-- | Capture avoiding substitution of witnesses in expressions.
--   If a binder would capture a variable then it is anonymized
--   to deBruijn form.
module DDC.Core.Transform.SubstituteWX
        ( SubstituteWX(..)
        , substituteWX
        , substituteWXs)
import DDC.Core.Exp
import DDC.Core.Collect
import DDC.Core.Transform.LiftW
import DDC.Type.Compounds
import DDC.Type.Rewrite
import Data.Maybe
import qualified DDC.Type.Env   as Env
import qualified Data.Set       as Set

-- | Wrapper for `substituteWithW` that determines the set of free names in the
--   type being substituted, and starts with an empty binder stack.
        :: (Ord n, SubstituteWX c) 
        => Bind n -> Witness n -> c n -> c n

substituteWX b wArg xx
 | Just u       <- takeSubstBoundOfBind b
 = substituteWithWX wArg
        ( Sub 
        { subBound      = u

          -- Rewrite level-1 binders that have the same name as any
          -- of the free variables in the expression to substitute.
        , subConflict1  
                = Set.fromList
                $  (mapMaybe takeNameOfBound $ Set.toList $ freeT Env.empty wArg) 

          -- Rewrite level-0 binders that have the same name as any
          -- of the free variables in the expression to substitute.
        , subConflict0
                = Set.fromList
                $ mapMaybe takeNameOfBound 
                $ Set.toList 
                $ freeX Env.empty wArg
        , subStack1     = BindStack [] [] 0 0
        , subStack0     = BindStack [] [] 0 0
        , subShadow0    = False })

 | otherwise    = xx

-- | Wrapper for `substituteW` to substitute multiple things.
        :: (Ord n, SubstituteWX c) 
        => [(Bind n, Witness n)] -> c n -> c n
substituteWXs bts x
        = foldr (uncurry substituteWX) x bts

class SubstituteWX (c :: * -> *) where

 -- | Substitute a witness into some thing.
 --   In the target, if we find a named binder that would capture a free variable
 --   in the type to substitute, then we rewrite that binder to anonymous form,
 --   avoiding the capture.
        :: forall n. Ord n
        => Witness n -> Sub n -> c n -> c n

instance SubstituteWX (Exp a) where 
 substituteWithWX wArg sub xx
  = let down    = substituteWithWX wArg
        into    = rewriteWith
    in case xx of
        XVar a u        -> XVar a (into sub u)
        XCon{}          -> xx
        XApp a x1 x2    -> XApp a (down sub x1) (down sub x2)

        XLAM a b x
         -> let (sub1, b')      = bind1 sub b
                x'              = down  sub1 x
            in  XLAM a b' x'

        XLam a b x
         -> let (sub1, b')      = bind0 sub  b
                x'              = down  sub1 x
            in  XLam a b' x'

        XLet a (LLet m b x1) x2
         -> let m'              = down  sub  m
                x1'             = down  sub  x1
                (sub1, b')      = bind0 sub  b
                x2'             = down  sub1 x2
            in  XLet a (LLet m' b' x1') x2'

        XLet a (LRec bxs) x2
         -> let (bs, xs)        = unzip  bxs
                (sub1, bs')     = bind0s sub bs
                xs'             = map (down sub1) xs
                x2'             = down sub1 x2
            in  XLet a (LRec (zip bs' xs')) x2'

        XLet a (LLetRegion b bs) x2
         -> let (sub1, b')      = bind1  sub  b
                (sub2, bs')     = bind0s sub1 bs
                x2'             = down   sub2 x2
            in  XLet a (LLetRegion b' bs') x2'

        XLet a (LWithRegion uR) x2
         -> XLet a (LWithRegion uR) (down sub x2)

        XCase a x1 alts -> XCase a  (down sub x1) (map (down sub) alts)
        XCast a cc x1   -> XCast a  (down sub cc) (down sub x1)
        XType t         -> XType    (into sub t)
        XWitness w      -> XWitness (down sub w)

instance SubstituteWX LetMode where
 substituteWithWX wArg sub lm
  = let down = substituteWithWX wArg
    in case lm of
        LetStrict        -> lm
        LetLazy Nothing  -> LetLazy Nothing
        LetLazy (Just w) -> LetLazy (Just (down sub w))

instance SubstituteWX (Alt a) where
 substituteWithWX wArg sub aa
  = let down = substituteWithWX wArg
    in case aa of
        AAlt PDefault xBody
         -> AAlt PDefault $ down sub xBody
        AAlt (PData uCon bs) x
         -> let (sub1, bs')     = bind0s sub bs
                x'              = down   sub1 x
            in  AAlt (PData uCon bs') x'

instance SubstituteWX Cast where
 substituteWithWX wArg sub cc
  = let down    = substituteWithWX wArg
        into    = rewriteWith
    in case cc of
        CastWeakenEffect eff    -> CastWeakenEffect  (into sub eff)
        CastWeakenClosure clo   -> CastWeakenClosure (into sub clo)
        CastPurify w            -> CastPurify        (down sub w)
        CastForget w            -> CastForget        (down sub w)

instance SubstituteWX Witness where
 substituteWithWX wArg sub ww
  = let down    = substituteWithWX wArg
        into    = rewriteWith
    in case ww of
        WVar u
         -> case substW wArg sub u of
                Left u'  -> WVar (into sub u')
                Right w  -> w

        WCon{}                  -> ww
        WApp  w1 w2             -> WApp  (down sub w1) (down sub w2)
        WJoin w1 w2             -> WJoin (down sub w1) (down sub w2)
        WType t                 -> WType (into sub t)

-- | Rewrite or substitute into a witness variable.
substW  :: Ord n => Witness n -> Sub n -> Bound n 
        -> Either (Bound n) (Witness n)

substW wArg sub u
  = case substBound (subStack0 sub) (subBound sub) u of
        Left  u'                -> Left (rewriteWith sub u')
        Right n  
         | not $ subShadow0 sub -> Right (liftW n wArg)
         | otherwise            -> Left (rewriteWith sub u)