c2_captured
                  = trimClosure $ closureOfTaggedSet c2_cut

             in  return ( XLam a b1 x2'
                        , tFun t1 (TSum e2) c2_captured t2
                        , Sum.empty kEffect
                        , c2_cut) 

         Just UniverseWitness
          | e2 /= Sum.empty kEffect  -> throw $ ErrorLamNotPure     xx (TSum e2)
          | not $ isDataKind k2      -> throw $ ErrorLamBodyNotData xx b1 t2 k2
          | otherwise                
          -> return ( XLam a b1 x2'
                    , tImpl t1 t2
                    , Sum.empty kEffect
                    , c2)

         _ -> throw $ ErrorMalformedType xx k1

-- let --------------------------------------------
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XLet a (LLet mode b11 x12) x2)
 = do   -- Check the right of the binding.
        (x12', t12, effs12, clo12)  
         <- checkExpM defs kenv tenv x12

        -- Check binder annotation against the type we inferred for the right.
        (b11', k11')    
         <- checkLetBindOfTypeM xx defs kenv tenv t12 b11

        -- The right of the binding should have data kind.
        when (not $ isDataKind k11')
         $ throw $ ErrorLetBindingNotData xx b11' k11'
        -- Check the body expression.
        let tenv1  = Env.extend b11' tenv
        (x2', t2, effs2, c2)    <- checkExpM defs kenv tenv1 x2

        -- The body should have data kind.
        k2 <- checkTypeM defs kenv t2
        when (not $ isDataKind k2)
         $ throw $ ErrorLetBodyNotData xx t2 k2

        -- Mask closure terms due to locally bound value vars.
        let c2_cut      = Set.fromList
                        $ mapMaybe (cutTaggedClosureX b11')
                        $ Set.toList c2

        -- Check purity and emptiness for lazy bindings.
        (case mode of
          LetStrict     -> return ()
          LetLazy _
           -> do let eff12' = TSum effs12
                 when (not $ isBot eff12')
                  $ throw $ ErrorLetLazyNotPure xx b11 eff12'

                 let clo12' = closureOfTaggedSet clo12
                 when (not $ isBot clo12')
                  $ throw $ ErrorLetLazyNotEmpty xx b11 clo12')

        -- Check region witness for lazy bindings.
        (case mode of
          LetStrict     -> return ()

          -- Type of lazy binding has no head region, like Unit and (->).
          LetLazy Nothing
           -> do case takeDataTyConApps t12 of
                  Just (_tc, t1 : _)
                   ->  do k1 <- checkTypeM defs kenv t1
                          when (isRegionKind k1)
                           $ throw $ ErrorLetLazyNoWitness xx b11 t12

                  _ -> return ()

          -- Type of lazy binding might have a head region,
          -- so we need a Lazy witness for it.
          LetLazy (Just wit)
           -> do tWit        <- checkWitnessM defs kenv tenv wit
                 let tWitExp =  case takeDataTyConApps t12 of
                                 Just (_tc, tR : _ts) -> tLazy tR
                                 _                    -> tHeadLazy t12

                 when (not $ equivT tWit tWitExp)
                  $ throw $ ErrorLetLazyWitnessTypeMismatch 
                                 xx b11 tWit t12 tWitExp)

        return ( XLet a (LLet mode b11' x12') x2'
               , t2
               , effs12 `Sum.union` effs2
               , clo12  `Set.union` c2_cut)

-- letrec -----------------------------------------
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XLet a (LRec bxs) xBody)
 = do   
        let (bs, xs)    = unzip bxs

        -- Check all the annotations.
        ks              <- mapM (checkTypeM defs kenv) 
                        $  map typeOfBind bs

        -- Check all the annots have data kind.
        zipWithM_ (\b k
         -> when (not $ isDataKind k)
                $ throw $ ErrorLetBindingNotData xx b k)
                bs ks

        -- All right hand sides need to be lambdas.
        forM_ xs $ \x 
         -> when (not $ (isXLam x || isXLAM x))
                $ throw $ ErrorLetrecBindingNotLambda xx x

        -- All variables are in scope in all right hand sides.
        let tenv'       = Env.extends bs tenv

        -- Check the right hand sides.
        (xsRight', tsRight, _effssBinds, clossBinds) 
                <- liftM unzip4 $ mapM (checkExpM defs kenv tenv') xs

        -- Check annots on binders against inferred types of the bindings.
        zipWithM_ (\b t
                -> if not $ equivT (typeOfBind b) t
                        then throw $ ErrorLetMismatch xx b t
                        else return ())
                bs tsRight

