module DDC.Core.Transform.Rename
        ( Rename(..)

        -- * Substitution states
        , Sub(..)

        -- * Binding stacks
        , BindStack(..)
        , pushBind
        , pushBinds
        , substBound

        -- * Rewriting binding occurences
        , bind1, bind1s, bind0, bind0s

        -- * Rewriting bound occurences
        , use1,  use0)
import DDC.Core.Exp
import DDC.Type.Transform.Rename

instance Rename LetMode where
 renameWith sub lm
  = case lm of
        LetStrict        -> lm
        LetLazy (Just t) -> LetLazy (Just $ renameWith sub t) 
        LetLazy Nothing  -> LetLazy Nothing

instance Rename Witness where
 renameWith sub ww
  = let down x   = renameWith x
    in case ww of
        WVar u          -> WVar  (use0 sub u)
        WCon{}          -> ww
        WApp  w1 w2     -> WApp  (down sub w1) (down sub w2)
        WJoin w1 w2     -> WJoin (down sub w1) (down sub w2)
        WType t         -> WType (down sub t)