module DDC.Core.Flow.Prim.OpSeries
        ( readOpSeries
        , typeOpSeries)
import DDC.Core.Flow.Prim.KiConFlow
import DDC.Core.Flow.Prim.TyConFlow
import DDC.Core.Flow.Prim.TyConPrim
import DDC.Core.Flow.Prim.Base
import DDC.Core.Transform.LiftT
import DDC.Core.Compounds.Simple
import DDC.Core.Exp.Simple
import DDC.Base.Pretty
import Control.DeepSeq
import Data.List
import Data.Char        

instance NFData OpSeries

instance Pretty OpSeries where
 ppr pf
  = case pf of
        OpSeriesRep             -> text "srep"                  <> text "#"
        OpSeriesReps            -> text "sreps"                 <> text "#"

        OpSeriesIndices         -> text "sindices"              <> text "#"

        OpSeriesFill            -> text "sfill"                 <> text "#"

        OpSeriesGather          -> text "sgather"               <> text "#"
        OpSeriesScatter         -> text "sscatter"              <> text "#"

        OpSeriesMkSel 1         -> text "smkSel"                <> text "#"
        OpSeriesMkSel n         -> text "smkSel"     <> int n   <> text "#"

        OpSeriesMkSegd          -> text "smkSegd"               <> text "#"

        OpSeriesMap 1           -> text "smap"                  <> text "#"
        OpSeriesMap i           -> text "smap"       <> int i   <> text "#"

        OpSeriesPack            -> text "spack"                 <> text "#"

        OpSeriesReduce          -> text "sreduce"               <> text "#"
        OpSeriesFolds           -> text "sfolds"                <> text "#"

        OpSeriesJoin            -> text "pjoin"                 <> text "#"

        OpSeriesRunProcess 1    -> text "runProcess"            <> text "#"
        OpSeriesRunProcess n    -> text "runProcess" <> int n   <> text "#"

-- | Read a data flow operator name.
readOpSeries :: String -> Maybe OpSeries
readOpSeries str
        | Just rest     <- stripPrefix "smap" str
        , (ds, "#")     <- span isDigit rest
        , not $ null ds
        , arity         <- read ds
        = Just $ OpSeriesMap arity

        | Just rest     <- stripPrefix "smkSel" str
        , (ds, "#")     <- span isDigit rest
        , not $ null ds
        , arity         <- read ds
        , arity == 1
        = Just $ OpSeriesMkSel arity

        | Just rest     <- stripPrefix "runProcess" str
        , (ds, "#")     <- span isDigit rest
        , not $ null ds
        , arity         <- read ds
        = Just $ OpSeriesRunProcess arity

        | otherwise
        = case str of
                "srep#"         -> Just $ OpSeriesRep
                "sreps#"        -> Just $ OpSeriesReps
                "sindices#"     -> Just $ OpSeriesIndices
                "sgather#"      -> Just $ OpSeriesGather
                "smkSel#"       -> Just $ OpSeriesMkSel 1
                "smkSegd#"      -> Just $ OpSeriesMkSegd
                "smap#"         -> Just $ OpSeriesMap   1
                "spack#"        -> Just $ OpSeriesPack
                "sreduce#"      -> Just $ OpSeriesReduce
                "sfolds#"       -> Just $ OpSeriesFolds
                "sfill#"        -> Just $ OpSeriesFill
                "sscatter#"     -> Just $ OpSeriesScatter
                "pjoin#"        -> Just $ OpSeriesJoin
                "runProcess#"   -> Just $ OpSeriesRunProcess 1
                _               -> Nothing

-- Types -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Yield the type of a data flow operator, 
--   or `error` if there isn't one.
typeOpSeries :: OpSeries -> Type Name
typeOpSeries op
 = case takeTypeOpSeries op of
        Just t  -> t
        Nothing -> error $ "ddc-core-flow.typeOpSeries: invalid op " ++ show op

-- | Yield the type of a data flow operator.
takeTypeOpSeries :: OpSeries -> Maybe (Type Name)
takeTypeOpSeries op
 = case op of
        -- Replicates -------------------------
        -- rep  :: [k : Rate] [a : Data] 
        --      .  a -> Series k a
         -> Just $ tForalls [kRate, kData] $ \[tR, tA]
                -> tA `tFun` tSeries tR tA

        -- reps  :: [k1 k2 : Rate]. [a : Data]
        --       .  Segd k1 k2 -> Series k1 a -> Series k2 a
         -> Just $ tForalls [kRate, kRate, kData] $ \[tK1, tK2, tA]
                -> tSegd tK1 tK2 `tFun` tSeries tK1 tA `tFun` tSeries tK2 tA

        -- Indices ------------------------------
        -- indices :: [k1 k2 : Rate]. 
        --         .  Segd k1 k2 -> Series k2 Nat
         -> Just $ tForalls [kRate, kRate] $ \[tK1, tK2]
                 -> tSegd tK1 tK2 `tFun` tSeries tK2 tNat