        -- Check the body expression.
        (xBody', tBody, effsBody, closBody) 
                <- checkExpM defs kenv tenv' xBody

        -- The body type must have data kind.
        kBody   <- checkTypeM defs kenv tBody
        when (not $ isDataKind kBody)
         $ throw $ ErrorLetBodyNotData xx tBody kBody

        -- Cut closure terms due to locally bound value vars.
        -- This also lowers deBruijn indices in un-cut closure terms.
        let clos_cut 
                = Set.fromList
                $ mapMaybe (cutTaggedClosureXs bs)
                $ Set.toList 
                $ Set.unions (closBody : clossBinds)

        return  ( XLet a (LRec (zip bs xsRight')) xBody'
                , tBody
                , effsBody
                , clos_cut)

-- letregion --------------------------------------
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XLet a (LLetRegion b bs) x)
 = case takeSubstBoundOfBind b of
     Nothing     -> checkExpM defs kenv tenv x
     Just u
      -> do
        -- Check the type on the region binder.
        let k   = typeOfBind b
        checkTypeM defs kenv k

        -- The binder must have region kind.
        when (not $ isRegionKind k)
         $ throw $ ErrorLetRegionNotRegion xx b k

        -- We can't shadow region binders because we might have witnesses
        -- in the environment that conflict with the ones created here.
        when (Env.memberBind b kenv)
         $ throw $ ErrorLetRegionRebound xx b
        -- Check the witness types.
        let kenv'       = Env.extend b kenv
        let tenv'       = Env.lift 1 tenv
        mapM_ (checkTypeM defs kenv') $ map typeOfBind bs

        -- Check that the witnesses bound here are for the region,
        -- and they don't conflict with each other.
        checkWitnessBindsM xx u bs

        -- Check the body expression.
        let tenv2       = Env.extends bs tenv'
        (xBody', tBody, effs, clo)  <- checkExpM defs kenv' tenv2 x

        -- The body type must have data kind.
        kBody           <- checkTypeM defs kenv' tBody
        when (not $ isDataKind kBody)
         $ throw $ ErrorLetBodyNotData xx tBody kBody

        -- The bound region variable cannot be free in the body type.
        let fvsT         = freeT Env.empty tBody
        when (Set.member u fvsT)
         $ throw $ ErrorLetRegionFree xx b tBody
        -- Delete effects on the bound region from the result.
        let effs'       = Sum.delete (tRead  (TVar u))
                        $ Sum.delete (tWrite (TVar u))
                        $ Sum.delete (tAlloc (TVar u))
                        $ effs

        -- Delete the bound region variable from the closure.
        -- Mask closure terms due to locally bound region vars.
        let c2_cut      = Set.fromList
                        $ mapMaybe (cutTaggedClosureT b)
                        $ Set.toList clo

        return  ( XLet a (LLetRegion b bs) xBody'
                , lowerT 1 tBody
                , lowerT 1 effs'
                , c2_cut)

-- withregion -----------------------------------
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XLet a (LWithRegion u) x)
 = do   -- Check the type on the region handle.
        let k   = typeOfBound u
        checkTypeM defs kenv k

        -- The handle must have region kind.
        when (not $ isRegionKind k)
         $ throw $ ErrorWithRegionNotRegion xx u k
        -- Check the body expression.
        (xBody', tBody, effs, clo) 
               <- checkExpM defs kenv tenv x

        -- The body type must have data kind.
        kBody  <- checkTypeM defs kenv tBody
        when (not $ isDataKind kBody)
         $ throw $ ErrorLetBodyNotData xx tBody kBody
        -- Delete effects on the bound region from the result.
        let tu          = TCon $ TyConBound u
        let effs'       = Sum.delete (tRead  tu)
                        $ Sum.delete (tWrite tu)
                        $ Sum.delete (tAlloc tu)
                        $ effs
        -- Delete the bound region handle from the closure.
        let clo_masked  = Set.delete (GBoundRgnCon u) clo

        return  ( XLet a (LWithRegion u) xBody'
                , tBody
                , effs'
                , clo_masked)

-- case expression ------------------------------
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XCase a xDiscrim alts)
 = do
        -- Check the discriminant.
        (xDiscrim', tDiscrim, effsDiscrim, closDiscrim) 
         <- checkExpM defs kenv tenv xDiscrim

        -- Split the type into the type constructor names and type parameters.
        -- Also check that it's algebraic data, and not a function or effect
        -- type etc. 
        (nTyCon, tsArgs)
         <- case takeTyConApps tDiscrim of
                Just (tc, ts)
                 | TyConBound (UName n t) <- tc
                 , takeResultKind t == kData
                 -> return (n, ts)
                 | TyConBound (UPrim n t) <- tc
                 , takeResultKind t == kData
                 -> return (n, ts)

