ddc-core-eval- Disciplined Disciple Compiler semantic evaluator for the core language.

Safe HaskellNone



Single step evaluator for the Disciple Core language.

This is a direct implementation of the operational semantics and is by no means fast, or a substitute for a real interpreter. Programs run with this evaluator will have an asymptotic complexity much worse than if they were compiled. This evaluator is intended for experimenting with the language semantics, and not running actual programs.



evalProfile :: Profile NameSource

Core language fragment that can be directly evaluated.

data StepResult Source

The result of stepping some expression.


StepProgress Store (Exp () Name)

Expression progressed to a new state.


Expression cannot step and is a (weak) value. We're done already.


Expression cannot step, and is not a (weak) value. The original expression was mistyped, or something is wrong with the interpreter.

StepMistyped (Error () Name)

Expression is stuck, and we know for sure it's mistyped.




:: Store

Current store.

-> Exp () Name

Expression to force.

-> StepResult

Result of forcing it.

Single step a core expression to a value.

As opposed to step, if the provided expression is the location of a Thunk, then the thunk will be forced.



:: Store

Current store.

-> Exp () Name

Expression to step.

-> StepResult

Result of stepping it.

Single step a code expression to a weak value.

As opposed to force, if the provided expression is the location of a Thunk, then the thunk is not forced.