module DDC.Llvm.Syntax.Prim
        ( Op    (..)
        , Cond  (..),   ICond (..),     FCond (..)
        , Conv  (..))

-- | Binary arithmetic operators.
data Op
        = OpAdd     -- ^ add two integers, floating point or vector values.
        | OpSub     -- ^ subtract two ...
        | OpMul     -- ^ multiply ..
        | OpUDiv    -- ^ unsigned integer or vector division.
        | OpSDiv    -- ^ signed integer ..
        | OpURem    -- ^ unsigned integer or vector remainder
        | OpSRem    -- ^ signed ...

        | OpFAdd    -- ^ add two floating point or vector values.
        | OpFSub    -- ^ subtract two ...
        | OpFMul    -- ^ multiply ...
        | OpFDiv    -- ^ divide ...
        | OpFRem    -- ^ remainder ...

        | OpShl     -- ^ Left shift.
        | OpLShr    -- ^ Logical shift right
        | OpAShr    -- ^ Arithmetic shift right.
                        --   The most significant bits of the result will be equal to the
                        --   sign bit of the left operand.

        | OpAnd     -- ^ AND bitwise logical operation.
        | OpOr      -- ^ OR bitwise logical operation.
        | OpXor     -- ^ XOR bitwise logical operation.
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Conditions.
data Cond
        = ICond ICond
        | FCond FCond
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Integer conditions.
data ICond
        = ICondEq       -- ^ Equal (Signed and Unsigned)
        | ICondNe       -- ^ Not equal (Signed and Unsigned)
        | ICondUgt      -- ^ Unsigned greater than
        | ICondUge      -- ^ Unsigned greater than or equal
        | ICondUlt      -- ^ Unsigned less than
        | ICondUle      -- ^ Unsigned less than or equal
        | ICondSgt      -- ^ Signed greater than
        | ICondSge      -- ^ Signed greater than or equal
        | ICondSlt      -- ^ Signed less than
        | ICondSle      -- ^ Signed less than or equal
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Floating point conditions.
data FCond
        = FCondFalse    -- ^ Always yields false, regardless of operands.
        | FCondOeq      -- ^ Both operands are not a QNAN and op1 is equal to op2.
        | FCondOgt      -- ^ Both operands are not a QNAN and op1 is greater than op2.
        | FCondOge      -- ^ Both operands are not a QNAN and op1 is greater than or equal to op2.
        | FCondOlt      -- ^ Both operands are not a QNAN and op1 is less than op2.
        | FCondOle      -- ^ Both operands are not a QNAN and op1 is less than or equal to op2.
        | FCondOne      -- ^ Both operands are not a QNAN and op1 is not equal to op2.
        | FCondOrd      -- ^ Both operands are not a QNAN.
        | FCondUeq      -- ^ Either operand is a QNAN or op1 is equal to op2.
        | FCondUgt      -- ^ Either operand is a QNAN or op1 is greater than op2.
        | FCondUge      -- ^ Either operand is a QNAN or op1 is greater than or equal to op2.
        | FCondUlt      -- ^ Either operand is a QNAN or op1 is less than op2.
        | FCondUle      -- ^ Either operand is a QNAN or op1 is less than or equal to op2.
        | FCondUne      -- ^ Either operand is a QNAN or op1 is not equal to op2.
        | FCondUno      -- ^ Either operand is a QNAN.
        | FCondTrue     -- ^ Always yields true, regardless of operands.
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- | Conversion Operations
data Conv
        = ConvTrunc     -- ^ Integer truncate
        | ConvZext      -- ^ Integer extend (zero fill)
        | ConvSext      -- ^ Integer extend (sign fill)
        | ConvFptrunc   -- ^ Float truncate
        | ConvFpext     -- ^ Float extend
        | ConvFptoui    -- ^ Float to unsigned Integer
        | ConvFptosi    -- ^ Float to signed Integer
        | ConvUintofp   -- ^ Unsigned Integer to Float
        | ConvSintofp   -- ^ Signed Int to Float
        | ConvPtrtoint  -- ^ Pointer to Integer
        | ConvInttoptr  -- ^ Integer to Pointer
        | ConvBitcast   -- ^ Cast between types where no bit manipulation is needed
        deriving (Eq, Show)