                _ -> throw $ ErrorCaseDiscrimNotAlgebraic xx tDiscrim

        -- Get the mode of the data type, 
        --   this tells us how many constructors there are.
         <- case lookupModeOfDataType nTyCon defs of
             Nothing -> throw $ ErrorCaseDiscrimTypeUndeclared xx tDiscrim
             Just m  -> return m

        -- Check the alternatives.
        (alts', ts, effss, closs)     
                <- liftM unzip4
                $  mapM (checkAltM xx defs kenv tenv tDiscrim tsArgs) alts

        -- There must be at least one alternative
        when (null ts)
         $ throw $ ErrorCaseNoAlternatives xx

        -- All alternative result types must be identical.
        let (tAlt : _)  = ts
        forM_ ts $ \tAlt' 
         -> when (not $ equivT tAlt tAlt') 
             $ throw $ ErrorCaseAltResultMismatch xx tAlt tAlt'

        -- Check for overlapping alternatives.
        let pats                = [p | AAlt p _ <- alts]
        let psDefaults          = filter isPDefault pats
        let nsCtorsMatched      = mapMaybe takeCtorNameOfAlt alts

        -- Alts overlapping because there are multiple defaults.
        when (length psDefaults > 1)
         $ throw $ ErrorCaseOverlapping xx

        -- Alts overlapping because the same ctor is used multiple times.
        when (length (nub nsCtorsMatched) /= length nsCtorsMatched )
         $ throw $ ErrorCaseOverlapping xx

        -- Check for alts overlapping because a default is not last.
        -- Also check there is at least one alternative.
        (case pats of
          [] -> throw $ ErrorCaseNoAlternatives xx

          _  |  or $ map isPDefault $ init pats 
             -> throw $ ErrorCaseOverlapping xx

             |  otherwise
             -> return ())

        -- Check the alternatives are exhaustive.
        (case mode of

          -- Small types have some finite number of constructors.
          DataModeSmall nsCtors
           -- If there is a default alternative then we've covered all the
           -- possibiliies. We know this we've also checked for overlap.
           | any isPDefault [p | AAlt p _ <- alts]
           -> return ()

           -- Look for unmatched constructors.
           | nsCtorsMissing <- nsCtors \\ nsCtorsMatched
           , not $ null nsCtorsMissing
           -> throw $ ErrorCaseNonExhaustive xx nsCtorsMissing

           -- All constructors were matched.
           | otherwise 
           -> return ()

          -- Large types have an effectively infinite number of constructors
          -- (like integer literals), so there needs to be a default alt.
           | any isPDefault [p | AAlt p _ <- alts] -> return ()
           | otherwise  
           -> throw $ ErrorCaseNonExhaustiveLarge xx)

        let effsMatch    
                = Sum.singleton kEffect 
                $ crushEffect $ tHeadRead tDiscrim

        return  ( XCase a xDiscrim' alts'
                , tAlt
                , Sum.unions kEffect (effsDiscrim : effsMatch : effss)
                , Set.unions         (closDiscrim : closs) )

-- type cast -------------------------------------
-- Weaken an effect, adding in the given terms.
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XCast a c@(CastWeakenEffect eff) x1)
 = do   
        -- Check the effect term.
        kEff    <- checkTypeM defs kenv eff
        when (not $ isEffectKind kEff)
         $ throw $ ErrorMaxeffNotEff xx eff kEff

        -- Check the body.
        (x1', t1, effs, clo)    <- checkExpM defs kenv tenv x1

        return  ( XCast a c x1'
                , t1
                , Sum.insert eff effs
                , clo)

-- Weaken a closure, adding in the given terms.
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XCast a c@(CastWeakenClosure clo2) x1)
 = do   
        -- Check the closure term.
        kClo    <- checkTypeM defs kenv clo2
        when (not $ isClosureKind kClo)
         $ throw $ ErrorMaxcloNotClo xx clo2 kClo

        -- The closure supplied to weakclo can only contain Use terms
        -- of region variables.
         <- case taggedClosureOfWeakClo clo2 of
             Nothing     -> throw $ ErrorMaxcloMalformed xx clo2
             Just clos2' -> return clos2'

        -- Check the body.
        (x1', t1, effs, clos)   <- checkExpM defs kenv tenv x1

        return  ( XCast a c x1'
                , t1
                , effs
                , Set.union clos clos2)