        -- Maps ---------------------------------
        -- map   :: [k : Rate] [a b : Data]
        --       .  (a -> b) -> Series k a -> Series k b
        OpSeriesMap 1
         -> Just $ tForalls [kRate, kData, kData] $ \[tK, tA, tB]
                ->       (tA `tFun` tB)
                `tFun` tSeries tK tA
                `tFun` tSeries tK tB

        -- mapN  :: [k : Rate] [a0..aN : Data]
        --       .  (a0 -> .. aN) -> Series k a0 -> .. Series k aN
        OpSeriesMap n
         | n >= 2
         , Just tWork <- tFunOfList   
                         [ TVar (UIx i) 
                                | i <- reverse [0..n] ]

         , Just tBody <- tFunOfList
                         (tWork : [tSeries (TVar (UIx (n + 1))) (TVar (UIx i)) 
                                | i <- reverse [0..n] ])

         -> Just $ foldr TForall tBody
                         [ BAnon k | k <- kRate : replicate (n + 1) kData ]

        -- Packs --------------------------------
        -- pack  :: [k1 k2 : Rate]. [a : Data]
        --       .  Sel2 k1 k2
        --       -> Series k1 a -> Series k2 a
         -> Just $ tForalls [kRate, kRate, kData] $ \[tK1, tK2, tA]
                ->     tSel1   tK1 tK2 
                `tFun` tSeries tK1 tA `tFun` tSeries tK2 tA

        -- Processes ----------------------------
        -- join#    :: Process -> Process -> Process
         -> Just $ tProcess `tFun` tProcess `tFun` tProcess

        -- mkSel1#  :: [k1 : Rate].
        --          .  Series k1 Bool#
        --          -> ([k2 : Rate]. Sel1 k1 k2 -> Process#)
        --          -> Process#
        OpSeriesMkSel 1
         -> Just $ tForalls [kRate] $ \[tK1]
                ->       tSeries tK1 tBool
                `tFun` (tForall kRate $ \tK2 
                                -> tSel1 (liftT 1 tK1) tK2 `tFun` tProcess)
                `tFun` tProcess

        -- mkSegd#  :: [k1 : Rate]
        --          .  Series# k1 Nat#
        --          -> ([k2 : Rate]. Segd# k1 k2 -> Process#)
        --          -> Process#
         -> Just $ tForalls [kRate] $ \[tK1]
                ->      tSeries tK1 tNat
                `tFun` (tForall kRate $ \tK2
                                -> tSegd (liftT 1 tK1) tK2 `tFun` tProcess)
                `tFun` tProcess

        -- runProcessN# :: [a0..aN : Data]
        --          .  Vector    a0 .. Vector   aN 
        --          -> ([k : Rate]. RateNat k -> Series k a0 .. Series k aN -> Process)
        --          -> Bool
        OpSeriesRunProcess n
         | tK         <- TVar (UIx 0)

         , Just tWork <- tFunOfList   
                       $ [ tRateNat tK ]
                       ++[ tSeries tK (TVar (UIx i))
                                | i <- reverse [1..n] ]
                       ++[ tProcess ]

         , tWork'     <- TForall (BAnon kRate) tWork

         , Just tBody <- tFunOfList
                         $ [ tVector (TVar (UIx i)) | i <- reverse [0..n-1] ]
                         ++[ tWork', tBool ]

         -> Just $ foldr TForall tBody
                         [ BAnon k | k <- replicate n kData ]

        -- Reductions -------------------------------
        -- reduce# :: [k : Rate]. [a : Data]
        --        .  Ref a -> (a -> a -> a) -> a -> Series k a -> Process
         -> Just $ tForalls [kRate, kData] $ \[tK, tA]
                 ->     tRef tA
                 `tFun` (tA `tFun` tA `tFun` tA)
                 `tFun` tA
                 `tFun` tSeries tK tA
                 `tFun` tProcess

        -- folds#   :: [k1 k2 : Rate]. [a : Data]
        --          .  Segd# k1 k2 -> Series k1 a -> Series k2 b
         -> Just $ tForalls [kRate, kRate, kData] $ \[tK1, tK2, tA]
                 ->     tSegd tK1 tK2 `tFun` tSeries tK1 tA `tFun` tSeries tK2 tA

        -- Store operators ---------------------------
        -- scatter# :: [k : Rate]. [a : Data]
        --          .  Vector a -> Series k Nat# -> Series k a -> Process
         -> Just $ tForalls [kRate, kData] $ \[tK, tA]
                 -> tVector tA 
                 `tFun` tSeries tK tNat `tFun` tSeries tK tA `tFun` tProcess

        -- gather#  :: [k : Rate]. [a : Data]
        --          . Vector a -> Series k Nat# -> Series k a
         -> Just $ tForalls [kRate, kData] $ \[tK, tA]
                 -> tVector tA 
                 `tFun` tSeries tK tNat `tFun` tSeries tK tA

        -- fill#    :: [k : Rate]. [a : Data]. Vector a -> Series k a -> Process
         -> Just $ tForalls [kRate, kData] $ \[tK, tA] 
                -> tVector tA `tFun` tSeries tK tA `tFun` tProcess

        _ -> Nothing