-- | Annotate let bindings with how their bound variables are used.
module DDC.Core.Analysis.Usage
        ( -- * Usage map
          Used    (..)
        , UsedMap (..)

          -- * Usage analysis
        , usageModule
        , usageX)
import DDC.Core.Module
import DDC.Core.Exp.Annot
import Data.List
import Data.Map                 (Map)
import qualified Data.Map       as Map
import Data.Maybe               (mapMaybe)

-- Used -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Tracks how a bound variable is used.
data Used
        -- | Bound variable is used as the function in an application.
        = UsedFunction

        -- | Bound variable is destructed by a case-expression.
        | UsedDestruct

        -- | Bound variable is used inside a @weakclo@ cast.
        | UsedInCast

        -- | Bound variable has an occurrence that is not one of the above.
        | UsedOcc

        -- | Usage is inside a Lambda abstraction (either type or value)
        | UsedInLambda Used

        -- | Usage is inside a case alternative.
        | UsedInAlt    Used
        deriving (Eq, Show)

-- UsedMap --------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Map of bound name to how the variable is used.
data UsedMap n
        = UsedMap (Map n [Used])
        deriving Show

-- | An empty usage map.
empty :: UsedMap n
empty   = UsedMap (Map.empty)

-- | Add a single usage to a usage map.
accUsed :: Ord n => Bound n -> Used -> UsedMap n -> UsedMap n
accUsed u used um@(UsedMap m)
 = case u of
        UName n         -> UsedMap $ Map.insertWith (++) n [used] m 
        _               -> um

-- | Combine two usage maps.
plusUsedMap :: Ord n => UsedMap n -> UsedMap n -> UsedMap n
plusUsedMap (UsedMap map1) (UsedMap map2)
        = UsedMap $ Map.unionWith (++) map1 map2

-- | Combine a list of usage maps into a single one.
sumUsedMap :: Ord n => [UsedMap n] -> UsedMap n
sumUsedMap []   = UsedMap Map.empty
sumUsedMap (m:ms)
        = foldl' plusUsedMap m ms

-- | Remove some binds from a usage map
removeUsedMap :: Ord n => UsedMap n -> [Bind n] -> UsedMap n
removeUsedMap (UsedMap m) bs
 = UsedMap
 $ foldr Map.delete m
 $ mapMaybe takeNameOfBind bs

-- Module ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Annotate all binding occurrences of variables in an expression
--   with how they are used.
        :: Ord n
        => Module a n
        -> Module (UsedMap n, a) n
                { moduleName            = name
                , moduleIsHeader        = isHeader
                , moduleExportTypes     = exportTypes
                , moduleExportValues    = exportValues
                , moduleImportTypes     = importTypes
                , moduleImportCaps      = importCaps
                , moduleImportValues    = importValues
                , moduleImportDataDefs  = importDataDefs
                , moduleDataDefsLocal   = dataDefsLocal
                , moduleBody            = body })

 =       ModuleCore
                { moduleName            = name
                , moduleIsHeader        = isHeader
                , moduleExportTypes     = exportTypes
                , moduleExportValues    = exportValues
                , moduleImportTypes     = importTypes
                , moduleImportCaps      = importCaps
                , moduleImportValues    = importValues
                , moduleImportDataDefs  = importDataDefs
                , moduleDataDefsLocal   = dataDefsLocal
                , moduleBody            = usageX body }

-- Exp ------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Annotate all binding occurrences of variables in an expression
--   with how they are used.
usageX  :: Ord n 
        => Exp a n 
        -> Exp (UsedMap n, a) n
usageX xx = snd $ usageX' xx

usageX' :: Ord n 
        => Exp a n 
        -> (UsedMap n, Exp (UsedMap n, a) n)

usageX' xx
 = case xx of
        XVar a u
         | used         <- accUsed u UsedOcc empty
         -> ( used
            , XVar (used, a) u)

        XCon a u
         -> ( empty
            , XCon (empty, a) u)

        -- Wrap usages from the body in UsedInLambda to singla that if we move
        -- the definition here then it might not be demanded at runtime.
        XLAM a b1 x2
         |  ( used2, x2')  <- usageX' x2
         ,  UsedMap us2    <- used2
         ,  used2'         <- UsedMap (Map.map (map UsedInLambda) us2)
         ,  cleared        <- removeUsedMap used2' [b1]
         -> ( cleared
            , XLAM (used2', a) b1 x2')