-- Purify an effect, given a witness that it is pure.
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XCast a c@(CastPurify w) x1)
 = do   tW                   <- checkWitnessM defs kenv tenv w
        (x1', t1, effs, clo) <- checkExpM     defs kenv tenv x1
        effs' <- case tW of
                  TApp (TCon (TyConWitness TwConPure)) effMask
                    -> return $ Sum.delete effMask effs
                  _ -> throw  $ ErrorWitnessNotPurity xx w tW

        return  ( XCast a c x1'
                , t1
                , effs'
                , clo)

-- Forget a closure, given a witness that it is empty.
checkExpM' defs kenv tenv xx@(XCast a c@(CastForget w) x1)
 = do   tW                    <- checkWitnessM defs kenv tenv w
        (x1', t1, effs, clos) <- checkExpM     defs kenv tenv x1

        clos' <- case tW of
                  TApp (TCon (TyConWitness TwConEmpty)) cloMask
                    -> return $ maskFromTaggedSet 
                                        (Sum.singleton kClosure cloMask)

                  _ -> throw $ ErrorWitnessNotEmpty xx w tW

        return  ( XCast a c x1'
                , t1
                , effs
                , clos')

-- Type and witness expressions can only appear as the arguments 
-- to  applications.
checkExpM' _defs _kenv _tenv xx@(XType _)
        = throw $ ErrorNakedType xx 

checkExpM' _defs _kenv _tenv xx@(XWitness _)
        = throw $ ErrorNakedWitness xx

-- | Check a case alternative.
        :: (Pretty n, Ord n) 
        => Exp a n              -- ^ Whole case expression, for error messages.
        -> DataDefs n           -- ^ Data type definitions.
        -> Env n                -- ^ Kind environment.
        -> Env n                -- ^ Type environment.
        -> Type n               -- ^ Type of discriminant.
        -> [Type n]             -- ^ Args to type constructor of discriminant.
        -> Alt a n              -- ^ Alternative to check.
        -> CheckM a n 
                ( Alt a n
                , Type n
                , TypeSum n
                , Set (TaggedClosure n))

checkAltM _xx defs kenv tenv _tDiscrim _tsArgs (AAlt PDefault xBody)
 = do   (xBody', tBody, effBody, cloBody)
                <- checkExpM defs kenv tenv xBody

        return  ( AAlt PDefault xBody'
                , tBody
                , effBody
                , cloBody)

checkAltM xx defs kenv tenv tDiscrim tsArgs (AAlt (PData uCon bsArg) xBody)
 = do   
        -- Take the type of the constructor and instantiate it with the 
        -- type arguments we got from the discriminant. 
        -- If the ctor type doesn't instantiate then it won't have enough foralls 
        -- on the front, which should have been checked by the def checker.
        let tCtor       = typeOfBound uCon
         <- case instantiateTs tCtor tsArgs of
             Nothing -> throw $ ErrorCaseCannotInstantiate xx tDiscrim tCtor
             Just t  -> return t
        -- Split the constructor type into the field and result types.
        let (tsFields_ctor, tResult) 
                        = takeTFunArgResult tCtor_inst

        -- The result type of the constructor must match the discriminant type.
        --  If it doesn't then the constructor in the pattern probably isn't for
        --  the discriminant type.
        when (not $ equivT tDiscrim tResult)
         $ throw $ ErrorCaseDiscrimTypeMismatch xx tDiscrim tResult

        -- There must be at least as many fields as variables in the pattern.
        -- It's ok to bind less fields than provided by the constructor.
        when (length tsFields_ctor < length bsArg)
         $ throw $ ErrorCaseTooManyBinders xx uCon 
                        (length tsFields_ctor)
                        (length bsArg)

        -- Merge the field types we get by instantiating the constructor
        -- type with possible annotations from the source program.
        -- If the annotations don't match, then we throw an error.
        tsFields        <- zipWithM (mergeAnnot xx)
                            (map typeOfBind bsArg)

        -- Extend the environment with the field types.
        let bsArg'      = zipWith replaceTypeOfBind tsFields bsArg
        let tenv'       = Env.extends bsArg' tenv
        -- Check the body in this new environment.
        (xBody', tBody, effsBody, closBody)
                <- checkExpM defs kenv tenv' xBody

        -- Cut closure terms due to locally bound value vars.
        -- This also lowers deBruijn indices in un-cut closure terms.
        let closBody_cut 
                = Set.fromList
                $ mapMaybe (cutTaggedClosureXs bsArg')
                $ Set.toList closBody

        return  ( AAlt (PData uCon bsArg') xBody'
                , tBody
                , effsBody
                , closBody_cut)

