module DDC.Core.Check.TaggedClosure
        ( TaggedClosure(..)
        , closureOfTagged
        , closureOfTaggedSet
        , taggedClosureOfValBound
        , taggedClosureOfTyArg
        , taggedClosureOfWeakClo
        , maskFromTaggedSet
        , cutTaggedClosureX
        , cutTaggedClosureXs
        , cutTaggedClosureT)
import DDC.Type.Transform.LowerT
import DDC.Type.Transform.Trim
import DDC.Type.Compounds
import DDC.Type.Predicates
import DDC.Type.Pretty
import DDC.Type.Exp
import Control.Monad
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set                 (Set)
import qualified DDC.Type.Sum   as Sum
import qualified Data.Set       as Set

-- | A closure-term tagged with the bound variable that the term is due to.
data TaggedClosure n
        -- | Term due to a free value variable.
        = GBoundVal    (Bound n) (TypeSum n)

        -- | Term due to a free region variable.
        | GBoundRgnVar (Bound n)

        -- | Term due to a region handle.
        | GBoundRgnCon (Bound n)
        deriving Show

instance Eq n  => Eq (TaggedClosure n) where
 (==)    (GBoundVal u1 _)  (GBoundVal u2 _)     = u1 == u2
 (==)    (GBoundRgnVar u1) (GBoundRgnVar u2)    = u1 == u2
 (==)    (GBoundRgnCon u1) (GBoundRgnCon u2)    = u1 == u2
 (==)    _                 _                    = False

instance Ord n => Ord (TaggedClosure n) where
 compare g1 g2 = compare (ordify g1) (ordify g2)
        ordify gg
         = case gg of
                GBoundVal u _   -> (0, u) :: (Int, Bound n)
                GBoundRgnVar u  -> (1, u)
                GBoundRgnCon u  -> (2, u)

instance (Eq n, Pretty n) => Pretty (TaggedClosure n) where
 ppr cc
  = case cc of
        GBoundVal    u clos -> text "CLOVAL   " <+> ppr u <+> text ":" <+> ppr clos
        GBoundRgnVar u      -> text "CLORGNVAR" <+> ppr u
        GBoundRgnCon u      -> text "CLORGNCON" <+> ppr u

instance LowerT TaggedClosure where
 lowerAtDepthT n d cc
  = let down = lowerAtDepthT n d
    in case cc of
        GBoundVal u ts    -> GBoundVal (down u) (down ts)
        GBoundRgnVar u1   -> GBoundRgnVar (down u1)
        GBoundRgnCon u2   -> GBoundRgnCon u2

-- | Convert a tagged clousure to a regular closure by dropping the tag variables.
closureOfTagged :: TaggedClosure n -> Closure n
closureOfTagged gg
 = case gg of
        GBoundVal _ clos  -> TSum $ clos
        GBoundRgnVar u    -> tUse (TVar u)
        GBoundRgnCon u    -> tUse (TCon (TyConBound u))

-- | Convert a set of tagged closures to a regular closure by dropping the
--   tag variables.
closureOfTaggedSet :: Ord n => Set (TaggedClosure n) -> Closure n
closureOfTaggedSet clos
        = TSum  $ Sum.fromList kClosure 
                $ map closureOfTagged 
                $ Set.toList clos

-- | Yield the tagged closure of a value variable.
        :: (Ord n, Pretty n) 
        => Bound n  -> TaggedClosure n

taggedClosureOfValBound u
        = GBoundVal u 
        $ Sum.singleton kClosure 
        $ (let clo = tDeepUse $ typeOfBound u
           in  fromMaybe clo (trimClosure clo))

-- | Yield the tagged closure of a type argument.
        :: (Ord n, Pretty n) 
        => Type n -> Set (TaggedClosure n)

taggedClosureOfTyArg tt
 = case tt of
        TVar u
         |   isRegionKind (typeOfBound u)
         ->  Set.singleton $ GBoundRgnVar u

        TCon (TyConBound u)
         |   isRegionKind (typeOfBound u)
         ->  Set.singleton $ GBoundRgnCon u

        _ -> Set.empty

-- | Convert the closure provided as a 'weakclo' to tagged form.
--   Only terms of form `Use r` can be converted.
        :: (Ord n, Pretty n)
        => Closure n -> Maybe (Set (TaggedClosure n))

taggedClosureOfWeakClo clo
 = liftM Set.fromList
         $ sequence
         $ map convert 
         $ Sum.toList $ Sum.singleton kClosure clo

 where  convert c
         = case takeTyConApps c of
            Just (TyConSpec TcConUse, [TVar u])
              -> Just $ GBoundRgnVar u

            Just (TyConSpec TcConUse, [TCon (TyConBound u)])
              -> Just $ GBoundRgnVar u

            _ -> Nothing

-- | Mask a closure term from a tagged closure.
--   This is used for the `forget` cast.
        :: Ord n 
        => TypeSum n 
        -> Set (TaggedClosure n) -> Set (TaggedClosure n)
maskFromTaggedSet ts1 set
        = Set.fromList $ mapMaybe mask $ Set.toList set

 where mask gg
        = case gg of
           GBoundVal u ts2              
            -> Just $ GBoundVal u $ ts2 `Sum.difference` ts1

           GBoundRgnVar u
            | Sum.elem (tUse (TVar u)) ts1
                                -> Nothing
            | otherwise         -> Just gg

           GBoundRgnCon u
            | Sum.elem (tUse (TCon (TyConBound u))) ts1     
                                -> Nothing
            | otherwise         -> Just gg

-- | Cut the terms due to the outermost binder from a tagged closure.
        :: (Eq n, Ord n) 
        => Bind n 
        -> TaggedClosure n 
        -> Maybe (TaggedClosure n)

cutTaggedClosureT b1 cc
 = let lower    = case b1 of
                        BAnon{} -> lowerT 1
                        _       -> id
   in case cc of
        GBoundVal u2 ts            -> Just $ GBoundVal u2 (lower ts)

        GBoundRgnVar u2 
         | boundMatchesBind u2 b1  -> Nothing
         | otherwise               -> Just $ GBoundRgnVar (lower u2)

        GBoundRgnCon u2            -> Just $ GBoundRgnCon (lower u2)

-- | Like `cutTaggedClosureX` but cut terms due to several binders.
        :: (Eq n, Ord n)
        => [Bind n]
        -> TaggedClosure n -> Maybe (TaggedClosure n)

cutTaggedClosureXs bb c 
 = case bb of
        []       -> Just c
        (b:bs)   -> case cutTaggedClosureX b c of
                        Nothing -> Nothing
                        Just c' -> cutTaggedClosureXs bs c'

-- | Cut the terms due to the outermost binder from a tagged closure.
        :: (Eq n, Ord n) 
        => Bind n 
        -> TaggedClosure n 
        -> Maybe (TaggedClosure n)

cutTaggedClosureX b1 cc
 = let lower    = case b1 of
                        BAnon{} -> lowerT 1
                        _       -> id
   in case cc of
        GBoundVal u2 ts
         | boundMatchesBind u2 b1  -> Nothing
         | otherwise               -> Just $ GBoundVal (lower u2) ts

        GBoundRgnVar u2            -> Just $ GBoundRgnVar u2
        GBoundRgnCon u2            -> Just $ GBoundRgnCon u2