        -- Wrap usages from the body in UsedInLambda to signal that if we move
        -- the definition here then it might not be demanded at runtime.
        XLam a b1 x2
         |  ( used2, x2')  <- usageX' x2
         ,  UsedMap us2    <- used2
         ,  used2'         <- UsedMap (Map.map (map UsedInLambda) us2)
         ,  cleared        <- removeUsedMap used2' [b1]
         -> ( cleared
            , XLam (used2', a) b1 x2')

        XApp a x1 x2
         -- application of a function variable.
         |  XVar a1 u      <- x1
         ,  used1          <- accUsed u UsedFunction empty
         ,  (used2, x2')   <- usageX' x2
         ,  used'          <- used1 `plusUsedMap` used2
         -> ( used'
            , XApp (used', a) (XVar (used1, a1) u) x2')

         -- General application.
         |  ( used1, x1')  <- usageX' x1
         ,  ( used2, x2')  <- usageX' x2
         ,  used'          <- used1 `plusUsedMap` used2
         -> ( used'
            , XApp (used', a) x1' x2')

        XLet a lts x2
         |  ( used1, lts')  <- usageLets lts
         ,  ( used2, x2')   <- usageX' x2
         ,  used'           <- used1 `plusUsedMap` used2
         ,  cleared         <- removeUsedMap  used'
                             $ uncurry (++) (bindsOfLets lts)
         -> ( cleared
            , XLet (used', a) lts' x2')

        -- Wrap usages in the Alts in UsedInAlt to signal that if we move
        -- the definition here then it might not be demanded at runtime.
        XCase a x1 alts
         |  ( used1, x1')   <- usageX' x1
         ,  ( usedA, alts') <- unzip $ map usageAlt alts
         ,  UsedMap usA     <- sumUsedMap usedA
         ,  usedA'          <- UsedMap (Map.map (map UsedInAlt) usA)
         ,  used'           <- plusUsedMap used1 usedA'
         -> ( used'
            , XCase (used', a) x1' alts' )

        XCast a c x1
         |  (used1, x1')   <- usageX' x1
         ,  (used2, c')    <- usageCast c
         ,  used'          <- plusUsedMap used1 used2
         -> ( used'
            , XCast (used', a) c' x1')

        XType a t        
         -> ( empty
            , XType (empty, a) t)

        XWitness a w     
         | (used', w')    <- usageWitness w
         -> ( used'
            , XWitness (used', a) w')

-- | Annotate binding occurences of named variables with usage information.
        :: Ord n
        => Lets a n 
        -> (UsedMap n, Lets (UsedMap n, a) n)

usageLets lts
 = case lts of
        LLet b x
         |  (used1', x')        <- usageX' x
         -> (used1', LLet b x')

        LRec bxs
         |  (bs, xs)      <- unzip bxs
         ,  (useds', xs') <- unzip $ map usageX' xs
         ,  used'         <- sumUsedMap useds'
         -> (used', LRec $ zip bs xs')

        LPrivate b mt bs 
         -> (empty, LPrivate b mt bs)

-- | Annotate binding occurrences of named value variables with 
--   usage information.
        :: Ord n
        => Cast a n
        -> (UsedMap n, Cast (UsedMap n, a) n)
usageCast cc
 = case cc of
        CastWeakenEffect eff    
         -> (empty, CastWeakenEffect eff)

        CastPurify w
         | (used, w')   <- usageWitness w
         -> (used, CastPurify w')

        CastBox         -> (empty, CastBox)
        CastRun         -> (empty, CastRun)

-- | Annotate binding occurrences of named level-0 variables with
--   usage information.
        :: Ord n 
        => Alt a n  
        -> (UsedMap n, Alt (UsedMap n, a) n)

usageAlt (AAlt p x)
 = let  (used, x')      = usageX' x
   in   (used, AAlt p x')

-- | Annotate binding occurrences of named level-0 variables with
--   usage information.
        :: Ord n
        => Witness a n
        -> (UsedMap n, Witness (UsedMap n, a) n)

usageWitness ww
 = case ww of
        WVar a u
         -> (empty, WVar (empty, a) u)

        WCon a c
         -> (empty, WCon (empty, a) c)

        WApp a w1 w2
         | (used1, w1') <- usageWitness w1
         , (used2, w2') <- usageWitness w2
         , used'        <- plusUsedMap used1 used2
         -> (empty, WApp (used', a) w1' w2')

        WType a t
         -> (empty, WType (empty, a) t)