-- | Merge a type annotation on a pattern field with a type we get by
--   instantiating the constructor type.
mergeAnnot :: Eq n => Exp a n -> Type n -> Type n -> CheckM a n (Type n)
mergeAnnot xx tAnnot tActual
        -- Annotation is bottom, so just use the real type.
        | isBot tAnnot      = return tActual

        -- Annotation matches actual type, all good.
        | tAnnot == tActual = return tActual

        -- Annotation does not match actual type.
        | otherwise       
        = throw $ ErrorCaseFieldTypeMismatch xx tAnnot tActual

-- | Check the set of witness bindings bound in a letregion for conflicts.
checkWitnessBindsM :: Ord n => Exp a n -> Bound n -> [Bind n] -> CheckM a n ()
checkWitnessBindsM xx nRegion bsWits
 = mapM_ (checkWitnessBindM xx nRegion bsWits) bsWits

        :: Ord n 
        => Exp a n
        -> Bound n              -- ^ Region variable bound in the letregion.
        -> [Bind n]             -- ^ Other witness bindings in the same set.
        -> Bind  n              -- ^ The witness binding to check.
        -> CheckM a n ()

checkWitnessBindM xx uRegion bsWit bWit
 = let btsWit   
        = [(typeOfBind b, b) | b <- bsWit]

       -- Check the argument of a witness type is for the region we're
       -- introducing here.
       checkWitnessArg t
        = case t of
            TVar u'
             | uRegion /= u'    -> throw $ ErrorLetRegionWitnessOther xx uRegion bWit
             | otherwise        -> return ()

            TCon (TyConBound u')
             | uRegion /= u'    -> throw $ ErrorLetRegionWitnessOther xx uRegion bWit
             | otherwise        -> return ()

            -- The parser should ensure the right of a witness is a 
            -- constructor or variable.
            _ -> throw $ ErrorLetRegionWitnessInvalid xx bWit

   in  case typeOfBind bWit of
        TApp (TCon (TyConWitness TwConGlobal))  t2
         -> checkWitnessArg t2

        TApp (TCon (TyConWitness TwConConst))   t2
         | Just bConflict <- L.lookup (tMutable t2) btsWit
         -> throw $ ErrorLetRegionWitnessConflict xx bWit bConflict
         | otherwise    -> checkWitnessArg t2

        TApp (TCon (TyConWitness TwConMutable)) t2
         | Just bConflict <- L.lookup (tConst t2)   btsWit
         -> throw $ ErrorLetRegionWitnessConflict xx bWit bConflict
         | otherwise    -> checkWitnessArg t2

        TApp (TCon (TyConWitness TwConLazy))    t2
         | Just bConflict <- L.lookup (tManifest t2)  btsWit
         -> throw $ ErrorLetRegionWitnessConflict xx bWit bConflict
         | otherwise    -> checkWitnessArg t2

        TApp (TCon (TyConWitness TwConManifest))  t2
         | Just bConflict <- L.lookup (tLazy t2)    btsWit
         -> throw $ ErrorLetRegionWitnessConflict xx bWit bConflict
         | otherwise    -> checkWitnessArg t2

        _ -> throw $ ErrorLetRegionWitnessInvalid xx bWit

-- | Check a type in the exp checking monad.
checkTypeM :: (Ord n, Pretty n) 
           => DataDefs n 
           -> Env n 
           -> Type n 
           -> CheckM a n (Kind n)

checkTypeM defs kenv tt
 = case T.checkType defs kenv tt of
        Left err        -> throw $ ErrorType err
        Right k         -> return k

-- | Check the type annotation of a let bound variable against the type
--   inferred for the right of the binding.
--   If the annotation is Bot then we just replace the annotation,
--   otherwise it must match that for the right of the binding.
        :: (Eq n, Ord n, Pretty n) 
        => Exp a n 
        -> DataDefs n           -- Data type definitions.
        -> Env n                -- Kind environment. 
        -> Env n                -- Type environment.
        -> Type n 
        -> Bind n 
        -> CheckM a n (Bind n, Kind n)

checkLetBindOfTypeM xx defs kenv _tenv tRight b
        -- If the annotation is Bot then just replace it.
        | isBot (typeOfBind b)
        = do    k       <- checkTypeM defs kenv tRight
                return  ( replaceTypeOfBind tRight b 
                        , k)

        -- The type of the binder must match that of the right of the binding.
        | not $ equivT (typeOfBind b) tRight
        = throw $ ErrorLetMismatch xx b tRight

        | otherwise
        = do    k       <- checkTypeM defs kenv (typeOfBind b)
                return (b, k)