module DDC.Type.Transform.Instantiate
        ( instantiateT
        , instantiateTs)
import DDC.Type.Exp
import DDC.Type.Transform.SubstituteT

-- | Instantiate a type with an argument.
--   The type to be instantiated must have an outer forall, else `Nothing`.
        :: Ord n
        => Type n               -- ^ Type to instantiate.
        -> Type n               -- ^ Argument type.
        -> Maybe (Type n)

instantiateT (TForall b tBody) t2 = Just $ substituteT b t2 tBody
instantiateT _ _                  = Nothing

-- | Instantiate a type with several arguments.
--   The type to be instantiated must have at least as many outer foralls 
--   as provided type arguments, else `Nothing`.
        :: Ord n
        => Type n               -- ^ Type to instantiate.
        -> [Type n]             -- ^ Argument types.
        -> Maybe (Type n)

instantiateTs t []              = Just t
instantiateTs t (tArg:tsArgs)
 = case instantiateT t tArg of
        Nothing         -> Nothing
        Just t'         -> instantiateTs t' tsArgs