-- | Capture avoiding substitution of types in types.
module DDC.Type.Transform.SubstituteT
        ( substituteT
        , substituteTs
        , substituteBoundT
        , SubstituteT(..)

        , BindStack(..)
        , pushBind
        , pushBinds
        , substBound)
import DDC.Type.Collect
import DDC.Type.Compounds
import DDC.Type.Transform.BoundT
import DDC.Type.Transform.Rename
import DDC.Type.Exp
import Data.Maybe
import qualified DDC.Type.Sum   as Sum
import qualified DDC.Type.Env   as Env
import qualified Data.Set       as Set
import Data.Set                 (Set)

-- | Substitute a `Type` for the `Bound` corresponding to a `Bind` in a thing.
substituteT :: (SubstituteT c, Ord n) => Bind n -> Type n -> c n -> c n
substituteT b t x
 = case takeSubstBoundOfBind b of
    Just u      -> substituteBoundT u t x
    _           -> x

-- | Wrapper for `substituteT` to substitute multiple things.
substituteTs :: (SubstituteT c, Ord n) => [(Bind n, Type n)] -> c n -> c n
substituteTs bts x
        = foldr (uncurry substituteT) x bts

-- | Substitute a `Type` for `Bound` in some thing.
substituteBoundT :: (SubstituteT c, Ord n) => Bound n -> Type n -> c n -> c n
substituteBoundT u t x
 = let -- Determine the free names in the type we're subsituting.
       -- We'll need to rename binders with the same names as these
       freeNames       = Set.fromList
                       $ mapMaybe takeNameOfBound 
                       $ Set.toList 
                       $ freeT Env.empty t

       stack           = BindStack [] [] 0 0
  in   substituteWithT u t freeNames stack x

-- SubstituteT ----------------------------------------------------------------
class SubstituteT (c :: * -> *) where

 -- | Substitute a type into some thing.
 --   In the target, if we find a named binder that would capture a free
 --   variable in the type to substitute, then we rewrite that binder to
 --   anonymous form, avoiding the capture.
        :: forall n. Ord n
        => Bound n     -- ^ Bound variable that we're subsituting into.
        -> Type n      -- ^ Type to substitute.
        -> Set  n      -- ^ Names of free varaibles in the type to substitute.
        -> BindStack n -- ^ Bind stack.
        -> c n -> c n

-- Instances ------------------------------------------------------------------
instance SubstituteT Bind where
 substituteWithT u fvs t stack bb
  = let k'      = substituteWithT u fvs t stack $ typeOfBind bb
    in  replaceTypeOfBind k' bb
instance SubstituteT Type where
 substituteWithT u t fns stack tt
  = let down    = substituteWithT u t fns stack
    in  case tt of
         TCon{}         -> tt
         TApp t1 t2     -> TApp (down t1) (down t2)
         TSum ss        -> TSum (down ss)

         TForall b tBody
          | namedBoundMatchesBind u b -> tt
          | otherwise
          -> let -- Substitute into the annotation on the binder.
                 bSub            = down b

                 -- Push bind onto stack, and anonymise to avoid capture
                 -- if needed
                 (stack', b')    = pushBind fns stack bSub
                 -- Substitute into body.
                 tBody'          = substituteWithT u t fns stack' tBody

             in  TForall b' tBody'

         TVar u'
          -> case substBound stack u u' of
                Left  u'' -> TVar u''
                Right n   -> liftT n t

instance SubstituteT TypeSum where
 substituteWithT u n fns stack ss
  = let k       = substituteWithT u n fns stack
                $ Sum.kindOfSum ss
    in  Sum.fromList k 
                $ map (substituteWithT u n fns stack)
                $ Sum.toList ss