-- | Type checker for the Disciple Core language.
--   The algorithm is based on:
--    Complete and Easy Bidirectional Typechecking for Higher-Rank Polymorphism.
--    Joshua Dunfield, Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami, ICFP 2013.
--   Extensions include:
--    * Check let-bindings and case-expressions.
--    * Allow type annotations on function parameters.
--    * Allow explicit type abstraction and application.
--    * Infer the kinds of type parameters.
--    * Insert type applications in the checked expression, so that the 
--      resulting program can be checked by the standard bottom-up algorithm.
--    * Allow explicit hole '?' annotations to indicate a type or kind 
--      that should be inferred.
module DDC.Core.Check.Exp
        ( -- * Checker configuation.
          Config (..)

          -- * Pure checking.
        , AnTEC         (..)
        , Mode          (..)
        , Context
        , emptyContext
        , checkExp
        , typeOfExp

          -- * Monadic checking.
        , Table         (..)
        , makeTable
        , CheckM
        , checkExpM
        , CheckTrace    (..)

          -- * Tagged closures.
        , TaggedClosure(..))
import DDC.Core.Check.Judge.Type.VarCon
import DDC.Core.Check.Judge.Type.LamT
import DDC.Core.Check.Judge.Type.LamX
import DDC.Core.Check.Judge.Type.AppT
import DDC.Core.Check.Judge.Type.AppX
import DDC.Core.Check.Judge.Type.Let
import DDC.Core.Check.Judge.Type.LetPrivate
import DDC.Core.Check.Judge.Type.Case
import DDC.Core.Check.Judge.Type.Cast
import DDC.Core.Check.Judge.Type.Witness
import DDC.Core.Check.Judge.Type.Base
import DDC.Core.Transform.MapT
import Data.Monoid                      hiding ((<>))
import qualified DDC.Type.Env           as Env

-- Wrappers -------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Type check an expression. 
--   If it's good, you get a new version with types attached every AST node, 
--   as well as every binding occurrence of a variable.
--   If it's bad, you get a description of the error.
--   The kinds and types of primitives are added to the environments 
--   automatically, you don't need to supply these as part of the starting 
--   kind and type environment.
        :: (Ord n, Show n, Pretty n)
        => Config n                     -- ^ Static configuration.
        -> KindEnv n                    -- ^ Starting kind environment.
        -> TypeEnv n                    -- ^ Starting type environment.
        -> Exp a n                      -- ^ Expression to check.
        -> Mode  n                      -- ^ Check mode.
        -> ( Either (Error a n)         --   Type error message. 
                    ( Exp (AnTEC a n) n --   Expression with type annots
                    , Type n            --   Type of expression.
                    , Effect n          --   Effect of expression.
                    , Closure n)        --   Closure of expression.
           , CheckTrace)                --   Type checker debug trace.

checkExp !config !kenv !tenv !xx !mode
 = (result, ct)
  ((ct, _, _), result)
   = runCheck (mempty, 0, 0) 
   $ do
        -- Check the expression, using the monadic checking function.
        (xx', t, effs, clos, ctx) 
         <- checkExpM 
                (makeTable config
                        (Env.union kenv (configPrimKinds config))
                        (Env.union tenv (configPrimTypes config)))
                emptyContext xx mode
        -- Apply the final context to the annotations in expressions.
        -- This ensures that existentials are expanded to solved types.
        let applyToAnnot (AnTEC t0 e0 c0 x0)
                = AnTEC (applySolved ctx t0)
                        (applySolved ctx e0)
                        (applySolved ctx c0)

        let xx'' = reannotate applyToAnnot 
                 $ mapT (applySolved ctx) xx'

        -- Also apply the final context to the overall type, 
        -- effect and closure of the expression.
        let t'   = applySolved ctx t
        let e'   = applySolved ctx $ TSum effs
        let c'   = applySolved ctx $ closureOfTaggedSet clos

        return  (xx'', t', e', c')

-- | Like `checkExp`, but only return the value type of an expression.
        :: (Ord n, Pretty n, Show n)
        => Config n                     -- ^ Static configuration.
        -> KindEnv n                    -- ^ Starting Kind environment
        -> TypeEnv n                    -- ^ Starting Type environment.
        -> Exp a n                      -- ^ Expression to check.
        -> Either (Error a n) (Type n)

typeOfExp !config !kenv !tenv !xx
 = case fst $ checkExp config kenv tenv xx Recon of
        Left err           -> Left err
        Right (_, t, _, _) -> Right t

-- Monadic Checking -----------------------------------------------------------
-- | Like `checkExp` but using the `CheckM` monad to handle errors.
        :: (Show n, Pretty n, Ord n)
        => Table a n                    -- ^ Static config.
        -> Context n                    -- ^ Input context.
        -> Exp a n                      -- ^ Expression to check.
        -> Mode n                       -- ^ Check mode.
        -> CheckM a n 
                ( Exp (AnTEC a n) n     -- Annotated expression.
                , Type n                -- Output type.
                , TypeSum n             -- Output effect
                , Set (TaggedClosure n) -- Output closure
                , Context n)            -- Output context.

-- Dispatch to the checker table based on what sort of AST node we're at.
checkExpM !table !ctx !xx !mode
 = case xx of
    XVar{}                 -> tableCheckVarCon     table table ctx xx mode
    XCon{}                 -> tableCheckVarCon     table table ctx xx mode
    XApp _ _ XType{}       -> tableCheckAppT       table table ctx xx mode
    XApp{}                 -> tableCheckAppX       table table ctx xx mode
    XLAM{}                 -> tableCheckLamT       table table ctx xx mode
    XLam{}                 -> tableCheckLamX       table table ctx xx mode
    XLet _ LPrivate{} _    -> tableCheckLetPrivate table table ctx xx mode
    XLet _ LWithRegion{} _ -> tableCheckLetPrivate table table ctx xx mode
    XLet{}                 -> tableCheckLet        table table ctx xx mode
    XCase{}                -> tableCheckCase       table table ctx xx mode
    XCast{}                -> tableCheckCast       table table ctx xx mode
    XWitness{}             -> tableCheckWitness    table table ctx xx mode
    XType    a _           -> throw $ ErrorNakedType    a xx 

-- Table ----------------------------------------------------------------------
makeTable :: Config n -> KindEnv n -> TypeEnv n -> Table a n
makeTable config kenv tenv
        = Table
        { tableConfig           = config
        , tableKindEnv          = kenv
        , tableTypeEnv          = tenv
        , tableCheckExp         = checkExpM
        , tableCheckVarCon      = checkVarCon
        , tableCheckAppT        = checkAppT
        , tableCheckAppX        = checkAppX
        , tableCheckLamT        = checkLamT
        , tableCheckLamX        = checkLamX
        , tableCheckLet         = checkLet
        , tableCheckLetPrivate  = checkLetPrivate
        , tableCheckCase        = checkCase
        , tableCheckCast        = checkCast 
        , tableCheckWitness     = checkWit }