module DDC.Core.Flow.Transform.Rates.Graph
        ( Graph(..)
        , Edge
        , graphOfBinds
        , graphTopoOrder 
        , mergeWeights
        , invertMap
        , numNodes, numEdges
        , hasNode, hasEdge
        , nodeInputs, nodeInEdges
        , nodeType
        , listOfGraph, graphOfList )
import DDC.Core.Flow.Transform.Rates.Combinators
import DDC.Core.Flow.Transform.Rates.SizeInference

import           Data.List              (nub)
import qualified Data.Map               as Map
import qualified Data.Set               as Set

-- | Graph for function
--   Each node is a binding, edges are dependencies, and the bool is whether the node's output
--   can be fused or contracted.
--   For example, filter and map dependencies can be contracted,
--   but a fold cannot as it must consume the entire stream before producing output.

type Edge  n   = (n, Bool)
data Graph n t = Graph (Map.Map n (Maybe t, [Edge n]))

graphOfBinds :: (Ord s, Ord a) => Program s a -> Env a -> Graph (CName s a) (Type a)
graphOfBinds prog env
 = Graph $ graph
   = Map.fromList
   $ map gen
   $ _binds prog

  gen b
   = let n    = cnameOfBind b
         ty   = iter prog env n
         es   = edges n b
     in (n, (ty, es))

  edges n (ABind _ (Gather a b))
   = let a' = mkedgeA (const False) a
         b' = mkedgeA (inedge n)    b
     in [a', b']

  edges n (ABind _ (Cross a b))
   = let a' = mkedgeA (inedge n)    a
         b' = mkedgeA (const False) b
     in [a', b']

  edges n b
   = let fs   = freeOfBind  b
         fs' = map (pairon (inedge n)) fs
     in  fs'

  mkedgeA f a
   = (pairon f (NameArray a))

  pairon f x
   = (x, f x)

  inedge to from
   -- scalar output:
   | NameScalar _ <- from
   = False
   | Just (Ext{}) <- lookupB prog from
   = False
   | Just (Ext{}) <- lookupB prog to
   = False
   | otherwise
   = True

-- | Find topological ordering of DAG
-- Does not check for cycles - really must be a DAG!
graphTopoOrder :: Ord n => Graph n t -> [n]
graphTopoOrder (Graph graph)
 = reverse $ go ([], Map.keysSet graph)
  go (l, s)
   = case Set.minView s of
      -> l
     Just (m, _)
      -> go (visit (l,s) m)

  visit (l,s) m
   | Set.member m s
   , (_ty, edges) <- graph Map.! m
   = let pres     = map fst edges
         s'       = Set.delete m s
         (l',s'') = foldl visit (l,s') pres
     in (m : l', s'')

   | otherwise
   = (l,s)

-- | Merge nodes together with same value in weight map.
-- Type information of each node is thrown away.
-- It is, perhaps surprisingly, legal to merge nodes of different types (eg filtered data),
-- so the only sensible thing is to choose () for all new types.
mergeWeights :: Ord n => Graph n t -> Map.Map n Int -> Graph n ()
mergeWeights g@(Graph graph) weights
 = Graph
 $ foldl go Map.empty
 $ graphTopoOrder g
  go m node
   -- Merge if it's a weighted one
   | Just k     <- name_maybe node
   = merge node k    m
   | otherwise
   = merge node node m

  merge node k m
   | Just (_ty,edges) <- Map.lookup node graph
   = let edges' = nub $ map (\(n,f) -> (name n, f)) edges
     in  Map.insertWith ins k (Nothing,edges') m
   | otherwise
   = m

  ins (_, e1) (_, e2)
   = (Nothing, nub $ e1 ++ e2)

  weights' = invertMap weights

  name n
   = maybe n id (name_maybe n)

  -- If this node is mentioned in the weights map, then find some canonical name for it.
  name_maybe n
   | Just i      <- Map.lookup n weights
   , Just (v:_)  <- Map.lookup i weights'
   = Just v
   | otherwise
   = Nothing

invertMap :: (Ord k, Ord v) => Map.Map k v -> Map.Map v [k]
invertMap m
 = Map.foldWithKey go Map.empty m
  go k v m' = Map.insertWith (++) v [k] m'

-- | Number of nodes in graph
numNodes :: Graph n t -> Int
numNodes (Graph g)
 = Map.size g

-- | Total number of edges in graph
numEdges :: Graph n t -> Int
numEdges (Graph g)
 = Map.fold (+)            0
 $  (length . snd) g

hasNode :: Ord n => Graph n t -> n -> Bool
hasNode (Graph gmap) k
 = k `Map.member` gmap

hasEdge :: Ord n => Graph n t -> (n,n) -> Bool
hasEdge g (i,j)
 = i `elem` nodeInputs g j

nodeInputs :: Ord n => Graph n t -> n -> [n]
nodeInputs g k
 = map fst
 $ nodeInEdges g k

nodeInEdges :: Ord n => Graph n t -> n -> [(n,Bool)]
nodeInEdges (Graph gmap) k
 | Just (_,es) <- Map.lookup k gmap
 = es
 | otherwise
 = []

-- | Find type, or iteration size, of node, if it has one.
-- An external can't be represented as a loop, so it will be Nothing.
-- Similarly with input nodes.
nodeType :: Ord n => Graph n t -> n -> Maybe t
nodeType (Graph gmap) k
 | Just (Just na,_) <- Map.lookup k gmap
 = Just na
 | otherwise
 = Nothing

-- | Convert @Graph@ to a lists of nodes and a list of edges
listOfGraph :: Ord n => Graph n t -> ([(n,Maybe t)], [((n,n),Bool)])
listOfGraph (Graph g)
 = (nodes, edges)
  gl = Map.toList g

  nodes = map       (\(k,(na,_)) -> (k,na)) gl
  edges = concatMap (\(k,(_,es)) -> map (\(k',ea) -> ((k,k'),ea)) es) gl

-- | Convert lists of nodes and list of edges to a @Graph@
graphOfList :: Ord n => ([(n,Maybe t)], [((n,n),Bool)]) -> Graph n t
graphOfList (nodes, edges)
 = Graph
 $ addEdges nodeMap
   = Map.fromList
   $ map (\(k,na) -> (k,(na,[])))
   $ nodes

  addEdges g
   = foldl insE g edges

  insE g ((k,k'),ea)
   = Map.adjust (\(na,es) -> (na, (k',ea):es))
     k g